Number of People

Chapter 2265: Guizi Juan Harem Intervention, Wu Zhao Style

  Chapter 2265 Guizi scroll harem intervening in politics, the style of Wu Zhao

Seeing Mei Yuexi's gloomy and murderous expression, Dai Quan smiled wryly: "Madam, it's not that this old slave is unwilling to make an idea, but the problem is that we have too little influence on the cabinet now, and the Supreme Emperor is fueling the flames. If Prince Yizhong If you are really willing to back down and make some compromises, the cabinet will probably agree. After all, for the cabinet, whoever becomes the emperor is a descendant of the Zhang family, and they are all the same,..."

  Dai Quan's words were the truth, but they were the words Mei Yuexi didn't want to hear the most.

  They are all descendants of the Zhang family, which are similar to the cabinet, but to their own family, the difference is too great, and it is even a matter of life and death.

  It's normal for the descendants of the Tian family to fight with each other and cook beans and burn beans. With the resentment accumulated in the heart of the prince who has been loyal to the prince for 20 years, but his dream has finally come to nothing, can he still have a good look at the sons of Emperor Yonglong?

   Besides, the cabinet can allow Prince Yizhong to ascend the throne, and once Prince Yizhong passes away, the sons of Emperor Yonglong can also ascend the throne. If you want to understand this, how can Prince Yizhong not kill King Lu and the others?

   "Then tell me, how can Nanjing and the cabinet fail to negotiate success?" Mei Yuexi gritted her teeth, and she had to do it no matter how difficult it was, otherwise it would be a failure, or even a catastrophe.

"Unless the two sides can't agree on the conditions, for example, the conditions offered by Nanjing are too high, or the cabinet thinks that it will be easier to conquer Jiangnan and will not affect the overall situation..." Dai Quan said slowly while thinking: "Or , the Nanjing side feels that the current situation of the imperial court is more difficult, and there are requests from the Nanjing side, such as the Mongol invasion, the dangerous situation in Liaodong, etc...."

"I know what you said, but how come they can't reach an agreement, or even refuse to give in to each other, until the situation breaks down, and the court insists on fighting?" Mei Yuexi said fiercely: "I don't believe how long Nanjing can last, then Chen Jixian Is there a way to buy it and let it directly capture Nanjing?"

"Mother, the matter is not that simple. It is not impossible for Chen Jixian to capture Nanjing, but can the imperial court allow him to be a warrior to hold the military power all the time? Maybe the imperial court will change the commander-in-chief of Huaiyang Town as soon as he captures Nanjing. How can he not?" Didn't he want to make wedding clothes for others? He wouldn't have thought of that." Dai Quan shook his head again and again.

   "Could it be that Prince Yizhong can tolerate the existence of military leaders like Chen Jixian and Feng Tang when he ascends the throne?" Mei Yuexi is very smart, and she understands everything by analogy.

"It is reasonable to say that it cannot be tolerated, but if Prince Yizhong wants to fight against the cabinet, he may have to rely on these military leaders." Dai Quan hesitated: "It depends on whether there is any relationship between the military leaders and Prince Yizhong." There is some tacit understanding. Looking at it now, Chen Jixian must have hooked up with Prince Yizhong, but it is not like Feng Tang. After all, Feng Keng is already the right servant of the Ministry of War. It is only a matter of time before he enters the cabinet to pay homage. It is necessary to delay his son's bright future for this little military power."

   This is a pertinent statement, but Mei Yuexi is completely indifferent to any words that may lead to the failure of King Lu's succession to the throne, and is focused on disrupting the negotiations between the imperial court and Nanjing.

"If it is necessary to disrupt the negotiations between the imperial court and Nanjing, there is no way out. For example, let the Northwest Army increase its efforts to defeat the Niu-Sun Allied Army. It is best to directly capture Jiangnan, or the gentry in Jiangnan will fall to the imperial court. Then Nanjing will lose the capital to negotiate with the imperial court,..." Dai Quan pondered for a while, "Two-pronged approach, the effect will definitely be better."

Mei Yuexi became interested, "If the Northwest Army can promise Feng Tang that if he can take down Nanjing, he will be named the Duke of the state and will not be replaced by hereditary, how about it? Jiangnan gentry, this is a bit difficult, even Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe The gentry leaders who were born in the south of the Yangtze River can't handle the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, so who else can?"

Dai Quan saw it a little deeper than Mei Yuexi, "The gentry in the south of the Yangtze River can't be said to be monolithic. There is a group of gentry who inherit their families from the land, and there is another group of gentry who have become rich through industrial and commercial industries, including those maritime merchants. There are many overlaps between these two groups. The former is the most important supporter of Nanjing, but the latter may not be. Some support Nanjing, while others have vague attitudes. Some people actually hope to reach a compromise with the imperial court. Or those who support the imperial court in their hearts, as far as I know, the implementation of the imperial court's policy of opening up the sea won the favor and support of many industrial and commercial gentry,..."

"The strategy to open the sea? This seems to be proposed by Feng Keng, right? Doesn't that mean that Feng Keng is also very popular among the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River?" Mei Yuexi asked in surprise: "Then this father and son is quite interesting. Ah, one is the commander-in-chief of the Northwest Army who fought against the south of the Yangtze River, and the other is a civil servant who is quite popular with the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River. Both the civil and military, the soft and the hard, are all covered by their father and son."

