Number of People

Chapter 2259: The Guizi scroll was disturbed, and the response slowly

  Chapter 2259 Guizi scrolls are disturbed, and the response is slow

"It is reported that the Jianzhou Jurchen army that broke in from the Chai River was led by Dai Shan. The number of soldiers and horses was about 5,000. Along the Chai River, the Chai River was first broken, and then Fu'an Fort was surrounded. Fu'an Fort guarded gold and jade. He surrendered to Jianzhou Jurchen, and then led the way to lead the troops to attack Fanhesuo. Fortunately, He Renlong's troops defended Fanhesuo. Jin Yuhe failed to trick the city into opening the gate, and the two sides fought fiercely at Fanhesuo..."

   "...Hou Herenlongbu retreated to Weilusuo, but due to the cooperation of He Juniper, he was analyzed by Daishan and led the army. Weilusuo fell on the sixth day of October,..."

"Cao Wenzhao ordered Shenyang Zhongwei's Zu Dashou and Zu Dabi's troops to attack, but the second army moved slowly and did not reach the front line of New Castle until the night of the seventh day of October. The Jianzhou Jurchen West Route Army going south from Xin’an Pass, that is, the army led by Nurhachi went south to meet up. If Zhao’s leadership and teaching hadn’t gone fast, they might have been encircled in the Puhe River, so they would have gone north,…”

"At present, Zu Dashou and Zu Dabi's troops are fighting fiercely with the Nurhachi Division on the front line of the New Castle, but they are still at a disadvantage. Liu Ting's division went south from Shifangsibao to reinforce the Zu's brothers' division, and it was barely regained. The situation on the western front fell into a trap. deadlock,…"

"Cao Wenzhao personally led the army to meet the main force of Nurhachi on the front line of Puhe Station. In the first battle on the ninth day of October, both sides suffered heavy losses. Zhao led the teaching team who came out to defeat the attack of Daishan and Jin Yuhe on the front line of Fushun Station and Hui'an Fort. , the current situation on the third front is fairly stable, but the Liaodong Army trapped in the encirclement of Jianzhou Jurchen still has more than 18,000 people on the line from Tielingwei to Fanhesuo,..."

   Hearing that 18,000 Liaodong troops were still trapped in the encirclement, both Sun Chengzong and Feng Ziying couldn't help frowning, and Feng Ziying couldn't help asking, "Which one is it?"

"The Juniper Division." Yuan Huazhong replied: "The Juniper Division was attacked by Dai Jibin's Division from Zhonggucheng. Fortunately, they responded in time and repelled the attack of Dai Jibin's Division. However, their retreat speed was greatly delayed, so they retreated. By the time of Tieling Guard, there was no escape, and now we can only rely on Tieling Guard City to hold on,..."

   Both Feng Ziying and Sun Chengzong fell into deep thought at the same time.

The Tieling Guard is very important, and the 18,000 people from the Juniper Division are even more important. However, the line from Tieling Guard to Puhesuo has been cut off by the Jianzhou Jurchen army. It will be very difficult for Cao Wenzhao and the others to go north to meet the Juniper Division , It is necessary to get through the two lines of defense of the Julusuo and the Fanhesuo, which have been controlled by Jianzhou Jurchen.

   "Fortunately, although Tieling Guard Zhao led the Ministry of Education to evacuate, the acropolis is basically intact, and most of the food and grass have been discarded. Therefore, after the Juniper Department entered the Tieling Acropolis, they re-strengthened their defenses, and the food and grass will be safe in a short time..."

  Yuan Huazhong's addition made Feng Ziying and Sun Chengzong even more worried.

"Minxie, what is the current situation of the Tieling Guard? Can we fully grasp it? Also, have the Jianzhou Jurchen launched an attack on the Tieling Guard, or are they just surrounding them? According to the current daily consumption of the Juniper Division, how long can they last? "Sun Chengzong asked.

Yuan Huazhong hesitated for a moment before slowly answering: "The news from the Tieling Guard was passed on by Cao Wenzhao. The morale is good, and the food, grass and equipment are quite sufficient. The Jianzhou Jurchens have not launched an attack yet, but the surrounding troops are fighting together. In addition, the daily consumption of the Juniper Department is not small, but fortunately they brought some food and grass with them when they went south, and the food and grass in Tieling Acropolis are well preserved, and it is estimated that there will be no major problems in two to three months."

  Sun Chengzong was a little relieved, but Feng Ziying was not so relieved.

Juniper has an impulsive and aggressive personality. This must have been mentioned by his father many times. In this situation, after a little delay, he felt that the main army in the south could not help him open the passage, and he might risk going out of the city to break through. up.

  But can he break through the two defense lines of Fanhe Institute and Luolu Institute?

  Did Nurhachi intentionally set up such a ecstasy formation, not only to attract Cao Wenzhao from the south to encircle and fight for aid, but also to force Juniper to break out of the siege so that they can gather together in one fell swoop?

  Feng Ziying thinks this possibility is very high.

  Nurhachi had planned for a long time, and only waited for such an opportunity. I am afraid that his ambition is not limited to taking the two territories of Liaohaiwei and Tielingwei. I am afraid that eliminating the main force of the Liaodong Army is his biggest goal.

Excluding the 18,000 men of Juniper for the time being, Liaodong Town has been wiped out and defeated and lost more than 15,000 men in this battle. Zhongwei directly disappeared, but turned to Jianzhou Jurchen. This increase and decrease immediately put Liaodong Town's troops on the Liaohai, Tieling, and Shenyang Zhongwei lines at a disadvantage.

