Number of People

Chapter 2226: Pre-judgment of Guizi Juan, online

  Chapter 2226 Guizi Judgment, Connection

  Feng Ziying's face became gloomy, and she couldn't help standing up and walking around. If there were people from the Bailian Sect inside the Zijin Liang Department planning, then everything would make sense.

  He has always suspected that there is a connection between the White Lotus Sect in China and the White Lotus in Fengzhou on the grassland.

But after so long, Fengzhou Bailian has news coming back from time to time, but they are all insignificant news, while the Bailian sect in Beizhi, Shanxi, and Shandong have not moved, even hiding in their own capital. Na Qingwen's "parents" were very low-key, and there were no other changes, but the more they were like this, the bigger the conspiracy of the other party.

  If the White Lotus Sect wants to attack, even with Fengzhou Bailian, the border between Shanxi Town and Datong Town will be a little dangerous, especially Shanxi Town.

Although Yang Yuan in Datong Town did not take office for a long time, and a large part of the Datong border army was taken away by Sun Shaozu, the strength of Datong Town itself is much stronger than that of Shanxi Town, and the condition of its guards is also better than that of Shanxi Town. The side is strong, so the recovery situation is much better, and Shanxi Town is really weak here.

  Feng Ziying still knows a little about the situation of Bailian in Fengzhou. Since he learned that Bailian in Fengzhou had an affair with Bailian in Beizhi, he began to inquire through various channels.

Fengzhou Bailian is entrenched in the territory of the Tumed people, and it is inevitable to deal with the Tumed people. The two leaders of Bailian who escaped from the side wall in the past, Zhao Quan and Li Zixin, have been dead for many years. Zhao Chongwu, the grandson of Zhao Quan, and Li Feiren, the grandnephew of Li Zixin, controlled it. Another force was formed by Bailian believers who fled from Shanxi to the outside of the wall in the later period, headed by Qiu Jian from Baode Prefecture.

For so many years, the phenomenon of Huhua of the Han people in Fengzhou Bailian has also been very serious. At the same time, they have also absorbed many poor Mongolian herdsmen on the grassland for Sinicization. Therefore, such a group has actually transformed into a group between nomadic and farming. Although the population is only tens of thousands, there are quite a few strong men who can be drawn out to fight.

According to various intelligence assessments, there can be at least 10,000 people, and the combat effectiveness is really not bad. Whether it is cavalry or infantry, they are all of a certain level. .

From Feng Ziying's point of view, this group of people can no longer be regarded as the Bailian Sect members. They also have the nature of a rebellious army in a frontier village similar to Boyan Village, Baitang Village. .

  If they get the support of the Tumet people and the Ordos people, there may even be other forces behind the scenes to form a bridge, and if they want to attack together, the pressure on Xuanda will be great.

Using the Zijin Liang Department to lure Shanxi Town's frontier troops to the south, weakening Shanxi Town's defenses at the border, and then the Tumets, the Fengzhou Bailian Bandits, and even the internal Bailian believers should cooperate internally and externally. Feng Ziying shuddered at the thought of this a feeling of.

If this is the case, this game of chess is too big to operate. It should not be possible for a group of White Lotus Sect members to operate. It is necessary to unite Tumet, White Lotus Sect, and possibly even Chahar people. It's too difficult. Maybe Nurhachi has this ambition, but it's impossible to connect all parties in this way.

   Maybe there is Jinling? Feng Ziying is not sure either.

  At this time, he realized that after he left the capital, many news were not as well-informed and timely as before.

Whether it's Long Jinwei's side, or the various channels of the Ministry of Military Affairs and Pedestrians, I am far away in Shaanxi, so it is difficult to get in touch. I also missed it, and the parties are not obliged to take the initiative to inform you of these situations.

  If you are in Shaanxi, you can do your best as the governor of Shaanxi. Is it true that if you leave, the court will not be able to function normally?

Over the past year or so, I have indeed done very well in Shaanxi, and I have almost cleaned up the mess in Shaanxi, but from another perspective, my influence in the center has also weakened. I want to understand the overall situation and exert influence The role of has also been downplayed, which will become more obvious in the future.

  Many things I can only know through correspondence with Qi Yongtai, Qiao Yingjia, and Guan Yingzhen, and it is very difficult to convince anyone with just a letter.

  Like the situation of the White Lotus Sect, although we three instructed the Ministry of Punishment and the Shuntian Mansion before we left, and also specifically greeted Captain Long, but after more than a year, we haven't seen much results.

The reconstruction of the three towns of Xuanda is still struggling and moving slowly. If I can still make suggestions for the imperial court from time to time in the middle of Beijing, I can also give advice to Zhang Huaichang, but after leaving the capital city, you have to point fingers at many things. , it seems a bit stretched too far.

  Facing the situation in the south of the Yangtze River and Wang Ziteng's Denglai Army, the imperial court seemed to be hesitant, which made Feng Ziying feel a little anxious.

   Just in his own position, he really can't be too proactive.

