Number of People

Chapter 2307: Kuizi Scroll Tieling Acropolis, Desperate Battle (Third

  Chapter 2307 Guizi Scroll Tieling Acropolis, Desperate Battle (third update!)

   Juniper stared directly at the city with anxious eyes, seeing the Jianzhou Army suddenly turning fierce, he was both worried and happy in his heart.

   What is worrying is that the onslaught of the Jianzhou Army has increased the pressure on him.

  He didn't know if the soldiers who had been guarding for more than two months could still hold on. The walls and defense system of the Tieling Acropolis were passable, but they were far inferior to Shenyang.

  My 18,000 soldiers have come here from Anle Prefecture, and now there are less than 10,000 people left. More than 8,000 brothers fell on the road of fighting and staying along the way and in the Tieling guard battle.

  Happily, there is finally a glimmer of light.

  Before Zhao Liaojiao wrote a letter saying that the imperial court would never give up on them. Juniper didn't quite believe it, but he had to believe it.

  He was not the defender of Anle Prefecture, but he led reinforcements but was besieged by the Jianzhou Army.

  Now that Anle Prefecture is lost, I want to evacuate, but I can't get away. I can't go all the way to Tieling Acropolis, so I have to rely on Tieling Acropolis to hold on.

  He was also very glad that he had made this decision decisively, otherwise his more than 10,000 people would have been defeated or even wiped out between Fanhe and Yilu.

  Defending the Tieling Acropolis is a great achievement, of course he knows it, but he also understands that it doesn't make much sense to keep the Tieling Acropolis.

  Both side walls have been controlled by the Jurchens. The Acropolis of Tieling is a lonely city, besieged on all sides. The only thing he has to do is to bring back these ten thousand sons, which is his responsibility.

  The Jianzhou army originally wanted to starve themselves to death, but now they suddenly wanted to take down the Tieling Acropolis at any cost. This change in strategy must have been brought about by changes in external conditions.

   What else could be the reason? Of course, reinforcements are coming.

   Zhao Ledjiao’s last letter mentioned that the imperial court sent Xiao Feng, the governor, to command Liaodong, and that the Northern Army Corps had already arrived in Shenyang.

  At the same time, Governor Xiao Feng also ordered Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong to return to Shenyang, and to work together to fight this battle and rescue themselves.

  Cao Wenzhao's unruliness and He Renlong's arrogance and juniper have some experience. These two had already fallen out with him in Liaodong, and they didn't even say a word. Now they are trying their best to save themselves?

   Juniper doesn't quite believe it, but he holds some hope.

  Supervisor, the son of Feng Tang, the right servant of the Ministry of War, and he was promoted from the famous governor of Shaanxi. This status is completely different from any civil servant who commanded the army in the past.

  If Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong didn’t want to be put on by Feng Keng in the future, offend the Feng family, and leave a bad impression on the military department of the imperial court and even civil servants in the future, he had to obey orders and go all out.

Juniper has been guarding the Tieling Acropolis for two months and has already understood that this is a big net set by Nurhachi, and he is the bait in the middle of the big net. He wants to use himself to attract the Liaodong Army, the Northern Front Army and Cao He The second department came to help, eating up these reinforcements one bite at a time.

  The imperial court should also understand this point, but understanding it does not mean that it can be cracked or avoided.

This time, Nurhachi used all the Jurchen troops in Jianzhou to fight, because he saw that there were many external and internal troubles in the Great Zhou Dynasty, so he wanted to take this opportunity to make a fortune. However, how the court responds, and if it does not respond effectively, it will be a disaster. .

  Years of life and death on the battlefield have made Juniper look down on life and death, and the only thing he can't let go of is this ten thousand sons.

  So when an opportunity arises, he is also eager to seize it.

   Now it seems that the Jianzhou army under the city is attacking like a wave. Under the fierce battle between the two sides, the casualties have doubled or even increased compared to the previous period.

  Even so, Juniper has to observe carefully whether this is a show by the Jianzhou Army to lure him to act rashly, or he is really in a hurry to jump over the wall and want to grab the imperial reinforcements and lay down the Tieling Acropolis to wipe himself out.

Juniper knows very well that as long as he does not leave the city to fight, even if the Tieling Acropolis is captured by the Jianzhou Jurchen, they will have to pay a huge price. , that would either break out of the encirclement, or collapse in a field battle.

"What do you think?" With both hands withdrawn from the battlements, Juniper ignored the thunderous shouts of killing from the top of the city, turned around and walked back, "Bingzhong, you guard well, the Jianzhou army has just risen now, We still have to fight today, I will ask Wang Xuan to replace you in the future."

Juniper's troops are basically from Yulin Township, Lieutenant General Zhao Menglin, Counselor Wang Xuan, Guan Bingzhong, and Guerrilla Li Guangrong are all from Yulin Guard. A member of Liaodong generals.

Zhao Menglin, Wang Xuan, and Li Guangrong all followed Juniper down the tower, and it was Zhao Menglin who said first: "My lord, this Jianzhou army doesn't look like a feint. It's less than an hour, at least the Jianzhou army left behind." Three hundred corpses were killed, not counting the seriously injured,..."

