Number of People

Chapter 2250: Gui character volume boudoir style, marriage considerations

  Chapter 2250 Guizijuan boudoir style, marriage considerations

   "Siqi, are you still calling me a girl?" Feng Ziying glanced at the reckless girl, "Can a girl give birth to a son?"

   "Hee hee, the servant is also used to shouting, and I don't want to change it. Anyway, the servant treats the girl as his master all his life, and he will be with him for the rest of his life, so he will not change."

Siqi can be said to be the most presumptuous among the girls in front of Feng Ziying. Neither Qingwen nor Hongyu dare to compare with her. Feng Ziying also knows her temperament, and this girl is loyal to protect the master, which Feng Ziying likes especially. So it was up to her to go.

   It's just that this fell into the eyes of other girls and felt very surprised.

It is said that the uncle is a good-looking man, and he likes beautiful ones the most. The favored Qingwen and Jin Chuan'er can still be said to be reasonable. After all, it is recognized that they are beautiful, even Yuanyang, Ping'er, and Xiangling are all first-class. .

No matter how you look at it, Siqi is somewhat different from these girls, except for a big breast that no one can match, so there are rumors that the uncle likes big breasts. Look at the first concubines, Second Sister You and Third Sister You, All of them have big breasts.

   This also disappointed the maids in the mansion. In terms of chest competition, there are really few who can compare with Siqi.

   Those words warmed Yingchun's heart.

She is an honest person, and never likes to argue with others. In Rongguo Mansion, she is called Er Mutou. If Siqi hadn't fought for her outside, I'm afraid her most miserable life would be her Jinlou , so she has always been somewhat dependent on playing chess.

   It was only after marrying Feng Ziying that Feng Ziying was able to rely on her, but she still relies on playing chess.

   Now that she has given birth to a son, she has had a lifetime to rely on. It can be said that she is completely satisfied, and she is not willing to fight for anything, she just wants to live a lifetime in such a safe and secure way.

"Well, you are a loyal one. Master and servant are one body, which is a good story." Feng Ziying said with emotion: "This life between people is just a matter of fate. If you want to say that my second sister and I are the same, the second younger sister was promised It was for Sun Shaozu, who would have thought that he missed it by mistake, but let Yun girl fall in, but the second sister followed me. If I were to rest in the mansion, the second sister didn't have much time here, Baochaibao Both Qin and Yixiu have more than the second sister, after all the hard work, the second sister was the first to give birth to my son, do you think this is fate?"

"Fate from heaven is also a matter of fate. If you want to say that our girl's body is also fertile, it turns out that in the Rongguo Mansion, some people like to talk wild things, saying that the second grandma Lian and the third girl have big buttocks and can have a son, and that Miss Yun has a big buttocks too. The second mistress is not bad, both of them have a physique capable of giving birth to sons, but now they are slapped in the face. It is our girl who gave birth to a son and continued the incense for the Feng family. For the past six months, the master, wife and concubine, basically every day I want to come to our place to see my grandson, so many people envy me,..."

Siqi's unscrupulous words made Yingchun and Xiuju feel hot. While feeding the child, Yingchun scolded: "Siqi, how are you talking? Third sister and sister Yun are not married yet, how can they have children? ? Sister Bao didn't have the opportunity, now that the master is back, it will naturally happen."

"It's a pity that some people have been with the master for more than a year, and they still come back empty-handed. I don't know why they are serving the master. The third bedroom's grandma Miao and Aunt Xing have returned with full rewards, laughing and laughing. This is not a slap in the face of our second bedroom. Is it?"

  Siqi couldn't help saying another sour word, Feng Ziying smiled wryly and shook her head, it seems that Baoqin's popularity in the mansion is really not good.

  The term "return with full rewards" is really well used. If you are pregnant, you will return with full rewards. If you are not pregnant, you will not be able to serve others. Where is this?

  Seeing her son slowly falling into a deep sleep, Yingchun carefully moved the child away and handed it over to Xiuju, who tiptoedly carried the child out.

  Feng Ziying rested her head on Siqi's chest comfortably, and put her feet on the kang, "Siqi's chest is the most comfortable, and there is a heavy sense of solidity when leaning on it."

"Hee hee, Master likes the slaves here so much. In fact, the girl has grown up a lot since she gave birth. There is no need for slaves. If you don't believe me, I will measure with my hands..." Pushing Yingchun, who was still a little shy, into Feng Ziying's arms , Siqi smiled triumphantly, "An Lang is almost one year old, and he is already babbling, and the girl also said that he will be weaned next month. His body is just right, and maybe he can give birth to my grandfather next year." One."

  Yearing Spring is ashamed, but also a little hopeful. If you have a son, if you can have another one, it will be the safest. If you don’t have a daughter, you will have both sons and daughters.

  Seeing Yingchuna's eager and affectionate appearance, how can Feng Ziying still not understand the thoughts of this pair of master and servant?

