Number of People

Chapter 2233: There are jujubes or no jujubes in the guizi roll, just hit a stick

  Chapter 2233 There are jujubes in the guizi scroll, but there are no jujubes.

  Is there any instigation of the emperor Yuanxi, who seems to be seriously ill, behind the active concubine Ying?

  Feng Ziying knew that the concubine was on the side of Emperor Yonglong, but now that Emperor Yonglong was unconscious, and seeing that there was no possibility of recovery, Concubine Ying became active again. This kind of comparison cannot but make people suspicious.

It was only when people from Nanjing and Concubine Ying came to the door that Feng Ziying realized that the turmoil in the court was not overwhelmingly supporting the line of Emperor Yonglong as she had imagined at first. Guo Qinyun should be worried about Prince Yizhong. Side, not Shou Wang, Fu Wang, Li Wang and Lu Wang are right.

No integrity or ethics can match the reality and interests. If Prince Yizhong is really willing to compromise, such as abandoning the Jiangnan scholars who follow him now, and instead reaching an agreement with the imperial court, the northern and southern Huguang scholars, it seems that the imperial court will Guys may not be able to accept a righteous and loyal prince in his fifties as emperor.

  Isn’t that the case with the restoration of Nangong in the former Ming Dynasty? At any rate, Prince Yizhong had also been the crown prince for decades. In the later period, Emperor Yuanxi obeyed Prince Yizhong, and Prince Yizhong also acted as an agent of state affairs many times, almost no different from the emperor.

It was precisely because of the indulgence of Emperor Yuanxi at that time that Prince Yizhong forgot himself, hooked up with Concubine Ying, and made decisions without authorization, which made it difficult for Emperor Yuanxi to accept the opportunity given to Emperor Yonglong. Now Emperor Yonglong is dying, and the Supreme Emperor has unpredictable thoughts. It fell to Prince Yizhong.

However, none of the sons of Emperor Yonglong was useful. From King Shou, King Fu, and King Li, almost all of them were rebellious and impetuous waste, while King Lu and King Gong were too young, and their mothers Mei Yuexi and Guo Qinyun were both It is a superficial person who is as stupid as wise, that is, the minds of the princes in the court are still on Emperor Yonglong, so they can linger on.

   But now Emperor Yonglong is obviously unable to recover. If Prince Yizhong is willing to negotiate terms with the court officials, it is really hard to say whether Ye Fang and others will change course.

After all, Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe are much more influential in Jiangnan than Tang Binyin, Miao Changqi, Zhu Guozhen, and Gu Tianjun, and even the second-class Gao Panlong, Huang Ruliang, Liu Yixiu, and Gu Bingqian are not inferior to them. Tang Yao's generation, they are the mainstream of scholars in the south of the Yangtze River, and Prince Yizhong has no choice but to choose Tang Yao and his like.

Therefore, for the princes in the court, the key lies in Ye Fang and others. In contrast, Qi Yongtai and Guan Yingzhen, who are scholars from the north and Huguang, no matter who is the emperor, the scholars from the north are indispensable. People and Huguang scholars, the real power struggle should be between the mainstream Jiangnan scholars headed by Ye Fang and the southward faction Jiangnan scholars headed by Tang Yao. After thinking about this, Feng Ziying felt that the Concubine Ying and Prince Yizhong It was only logical for Qin Keqing to win over and "monitor" him.

For Ye, Fang, Qi, Li and others, the delay in the war in the south of the Yangtze River, Chen Jixian's first and second ends, and the changes in Shanxi and Shaanxi have exhausted the court, especially now that the news from all sides shows that Mongolia The various ministries have connections with Jianzhou Jurchen and the White Lotus Sect. If the fight with Nanjing continues, the entire south of the Yangtze River will be smashed to pieces. Once this storm is set off in the north, no matter what the final result is, it will be difficult for the court. It's all unbearable.

Look at myself in Shaanxi, the imperial court has made it clear that there is no way to give any more support. At most, one year's tax exemption is the limit. It also clearly stated that next year Shaanxi's taxes will be fully restored, not myself. The halving proposed at the beginning shows how difficult the court is now.

Even if Feng Ziying left Beijing, he knew that the Long Jinwei, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Ministry of Criminal Affairs and the Dali Temple were still "unswervingly" cleaning up the people involved in the so-called Jiangnan case. Without him, this is the simplest and most direct way. It is also difficult for the court to come to this point in the way of making money.

King Zhongshun and Jia Yun also sent letters to themselves, and the Ministry of Households once again borrowed 10 million taels from Haitong Bank. Zhuang borrowed 4 million taels, and Haitong Yinzhuang purchased 4 million taels of ten-year government bonds from the imperial court within one year.

  Perhaps it was these very specific objective difficulties that made the princes in the court have other thoughts. Perhaps it was not unacceptable to choose between the sons of Emperor Yonglong and Prince Yizhong.

   It seems reasonable to find him in this way. After all, Master Qi has a square personality. Maybe lobbying from his own perspective will be more effective?

