Number of People

Chapter 2332: Kui-shaped rolls are densely woven, thick

  Chapter 2332 Kui-shaped roll densely woven, thick

   "Then did our mansion go to another house to celebrate the New Year this year?" Reciprocity, Feng Ziying now has to ask about her family's arrangements.

  I was not at home, Shen Yixiu, Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu should discuss it, and then report it to the old lady and the others, and then deal with it.

"Of course I went. The three grandmas and wives and aunts discussed it. In the name of the master and the uncle, they sent people to each house..." Yuanyang recalled, "Like old Qige, King Zhongshun, King Zhonghui, Zhang Shangshu, Huang Shangshu, Qiao Youdu Yushi, Guan Shangshu, Cui Shangshu, Chai Shilang, and Han Shilang all sent people to their residences..."

Regardless of the degree of closeness between the Feng family and these families, the Spring Festival visit is indispensable, especially in the absence of Feng Ziying. Important or not so close relationships also need to be consolidated and deepened through these human exchanges.

  For example, the two current chiefs and directors of Qingtan Academy, some former colleagues in the Hanlin Academy, and the old departments in the three sides and four towns who have been transferred back to Beijing to the Five Army Dudufu, all these need to be taken into consideration.

   "Are there only these people?" Feng Ziying frowned.

Yuanyang seemed to sense Feng Ziying's dissatisfaction, and quickly shook her head: "Of course it's more than that, just the list of contacts and New Year's greetings. The three grandmas and wives have discussed for a long time, and they should have considered everything that should be taken into account. The servant girl still has the specific list, but I haven't brought it here at this moment, or the servant girl will go and get it for the master."

   "Okay, I don't need it right now." Feng Ziying waved her hand, "I'm going to see who comes to our house right now."

   People who do not necessarily wait for their own family need to continue to communicate and have a close relationship, but this at least represents an attitude and a tendency of the other party. You can also screen and compare here.

   "Guo Yaosheng? Which family is this?" Feng Ziying seemed to be a little blurred when she saw the name on the roster, and she had some impressions, but she couldn't remember it.

  The gift list is somewhat interesting, two horses, and some miscellaneous gifts, including two lapis lazuli and one piece of amber.

A healthy horse is nothing, but the price of lapis lazuli and amber in Hexi is not too expensive, but it is also quite impressive in the capital city. After all, these are objects produced in the border areas or even outside the region. Rareness is the most valuable, but ordinary rich people are not fashionable for such foreign objects, but rich people are very rare of these things, so whether it is worth it or not depends on who the customer is.

"My maidservant still has some impressions. The person who came here has a red face and a foreign accent, which is somewhat similar to the accent of the second concubine and the third concubine. It seems that I still know Mrs. You, and she was introduced by you..." Yuanyang frowned and thought hard. It's a memory.

  And You Jia Suzhi? Feng Ziying was taken aback, what accent does Hexi have?

Feng Ziying had some impressions that it was the general in Ganzhou Town who fought against the attack of Liu Baichuan and Liu Dongyang with him at that time, and he was a colleague of He Zhisheng, who was seriously injured in the First World War. People went to greet him, and then there was not much contact. It has been several years. It seems that this guy has not visited the door in the past few years. Of course, it may be because it is too far away, but why did he visit the door this year?

"Well, I see, Jin Chuan'er, go and ask Yu Chuan'er to find out his famous post, and I'll take a look." In addition to the name, the famous post also has some cryptic language, which may not be true at first glance. Can understand clearly, but combined with the situation, you can know some hidden meanings.

   There should be some other intention in it, but Feng Ziying doesn't care.

  The officers from these border towns, he is willing to make contacts, isn't his father also accumulated contacts step by step in this way?

However, my current conditions are much better than my father's. I am a civil servant who was born in the imperial examination, but also a martial arts background. I also have the status of the right servant of the Ministry of War, who is both civil and military. This is the main reason why everyone is willing to be a Beijing official. Compared with the local contact area, the Beijing official, of course, refers to a Beijing official with certain power and rich experience. It will be much thicker.

   Not to mention other things, but ice and charcoal are much richer.

Feng Ziying continued to scroll back, the more she looked at it, the more frightened she felt. Many names that she had no impression of appeared on the roster. Even if the place of origin was marked, she still had no impression. Know the history.

   Of course, there must be many people who have never known each other, but want to be registered with the Feng family and leave an impression on them. Officials, businessmen, clan relatives, these are all there, and they need to be carefully screened and understood.

