Number of People

Chapter 2292: Kui character volume Li Wei, lift Qi

  Chapter 2292 Kui character scroll Li Wei, lift Qi

  All the generals had serious faces, and their hearts turned cold.

  Both Zhao Lijiao and Cao Wenzhao used to be Feng Tang's subordinates, but their impression of Feng Ziying is still vague.

The only son of this old boss, he is too young, but he is the right servant of the Ministry of War, and he is also a supervisor. Every plant and every tree is under its jurisdiction.

Zhao Ledjiao has dealt with Feng Ziying, but his impression of Feng Ziying is still a template of a young scholar, quick-witted, quite intelligent, famous in the imperial examination, and has some understanding of the situation in Liaodong, but the rest is basically from hearsay .

Cao Wenzhao's impression of Feng Ziying is more complicated. After all, Feng Ziying in his impression is completely like a child. He didn't have much contact time when he suppressed the rebellion in Ningxia, and he felt that Feng Ziying had grown up and walked the road of a civil servant. , others are also very shallow.

But now, just this one word of speech makes everyone here understand that the previous impressions of this person can be forgotten. He is the master of this battlefield, and he can take the life and power of anyone present. give away.

   In just a few words, he started to turn his face, with a murderous intent, obviously extremely dissatisfied with the situation in Liaodong.

"I know all kinds of problems in Liaodong Town before, and I don't even deny that my father also had all kinds of malpractices when he was the commander-in-chief in Liaodong. Factions, township parties, and families. When dealing with these problems, I have only one task. To win this battle and rescue the Juniper Department, the ones standing in front of us are the Jianzhou Army of the Yilu Institute and the Fanhe Institute. How to solve them is up to me and responsibilities here.”

Feng Ziying's tone was low, but she was full of strength, "I think everyone here should have some ideas on how to win this battle. Facing the map sand table, I want to hear everyone's opinions. I still say that , The speaker is not guilty. At this time, anyone can express their opinions, how to fight, and what kind of support is needed. They can be open and honest. I am willing to listen carefully, but if anyone does not speak at this time, they decide how to fight afterwards, and they will be shaken again. Military heart, then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

   Soon the map was hung up, and a huge sand table was quickly assembled in the center of the hall. The entire geographical terrain of Liaodong was vividly displayed in front of the eyes, including rivers, mountains, forests, grasslands, pass cities, roads and wild lands, all emerged one by one.

   This was specially prepared by Feng Ziying from the official secretary. Compared with the map and sand table in Liaodong Town, the level of detail may be similar, but the degree of sophistication is not the same.

"This sand table may have some changes compared with the current battle situation. You can mark it out at that time, but relying on this sand table, you can intuitively understand the Jianzhou Army we are facing. The small green flag is the Jianzhou Army, and the small red flag is the Jianzhou Army. In our army, there are about 3,000 soldiers with a small red flag, and about 1,000 soldiers with a smaller flag..." Wu Yaoqing began to explain.

  Everyone is attracted by this sand table. It's not that they haven't seen a sand table before, and they even use it often, but it's the first time they have seen such a well-made sand table.

  Especially marking the armies of each ministry in the form of small flags is more intuitive.

"There are more than 11,000 people in the Jianzhou Army at the front of Yilu. It is reported that the chief general should be E Yidu, Hu Erhan is the deputy, and there is also one on the west side. It is reported that the chief general is Fei Yingdong, and Mang Gurtai is the deputy. . . . "

  Wu Yaoqing started pointing on the sand table with a wooden whip.

   Hearing that one of Feng Ziying's aides knew so much about the enemy's situation on the opposite side, Zhao Ledjiao, Liu Ting and Zu's brothers were all shocked, and Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong were also shocked.

On the contrary, You Shilu's face is normal. As early as in Jizhen, he knew that Feng Ziying had many connections, not to mention the Long Jinwei, Zhifangsi, and Pedestrians, but also the Yehe tribe and Neikha people on the grasslands of Eastern Mongolia. His eyeliner, coupled with the fact that there must be his father's contacts in Liaodong Town, and he is now the right servant of the Ministry of War, as long as he puts his mind to it, it is not surprising that he is familiar with the situation in Liaodong.

   "Daishan is currently retreating to Huabaochong, because he suffered a relatively large loss in this part in the early stage, so it can be regarded as a rest,..."

  Feng Ziying interrupted Wu Yaoqing's introduction: "Is there any Jianzhou Army outside the east wall of Huabaochong and Sanchaerbao?"

Wu Yaoqing hesitated for a moment, "I'm afraid the small Jianzhou Jurchens will be unavoidable, but the weather is cold, and the established Jianzhou Army will not operate on this line, because the side wall of this line is actually worthless now, so the established The Jianzhou Army has basically retreated to the front lines of Huabaochong and Sanchaer Fort, after all, relying on the original forts, they have much better conditions for obtaining supplies."

   These words made Zhao Sratejiao and Cao Wenzhao's faces hot.

