Number of People

Chapter 2357: Guizi scroll ends, curtain begins

  Chapter 2357 The Curtain of Guizi Scroll ends and begins

   said goodbye to Gu Bingqian, watched Gu Bingqian leave, but Han Yu came over again.

Han Yu and Feng Ziying didn't say anything else, and asked straight away: "Ziying, the White Lotus Sect's power is spreading in Beizhi and Shandong. The momentum is astonishing. The court must deal with it as soon as possible. It can't be dragged on like this. Will the Ministry of War respond? Of the policy?"

Feng Ziying asked back: "Yu Chengong, this is the Ministry of War asking your Ministry of Punishment. If the Ministry of Punishment and the local government banned the White Lotus Sect and caused a rebellion, then the Ministry of War has its own countermeasures. But now the Ministry of Punishment has not taken any measures. Ask the Ministry of War Countermeasure, isn’t this reversed?”

  Han Yu glared at Feng Ziying, only to remember that this guy has the same status as himself now, and he is also an important minister who is qualified to participate in the court meeting, but the departments they represent are different.

"The Ministry of Punishment is naturally considering it, but the scope is too wide. I am a little worried that it will trigger the large-scale rebellion you mentioned. Now the situation in Shanxi has not completely subsided, and the discussion in Nanjing has not yet been completed. I'm going to jump." Han Yu pondered and said: "It takes a suitable time to solve the problem, and the investigation by the Ministry of Criminal Justice is still a little too late."

"Beizhi and Shandong are the key points, and Shuntian Mansion, Baoding Mansion, and Zhending Mansion are the top priorities. Mr. Yu Chen, if the Ministry of Punishment wants to take action, it must inform the Ministry of War as soon as possible, so we can deal with it." Feng Ziying thought for a while, "What you said is best delayed until after the negotiation with Nanjing, so that the taxation and water transportation from the south of the Yangtze River can also enter Beijing smoothly, and we will have more confidence."

   "Hmph, wouldn't that make Nanjing more proud?" Han Yan sneered.

   "Then it doesn't matter, let's not fight for a moment of leisure." Feng Ziying's face was indifferent, since the court is determined to welcome Prince Yizhong to take the throne, do you care about this?

  Han Yu didn't expect this guy to be so slick, like a character who has been immersed in the court for decades. How could a young scholar of his age look down on these situations so lightly?

   "You can take it easy, if we lack Jiangnan tax, will we really not be able to persist?" Han Yu asked.

"That's not the case. Who told the cabinet ministers not to accept my views? Now that the scale of industrial and commercial taxes in the Northland is gradually increasing, it is not a problem whether it is borrowing from Haitong Yinzhuang or issuing national debts. It is also possible to support the Northwest Army to fight across the river. It is nothing more than adding a few million taels to the debt, but you can’t sit still. The creditors are not worried, they all believe that the imperial court can afford it, so what are we worried about?"

Feng Ziying curled her lips disapprovingly: "To put it bluntly, if the meat rots in the pot, where does the borrowed money go? Isn't it used to buy food, buy firearms, distribute military pay, make clothes and armor, and buy donkeys and horses?" Cart, these silvers are not all circulated in our Dazhou territory, instead of letting these silvers be buried in the cellar by those merchants or landowners to rot, how can we take them out and circulate them, so that the common people can benefit from it, but your lord is Can't figure out why, why?"

   "Ziying, you put it lightly, how can you pay back so many debts? And there is interest, which keeps increasing. Wouldn't the court be overwhelmed by this interest in the future?" Han Yu retorted.

  "Yu Chengong, do you know how much the industrial and commercial taxation in Yonglong's 11th year has increased compared to Yongping and Shuntian's in Yonglong's 10th year?" Feng Ziying asked with a smile.

  Han Yan shook his head to express his confusion.

"In Yongping Prefecture, the 11th year of Yonglong has doubled the growth of Yonglong 10 years, and the 10th year of Yonglong has increased by 3.2 times compared with the 9th year of Yonglong, and the 9th year of Yonglong has increased by 7 times compared with the 8th year of Yonglong. In the case of a relatively low industrial and commercial tax base, it is enough to explain many problems. It is because Yongping Prefecture has opened Yuguan Port, and has iron ore mining and cement firing in Lulong, Luanzhou and Qian'an. , This scene is also repeated in Shuntian Mansion, so the industrial and commercial tax in Shuntian Mansion is also skyrocketing,..."

Feng Ziying said indifferently: "If there is demand, there will be production, and if there is production and circulation, it means that there will be taxes. Just iron mining, iron smelting, and iron making, these not only allow many people to earn wages, And it can be shipped out and sold to pay taxes, just iron smelting, cement production, and coal mining, these three pieces can generate countless demands, so the industrial and commercial tax will continue to increase,..."

  Han Yan was slightly moved, but still shook his head: "Ziying, what you said may skyrocket in the short term, but after all, the demand has a certain limit, and it will quickly decrease when the time comes..."

