Number of People

Chapter 2310: Guizi scrolls add white blades, and the knife sees blood

  Chapter 2310 Guizi scrolls add white blades, and the knife sees blood

  The Jianzhou Han army that swept in densely kept a certain distance, and began to run at a speed of 300 paces away, showing an inverted fan-shaped arc and converging towards the east gate.

   At a distance of 130 steps, the personnel gathered quickly and began to charge quickly in formation.

   Juniper took a deep breath, raised his hand, and the two hundred eagle-beaked musketeers hidden behind the large shield began to aim with their poles.

  Faced with such a high-density mass charge, the advantages of the eagle-billed guns will be revealed. They can effectively kill the enemy 20 steps ahead of the ordinary fire guns, while the ordinary fire guns are the most lethal when the distance is less than a hundred steps.

  The sharp copper whistle sounded, and the smoke filled the air, forming a strange cloud of smoke around the entire city, curling up.

  The auxiliary second hand quickly assists the gunslinger in clearing the barrel and loading, while the gunslinger yanks the trigger just as the second hand finishes loading as quickly as possible.

  The loud noise once again brought up bursts of gunpowder smoke, like an invisible scythe, swung suddenly in the air, and the Jianzhou Han army, which had already run a hundred steps away, fell down suddenly.

   There was a cry of panic in the entire army, but this could not stop the soldiers walking in the front from being pushed forward by the soldiers behind, stepped on the fallen robe, and continued to move forward.

The archers also began to shoot their arrows. In fact, the archers of the Liaodong Army and the Jianzhou Jurchen archers used similar bows and arrows. There is little difference in power.

It's just that the number of archers in Jianzhou is far greater than that in Liaodong. After the firecrackers became popular, the number of archers in Liaodong stopped increasing. hand.

The formation is too dense, so that the eagle-billed musketeers hardly need to aim at their shots, they just do a few mechanical movements in a cycle, and the power of the heavy-duty musketeers is also fully reflected at this time, often a single lead shot can Breaking through two soldiers, even if they are carrying shields, is of no avail.

However, 3,000 soldiers cannot be stopped by a mere 200 gunners, but three rounds of shooting caused casualties of 500 to 600 soldiers, and the remaining 2,000 soldiers have already rushed to the collapsed east city gate. At this time, the musketeers who had assembled for a long time finally fired the first round of shooting.

This round of shooting is not as easy as the shooting of the eagle-billed guns. In the first round, more than 400 gunners tore three or four hundred Jianzhou Han soldiers to the ground without any hindrance. Spinning rapidly in the air with infinite potential energy, it shredded shields and armor, penetrated into the flesh and blood, and slammed the soldiers of the Jianzhou Han Army to the ground. Before the soldiers of the Jianzhou Han Army behind could react, the second round The shooting strikes again.

  The entire distance of 80 meters away has almost become a Shura field. The Jianzhou Han army, who hoped to use iron-clad wooden shields to block the shooting, obviously underestimated the 30-step distance, which is enough to use the arquebus as an example.

  Compared with the first and second batches of firecrackers, the power of this improved firecracker has been increased by at least ten steps under the same gunpowder, and the improvement of granular gunpowder has also increased the firing range of this kind of firecracker projectile by ten steps.

This is an improved firecracker produced by the Gyeonggi Military-Industrial Complex. Although the rate of fire is still slow, the barrel is actually processed by a drilling machine, which greatly ensures the uniformity and balance of the chamber, and also makes the regulation of lead shot uniform. , shooting accuracy and power have been improved.

  A twenty-step distance advantage, or an intelligence error, is enough to deflect the balance of a war.

  The corner of Li Yongfang's mouth twitched, and his face became more and more gloomy. How long has he been away, and the Liaodong Army has changed so much?

  He knows the popular equipment of firecrackers, but why has the range and power become so great?

   Not to mention that the three-eyed firecracker is incomparable, even the firecrackers he has seen before don’t seem to have such a long range. What’s going on?

  But this is no longer the time to think about this issue. We must try our best to rush in and break through the gap, so as to prevent the casualties of our Han army banner from continuing to expand.

"Master An Feiyang, please let the crossbowmen of the Xianghuang Banner and the Zhengbai Banner test closer to suppress the gunmen on the city wall. If this continues, our people will not be able to rush in at all!" Li Yongfang was originally unwilling to urge An Fei. Fei Yanggu's, but at this moment he couldn't care less.

  An Feiyanggu was also shocked by the power of the fire net formed by the firecrackers fired repeatedly on the city wall, and he didn't even have time to close his gaping mouth.

  From a hundred paces away, the people of the Han Army Banner rushed to the ground, and he was terrified to see it.

It was so easy to get close to only thirty steps, and it only needed a charge to rush into the gap, but this crazy continuous burst directly held down the surging upward momentum, and he couldn't break through the twenty or thirty steps The distance seems to be a death line, stepping over it is a dead end.

