Number of People

Chapter 2273: The Truth of the Guizi Juan Road, Ziying Wants to Intervene

  Chapter 2273 The Truth of the Guizi Juan Road, Ziying Wants to Intervene

  In the silence, an official came in and quietly handed Zhang Huaichang a document.

Zhang Huaichang opened it and handed it to Sun Chengzong. After browsing, Sun Chengzong nodded and handed it to Feng Ziying, saying: "Okay, Li Qing has already sent a letter. He has discussed with Yang Yuan and Chai Guozhu. The idea is the same, temporarily abandoning southern Shanxi, as long as Taiyuan is defended, we will do our best to eliminate Fengzhou Bailian in northern Shanxi, and expel the Tumot people."

  Since Yuan Keli made such a decision, the Ministry of War can only support it. Of course, it will also send a letter to Yuan Keli to remind him that there is no room for loss in Taiyuan. This is the bottom line.

  As for the counties south of Taiyuan, the implication is that Yuan Keli can make decisions at his own discretion, and he can give up if necessary.

After reading Yuan Keli's letter, Feng Ziying pondered for a while: "I wrote a letter to Bu Shitu to get him to move. Since he is the king of Shunyi who was conferred by the court, there is no reason for him to watch Su Nang's rebellion and remain indifferent. Wang might as well just give Su Nang, at least it can comfort Su Nang,..."

  The Feng family has a very close relationship with the Tumet people, both Zhang Huaichang and Sun Chengzong know about it.

Because of the long-standing dispute between Bu Shitu and Su Nang, Bu Shitu won the throne of Shunyi King, and Su Nang's court gave a conciliatory General Dragon and Tiger, but Su Nang was obviously dissatisfied. He is stronger and should be the king of Shunyi, but Bu Shitu is older, and he thinks that the throne of Shunyi should be his for granted.

   "Well, this is the best way. Send a letter to urge Bu Shitu. Even if you don't really fight, just make a show, at least you can force Su Nang to withdraw his troops and go back to the grassland. Let's concentrate our efforts to eliminate Fengzhou Bailian and the gang of thieves!"

  Zhang Huaichang gritted his teeth and was extremely angry. The deterioration of the situation in Shanxi would definitely involve Liaodong, making the imperial court clumsy. It is no wonder that Nanjing became more aggressive when negotiating with the imperial court.

"The gangsters of the White Lotus Sect have become a serious problem. This is the case in Shanxi. I am afraid that there may be outbreaks in Beizhili and Shandong. Fengzhou Bailian has become their role model. Therefore, we must first get rid of Fengzhou Bailian. The gangsters are completely defeated!"

"Brother Li Qing has no problem dealing with the situation in the north of Shanxi. If the chaos in the south of Shanxi can be stopped in the south of Taiyuan, the situation will definitely be better in the end, but this also depends on the entry of the Shaanxi Guards and Guyuan Army. Nan's speed and rhythm, Ziying, you just came back, judging by your posture, you have already made preparations, otherwise you would not have stationed the Tongguan Guards in Puzhou. ,How much time is needed?"

  Sun Chengzong asked directly.

"Half a month." Feng Ziying thought for a while, "Zhao Qianshan and the Mangui tribe can go north in Puzhou first. Ma Jinbao's Guyuan army is already ready to stop, and they can immediately order them to cross the river and enter the south of Shanxi. Camp and Yueshan Camp may be slightly slower, but there should be no problem entering Jinnan within a month."

Zhang Huaichang and Sun Chengzong were very satisfied. Feng Ziying brought good news as soon as he arrived. Within a month, more than 20,000 troops can enter the south of Shanxi to fight, so that Yuan Keli will have no worries. Then the situation in Shanxi will be promising. All the previous worries You can also let it go.

"If that's the case, then immediately go to the Puzhou Department to go up first, hold back the Jinnan rebel army, prevent the Jinnan rebel army from attacking Taiyuan with all its strength, and also order the Guyuan army to go north quickly, and completely eliminate these rebellious troops in the south of Taiyuan. "Zhang Huaichang made a decision.

  Feng Ziying did not mention Qiu Zixiong for the time being.

He considered that the situation was not out of control. Although the Zijin Liang Department of the Jinnan Rebellion Army seemed to be very powerful, it was actually based on the relatively weak situation of the Jinnan imperial army. The army of Shanxi Town was formed only after it belonged, and its essence is still a guard army, so it suffered setbacks.

  His letter to Qiu Zixiong also asked him not to rush to expand the scale now, not to recruit it at random to join the rebellion army, but to spend energy on controlling this army, strengthen training by the way, and improve combat effectiveness.

  Once the situation is ripe, let him change his banner immediately, or even make a counterattack, and give a severe blow to the so-called "quasi-allies" such as Zijin Liangbu or Fengzhou Bailian.

  After the discussion, Feng Ziying stayed and asked Sun Chengzong to stay. The three chief officers of the Ministry of War were all present, and Feng Ziying put forward some of her ideas on the reform of the Ministry of War.

Faced with the current increasingly tense situation, it seems that everyone is dissatisfied with the current situation, everyone feels stretched, and everyone has ideas for reform. Therefore, Zhang Huaichang and Sun Chengzong are not surprised by some of Feng Ziying's ideas. It is the generation who are unwilling to be lonely, if they really want to stay in the military department and follow the steps, it will be abnormal.

