Number of People

Chapter 2256: The daily life of the Guizi scroll at home should be fixed and decided

  Chapter 2256 The daily routine at home in the Kui character scroll should be fixed

   Sage time.

Feng Ziying hugged Shen Yixiu's smooth and soft body, and let him lie in his arms, but Qingwen, who was at the other end of the bed, was blushing and wanted to curl up Shen Yixiu's legs and put them on cushions for the best posture pregnancy preparation.

   Tong Niang is more than two years old, both Feng Ziying and Shen Yixiu think she should have another one.

  The twenty-three or four-year-old age is the best childbearing age for a woman, plus she has already given birth to one, and now Shen Yixiu is the most suitable time to get pregnant.

  Of course, the same is true for Baochai and Daiyu. Baochai is also twenty, and Daiyu is nineteen. In this era, they are both the right age to give birth.

Feng Ziying made both Miaoyu and Xiuyan pregnant during her trip to Shaanxi, which immediately ignited the enthusiasm of the women in the family. Now that Feng Ziying is back, everyone naturally hopes to be like Miaoyu and Xiuyan. In the middle, get pregnant quickly.

  Even Shen Yixiu is no exception.

Life without a son is hard. Although the mother-in-law never said anything, she still cherishes Tongniang as before, and her husband even likes Tongniang even more, but Shen Yixiu knows that as a long-term wife, she has no biological son, and she is still not happy. Safe, especially in the situation of the Feng family.

"Miaoyu and Xiuyan came back, but they immediately made the house lively, and even the concubine was a little jealous." Shen Yixiu leaned his cheek against her husband's neck, and glanced at Qingwen who was still busy: "It's a pity Qingwen is a useless girl, she hasn't succeeded after more than a year of chance? Did the master treat her poorly?"

   "Where is it?" Feng Ziying smiled and shook her head: "This girl is crazy, and Bao Qin dares to fight each other. As for the disappointment in her stomach, I guess the opportunity has not yet come."

Feng Ziying's words made Qingwen, who was still at the other end of the bed, spit, "Master is arranging slaves indiscriminately again. How can slaves dare to challenge Grandma Qin? Whatever she says, slaves will just listen. As for slaves who disagree, it's okay Just don't do it, the servant is not a second wife, so naturally there is no need to do what she says, but the servant will not quarrel with her without knowing the rules."

   "Look, you still say you know the rules." Feng Ziying rubbed the palm of Shen Yixiu's soft belly, "I hope Wan Jun can plant jade in the blue field today, and buds will sprout and branches will grow, so that he can get a man."

Shen Yixiu's body is very slender, but the places that should be convex are convex, and the places that should be concave are concave. It belongs to the style of a light and familiar young woman. Feeling, but it always brings peace of mind.

  Shen Yixiu also enjoys the current comfort.

Her husband is still obsessed with her body, which makes her very happy. She knows that there are more and more women around her husband, but she doesn't care too much. Instead of worrying about taking precautions, it's better to be yourself. As long as you are good and strong enough, your husband will Be firmly tied to the side, never separated.

"It still depends on chance. The concubine happens to be fertile in these two days. I hope I can get what I want." Shen Yixiu turned his body to keep himself in a better fertile posture, "I guess Baochai and Daiyu It's the same as the concubine, but they must be more anxious, after all, the concubine still has Tong Niang, and now that Xiuyan and Miaoyu are pregnant again, Daiyu is probably the most anxious."

  Shen Yixiu was never hypocritical, if he wanted to get pregnant, he would say it out, and Feng Ziying would of course get his wish.

"Well, both Baochai and Daiyu must be a little impatient, but there is no rush, and I also look forward to giving birth to children for me." Feng Ziying sighed comfortably, "Now that Xiuyan Miaoyu has Pregnant, Yingchun also gave birth to a son, plus Tongniang, I have four children anyway, the Feng family incense is finally a successor, but if the three families can have a descendant, Wan Jun, you and Baochai Daiyu and the others I still have to work harder, one or two is not enough, a few more will make my mother feel at ease."

  In this era, it is very common for children to die young. Generally, it is only after the age of seven that they can get rid of the shadow of premature death. If a family does not have two sons who grow up to seven years old, they can't rest assured.

  Under the circumstances that medical conditions cannot be guaranteed, the only way to increase the chances of survival is by having more births.

"Well, I think so too, and by the way, I want to tell you about the Fourth Sister." Shen Yixiu turned his head and said softly: "The Fourth Sister is already fifteen, and will be sixteen after the new year, so The concubine is also thinking about it, and the fourth sister's marriage is also on the agenda."

"Huh?" Feng Ziying knew that Xichun and Shen Yixiu had a close relationship, and their temperament had changed a lot. It was not as cold-faced and cold-hearted as in the original "Dream of Red Mansions". Maybe it was Shen Yixiu who found a mother and sister. I feel that Xichun has become a lot more cheerful now. Before Feng Ziying left Beijing for Shaanxi, I met Xichun a few times, and Xichun was always flushed, and she spoke softly and pleasantly, and there was no longer the original indifference. , even Feng Ziying was amazed.