Countless thoughts just turned from her mind in an instant, looking at Qin Keqing who was smiling slightly in front of her, Feng Ziying stood still and said calmly: "Young girl Yun is straightforward, probably because she knows that I may be going back to Beijing, so I want to come to see you, alone Let's talk."

   There is nothing to hide in front of Qin Keqing, and Feng Ziying doesn't care. The two daughters seem to have a good relationship, but it's hard to say how, but Feng Ziying is not worried about Qin Keqing's unfavorable actions.

"It seems that Uncle and Miss Yun are going to talk about marriage?" Qin Keqing resumed her old address in Ningguo Mansion, and followed Jia Rong to call Jia Baoyu Second Uncle Bao, Jia Huanhuan Third Uncle, and Feng Ziying. Straightforward uncle.

Feng Ziying was not surprised either. Qin Keqing knew about the matter between himself and Xiangyun for a long time, and even Xiangyun didn't shy away from each other. He shook his head: "It's too early to say this now, girl Yun has to settle the Sun family's marriage contract." , I plan to go to the Ministry of Rites to clear up after I return to Beijing,..."

   "What about the concubine?" Qin Keqing tilted her head, with a faint smile.

  Feng Ziying laughed: "Ke Qing, do you still need my help?"

"Oh, what my uncle said made me confused. This time, I was exiled to Shaanxi together with Yun girl and the others. If it wasn't for my uncle's help, I wouldn't know that I was thrown into that mountain to suffer. Why is my uncle saying now? There's no reason to say something like that."

  Qin Keqing looked at Feng Ziying with a smile on her face, "Maybe uncle has something to say to me?"

  Feng Ziying didn't expect Qin Keqing to be so cunning, and she even learned to play tricks with herself. In the past two or three years, this woman has changed a lot, but in terms of appearance, she has hardly changed, but her temperament of conversation has been completely reborn.

"Well, I wanted to say something to you, but I didn't know what to say for a while." Feng Ziying's eyes flickered with a look of exploration, "But Qing, I can feel that you have something on your mind, um, My mind is also heavy, is it related to Nanjing and the palace?"

  Qin Keqing's eyes flashed a strange light, "Uncle also knows?"

"Don't you know?" Feng Ziying saw that the other party was not hiding, and nodded with great interest: "Maybe we should be more open and honest, whether it's Nanjing or the palace, I don't think they abandoned you ten or twenty years ago. If you want to pick up your old shoes at this time, you really feel grateful for the blood relationship. If you can find you, maybe you think you have something to use. If there is something useful, do you think we are sympathetic to each other?"

Qin Keqing pursed her lips and smiled: "The word sympathy is not accurate. Of course, what uncle said is correct. I probably think that we all have something to use. However, what I can use is not myself, but my attachment to others." Uncle, and uncle is myself and even the Feng family, and they may be sincere to uncle, but to concubine, it's just a shot, after all, how useful is concubine to them?"

  The conversation between the two seemed very relaxed, but both of them bluntly stated the intentions of Nanjing and Gongli in the topic.

  Feng Ziying ignored the hidden meaning in Qin Keqing's words, and asked with a frown, "Then why are they looking for you?"

Qin Keqing looked at Feng Ziying: "Uncle asking this question seems a bit ridiculous. My concubine is now a convict, and she is nothing more than a bit pretty. Perhaps my uncle's reputation for romantic writing is widely spread in Beijing, Central and South China, which makes them feel that this It’s one of the uncle’s weaknesses, they think that if the concubine clings to the uncle, they can get him into the trap, what if they can lobby the uncle to play some role in certain things?”

  Qin Keqing's words made Feng Ziying, who was thick-skinned enough, couldn't help but blush, coughed dryly, rubbed his face and said, "Keqing, do you still come to expose uncle's shortcomings with an uncle like you?"

  Qin Keqing smiled sweetly: "Is the reputation of romanticism considered short? I don't think so. Men, is it wrong to like women? Looking at what they do, it seems that what uncle does is considered a gentleman, right?"

Feng Ziying was very embarrassed. He felt that this woman seemed to be mocking him. At least stealing Wang Xifeng and Li Wan by himself was definitely not an act of a gentleman. I don't know where the strength is.

  But if Prince Yizhong doesn’t steal Concubine Ying, how can there be this woman in front of him?

   This is really a messy account, and it can't be calculated.

   "King, don't underestimate yourself. They are also very intelligent people, and they must understand their intention to come to me, but do you think they are dying of illness?" Feng Ziying stood still, with her hands on her back.

"On this point, I'm a little uncertain. Logically, they are desperate now, but I feel that they still seem to have a backup, and they are particularly confident..." Qin Keqing said seriously: "Maybe there are some stupid people among them." , but it’s impossible for them to be all stupid, and they’re so stupid that they can’t even tell the situation, right? This kind of thing can be exposed at the first glance, no matter how much you say, what’s the point?”

Feng Ziying took a deep look at Qin Keqing, and was basically sure that Nanjing and the palace did not disclose many things to Qin Keqing, but simply wanted to have a shot like Qin Keqing said, and let her come to seduce or spy on yourself.

  (end of this chapter)

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