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Chapter 2247: Guizijuan returns home, reunites

  Chapter 2247 Guizijuan returns home, reunion

  Feng Ziying's face darkened, and he was hit by a blow when he took office, and he broke through and invaded.

   It seems that the situation of Weiyuanwei and Hepingluwei next door is not optimistic. Yang Yuan is still too careless, or Datong Town has been hurt more than expected by Sun Shaozu's tossing, and he still hasn't recovered.

  Feng Ziying is very familiar with the situation in Datong Town, and he is very familiar with the border fortresses along the line.

   "If Ying'en Fortress is broken, and the frontier troops from Jingping are all up, what are the defenders of Pingluwei and Weiyuanwei doing?" Feng Ziying couldn't help asking, "Zhihu Fort is also broken?"

Zhang Huaichang's face was also very ugly, but when Feng Ziying asked, he just nodded, "Zhihu Fort and Naihe Fort are both lost, and there are only two battalions of Pingluwei defenders. Raided, defeated and scattered, Weiyuanwei's defenders, hmph, didn't dare to go out at all,..."

  Zhihu Fort and Naihe Fort are two important fortresses to the west of Ying'en Fort, guarding the line of defense where the Tumao River flows into the south of the Yellow River, and adjacent to the line from Laoyingbao to Laoniuwan in Shanxi Town.

  If the Tumed people wanted to join the bandits, they had to go to the Yingen Fort, Zhuhu Fort, and Naihe Fort in the east, or the Laoying Fort and Shuiquanying Fort in the west of the river.

  Feng Ziying was always worried that the Tumed people would go to Shanxi Town, Hexi, because in his opinion, Shanxi Town was even less reassuring. Unexpectedly, Su Nang and Fengzhou Bailian unexpectedly broke through from Ying'en Fort to enter the invaders.

   But think about it, Fengzhou Bailian has already infiltrated and bribed the frontier army, so it doesn't matter if you go to the Hexi and the East, it's the same there, it's more convenient to go to the East.

  Pingluwei was raided, and Weiyuanwei didn't dare to go out to fight. Datong town has degenerated to such a degree, it can't be regretted.

  The Datong Town in my memory can still be fought. Why has it degraded so quickly in just a few years?

   But it is meaningless to say these things now, and Feng Ziying will not say more, except for offending people, it is of little value.

   "Weiyuanwei doesn't dare to fight, so at least he must hold on. Weipingbao must not be lost,..."

   Before Feng Ziying finished speaking, Zhang Huaichang smiled wryly, "The news came yesterday that Weiping Fort has fallen."

  Feng Ziying was speechless, so she simply stopped talking. Now that she knows nothing about the situation on the front line, it is useless to talk more.

"Li Qing has already set off here, and it is estimated that Huailai has passed by now." Zhang Huaichang added: "Yang Yuan has ordered the East Road and Beidong Road to dispatch elites to go south and west, and Shanxi Wei The army is also reorganizing,..."

This was spoken weakly, and Feng Ziying also knew that it was a little late to reorganize when the situation was approaching. However, there was chaos in southern Shanxi, and the Wei army should have been reorganized long ago. I am afraid that only a part of the Wei army has been reorganized. As far as the military system is concerned, it may not be so.

A few words of dialogue also let Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe have a little understanding of Feng Ziying's military quality. It can be seen that Feng Ziying is very familiar with the situation on the Nine Sides. It took a long time to clean up the Shaanxi side, so it seems that it is correct to arrange the other party to be the right servant of the Ministry of War.

  Yuan Keli's appointment as the governor of Shanxi is relatively reassuring, and Feng Ziying feels a little relieved.

  In the history of previous lives, Yuan Keli performed well in terms of military command ability, and he was also more prominent among civil servants. When he went to Shanxi to preside over the overall situation, Feng Ziying felt that he should be able to control the situation, but the premise was that the court had to give Yuan Keli enough support.

  Based on the current performance of Datong and the Second Town of Shanxi, Feng Ziying is even less optimistic about the Shanxi Guards system.

   "Master Yuan is going to Shanxi. I am afraid that the court still needs to give enough support. The court has to consider money, food and personnel." Knowing that she came here, she shouldn't have said these things, but Feng Ziying couldn't help but mention it.

  Ye Xianggao and Li Sancai both laughed, "Ziying, we all understand your concern. This is something the court is discussing now. Today, you can talk about the situation in Shaanxi first, and then talk about the follow-up matters."

Feng Ziying stopped talking, and made a report on the situation in Shaanxi during this period, because this is a situation that she is familiar with. Feng Ziying prepared relevant documents in advance, but she talked verbally for half an hour. During the period, the cabinet ministers, Zhang Huaichang, and Huang Ruliang also asked some questions, and Feng Ziying answered them one by one.

It should be said that I am very satisfied with Feng Ziying's report to the cabinet, because the actual situation is here. The situation in Shaanxi has stabilized, and even Puzhou was restrained in advance to prevent the chaos in southern Shanxi from spreading to Shaanxi and Henan. This step can be achieved , what more can I say?

  The drought in Shaanxi still exists this year, but being able to make Shaanxi self-sufficient in food without causing the hungry people to become refugees, and the refugees to become disorderly people, this is the greatest success.