It's just that he has to take it easy, and has to rest in Shen Yixiu's room at night. Although it's a small test to make love with Daiyu this morning, but it didn't happen to Wang Xifeng, Busia Mara, and Lin Hongyu in the past two days. Don't worry about it, this body is really calculating.

For a moment, he was full of worries, and he didn't know how to respond. This hurt the second girl's heart, but he didn't want to. This honest man was all focused on himself, and he gave birth to a son for him for more than a year. An Xinxin is looking forward to her return at home, how can she treat others badly?

All kinds of thoughts flashed through her mind in an instant, Feng Ziying hugged Yingchun's waist, kissed Yingchun's earlobe, and whispered: "Sister, don't worry, if you don't give birth to me, I won't give birth to you." It's just that An Lang is still young, at least it will be suitable after An Lang turns one year old, besides, with my younger sister's body and physique, are you still worried that you won't be able to give birth to your father again?"

  Feng Ziying's words made Yingchun's whole body numb and feverish, and she collapsed into her lover's arms, whispering softly.

From Yingchun's pregnancy to the time when she went to Shaanxi, the two hadn't had **** for a year and a half. Looking at Yingchun's charming eyes like silk, her delicate face and Saixia, Feng Ziying couldn't bear it no matter how familiar she was. If you are still indifferent, then you really have to doubt whether you are a man.

  It's a pity that good dreams are easy to wake up. Before Feng Ziying hugged Yingchun to bed, Xiuju rushed in excitedly, "Master, my wife and concubine are here to see An Lang."

The mother-in-law is here, so let's stop talking about it, Yingchun hurriedly got up to pack his clothes, Siqi was also in a hurry to help, Feng Ziying also went out to welcome her mother and aunt in, this time not only Xiao Duan, but also Su Xie Auntie.

   Su Xie was not there last night, and the two went to live in a Buddhist temple a few days in advance. Today, they got the news and rushed back early in the morning, and they also brought their own sister.

   Calculated, my younger sister is fifteen years old, and it's time to talk about marriage. If my father is not at home, my elder brother will take responsibility.

Seeing the slender and fair-skinned girl bowing to him, Feng Ziying was also in a daze. He hadn't paid much attention to this little girl in the past few years. It wasn't until his father returned to Beijing from Liaodong and then went to the northwest that the two aunts stayed behind. It was only after he arrived in Beijing that he saw that this sister seemed to have changed her posture.

My sister's boudoir name is Zitong, maybe I'm too busy, or maybe Su Xie's two aunts are not as close as Xiao Duan's, so Feng Ziying didn't have much closeness to her sister before, but at this moment, seeing her sister give her Saluting, Feng Ziying felt a little more connected by blood for no reason.

   "Zitong is not young anymore, have mother and aunt considered Zitong's marriage?" Feng Ziying asked after her mother and aunt sat down.

  The little girl's pretty face turned red all of a sudden. She didn't expect that the brother who had always regarded herself as Xiao Transparent would suddenly talk about her marriage.

  The Daduan family thinks it is normal. The eldest brother is the father, the husband is not in the capital, and the legitimate son returns home. Although he was born in a concubine's room, he is still her daughter. The marriage is naturally decided by himself and his son.

"Ziying, Sister Ni is indeed not young anymore, but you and your father have not been in Beijing all this time, and some people came to discuss marriage, but they were all rejected by your mother on the grounds that your father is not in Beijing. If you have a suitable candidate , might as well say it."

  Duan's words made everyone look at Feng Ziying, especially Su, who was the biological mother of Feng Ziying's younger sister, was even more nervous.

"Well, there are only a few of my classmates who are younger than me, but I have a suitable candidate..." Feng Ziying suddenly remembered that Sun Chuanting seemed to be the only one among my classmates who was not married. Eighteen, but I don't know if this guy is engaged in his hometown, but I have to ask to find out.

"Oh? Ziying, is that your classmate?" I heard that it was Feng Ziying's classmate. The Daduan family and the other girls were overjoyed. At least they were Jinshi. I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult, but Feng Ziying said it, it seems that it is not impossible.

"Well, it's my classmate, but I don't know if he has an engagement in his hometown. This time, he returned to Beijing from Shaanxi with me. After the expiration of his political observation period, he should also become an official." Feng Ziying nodded, "I'll go find him. I will ask again when I have a chance, but mother and aunts don't worry, even if this fails, I will definitely find a good family for my younger sister, and I will definitely not wrong my daughter of the Feng family."

   "If it's a Jinshi, I'm afraid..." Su Shi was pleasantly surprised and a little worried. If her daughter can marry a Jinshi, it would be a great joy.

   "Hehe, don't worry, Auntie, there are great Confucian scholars in talking and laughing, and there are no white people in business. If you are not a scholar, how can you match my daughter of the Feng family?" Feng Ziying smiled and said: "If it doesn't work, I also have other suitable candidates."

   Except for Sun Chuanting, if the age is suitable, you can only go to the academy to ask, but this is not a problem, as long as you look carefully, there will always be something interesting.

  (end of this chapter)

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