Number of People

Chapter 2328: Guizi roll cut into, start

  Chapter 2328 Guizi roll cut in, start

  The meeting with Lu Song was chosen in Fusili, South Township, Longjinwei.

  Although Lu Song and Lu Song have had a few acquaintances before, they are basically nodding acquaintances and have not been involved in specific affairs, but this time it is necessary to have a real in-depth negotiation.

In the past, it was Zhao Wenzhao and Zhang Jin who contacted and communicated, but this time the situation was different. The assassination of Emperor Qiuxiu of Tiewangshan was personally investigated by Lu Song, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice cooperated. However, after two years of investigation, although There has also been considerable progress, and some clues have emerged, but there are still many doubts that are difficult to solve.

   But no matter what the final result is, one thing is undeniable, that is, the three pro-army forces are all responsible, and no one can escape.

   There are several reasons why it has been delayed for so long and the case has not been finalized.

  On the one hand, the investigation is indeed in trouble, and many clues are vague, or there is no clear direction, or the clues are broken, and it is impossible to investigate further.

On the other hand, it is also because the emperor has been in a coma or unconsciousness, and the several princes are fighting for the position of supervisor. They seem to have forgotten intentionally or unintentionally to find out the responsibility of all parties responsible for the assassination of Emperor Yonglong, while the cabinet is Quickly fell into a war of internal and external troubles. The civil uprising from Shaanxi to Shanxi turned into a rebellion, and the Anshe Rebellion brought about by the Bozhou Rebellion. Few have much energy to intervene in this case.

Of course, this does not mean that the investigation and investigation of this case were ignored, because the matter was originally handed over to Captain Long and the Ministry of Criminal Justice to take over, but the clues obtained from the continuous investigation did not have many clues that could directly point to a certain party or a certain person. However, before the truth of the case has surfaced, it is somewhat controversial to deal with the so-called responsible person, especially when some paths have not been finalized within the court.

However, the thinking of the imperial court is becoming more and more consistent now, that is, no matter who will succeed the Datong, then the existing court structure must be ensured to remain unchanged, or even more stable. There must be an institutional strategy to achieve it.

And the realization of this system-based strategy needs to be completed before the negotiation with Nanjing is over. control, and there is a systemic regulation implemented.

  This also means that the Ministry of War will complete this systematic regulatory practice through this round of adjustments and changes in the control of the military power of the Beijing Camp and even the upper three pro-military forces.

  This is also the reason why Feng Ziying came to meet Lu Song this time.

   Without Lieutenant Long’s interpretation of the investigation, it would be difficult for the Ministry of War to complete the adjustment and control of the military power of the Beijing Camp and the Shangsanqin Army.

  Actually, the meeting between the two was not too polite. Lu Song knew Feng Ziying's purpose, and Feng Ziying also knew Lu Song's current ambivalence.

  Emperor Yonglong looked down on him, but the princes were unbearable, and they were fighting endlessly with the support of several concubines, which made Lu Song sigh.

  Of course, what upset Lu Song even more was Prince Yizhong.

  Of course the cabinet couldn’t hide the matter of negotiating with Nanjing from Lu Song, and the cabinet didn’t hide it from Long Jinwei, and even asked Long Jinwei to help find out the bottom line of Prince Yizhong, which made Lu Song speechless.

It was hard for him to accept it, but as Li Sancai said in the conversation with him, Long Jinwei is loyal to the emperor, not to any one of the Zhang family, as long as he is a child of the Zhang family, whoever sits on the throne, Long Jinwei can be loyal to who .

Lu Song is also very entangled with this point of view, which means that no matter whether it is King Fu of Shou, King Gong of Lu, or Prince Yizhong and King Zhongshun, anyone can sit in this position. It seems that the cabinet does not care too much. Sitting in this position is the emperor, and can win the loyalty of the forbidden captain, this feels a bit changed no matter what.

  Feng Ziying can somewhat understand and sympathize with Lu Song's ambivalence, but she can only act according to her own identity.

The intervention of the Supreme Emperor, the scramble for Prince Yizhong, and the repetition and disappointment of the princes may all make Lu Song a little at a loss. What makes Lu Song feel restless may be the weird or ambiguous attitude of the cabinet. Commander Long Jinwei, whose allegiance to the emperor is his top priority, didn't know what to do.

In theory, he should be loyal to the emperor, but the emperor is insane, but he has no designated heir. King Shou is the eldest son, and King Lu is the supervisor of the country. It was established by the cabinet. If you want to be loyal to King Lu, doesn't it mean that as long as the cabinet appoints someone to supervise the country, Captain Long has to be loyal to whom?

  The cabinet is still negotiating with Nanjing. Doesn't this mean that Prince Yizhong has won the cabinet's approval, and Captain Long wants to be loyal to Prince Yizhong?

   It cannot be said that there is no such possibility. The attitude of the Supreme Emperor, the support of Jiangnan, the difficulties of the imperial household department, and the crisis in Shanxi and the border areas of Jizhen in Liaodong all forced the imperial court to make a deal with Prince Yizhong.

"Master Feng, these are all the investigation files of the assassination of Emperor Long Jinwei Tiewangshan Qiuxiu. I also gave you a general introduction to the situation. In addition, there are also some investigation files at the Ministry of Criminal Justice, but what they have and what they have The results of our investigation here should be similar, and there are not too many outstanding things. In a word, many people seem to be responsible, but there are also reasons that can be explained, so this matter, it is really impossible to draw a conclusion ,..."

Lu Song's expression was very complicated, he was a little bit emotional, but also a little bit confused, maybe because he was a little unexpected that this matter had come to this point, and he already had some understanding of the aggressive attitude and some intentions shown by the cabinet, but that's all. What should I and Captain Long do? Is this considered an act of helping a tiger?

"It doesn't matter. The imperial court didn't say that the real culprit will be caught immediately. Think about it, those who dare to do such a thing must have gone through many times of thinking and rehearsal. These people who hide behind have already done it I have prepared various countermeasures, to find out the truth, find the real culprit, and say something unkind, I am afraid there will be some opportunities." Feng Ziying said lightly: "The meaning of the court this time is that Captain Long will continue to investigate. But who should be responsible should be roughly divided, and the imperial court will definitely pursue accountability according to the situation..."

Finally getting to the point, Lu Song's heart trembled. If he pursued the responsibility, he would not be able to run away from the Shang San Qin Army. But on the one hand, it still depends on the final intention of the imperial court, or in other words, which of the three relatives is more in line with the imperial court's wishes.

   The mess has not been dealt with yet, so I can only take the time to write it, and try to finish it as soon as possible, I hope you understand.



  (end of this chapter)

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