Number of People

Chapter 2263: The Guizi scroll is easy to handle, and Xue Biao debuts

  Chapter 2263 Guizi Scroll is easy to handle, Xue Scorpion debuts

  Feng Ziying fell asleep and slept until almost noon before getting up.

   It is rare to relax and sleep unrestrainedly. Feng Ziying deserves the urge to lie in bed and not want to wake up.

There is no such opportunity in Shaanxi, there is almost no vacation for rest and bathing, and then it is all the way back, and after arriving in Tianjin Wei, I began to fall into the endless array of pomegranate skirts, powders, Busia Mara has extraordinary physical strength, and Wang Xifeng is carrying treasures Even Lin Hongyu wanted to come and fight for a while, and only by making herself perfect in skills can she pass the test.

  After returning to Beijing, fortunately, everyone can still maintain their reserve. Daiyu, Yixiu, and Baochai, the third wife, come in turn, and the others can only wait for a while.

Even so, the pouring out of a year's worth of affection and sweetness is not something that can be easily dealt with in ordinary seasons, and it is indispensable to throw Qiongyao in return for wood peaches. Fortunately, Baochai is the last one, and he has dedicated himself to death And then.

   Resting half-dream and half-awake with eyes closed, Feng Ziying heard small and hurried footsteps outside the door, not from Baochai, it should be Baoqin, probably asked a few words at the door, and finally left again.

   After all, she still had to get up. Feng Ziying got up from the bed and took two steps naked. Her whole body was still a little weak, but most of her energy and spirit had recovered.

   She moved her body a bit, and before he could call for someone, Yinger had already come in. Seeing Feng Ziying's situation, she quickly lowered her head: "Master, are you up? This servant is waiting for you to get dressed."

   "Yes." Feng Ziying took a look at this girl who was not in harmony with Qingwen, Zijuan, Jin Chuan'er and even Yuanyang. The name was nice, Golden Oriole.

   Beat the oriole, don't teach it to sing on the branches. When I cry, I startle my concubine's dream, and I can't get to the west of Liaoning.

It was this song "Spring Resentment" by Jin Changxu that made Feng Ziying have an impression of Yinger, Baochai, the personal maid in the book "A Dream of Red Mansions". Slowly emerged in my mind.

  If there is no accident, this girl will be taken over by herself sooner or later, just like Qingwen who has been taken over by herself is the maid next to Shen Yixiu, and Zijuan who is next to Daiyu who has not yet been taken over.

   This is a common practice, not as lustful as Feng Ziying.

   People like Qingwen, Zijuan, and Ying'er who can see everything about their master and wife's sexual affairs, and sometimes go to bed to help, how could they be allowed to go out and get married?

  Even the boys in the spouse’s house couldn’t do it, not to mention that they were used to a pampered life by their master’s side, and they could hardly adapt to such a poor life.

   "Yinger, how old are you this year?"

  Yinger is dexterous, and she is quite skilled in dressing and tying Feng Ziying's clothes.

Looking at the dark black hair on the temples trembling slightly because of squatting down in front of me, I don't know if I used Jingzhong Daqizheng or Guangweihe hair oil, a very simple wooden hairpin It is inserted obliquely between the temples, but the carving of the wooden hairpin is very delicate and exquisite.

   "The servants are with Qingwen and Zijuan for a year, and they are all nineteen." Yinger's heart trembled, but she continued to tidy up Feng Ziying's clothes, shoes and socks.

  The maids in the mansion are very different in age.

The big mandarin ducks, Ping'er, are all twenty-one, Xiangling, Siqi, and Jin Chuan'er are slightly smaller, and they are already over twenty, while the younger ones, Qingwen, Zijuan, and Yinger are all nineteen. Yun Chang is eighteen, Yu Chuan is seventeen, and even the youngest Snow Goose is sixteen.

   It seems that the Baoqin beside Yuan Chun is in his early twenties, bigger than the mandarin ducks.

  The smaller ones are the group of young opera actors who entered the Rongguo Mansion in the later period and were assigned to each family, such as Ling Guan, Fang Guan, Rui Guan, and Bao Guan, all of which were only sixteen, and some were even less than sixteen.

   "It's not too young." Feng Ziying responded casually, but Yinger's mind was full of thoughts, what does this mean?

  Yinger knew that she was not as close to Feng Ziying as Xiangling.

  Xiang Ling broke her body early when she followed Feng Ziying, which is naturally unusual, and later came back and married a girl. After the uncle and the girl are happy, they don't shy away from Xiangling even more.

  Many times, Xiangling would go to bed to help out when the girls were not supported, but she had never been like this before, which made Yinger feel a little bit self-pitying.

   Not daring to make a sound, Yinger carefully arranged Feng Ziying's clothes, and then brought a silver basin to wash and wipe Feng Ziying, and then tied her hair.

   Seeing this delicate and creamy pink dimple swaying in front of her face, with a lingering fragrance and bright eyes, Feng Ziying once again sighed in her heart, this era is really good for men.

  Of course this must be a successful man, future generations will never be able to enjoy such extravagant services.

  Looking at the bronze mirror, she was very satisfied. Feng Ziying was even more intuitively impressed by Yinger's dexterity.