Hearing Li Yongfang's urging, An Feiyanggu woke up like a dream, and gritted his teeth: "Order all the crossbowmen to press down, and shoot all the gunmen on the city wall to death. , victory or defeat depends on one action, I let a Jiala from the Xianglan Banner go with you, this is not the time to begrudge me!"

At first, he was a little displeased when An Feiyanggu asked him to take another Jiala, Li Yongfang, but Anfei Yanggu then ordered a Jiala with a blue flag to also join him, so he felt a little more balanced, biting Gritting his teeth and nodding, he waved to his soldiers.

   It has to be said that Jianzhou Jurchen archers’ approaching and firing arrows caused great trouble to the gunners above the city wall, and the arrows falling continuously during the throwing caused a lot of damage to the gunners.

  Especially the gunners are basically light armored, it is difficult to resist this kind of projectile, every round of arrow rain will make dozens of gunners lose their combat effectiveness, but fortunately there are still enough backup forces to go up.

  At this time, no matter what, we must stand firm, and we must not allow the Jianzhou Army to control this gap, otherwise, once this gap is lost, the entire army will be wiped out.

Juniper's eyes were also anxious, and the reserve team lined up under the city wall. As long as the musketeers could not control the situation, the sword and shield players and the spear team would come forward, but this was even more dangerous. , I am afraid that it means that the subject and the object have changed positions, and the Jianzhou Jurchens have begun to gain the upper hand, and it will be difficult for their own side to regain this advantage.

   While the desperate battle was going on up and down Tieling Acropolis, Mao Wenlong's elite was still staying in Fu'an Fort to rest.

   After traveling hundreds of miles, it is indeed necessary to take a break, and Fu'an Fort is the most suitable place.

However, Mao Wenlong still had a premonition that since even Daishan was fighting so hard here, it is impossible for Nurhachi to be unaware of the danger of the Juniper Department in Tieling Weicheng. Before this line, taking down Tieling Acropolis is what Jianzhou Jurchen should do now.

  In this case, if I delay a minute longer in Fu'an Fort, the Juniper Department of Tieling Acropolis will be more in danger of being captured and wiped out.

  Thinking of this, Mao Wenlong hesitated again and again, but decided to set off westward an hour earlier and arrive at Tieling Acropolis as early as possible to avoid possible accidents.

   But don’t do everything, but because of resting here for two hours, the Tieling Acropolis fell, that is the real failure.

The entire army only got an hour of rest and meals in Fu'an Fort, and then hurriedly set off to the west again. This will be the last leg of the journey. Next, they will start to launch a surprise attack on the Jianzhou Army outside the Tieling Weicheng. Everything depends on the information obtained by the scout team led by Mao Chenglu, who has already taken the lead.

  When Mao Chenglu arrived at the Tieling Acropolis for observation, it was already nighttime, but the torches around the Acropolis reflected the whole city inside and out as if it were daytime.

Both Nurhachi and Anfei Yanggu also received battle reports from the front line of Yilu. The Liaodong Army and the Northern Front Army's offensive was so fierce that Eyi could not resist it. At this time, it had to be defeated.

Similarly, Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong's tribe also defeated Huerhan's tribe at Dingzibobao, forcing Huerhan to retreat eastward, which threatened Yilu's flanks, and both of them had to move to the Fanhe line when Feiying's east was covered. , In other words, on the entire blocking front, the Jianzhou Army has fallen into a passive position. If the Tieling Acropolis cannot be taken as soon as possible, then the Great Zhou Army may really come to the city, and the Jianzhou Army can only swallow it in despair. Such an anticlimactic result.

The early stage was very successful, but in the second half, after paying such a high price, but having to withdraw from the Tieling Guard line with its tail between its legs, it would be too disappointing. of great pressure.

  In the darkness, there were many shadows of fire, and Mao Chenglu locked his body and drilled along the low ditch until he could hear the voices of the Jianzhou Jurchen soldiers in front of him, then he stopped.

In the binoculars, you can see that the fierce battle is going on at the Dongcheng Gate, and the armored infantry of the Jianzhou Jurchen are constantly rushing up, but they are constantly being entangled with the spears and sword shields of the Liaodong Army who have been beaten out of the city. The crisp sound of the firecrackers like popping beans can be heard in the middle, and the fight between the two sides has entered a white-hot stage.

  Mao Chenglu can't wait to see more, and he already understands that the city will be broken tonight, and he may not even be able to persist in tomorrow morning.

The soldiers had already gone back to report the letter as soon as possible. What worried Mao Chenglu was rushing over from Fu'an Fort. Can Juniper and his gang survive for two more hours?

  Mao Chenglu is not sure, but what can he do with dozens of people in his area?

   The third asks for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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