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Chapter 2235: Guizi Juan is forced to go to Liangshan, love is a last resort

  Chapter 2235 Guizi Juan is forced to go to Liangshan, love is a last resort

Gossip from central Beijing began to circulate in the official circles of Xi'an. Governor Feng Ziying and Zuo Buzheng Zhao Nanjing are about to be transferred to Beijing. Li Tengfang, the current right chief envoy, will take over as Zuo Buzheng and become the new No. 1 in Shaanxi. figure.

This news is actually not too surprising. The situation in Shaanxi has calmed down faster than everyone imagined, especially the pacification of the three prefectures in northern Shaanxi, and the rebellion in the east of Xi'an prefecture. Puzhou in the south of Shanxi was also controlled and guarded by the Tongguan Guards on the Shaanxi side, so the Guanzhong Plain also returned to calm.

  Under such circumstances, Feng Ziying, the governor of Shaanxi, has actually basically completed the tasks assigned by the court, and it can even be said to have been overfulfilled.

When I came here, I only brought 300,000 taels of silver, and now I have calmed down the chaos in Shaanxi, and even created three decent guards, such as the Yueshan Camp, the Destroyer Camp, and the Shouting Camp, which can be drawn at any time. After coming out to fight, I have to say that this result is already very satisfactory in the eyes of the court princes.

   At one point, someone in the imperial court also wanted Feng Ziying to be the governor of Shanxi to calm the chaos in southern Shanxi, but in the end they rejected this suggestion.

   This really made it impossible to do things without Feng Ziying, and it also seemed that the court was too incompetent. Could it be that apart from Feng Ziying, there really couldn't be an official who could solve the problem?

Although the official news has not yet come down, there are naturally many well-informed people in the city of Xi'an who have sources in Beijing, and they can always inquire about some discussion intentions within the court in advance, such as Feng Ziying and Zhao Nanxing's whereabouts after returning to Beijing. concerned.

   There are many rumors that Feng Ziying's whereabouts are the right servant of the Ministry of War and the governor of Shuntian Fu. There are also rumors that she may become the right servant of the household department to assist Huang Ruliang, the minister of the household department, to solve the increasingly difficult financial problems of the imperial court.

Zhao Nanxing's whereabouts are still somewhat vague. There are rumors that he may take over as Minister of Rites, while the current Minister of Rites, Gu Bingqian, may enter the cabinet to replace Li Tingji, who has retired from illness. Later, the Minister of the Nanjing Household Department was in charge of tax collection affairs in the south of the Yangtze River.

  But no matter what, if Feng Ziying and Zhao Nanxing leave, it means that the officialdom in Shaanxi, which has been relatively stable for more than a year, will usher in another big turmoil.

Feng Ziying also knew that the time she stayed in Shaanxi was too short, and it was impossible to make Shaanxi completely satisfactory to her. This was not the task the imperial court entrusted to her as the governor. Responsibility, my own person is to calm the situation, and now I have done it.

And to be honest, I got Lian Guoshi, Geng Ruqi, and Zheng Chongjian to Shaanxi through various channels in the capital, and the three of them will have to do something in Shaanxi in a short time. With Li Tengfang, who can be regarded as doing practical things, at the helm, the situation in Shaanxi will definitely improve further.

  Qin Keqing and others have naturally heard the news, and it is obvious that Feng Ziying will leave in ten days and a half months.

   "What should I do?" Several women looked at Qin Keqing, "They are all saying that Feng Ziying may return to Beijing in September, and some of his family members who have not seen him have already left and returned to Beijing."

   It was Mu Liushi who spoke.

She is the oldest among several women, and she belongs to the Liu family of Li Guogong. Although the Liu family was also affected by the Jiangnan rebellion case, it is far from being directly involved in it like the Mu family of Dongping County and the Shui family of Beijing County. Therefore, even though the Liu family is now tucking their tails between their tails and declining day by day, they have not been raided like the Shuimu family.

  If they can return to Beijing, Mu Liushi also hopes to find an opportunity to draw a clear line with the Mu family, like Shi Xiangyun, and finally return to the Liu family in the form of reconciliation.

  However, she is slightly different from Shi Xiangyun in that she has been married to the Mu family for almost ten years, which is not the same as Shi Xiangyun's engagement. However, Da Zhou's handling of this kind of divorce due to crime is relatively loose, and it is not impossible.

Therefore, the Muliu family is the most eager to put all their eggs in one basket. Although the Shui Zhen family is the same as her, she also married into the Shui family from her natal family, but the situation of her natal Zhen family is not optimistic. But the Zhen family has always followed Prince Yizhong, and they can be regarded as Prince Yizhong's white gloves in Jiangnan.

   "That depends on what you think." Qin Keqing said indifferently: "You have to grasp the opportunity yourself, and your chance may only be one time."

The women looked at each other in blank dismay. They wanted to ask Feng Ziying before, but after careful analysis, everyone felt that what Qin Keqing said was true. There is no benefit, even a verbal promise is only perfunctory, and it is impossible to really help them.

  Shui Zhen gritted her teeth, glanced at Shuitang, then stared at Qin Keqing: "Keqing, what about you?"

"I, I don't know what I should do." Qin Keqing shook her head: "Our situation is different. If you say that you are not worth Feng Ziying's risk to help you, then I mean he can't do anything. You all know my background, now In such a situation, who would touch me?"

  Shui Tang noticed his sister-in-law's gaze, felt bitter in his heart, his eyes were reddish, bit his lip and said, "But Miss Qing, is that the only way?"

"Actually, it doesn't have to be like this. What if Feng Ziying is merciful and willing to take the risk to help you?" Qin Keqing smiled self-deprecatingly: "It's just that I think the possibility of this is relatively small. If you are willing to go It's totally okay to take a gamble, I told him, you plan to thank him before he leaves, meet him,..."

   On the other hand, Mu Tan's face was cold and stern, and he was more determined: "But Miss Qing, how confident do you think we are if we do this? How can he help us get rid of the crime?"

"Xiao Tan, first of all you have to think carefully. If there is another way to go, of course there is no need to take this kind of self-deprecating way. Mu family and Shui family, do you think there is hope after the Jiangnan incident?" Qin Keqing asked coldly: "Will the imperial court be lenient towards you four kings and eight publics? I don't think so. Before this kind of thing happened, your four kings and eight publics have already begun to be targeted gradually. The Ma family was finished long ago, right? Later, after the battle with the Mongols, the Chen family, Hou family, and Liu family were also implicated. However, before the court had time to act, the emperor was assassinated, and then there was the Jiangnan incident. Now that the matter in Jiangnan is coming to an end, do you think that Wu Xun, the culprits of the Shui family and Mu family, can still be left behind?"

"In this case, even if we use this method to cling to Feng Ziying this time, how far can he help us?" Mu Tan should be the most clear-headed person here, looking at Qin Keqing with sharp eyes, "I don't think so. Find out what method he used to help us get rid of the crime, and even if he got rid of the crime, what will we do in the future? Fall into prostitution, or..."

  (end of this chapter)

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