   This girl is the best at weaving baskets with Ying Luo, and she is also very skilled at dressing and tying her clothes. She is a good master who serves people.

   "Okay, very good, I am very satisfied with Yinger's craftsmanship." Feng Ziying smiled, patted Yinger's buttocks again, and then went out and walked away.

   Only Yinger, whose heart was pounding and blushing, was left standing inside the door in a daze.

  Grandpa slapped his ass?

   How is this good?

  Girl know what to do?

  Do you want to tell the girl?

   For a while, Yinger was a little confused and at a loss for what to do.

   Xue Biao came back very quickly. Baoqin sent a special person to ride a horse to Tianjin Wei. He arrived on the same day. Xue Biao didn't dare to neglect when he got the news.

  Feng Ziying was resting in Daiyu's house, and after getting up, she heard Baoxiang say that Xue Biao had rushed back overnight.

  Feng Ziying and Daiyu also talked about Xue Biao at night.

  Although Daiyu dislikes Xue Baoqin, she has nothing against Xue Biao. She even thinks Xue Biao is very good, and she is completely different from Xue Baoqin.

"If the second master of the Xue family can really have such good luck and catch up with the opportunity given by the master, the Xue family should remember the kindness of the master when they turn around in the future." Daiyu accompanied Feng Ziying to have breakfast, and Zijuan was beside her Serve, interjected.

"It still depends on whether he has this ability. I can help him, but in the final analysis it depends on his own efforts. This is not like the usual three or five ships crossing the sea. There are dozens of ships at every turn. How to dispatch them? Settling in, sea weather, and docking at the pier are all very challenging. Although Brother Tiao has been busy with this aspect in the past few years, it is probably only one time for him on such a large scale, and it is normal to encounter some setbacks."

Serving Feng Ziying a bowl of goji berry and red date soup, Daiyu took another steamed cake for Feng Ziying, chewing slowly while saying: "Zijuan, give your girl a bowl of goat's milk, it's nourishing and nourishing. "

  Zijuan covered her mouth and smiled, "Only when the master comes back can he force the girl to drink goat milk. Usually, the girl is trying to cheat and refuse to drink when the master is not around..."

  Zijuan was exposed to the end. Seeing Feng Ziying's gaze, Lin Daiyu waved her hand to hit Zijuan, but Zijuan dodged it with a smile.

   Seeing that Feng Ziying was silent but just looking at her, Daiyu had no choice but to beg for forgiveness: "Don't be angry, my husband, I just drink it after I die."

   "Well, I'll add another bowl tonight." Feng Ziying nodded, and Daiyu was startled, and hurriedly said, "Sir, let's forget it at night, I really don't like the smell of goat milk..."

"That's fine. I'll just drink a bowl of colostrum at night." Feng Ziying said without hesitation. Once you are pregnant, this will allow the child to be well established in the womb, and you will be able to bear it when you give birth in the future."

  Feng Ziying knew Daiyu's thoughts very well, and told her to obey her orders obediently, so she could only start with what she valued the most.

"This goat's milk and bovine colostrum are the most nourishing. In addition, I also arranged for people to collect propolis and royal jelly, which can also help you strengthen your body. Don't wait until the baby is born, but you have no milk. Although there are wet nurses , but wouldn’t it be a pity if you can’t breastfeed your own baby?”

   What Daiyu said made Daiyu's cheeks blush and her beautiful eyes flow, but she never refuted.

  Zijuan was also admiring in his heart, the uncle is still very good, the girl refused to drink after persuading him like that, after these few words, the girl obediently obeyed.

   The conversation with Xue Biao didn't take long.

It can be seen that Xue Biao is no longer Amon under Wu, whether it is introducing the shipping conditions of Dagu and Yuguan, or the ability to raise ships, as well as the wharf construction at Niuzhuang, and even the road conditions from Niuzhuang to Shenyang , Xue scorpion knows everything well.

"Brother tadpole, I know the basic situation. Give me a fair evaluation. I am very satisfied. I also hope that the cooperation between you and the imperial court will be a complete success for the first time. I am not in charge of the driver department. , but this time Lord Shangshu handed it over to me, I hope you can live up to this matter and do it well, I will give you ten days, you raise fifty boats from Dagu and Yuguan, and within ten days you will go north The front line army must board the ship and go to sea, and must arrive at Niuzhuang within 20 days, I have left some allowance for you, but this task is also very heavy, and there is no delay."

Xue Biao silently calculated, and then raised his eyes: "Don't worry, brother, I have eight boats in Dagu at present, and I estimate that I can get five or six boats in three days. In addition, I can rent a boat immediately within three days. About 15 to 20 items, and the other 15 to 20 items may need to be rented from Yuguan. I will go back to Dagu in a while, and first implement this matter. In addition, the northern line at Yuguan I will also send someone to contact the Legion, and I would like to ask the eldest brother to say hello to the Northern Front Legion first, so that it will be easier to connect,..."

Feng Ziying also readily agreed: "This is what it should be. The order from the Ministry of War has been issued, and it will be sent to Shanhaiguan today. It will take some time for them to assemble, so how to connect here and deliver it in the most efficient way." , including food and grass, you have to take it into consideration.”

  (end of this chapter)

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