There are more than 4,000 people from the Jinyuhe Department, and more than 3,000 people from the Daijibin Department. The two departments add up to nearly 8,000 people. So far, the loss was less than 3,000 people, but it was supplemented by the Jin Yuhe Ministry and Dai Jibin Ministry, which increased to 43,000 people.

  By contrast, Liaodong Town has a total of less than 60,000 troops on this front line, and after losses and mutiny in World War I, the troops quickly dropped to a very dangerous situation, with less than 40,000 troops left.

In addition, the Jianzhou Jurchens have been planning for a long time, and they have the upper hand in terms of morale and tactics. Moreover, because of the surrender of Jin Yuhe and Dai Jibinbu, their supplies are no longer a problem. It can be said that they already have Gained the advantage of defeating Liaodong Town.

"..., the whole situation is like this. The most dangerous one right now is the Juniper Department. Although the morale is good, if it drags on for a month, its morale will decline rapidly. In addition, it is reported that once the Jianzhou Jurchen side discovered the artillery, such Heavy firearms pose a huge threat to siege, so this must be taken into consideration,..."

Yuan Huazhong’s considerations are quite thorough. Jianzhou Jurchen used to suppress the Liaodong Army with the advantage of riding and shooting, but Nurhachi’s acceptance of firearms was quite fast. Although limited by their own manufacturing capabilities and technology, they could not quickly expand their firearms troops. For the huge power of artillery, they used various means to obtain it.

Now the opponent has succeeded. With the artillery, it is not known whether they obtained the artillery from Liaodong Town through fighting and siege, or bought it from overseas through other smuggling channels, but no matter which channel they obtained it from, Both are a big threat, of course the latter is more dangerous.

  Yuan Huazhong's introduction came to an end, and the entire lobby was silent.

  Zhang Huaichang lowered his eyelids all the time, as if he was meditating or listening. Only then did he raise his eyes, "Wen Ruo, Fei Xiong, you two can add something."

  Yang Sichang took the initiative to ask Ying to serve as Yuanwailang from the Military Selection Department to the Zhifang Department, while Wang Yingxiong has been appointed as the head of the Military Selection Department, but the former did not target a certain war, while the latter focused on Southwest military affairs.

Yang Sichang nodded: "My lords, I don't think the Jianzhou Jurchen's offensive this time is a simple or ordinary attack. Although the Jianzhou Jurchen's offensives have become a routine in recent years, they rarely stopped their harassment last year. Offensive, this should be a very dangerous signal,..."

   I have to say that Yang Sichang's point of view is quite sharp and sharp, straight to the point.

"I think that this should be closely related to the North Fengzhou Bailian and Tumote Su Nang Department's teaming up with Koubian, and even Shanxi Bailian's incident, as well as Chahar Lindanbatur's imminent move and other changes. It can even be done irresponsibly. Forecast, are there any factors such as the Nanjing Puppet Dynasty and the Southwest Chieftain? I think there should be all of them, but the distance between them is too far. It's just high."

   Both Sun Chengzong and Feng Ziying nodded slightly in agreement, and Yang Sichang was even more excited.

"I thought that from a grand strategic point of view, the Jianzhou Jurchen may have established a tacit understanding and connection with the Tumets, Chahars, and Bailians, as well as others, but limited to the region and time, it is impossible for them to make a move Full movement, mutual cooperation and tacit understanding, like now Fengzhou Bailian and Tumut people move first, but Chahar people do not move, Jianzhou Jurchen launched an attack, but Nanjing Puppet Dynasty temporarily maintained peace with us, each The interests of different parties are not the same, this is their biggest problem, and it is also an opportunity for us to break through."

  Feng Ziying couldn't help but want to praise him aloud, but it's not appropriate at this time, and Yang Sichang might feel that he deliberately exaggerated himself to show himself.

   "That's very well said, the text is weak, how will it be implemented in the battle of Liaodong?" Zhang Huaichang was not bypassed, and went straight to the point.

Yang Sichang paused, "When it comes to the battle in Liaodong, we need to understand Nurhachi's strategic intentions. Is he going to take down the entire Liaodong Town in one go, or at least take down Shenyang Zhongwei and push the front line to the Sancha River? Mainly to eliminate the main force of Liaodong, not to fight for a city or land? Or have both intentions, choose the opportunity to move?"

   "I think the last one is too ideal, and Nurhachi will definitely feel that it can't be done, so I tend to defeat and eliminate the main force of Liaodong Town as its main intention."

  Yang Sichang's views are consistent with Feng Ziying's.

  Feng Ziying and Sun Chengzong exchanged glances, and they both saw the agreement in each other's eyes, and they felt relieved.

  Heroes see the same thing. As long as the internal opinions are unified, it will be much easier to formulate countermeasures. After all, the current Dazhou is not without cards.

"Wen Ruo, Brother Zhisheng and I both think what you said is not bad, so let me talk about your suggestions for the current battle situation, how to break Nurhachi's encirclement and reinforcements, or encircle three Queyi, this may be the key to our plan today It is." Feng Ziying looked at Yang Sichang, smiled and said: "Don't stick to one city and one place, you can even open your mind a little bit, Nurhachi designed us, we can also count on them instead of counting them."

  (end of this chapter)

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