I am already too ostentatious now, a Zhengsipin in his early twenties, and now he is the governor of Shaanxi in charge of one side. There have been several throughout the ages, but there is no one in the Great Zhou Dynasty. Can one person do things?

  If you still want to interrupt everything, I'm afraid it will really attract the disgust of many people.

  Now Feng Ziying can only endure, can only wait, or in other words, can only do what she can do in Shaanxi.

The summer harvest has already begun. Although this year is not a bumper year, it is much better than last year. In addition, the promotion of potatoes and sweet potatoes is not for a good harvest, but to completely stabilize the problem of victims of disasters and hunger. Feng Ziying felt that even if she succeeded, she would be able to give a satisfactory explanation to the imperial court.

What Feng Ziying can do is to write to Zhang Huaichang of the Ministry of War, reminding him to immediately pay attention to the Tumut people, Ordos people, and Fengzhou Bailian outside the border walls of Shanxi Town and Datong Town. The activities of the White Lotus Sect in Northern Zhili and Shanxi, so as not to be caught off guard.

In fact, it doesn't stop there. The Chahar people outside the wall of Ji Town in Xuanfu and the Jurchens in Jianzhou in Liaodong may take advantage of this opportunity to make trouble. The Hal people and the Jianzhou Jurchen had always been the targets of prevention, and no one would care if they specially reminded them at this time.


   When Zhang Huaichang received Feng Ziying’s letter, he still paid some attention to it. After all, Feng Ziying’s ability to write to himself specifically for this matter shows that there must be solid evidence.

"Fengzhou Bailian has an affair with our inland Bailian. I remember that last year when Ziying was still in Shuntian Mansion, she negotiated with the Criminal Ministry and Long Jinwei. The Criminal Ministry should have a special investigation team for this matter, but later There seems to be no audio."

  Zhang Huaichang gestured for Sun Chengzong, who came to Beijing on a special trip, to take a seat, "Children, what do you think?"

  At present, there is a vacancy for the position of the left servant of the Ministry of War, Xu Dahua resigned, and there are three right servants. Of course, these three are all assigned titles, so there is no limit on the number.

  One is Xiong Tingbi, who is the governor of Yunyang and the right servant of the Ministry of War, the other is Feng Ziying, the governor of Shaanxi and the right servant of the Ministry of War, and the other is Sun Chengzong, who is the right servant of the Ministry of War and leads the Northern Front Army to garrison Shanhaiguan and western Liaoning.

  Sun Chengzong came to Beijing this time, on the one hand to demand food and pay, and on the other hand, Zhang Huaichang recruited him to discuss.

  In the Ministry of War, he is the only minister, and the candidates for the left and right servants have not been decided for a long time. Even he is a little anxious, but if he is not a suitable candidate, Zhang Huaichang is not very willing.

"Since Ziying sent a special letter, she must have noticed something." Sun Chengzong pondered and stroked his beard, "Feng Duan's family is a wealthy family in the border area, and they have internal contacts with the Tumed people and the Chahar people. Fengzhou Bailian Being on the territory of the Tumed people, you can't avoid the Tumed people if you take any action. Ziying probably found some inside information through the Tumed people. Su Nang has always been dissatisfied with the court because of the Shunyi throne struggle. It is normal to be bribed, but Chai Guozhu currently has few soldiers available, and some will be transferred south, so this must be guarded against."

Zhang Huaichang frowned: "But if there is no troops in Shanxi Town, the rebellion in southern Shanxi will be even more rampant. Fenzhou and Qinzhou have already been invaded, and Taiyuan will be in danger. Shanxi will report three times a day, and the imperial court will not be able to spare now. , Yang Yuan in Datong Town also kept complaining, refusing to send troops, childish rope, in your hands..."

"My lord, you can definitely transfer the tens of thousands of people in the Northern Front Legion, but Ziying and I have the same concerns. I'm afraid this is a long-term series of games. Su Nang, Fengzhou Bailian, Chahar People, Jianzhou Jurchen, and the White Lotus Sect and the Southern Shanxi Rebel Army in our interior are like an invisible thread strung together. This is not counting the situation in the south. We kept writing letters saying that Cao Wenzhao acted recklessly and it was difficult to convince the public, and if something happens in Liaodong, we don’t have a reserve team.”

  Sun Chengzong expressed his worries. This time he came to talk to Zhang Huaichang about his worries about the situation in Liaodong.

Cao Wenzhao and Zhao Ledjiao have reached a point of incompatibility. Zhao Ledjiao has received the support of local generals in Liaodong, such as Juniper, Liu Ting, and the ancestors. Cao Wenzhao is already very difficult as the general soldier. Internal friction, once the Jianzhou Jurchens attack, it will be a big disaster.

  Sun Chengzong hoped to persuade Zhang Huaichang to make adjustments within Liaodong Town as soon as possible before the situation deteriorated, either to transfer Cao Wenzhao away, or to disperse the local warriors like Zhao Lediao and Du Song.

  (end of this chapter)

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