Although he hasn't seen Xichun yet after returning from this trip, he also heard from Yuanyang that Xichun will come to Shen Yixiu's place to linger almost every other day, and he has lived here often in Shen Yixiu's place for the past six months, and he treats Tongniang very much. Well, I often take Tong Niang out to play, and Tong Niang also likes this "little aunt" very much.

The title of "little aunt" was also teased by the servants in the long room behind Tongniang's back. Tongniang was a child, so she naturally didn't understand what was going on here, so she shouted when she saw Xichun. Who would have thought that Xichun would listen to her? She was just shy and timid, but she didn't stop her objections. Outsiders didn't understand, not to mention that Grandma Shen didn't say anything, so the others naturally didn't say anything.

"Not yet sixteen, right?" Feng Ziying understood Shen Yixiu's thoughts, there were too few people in the long room, Second Sister You was honest and useless, but Third Sister You was not thinking about it, there was no one else in her room, Qingwen's identity is not enough, so Xichun can help her if she comes in earlier.

"The fourth sister's birthday is in April, so it won't be half a year." Shen Yixiu doesn't believe that Feng Ziying can't remember Xichun's birthday, and her husband always remembers the birthdays of the girls in Jia's family very firmly, "According to her age, she should have Talking about marriage, even married, it's just her current status, can there be an explanation?"

Feng Ziying pursed her lips, "It's hard to say, we won't know until the Jiangnan matter is settled. Jia Jing has some connections with the court, but whether this can completely exonerate him, I don't think so, unless Prince Yizhong This side and the imperial court can really reach an agreement,..."

  Shen Yixiu was taken aback, almost sat up, suddenly realized that he was still preparing for pregnancy, and quickly lay down again: "Really? Nanjing wants to negotiate peace with the imperial court? Can the imperial court agree?"

"It depends on the situation. The situation in the imperial court is not optimistic, and the princes and the cabinet are not very satisfied. It is all about the Zhang family. If Prince Yizhong can compromise with the cabinet, it is better than continuing to fight. If Jiangnan is broken, the situation may be worse. Worse." Feng Ziying didn't say anything, but Shen Yixiu could think of something.

After thinking for a while, Shen Yixiu said softly: "I'm afraid it depends on how the cabinet and Prince Yizhong discuss it. If the cabinet's power and authority are guaranteed, maybe he doesn't mind letting Prince Yizhong succeed him. Didn't there be a restoration of Nangong in the previous Ming Dynasty?" The change of seizing the door? And Prince Yizhong is in his fifties, how many more years will he have? But the cabinet of Prince Yizhong's son may pay more attention to it?"

   "Not necessarily, the eldest son has a soft personality, maybe the cabinet is interested in this?" Feng Ziying chuckled.

"Has the cabinet calculated this far?" Shen Yixiu was surprised. She was from a scholar family, and her husband was also a scholar, so naturally her **** was sitting on the scholar's side. Things are about to change.”

From the end of the Yuanxi period to the succession of Emperor Yonglong, the power of the prime minister became more and more prominent. Faced with pressure from all sides, Emperor Yonglong also felt exhausted. From Shen Yiguan to Ye Xianggao, they were all treacherous and cunning people. The struggle for imperial power and power The prime minister has always been dominant, while Wu Xun of the military has always been dissatisfied with the court because of insufficient food and supplies, and Prince Yizhong, a shit-stirring stick, made the military Wu Xun basically stand on his side, making Emperor Yonglong Still can't win the initiative.

But if Prince Yizhong succeeds to the throne, the military's military status will increase, which will be a big threat to the cabinet ministers. This is why the cabinet now wants to reduce the military power in advance, and Prince Yizhong wants to actively win over these people. Because of the martial artist, why would he contact him many times?

   "It's hard to say whether it's a disaster or a blessing, especially in the current situation of foreign enemies." Feng Ziying didn't comment too much, and it's not his turn to comment now, he can only take one step at a time.

   "Can the identity of the fourth younger sister be resolved next year?" Shen Yixiu returned to the original topic.

   "It should be possible." Feng Ziying was also not sure, "Some irrelevant people will definitely be pardoned for the matter in Jiangnan, and I will also promote this matter..."

  Shen Yixiu laughed, "Not only the fourth sister, but also the third sister and Yun girl are in it, right?"

Feng Ziying smiled lightly, and Shen Yixiu never tried to hide anything, "Well, the third sister probably wants to enter the third room. She and Daiyu are as close as sisters, and I also like her temperament. As for girl Yun, it's hard to say now. She has a good relationship with Baochai and Daiyu, and she respects you too, why don't you let her into your long room?"

  Shen Yixiu gave Feng Ziying a white look, "I don't want to do this kind of thing against other people's wishes. Girl Yun can choose which room she wants to enter. If she really thinks that there are fewer people in my room, just take Qingwen as a concubine."

  Qing Wen, who was still massaging Shen Yixiu on the bedside, heard what Shen Yixiu said, and hurriedly said: "You can't afford to be a slave,..."

   "What can't be afforded, hurry up and give birth to a boy and a half girl for Xianggong, then I can afford it, even if I have a daughter." Shen Yixiu took everything into consideration.

  (end of this chapter)

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