   Seeing Jia Yucun's post, Feng Ziying couldn't help smiling, and called out Jia Yucun's gift list and looked at it.

  The presents were quite generous, including specialties from the south of the Yangtze River, as well as precious things of great value, and a special gift for Lin Daiyu. Obviously, Jia Yucun also understood that the status of a female student in the mansion was not as good as before.

   This is a character with a quick mind, whether in the book "Dream of Red Mansions" or in this world, he lives quite well.

  Of course, the guy in "Dream of Red Mansions" ended up in jail because of the fight with Menzi, but it was caused by political strife, not to say that this guy will die.

  In this world, this guy at least performed well. Even Nanjing did not change the prefect of Jinling who was just under his nose. This is not easy.

One must know that Jia Yucun was not part of Prince Yizhong's party before, and had nothing to do with Zhen Yingjia, Tang Binyin, Jia Jing and others, and Prince Yizhong also needed many important positions to reward those who served him, but he did not touch the prefect of Jinling Jia Yucun is enough to show how extraordinary this guy is.

However, it seems that Jia Yucun is also aware that the entire Great Zhou Dynasty is about to undergo major changes this year. Whether it is Jiangnan, Huguang, or Beidi and the frontiers, the situation will undergo drastic changes. The puppet dynasty in Nanjing can still survive How long will it take to put a question mark, so it is also necessary to plan ahead. Picking up his own line and even making closer contact is Jia Yucun's top priority.

  Feng Ziying didn't mind strengthening ties with this guy. In fact, this guy had already expressed his sincerity to the court and wrote a letter of nomination.

Of course, this kind of situation is also very common. There are many letters of allegiance and loyalty sent to the important officials in the court. attitude, will adopt this opportunistic way to achieve the goal.

However, to be able to play the role of sending letters, they must be important ministers and big figures who can speak in the court. Generally speaking, most of the cabinet ministers and seven ministers, such as officials at the level of ministers, must be senior or senior officials. Only those who are quite influential, Feng Ziying did not expect that she would gradually start to step into this sequence.

   Feeling emotional in her heart, Feng Ziying's face did not change much, her eyes continued to move on the roster, who else?

  Xie Wenli, Xu Huanshan, Hou Ziyu.

Feng Ziying was in a daze, all kinds of old events in Yongping Mansion came to mind, in fact, it has not been a few years since I left Yongping Mansion. It's not too long, and it's less than two years, but the two years in Yongping Mansion are extremely important two years for me, allowing me to understand how to be an official in the "grassroots government" at the Fuzhou level.

  Xie Wenli was the magistrate of Luanzhou at that time, Xu Huanshan was the magistrate of Lulong County, and Hou Ziyu was the general judge of Yongping Prefecture. It should be said that these three were officials who had a lot of contacts during their tenure as the prefect of Yongping Prefecture.

   And these three are also typical local snake characters.

   It cannot be said that they are colluding with the local gentry. After all, compared with the officials in Leting and Changli, Xie Wenli and Xu Huanshan, the two prefects and counties, can still control a reasonable degree, and they are still supportive of the affairs of the government.

  After all, the local gentry in Yongping Prefecture is very powerful. Even if I went to serve as a co-prefect as an editor of the Imperial Academy, it was also difficult at the beginning.

  Although these two people had close ties with the local gentry, they also beat and intimidated the local gentry with various methods. It was much better than the situation where Laoting and Changli were completely wrapped up in a mess.

  Hou Ziyu was born in Juren and had some contacts in the mansion. At first, he got along with Feng Ziying normally, but as Feng Ziying became more and more powerful, and even the prefect Zhu Zhiren took the initiative to cooperate, he also moved closer to Feng Ziying with interest.

For example, Xie Wenli and Xu Huanshan can be regarded as Feng Ziying's relatively close characters in the later period of Yongping Mansion, but Feng Ziying's time in Yongping Mansion was too short. When these people and Feng Ziying had just become closer, Feng Ziying left , so even Feng Ziying has some regrets.

   It is also fortunate that Lian is the successor of state affairs behind him, so he can inherit his own policies in the same line, but the policies can be inherited in the same line as Xiao Gui Cao Sui, but his personal connections cannot be continued.

  Feng Ziying didn't expect to be able to make the other party close to herself in two years. After she arrived in Shuntian Mansion, these people also came to visit during the holidays, but they just walked around normally.

   But looking at the gift list this time, it seems that it is not so simple, especially the three of them almost came together, what does this mean?

  Feng Ziying looked at the three sumptuous gift lists, and was lost in thought for a while.

  (end of this chapter)

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