   "Yes, the Jianzhou Army has always cherished their armored soldiers in such a fierce attack regardless of casualties. It would be heartbreaking to lose dozens of them. How can they spare no expense like today?" Wang Xuan also added.

   "If the fight continues like this, the Jianzhou Army will lose more than 2,000 in one day today, and we can't take it anymore." Li Guangrong was worried.

   "Impossible!" Wang Xuan shook his head again and again, "Unless Nurhachi doesn't want his Eight Banners to rebel, if the fight continues like this, I'm afraid we won't collapse, and Jianzhou will start to make trouble first."

   Juniper also nodded slowly. He also agreed with this point of view. It is not a big deal for the Liaodong Army to kill three to five thousand soldiers, but you try to let the Jurchens die or injure three to five thousand people? Nurhachi also couldn't suppress internal opposition.

"But their current momentum doesn't look like they're going to stop." Li Guangrong disagreed with Wang Xuan's point of view, "Of course they can't bear it, but what about us? Our morale is not as good as theirs, even if the adults just encouraged everyone Son, but how long can this last, if the Jianzhou Army still doesn't stop fighting until it's dark, something will happen to us."

  Li Guangrong's point of view is not unreasonable.

The number of the Jianzhou Army besieged is unknown, but Juniper estimates that it will not be less than 25,000 people. If Nurhachi wants to storm the Tieling Acropolis at all costs, Juniper thinks he will not be able to defend this number, but even if it is If he was all killed in battle, it would be impossible for the Jianzhou Army not to pay more than 10,000 casualties. He bet that Nurhachi would not pay such a high price.

   All my own units were killed in battle, which was indeed a traumatic event for Liaodong Town. The casualties of more than 10,000 people would shake the foundation of Jianzhou Jurchen. Would Nurhachi dare to take this risk?

   "In addition, I don't know if you have noticed that the number of soldiers in the Han army flag increased significantly in the First World War today." Li Guangrong added.

   Juniper and Zhao Menglin were both terrified.

  For the Liaodong Army, the Han Army Flag is a topic that cannot be avoided.

The damage Li Yongfang brought to Liaodong Town was too great. Not only did he directly take away thousands of his direct descendants in the First Battle of Fushun, but he also took away tens of thousands of Han people. In the past few years, Li Yongfang spared no effort to win over At least thousands of officers and soldiers of the Liaodong Army surrendered to Jianzhou Jurchen.

  These people have also been given preferential treatment, and they are rarely even drawn into the battlefield against their colleagues in the Liaodong Army. This also allows Li Yongfang to better differentiate and buy within Liaodong Town.

The establishment of the Four Banners of the Han Army marks that the growth of the Jurchens in Jianzhou has entered a new stage. According to the news from the scout Xizuo, the number of troops formed by the Han Army Banner has exceeded 12,000, basically Li Yongfang's original direct descendants of the headquarters and the soldiers of the Liaodong Army who defected in the past two years are the main ones, and there are also two or three thousand fugitives drawn from North Korea.

  North Korea has experienced continuous famines in the past two years, coupled with the harsh oppression of the two groups of nobles of the Great North faction headed by Zheng Renhong and Li Erzhan, the Korean army mainly composed of ordinary people has also continued to flee.

  These people, together with the ordinary people and untouchables in Yizhou and Tieshan, escaped across the Yalu River in large numbers, and the number of Koreans who entered the Liubao area of ​​Kuandian to reclaim wasteland gradually exceeded 10,000.

The Jianzhou Jurchen also accepted these people, which also strengthened the strength of the Jianzhou Jurchen in disguise, and was included as a member of the Four Banners of the Han Army. This part with military experience also became the elite of the Four Banners of the Han Army headed by Li Yongfang Soldiers are trained according to the training mode of the Jianzhou Army.

"It seems that the number has really increased." Zhao Menglin recalled what he had seen before, and nodded, "In the past, there were not so many soldiers with Han army banners. Even within the Eight Banners of Jianzhou, there are constant complaints, but Nurhachi has been suppressing it."

"It's not that Nurhachi is reluctant to use it, but he wants to use this method to help Li Yongfang buy more traitors!" Juniper gritted his teeth and said, "I have to say that Nurhachi's trick is very effective. Let's see how he surrendered in this battle." How many people are there in the state?"

"Now is the critical time, and Nurhachi doesn't care so much anymore. They are determined to take us down." Wang Xuan took a breath, "Wouldn't all of Li Yongfang's Han army flags be used to attack us?" Us? The old robes are going to fight each other?"

"I'm afraid this is unavoidable." Juniper sighed deeply, "We can't follow Nurhachi's pace, we must fight down the momentum of the Jianzhou Army, Wang Xuan, now you add yours to mine. Take the soldiers to the camp, aim at the Jurchens to beat them hard and hurt them, and relax a bit on the Han army flag, let them transfer all the people from the Han army flag up as soon as possible,..."

Several people didn't understand yet, Jun Song continued: "Let the people of the Han Army Banner understand that they will fight for their lives in the end, and if they don't want to be lucky, they won't want to work hard. The rift and suspicion between them,..."

   Target 1500, Lao Rui is still working hard!



  (end of this chapter)

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