Number of People

Chapter 2224: In the era of Feng Ziying after the Guizi scroll, we are ready to wait

  Chapter 2224 In the era of Feng Ziying after the Guizi Juan, be ready

  For Feng Ziying, he is a little aware of the secret struggles among the women in the family. As the three houses stand side by side, and as time goes by, the respective groups and interests of each house will become increasingly prominent.

  Even though Shen Yixiu is magnanimous, even though Baochai and Daiyu had friendship in the past, they both had to be coerced by the crowd behind them.

In particular, the Feng family's reputation is growing day by day, and their status in the eyes of the outside world is getting higher and higher. The meanings of the three titles of Hulunhou, Yunchuanbo, and Shenwu General are becoming clearer, even if they are both husbands, but considering their respective children in the future When you grow up, you have to face the competition of various resources, so from now on, every bit of it needs to be carefully accumulated and prepared.

  Jia Yingchun has given birth to a son, and Miaoyu and Xiuyan are also pregnant. No matter which room they are in, they can feel the aura of secret war hidden behind them.

  In such a situation, even if Feng Ziying knew about it, she would not be able to intervene. The third party has its own disadvantages, which cannot be avoided. The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh. How to balance is a big problem.

  My wisest choice is to pretend to be confused, to be ignorant, and to call Shen Yixiu, Xue Baochai, and Lin Daiyu when necessary, to let them understand the principle of enough is enough, that's all.

The three wives have indeed brought me a lot of "fun". The three regular wives have solved the identities of Daichai and Shen Yixiu very well. At the same time, even Baoqin and Miaoyu can win the identity of a concubine. It can be said that everyone is happy , but the forest is getting bigger, it is not so easy to be the king of the sea.

   It is certainly desirable to have thousands of reds and glamor in the couch, but the stories of competing for beauty and jealousy are inevitable. Maybe this is also a kind of fun? Feng Ziying can only forgive herself in this way.

   "Xuzhou has finally won." Feng Ziying and Li Tengfang walked side by side.

Li Tengfang is here to talk about the summer harvest. Although the summer harvest in Shaanxi this year is not satisfactory, it is already a good harvest compared to last year. This is the second. Li Tengfang is more concerned about the trial-planted potatoes and sweet potatoes. , seems to have seen a gratifying dawn.

   Throughout the spring sowing, a total of 86,000 mu of potatoes were planted in Shaanxi Province. This is already a fairly large-scale promotion, and it is also the result of Li Tengfang's support for Feng Ziying after checking the potato production and land selection on the spot.

  If there is no endorsement from the chief envoy, even if Feng Ziying pushes it forcefully, there will be great resistance in various governments. After all, the governor's office is only a temporary institution, and the chief envoy is the immediate boss.

  Li Tengfang's endorsement has made this process much smoother. It no longer depends only on the personal attitude of a certain prefect and prefect, but has become a province-wide policy implementation.

"Ziying, I went down to look around again. There are still ten days before the potatoes can be harvested from all over the world. I am a little nervous now." Li Tengfang said with a smile: "All my thoughts are now on the harvest of potatoes. , so I don’t care when Xuzhou is recovered, that’s something that the princes of the court should worry about. More than 80,000 acres of potatoes, I want to see how much I can receive, and how many people’s stomachs can be solved after I accept it It is a question, which determines how determined the second chief envoy dares to be."

"Brother Zishi, there is no need to be so nervous. You have inspected the field before, and you know the yield per mu. No matter how poor the land is, it will not be less than one thousand catties. On average, one thousand two hundred catties is still safe. , especially this year's rain is not good, but at least it is better than last year?" Feng Ziying comforted Li Tengfang, "I think there is no problem with more than 80,000 mu and 100 million catties. The only problem is the storage problem, but for us As far as Shaanxi is concerned, we are now full of food, so we can save the millet and wheat for storage, and eat potatoes first, and try to eat potatoes during the harvesting months, so that we will have spare energy.”

Both Feng Ziying and Li Tengfang have calculated that if it is 100 million catties, a rough estimate is based on the fact that a strong man eats two catties of potatoes a day for half a year, leaving a little allowance, and eating four hundred catties of potatoes for half a year can supply 250 catties. Tens of millions of people eat half a year.

Shaanxi currently has a registered population of about 5.23 million. The province is currently undergoing re-statistics, mainly to re-count many former hidden households. Feng Ziying estimates that this part of the population will account for about 30% of the registered population. , That is to say, adding the two parts together, the actual population of Shaanxi should be about 8 million.

   That is to say, if it can be calculated based on the potato harvest of 80,000 mu, it can almost meet the needs of 30% of the population for half a year.

  Of course, this is an ideal idea. In fact, potatoes must be eaten with corn and wheat, and two catties of potatoes can hang their lives. If it is to meet the daily production and living needs of strong men, it is definitely not enough.