"The Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies should be reformed. My opinion is that its general training functions should be directly stripped out to make the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies completely virtual. In fact, according to my original intention, it is directly abolished. I am just worried that there will be too much opposition. The combat effectiveness of the guards is uneven, and the Ministry of War does not have a special department to deal with supervision. The five-army governor's office is overstaffed and has not been supervised at all, so this part of the training function is brought back, and it has to be performed,..."

Feng Ziying's opinion is quite normal. The five military governors' offices are all dead tigers. The training function was originally on their side, but in fact it was delegated to the provincial capitals. The supervision and guidance of the Ministry of War is not effective. Feng Ziying has a deep understanding of this in Shaanxi. That's why it is required to change this state. The assessment of the capital is to use the combat effectiveness of the guards and the scale and degree of training as the detailed standards.

   "In addition, I suggest reorganizing the Beijing Camp and the Shangsanqin Army." Feng Ziying's words aroused the interest of Zhang Huaichang and Sun Chengzong.

   "The reorganization of the Beijing camp is plausible, but the Shang Sanqin Army, Ziying, they have always been only responsible for guarding the palace, and they are also controlled by the emperor. What is the basis for reorganizing the Sanqin Army?" Sun Chengzong glanced at Zhang Huaichang and asked in a deep voice.

"The Ministry of War has the power to control the entire imperial army. The Chariot Division is not only responsible for the post and transportation, but also responsible for the guards of honor and guards. However, the Chariot Division of the Military Ministry has never fulfilled this duty, and the emperor is in charge of it privately. This has also caused many problems. , As far as I know, the palace ban is extremely chaotic, the harem concubines are vying to bribe the palace guards, and the internal servants have a close relationship with the officials of the Shangsanqin Army. You are a typical example, if it wasn't for the incompetence of the three relatives, how could the emperor be severely injured by this assassination, and in this state, the imperial court is forced to negotiate with the puppet court in Nanjing, what's the point of this?!"

   Zhang Huaichang laughed. This guy has spared such a big circle, but he is actually expressing his dissatisfaction with the negotiation between the court and Nanjing in disguise, or he is dissatisfied with the fact that he has not participated in the negotiation between the court and Nanjing.

Sun Chengzong also understood, and he also stroked his beard and smiled. He was also dissatisfied with this. As the two servants of the Ministry of War who were still fighting with Nanjing, they did not know the inside story and progress of the negotiations between the imperial court and Nanjing. It is said that the negotiators were actually the Ministry of Rites Man sent, this is just plain ridiculous.

"Hehe, Zhisheng, Ziying, there is indeed a negotiation between the imperial court and Nanjing, and I know it too, but let's talk about it, whether it can be negotiated, and to what extent it can be reached, it's hard to say now, I'm not too Optimistic, but even if it is to be negotiated, I think it will be beneficial to us,..."

   When Zhang Huaichang said the last sentence "we", he strengthened his tone. Both Sun Chengzong and Feng Ziying understood that this "we" not only refers to the imperial court, but more likely refers to "scholars" and "civilian officials".

"Mr. Huaichang, we have no objection to the talks, but at least someone from our military department should participate, right? If you can't fight back on the battlefield, you can't talk about it on the negotiating table. This principle is clear. In the final analysis, it depends on how we fight on the battlefield. Decided, of course I also understand the difficulties of the court, for example, Chen Jixian is at the first two ends of the rat, Wang Ziteng has entered Nanzhili again to add variables, and now the Jianzhou Jurchen and White Lotus Sect in the north are playing demons again. , but if you don’t show enough strength, Nanjing will definitely be whimsical and ask for prices. Let me tell you, if Prince Yizhong wants to sit on the throne, it’s not impossible, but he has to make an agreement with us and our civil court. ..."

  Feng Ziying's words frightened both Zhang Huaichang and Sun Chengzong. Both of them subconsciously looked around. There was no one else. Zhang Huaichang was relieved and frowned: "Ziying, be careful."

"My lord, isn't it just the three of us? I'm just telling the truth. Prince Yizhong is bound together with Tang Binyin, Miao Changqi, Gu Tianjun, and other scholars from the south of the Yangtze River. We can only share adversity, not prosperity. We all understand this truth." I understand, isn't Prince Yizhong just wanting to transfer the inheritance of the throne to his lineage? After being a prince for 20 years, it must be very uncomfortable and unwilling to be taken away by the emperor after being a prince for twenty years. Now the emperor is unconscious , his health is getting worse, of course he has to think about it, the establishment of the Nanjing Puppet Dynasty is actually to see if he can use the power of Jiangnan to regain Zhengshuo, if not, then it would be good to simply sell Jiangnan and return to the throne. ..."

  Feng Ziying explained the truth here in a concise and easy-to-understand way. Both Zhang Huaichang and Sun Chengzong couldn't help laughing. Although everyone understands this truth, you can't say it so straightforwardly. This is too hurt the dignity of the Tian family.

However, I don’t have a good impression of the courtiers of the Yizhong Dynasty, because their personality is a bit like the early Emperor Yuanxi, but thinking that Prince Yizhong is now in his fifties, and besides his good health, he has also shown some signs of aging and sickness, so The cabinet and the civil servants of the court also felt that it was possible to talk about it. Anyway, it was the Zhang family who was going around, and there was nothing unacceptable. For the sake of the overall situation, the rebels such as the Jianzhou Jurchen, Mongols, and White Lotus Sect should not be allowed to take advantage of it.

  (end of this chapter)

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