You must know that Huabaochong and Sanchaerbao, including Fu'an Fort further north, are important fortresses in the east of Liaodong Town, but now from the southernmost Hoi'an Fort all the way north to Sanchaerbao, Huabaochong, Fu'an Fort and Chaihe Fort have either fallen into the hands of Jianzhou Jurchen, or have been captured and abandoned. It can be said that the entire east of Shenyang, from Fushun Station to the east, has basically become a smooth way for the Jianzhou Army to enter and exit freely.

   Of course, Feng Ziying’s father is also responsible for this. Fushunguan has been unstable since Li Yongfang’s rebellion. That battle dealt an extremely heavy blow to the entire Shenyang Zhongwei.

The defense system between Fushun Pass and Fushun Station was completely destroyed, and nearly ten thousand Han people in the more important Fushun Station were taken away, many of them were craftsmen and farmers. Although Feng Tang tried hard to rebuild and restore, the loss However, the population can no longer make up for it, and without the population, the defense system on this line will appear to be quite weak.

  So in the later period, Cao Wenzhao also felt that this side had become a weakness of Shenyang Zhongwei, so he had to send more troops to garrison this line.

I just didn't expect Nurhachi to be so courageous this time, and launched a full-scale attack on Liaodong Town and even Yehe tribe from three directions. The siege was at stake, and the lines of Fanhe and Yilu were also controlled by the Jianzhou army. The entire salient part of Liaodong Town that separated Jianzhou Jurchen into two large areas disappeared.

If it was said that the main camp of Jianzhou Jurchen had to go across Anlezhou to Liaohetao, and had to bypass the Dachuanghuerhe River, now they can go directly from Guangshunguan, Chaihebao, Songshan advance westward from the fort, for the whole of this salient is already in their hands.

It can even be said that no matter what the outcome of this battle is, Liaodong Town has suffered heavy losses, and the heavy loss of territory is a foregone conclusion. In a sense, Cao Wenzhao's removal is a matter of course. Responsibility, it should be said that allowing him to go to Denglei Town is already a lenient punishment.

After this battle, the center of gravity of Jianzhou Jurchen will definitely move westward quickly. If Nurhachi dares to take risks and has greater ambitions, Tieling Acropolis will become its new administrative and economic center. If Nurhachi is more conservative, he will also move the center from Hetuala Moved to Anlezhou (Liaohaiwei).

Noticing the flushed faces of Zhao Liaojiao and Cao Wenzhao, Feng Ziying sneered: "If you still feel a little ashamed, look at the northernmost Qingyang Fort, Zhenbei Pass to Weiyuan Fort, Guangshun Pass, and Fushun Pass. Guandu has fallen under the control of the Jianzhou Jurchen, do you feel like you have a blade on your body?"

All the generals were silent, but they all bowed their heads in dejection. This is such an aggrieved battle, and it is really unsatisfactory to fight. People like Liu Ting, He Renlong and others all clenched their fists with expressions of resentment. .

This can be said to be the biggest failure that Liaodong Town has suffered in so many years. The time at Fushun Pass can also be said to be caused by Li Yongfang's unexpected rebellion, but this time it is really facing Jianzhou Jurchen's three-sided siege of Liaodong Town Zhenzhen. What's more, I can't continue.

Of course, there are evil consequences brought about by the discord between Cao Wenzhao, He Renlong and the Liaodong generals, but it is undeniable that Jianzhou Jurchen really has the strength to defeat Liaodong Town head-on, and it is to break through the defensive fortifications of Liaodong Town. strength of the city.

Now that Tielingwei is lost, Yilu and Fanhe will become the front line of the confrontation between Jianzhou Jurchen and Liaodong Town, and Shenyang Zhongwei’s original layout of the rear suddenly becomes the front line. Next, Nurhachi wants to plot Liaodong Town, its attack point must be Shenyang, and it is determined to win.

"I feel like everyone is still a little tingling, or that everyone is still a little unwilling and unconvinced. I feel a little more at ease. If anyone thinks that the situation in Liaodong is like this, we have lost the border wall now. The advantage of defending against the enemy has lost the vital bridgehead of Anle Prefecture. The population, supplies, and Jianzhou Jurchen have all increased significantly. One goes down and the other goes up. We are now more vulnerable and morale is lower. People with this kind of mentality go out now, I will not blame him, because the facts he said are just that he has lost his courage, but he is no longer suitable to be a general in Liaodong Town,..."

  Feng Ziying's bayonet-like eyes lingered over the generals standing upright on both sides, as if looking for those who he believed to be unqualified in his heart.

  Whether it is the leading generals like Zhao Ledjiao, or the "guest generals" like Cao Wenzhao and You Shilu, they all raise their heads and chests up and look straight at them, no longer bowing their heads as before.

"Well, it seems that our generals in Liaodong Town are still a little manly, but I still have a word of advice, go now, I promise in the name of the supervisor, I will never pursue it, but I can no longer be a general in Liaodong, but if If I don’t leave now, when I issue a military order that must be executed in the future, whoever pushes back and disrupts the morale of the army, starting with Zhao Ledjiao and Cao Wenzhao, no matter who they are, they will definitely be executed!”

  Feng Ziying's voice was cold, as if squeezed out of a crack in the ice, piercing through the bones.

  (end of this chapter)

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