  Dai Quan was taken aback for a moment, then took a second look, it seems that this is really the case, who made this father and son so strange, went to two extremes.

"As far as I know, Feng Keng is indeed very popular in the south of the Yangtze River, especially the Fujian and Zhejiang sea merchants and those tea merchants, factory owners and workshop owners, such as porcelain kiln owners in Jiangxi, silk merchants in Suzhou and Hangzhou, and salt merchants in Yangzhou. Of course, there are Dongting Merchant Gang, Longyou Merchant Gang, Hui Merchants, and Anfu Chamber of Commerce, all of whom are related to Feng Keng. Of course, those who support Feng Keng the most are Shanxi merchants, and some of them are also Yangzhou salt merchants..."

Dai Quan's words made Mei Yuexi more interested, "So the imperial court can let Feng Keng to win over and divide the Jiangnan gentry. Once the Jiangnan gentry is divided and disintegrated, Nanjing will collapse immediately. Without them, would the imperial court not have thought of this?"

Dai Quan shook his head, "The imperial court can definitely think of it, but this matter is not as simple as what the empress said. Those gentry who make their living from the land firmly support Nanjing. Although those maritime merchants and factory owners are inclined to the imperial court , but they are non-mainstream, unwilling to express their attitude, they are more willing to observe the situation, and wait until the dust settles before joining the team, even if they may pay more, but they avoid the risk of death if they join the wrong team.”

   It should be said that Dai Quan has been by Emperor Yuanxi's side and has followed Emperor Yuanxi for decades, so he has a thorough understanding of the conditions and mentality of the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River.

Although the power of industry and commerce among the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River has been growing in recent years, they have always been in a non-mainstream position. Compared with those landlords who rely on land rent for a living, they have insufficient voice and influence in the local area, especially the The inland areas, where land and clan are the ties, are even more vulnerable.

   Only in metropolises and port cities such as Yangzhou, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Quanzhou, and Jinling, can the industrial and commercial forces gain the upper hand.

But it is undeniable that with the implementation of the strategy of opening the sea, the power of industry and commerce expanded rapidly, including a considerable number of original landlords who began to take the initiative to set up workshops or engage in trade. Dai Quan also felt this point, but he was limited In the past few years, he has been in the Beijing Palace, and he has not had much contact with Jiangnan, so he can't feel it intuitively.

"Dai Quan, maybe we should contact the Feng family?" Mei Yuexi hesitated and said, "I feel that the Feng family straddles both civil servants and military generals, and they are all in high positions. I'm afraid it will become more and more useful, and it deserves to be taken care of." Make friends."

Dai Quan thought about it for a while, and nodded in agreement: "Indeed, I was a little negligent before. Feng Keng turned out to be the Chancellor of Shuntian Prefecture. Although he was famous, he still couldn't affect the center. Who would have thought that he would be the governor of Shaanxi, so clean and tidy?" The land has settled the chaos in Shaanxi, and now it has directly entered the center, and its influence has increased all of a sudden. The Xiande Concubine seems to be related to him by marriage. The empress might as well show her favor to him, depending on her attitude..., but, this is for The current negotiation between the imperial court and Nanjing is not of much help."

  Mei Yuexi lowered her head and walked back and forth a little dejectedly, finally raised her head again, clenched her fists and gritted her teeth, and looked at Dai Quan, "Dai Quan, this matter can't just be left as it is, we have to take action!"

   "The old slave listened to his mother's orders, and he was smashed to pieces, and he would not hesitate to do so." Dai Quan quickly expressed his loyalty.

"I reckon that the negotiation between the imperial court and Nanjing will not be so easy to succeed. Once Prince Yizhong wants to succeed Dabao, the forces of all parties in the court will definitely be reshuffled. Many people will definitely find it difficult to maintain their positions. Are they not worried or opposed? We have to act immediately to see who is the leader in this, and whether we can help them, or help them mediate and unite to make efforts, and those who support the negotiations with Nanjing To find out what their intentions are, do they really feel that the court is unsustainable, or is it out of self-interest? If it is the former, can you find a way to dispel their worries, if it is the latter, it will be easier, and lure them Eli, give them any promise!"

  Dai Quan's heart shuddered, and at the same time, he was also a little moved. This person really has the demeanor of Empress Lu and Wu Zhao. He can figure out so many ways in such a short time.

  But it’s easier said than done. If you really want to impress these civil servants in the court, you have to come up with the benefits of real money. Just some promises, I’m afraid it’s not easy.

  However, he also agrees with Mei Yuexi's point of view. I am afraid that this negotiation will not be successful overnight. Unless there is a major change, the court will not be able to sustain it, but it seems that it has not yet reached that point.

As long as the court feels confident, it will definitely not easily make too many concessions to Prince Yizhong, and Prince Yizhong must also hope that the situation will change in a direction that is beneficial to them, so they will negotiate with the cabinet. You can ask for better terms.

  In this situation, there is indeed a lot of room for manipulation. Mei Yuexi's sense of smell is quite keen, and she immediately noticed the gap here.

  Since Mei Yuexi has made a statement, Dai Quan naturally has to obey. He has been in and out of the palace for decades, so he naturally has some contacts, otherwise he would not be valued by Mei Yuexi, so he must act now.

  (end of this chapter)

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