"Okay, Ziying, we already have a general understanding of the situation in Shaanxi. As you said, Li Tengfang should be able to deal with it, so this time when you come back to Beijing, the cabinet also has a plan to let you serve as the right servant of the Ministry of War, and Zhizhi. Sheng Yiyi assists Huaichang in dealing with the most urgent military affairs at the moment, what do you think?"

All the ministers in the cabinet looked at Feng Ziying, and Feng Ziying pondered for a while before answering Ye Xianggao's question: "I will obey the cabinet's arrangement, but I don't know the current military situation, and I'm afraid it will take some time to get familiar with it. Brother Sheng are all my seniors, I should learn from them and do my job well..."

  Feng Ziying, who was an official in her previous life, has also experienced this kind of promotion and transfer countless times. In fact, it was similar in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

  After the procedures are completed, Feng Ziying will no longer stay here at Wenyuan Pavilion, and the official office of the Ministry of War is at Dashiyongfang outside the palace, so he will naturally take office there.

  However, Da Zhou is still humane. Knowing that Feng Ziying came back, he traveled all the way, and he was given three days off. After three days, he will officially assume the new post.

  But before leaving, Zhang Huaichang took Feng Ziying to the Ministry of War directly, and did not let Feng Ziying go home directly, because Sun Chengzong had gone to Liaoxi to hand over Tong Zhongkui, the Ministry of War was empty, and Zhang Huaichang was in urgent need of help.

When they arrived at the Ministry of War, Zhang Huaichang and Feng Ziying talked for more than an hour, and they simply used dinner in the office. It was not until Xushi that Feng Ziying was able to get away and go home, and Zhang Huaichang even said nothing. Although Feng Ziying can take additional vacations, if something happens, he will also send someone to recruit him.

  Feng Ziying could only agree with a wry smile, and then she was able to get away.

  Back to the mansion, it was almost Haishi.

As soon as you enter the door, you will be greeted by a large number of lanterns, setting off a prairie fire. A large group of Yingying and Yanyan are lined up in a horizontal row. Naturally, the old lady and aunt are the first, followed by Shen Yixiu, Xue Baochai, and Lin Daiyu. The row is Baoqin, Miaoyu, Youerjie, Yingchun, Xiuyan, Yuanyang, Qingwen, Jinchuaner, Pinger, plus Zijuan, Yinger, Siqi, Yunshang, Xiangling, Yuchuan The daughters and girls lined up on both sides.

   In a blink of an eye, Feng Ziying seemed to be slightly drunk. Except for my old lady and aunt, this school of singing and dancing, fat and rich jade, this is my harem fandai?

  At this moment, Feng Ziying feels more and more that she must hold herself firmly. How can she live up to such a beautiful scenery and such a life?

When I greeted my mother and aunt, I naturally pulled Feng Ziying to wipe away my tears, but it was a great joy to come back safely, and Miaoyu and Xiuyan came back first, and there were two more in my stomach, which also made the big and small Duan Overjoyed, and with the son Yingchun gave birth to, no one dared to say that the Feng family had no future worries.

  The only hope now is that the three principal wives, Shen Yixiu, Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu, can also give birth to a son as soon as possible, so that the Feng family's merits and virtues will really be consummated.

Accompanying my mother and aunt to the house, Feng Ziying can only use his eyes and eyes to signal to his wives and concubines at this time. Fortunately, everyone is well-informed, and they also know that at this time, they must never compete with their mother-in-law. , but it would be too ignorant for a daughter-in-law to make do with it.

   Fortunately, Mrs. and Mrs. Duan are also sensible, knowing that all the daughters-in-law are equally eager to see through, so after talking with Feng Ziying for a while, they went to rest first on the grounds of being tired.

The rest should be Feng Ziying, the big family. After being away for more than a year, it suddenly seemed like a dream. Feng Ziying naturally longed for the girls in the house day and night. In front of the girls, he pulled Shen Yixiu, Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu Speaking one by one, it is indispensable to thank the virtuous wife for taking care of the house, taking care of the mother, and solemnly saluting, and Shen Xuelin and the three daughters were so panicked that they kept avoiding themselves and did not dare to bear it.

After the three daughters, Feng Ziying naturally wanted to hug her good daughter Tongniang to be intimate. Tongniang, who had been able to talk for a long time, was a little unfamiliar and afraid before, but as soon as she fell into Feng Ziying's arms, she seemed to be able to feel the blood relationship, and she quickly fell in love with her. When they became intimate, Feng Ziying's eyebrows were beaming with joy, her mouth was so happy that she couldn't bear to let go.

  After speaking, it was Second Sister You and Yingchun.

   Baoqin, Miaoyu and Xiuyan hadn't been apart for a long time, so they naturally stood aside with interest, but there was still a baby in Yingchun's arms, so Feng Ziying naturally wanted to take care of it.

   Lin Lin always got busy this time, and the others dispersed with great difficulty, only Shen Yixiu, Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu were left, and they were already Haizheng.

Looking at the beautiful and beautiful dimples of the three sisters, Feng Ziying held up the tea bowl and took a sip, letting the heat slowly seep into her lungs, before letting out a long sigh of relief, "I'm finally home, sitting here , I feel like going home. In Xi’an, no matter what, I still feel that something is missing. Even if I wake up in the middle of the night, I feel empty,..."

  (end of this chapter)

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