For the government, the first consideration is to prevent these hungry and disaster victims from making troubles. This goal can be achieved by filling their stomachs. As for other things, such as letting people contribute to building roads and canals, and serving as labor labor, that is another matter. One thing, the supply of potatoes must increase accordingly, and there is no need to consider this for the time being.

"I hope so, but we also have to consider the degradation of the seedlings here. Can the yield of 1,200 catties per mu be realized? If it can be achieved this season, what about the next season?" Li Tengfang is very thoughtful about the problem, "At present The planting areas are mainly in Yan'an and Xi'an, and there are parts in Fengxiang, Qingyang and Pingliang. But in fact, the most barren mountainous areas are the most suitable for potato planting. So if the situation is good this season, the focus of the next season will be In the three prefectures of northern Shaanxi, Gongchang, Lintao, and Ziying, can you come forward and say hello to the three towns of Gansu, Ningxia, and Guyuan? They are not in good condition now, but there are still some guards under the towns Yes, you can also try planting potatoes, which can greatly reduce the pressure on the court's food and grass supply. Although the court still exempted Shaanxi from taxes this year, I am afraid that Shaanxi will inevitably be exempted next year. Let the three towns of Gansu, Ningxia and Guyuan brew up a Fan, even small-scale planting can fill their own deficiencies, and we can relax a bit."

  Feng Ziying snorted softly, "It's not easy for Sanzhen to do this. These people won't think for us."

"Ziying, you can do it." Li Tengfang stood still and looked at Feng Ziying, "Your father has a high prestige in the three towns, and you are not bad. I know this. If you come forward and talk about it, it will be helpful to some extent. For example, if Gansu Town can popularize potatoes, every extra catty of potatoes they collect can save us at least five catties of corn! Ningxia Town is similar, and a catty of potatoes can save us at least three A catty of corn, their transportation consumption is too great!"

The taxation of the entire province of Shaanxi is basically to supply the three sides and the four towns. The most important and painful thing is the military food security. If the mountainous guards where the four towns are located can grow some potatoes to meet their own needs, then it can The saved food and transportation consumption can be greatly reduced, and this cost return is considerable.

  So Li Tengfang, as the right chief envoy, had to keep an eye on Feng Ziying to handle this matter. This is of great significance to the whole province of Shaanxi.

   Seeing Li Tengfang standing still and staring at him, if he didn't agree, this guy might not let it go today.

   I have to say that Li Tengfang is a person who can do practical things and can accomplish them. Once he decides that something is good for the province, he will spare no effort to do it.

  In the situation in Gansu Town, the harvest of corn and wheat is not good, and the weather is greatly affected. Mountains and slopes dominate, and potato planting will also be affected, but the impact is much smaller than that of corn and wheat.

  It takes at least three catties to transport a catty of corn to Suzhou. This kind of cost is really unacceptable, but if Suzhou can grow its own potatoes, even if the output is lower, it will relieve a lot of pressure on Shaanxi.

"Brother Zishi, I can try it, but you have to know that although there are still some guards in these frontier troops, firstly, the number is very small, and secondly, they have basically stopped farming for many years, and more Serving the frontier army itself, it is not easy to get them to grow potatoes, so we can't have too much hope."

  Feng Ziying had no choice but to agree.

"Ziying, I know, but you have to know that Gansu Town can grow 1 million catties of potatoes, and we can save 5 million catties of corn. Of course, I know this kind of comparison is inappropriate, but not to mention the consumption along the way. How much labor labor can be saved, this can make people breathe a sigh of relief." Li Tengfang clenched his fists and said word by word: "Even if the yield per mu in Gansu Town is 800 catties, the problem of one or two thousand mu is not a problem. Isn’t it big? Right now there are no more than 20,000 to 30,000 garrison troops in Gansu, and we need more than 10 million catties of food every year, but we in Shaanxi need to transport 30 million catties. Every year, there are no fewer than a hundred masters who are exhausted on the road. Ziying , do you think it's worth it?"

Now that it’s all said and done, what else can Feng Ziying say, but he can only promise that Gansu Town will open up 3,000 mu of potatoes, and according to the yield of 800 catties per mu, at least 2.5 million catties can be harvested .

After finalizing this matter, Li Tengfang's serious face eased. The purpose of his visit today was to resolve this matter. He knew very well that Feng Ziying might not stay in Shaanxi for too long. You have to carry it yourself.

The imperial court's positioning of Feng Ziying was very accurate, that is, firefighting, the most dangerous and dangerous scene, let Feng Ziying stand up, set things right, and let others take over after sorting out the chaos. Li Tengfang felt that the imperial court was very accurate in employing people. , very good use of Feng Ziying's special products to the cutting edge.

  At present, the situation in Shaanxi is gradually calming down, but the situation in Shanxi is starting to deteriorate. It is hard to say whether the imperial court will let Feng Ziying go to Shanxi to fight the fire, but Li Tengfang will definitely do as many things as possible before Feng Ziying leaves.

  (end of this chapter)

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