"What Yu Chengong said is correct, but there will be more other needs to be developed. For example, Yu Chengong may know that the potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn that Mr. Xu has tried to plant around Tianjin Wei have achieved great success. In Shaanxi, it almost played a role in rescuing the victims with its own efforts. This year, the situation of refugees in Shaanxi has improved significantly. It is not only because of the better weather, but the promotion of potato, sweet potato and corn planting has also played a big role. Mr. Yu Chen You can learn about the situation in the Shaanxi newspaper through the Secretary of General Administration, even if it is a bit exaggerated, it will not be too bad."

Feng Ziying had read the report from the Secretary of General Administration for a long time. The report from the Chief Envoy of Shaanxi reported in detail the harvest of these types of crops in Xi'an, Yulin, Qingyang, Pingyang, Fengxiang, etc., and Lian Guoshi, Geng Ruqi, and Zheng Chongjian reported similar situations, and the results were very good.

"Refugees, victims of disasters, and hungry people have always been the lingering haze of our Great Zhou Beidi. But to solve their problems, we must fill their stomachs. But whether they can eat or not depends on God in the past, but The emergence of new crops now gives us a glimmer of hope, and these crops from outside the region depend on the continuous expansion of sea trade, including importing more things we need from Southeast Asia, and the expansion of sea trade requires more iron and wood , and need more crews, I just gave a simple example to prove that all these are mutually influencing, don't worry about how much the court will be in debt, as long as it is circulated in our Dazhou territory, it will continue to produce more much wealth."

  For a scholar like Han Yan who has never experienced a market economy, it is indeed difficult to accept or understand these views of Feng Ziying, or it is difficult to accept them in a short time.

But Feng Ziying firmly believes that as long as they are constantly instilled in them, find various opportunities to introduce and explain to them, and supplemented by the results of their various attempts, they will eventually realize these realities gradually, and then gradually accept and use them. .

With such a touch of enlightenment ideas, I believe that Da Zhou should be able to step into the embryonic period of capitalism earlier than Ming Dynasty, at least not later than Europe, so that Da Zhou, which is still in the period of great voyage, can also become a member of the great powers , and can even be uniquely larger than Asia.

  Feng Ziying still left. It was not a short-term discussion to reach a result, but the two still reached an agreement on the issue of the White Lotus Sect.

  After the negotiation with Nanjing is over, it is time to consider attacking the White Lotus Sect. The first to bear the brunt are Beizhili, Shuntian Mansion, Zhending Mansion, and Baoding Mansion.

Feng Ziying stayed at the gate of the palace all night. The Xuanwu Gate, Donghua Gate, and Xihua Gate were all closed, and no one was allowed to come in or out. Only the Meridian Gate was guarded by the standard-bearer guards. Zhang Jin was in charge, and Xu Chao led the army to and fro. Between Xihuamen, Xuanwumen and Donghuamen to prevent accidents.

  Until the second day, all kinds of ceremonial procedures were basically completed, and Ye Xiang left the palace for high-level talents, while Gu Bingqian, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, was in the palace to deal with the aftermath.

There was not much shock, maybe everyone had already been psychologically prepared, including the people in the capital city, Emperor Yonglong could not manage affairs for so long, the cabinet also maintained the entire court situation, and the Supreme Emperor had not been in power for many years. Governance, the impact of death is minimal.

   At least from "Today's News" announced the death of the Supreme Emperor, after a series of measures by the court, it passed so peacefully, even calmer than imagined.

  But Feng Ziying knew that the departure of Emperor Yuanxi marked the end of an era, and even meant that the era of Emperor Yonglong was about to end.

   What followed was probably not the era of Emperor Wantong as many people imagined, but the era of the real cabinet ruling.

  Of course, during this transitional period, Prince Yizhong, also known as Emperor Wantong, will still compete with the cabinet. The imperial power will not be willing to shrink, but will still struggle, but Feng Ziying is not optimistic.

Until now, the cabinet has already prepared all kinds of countermeasures. The Jiangnan gentry that Prince Yizhong relied on was too loose, and Wu Xun's performance was not satisfactory. The court relied on Haitong Yinzhuang to borrow money and issue national debt. After the most difficult period of the southwest rebellion, the civil unrest in Shanshan, and the joint invasion of Jianzhou Jurchen and Chahar people, they are already invincible.

It can be said that the longer it drags on, the more dominant the imperial court will be. The reason for accepting Prince Yizhong's peace talks at this time is that the cabinet feels that it doesn't make much difference whether it is Prince Yizhong or Emperor Yonglong's sons who come to be emperor. Therefore, it is better to accept Prince Yizhong, at least a year or so earlier to extinguish the war, so that Jiangnan can pay taxes earlier, water transportation can be restored as soon as possible, and the situation in the north can be stabilized.

  The death of Emperor Yuanxi also contributed to the sudden acceleration of the negotiations between Nanjing and the imperial court. For both parties, it is the expectation of all parties to reach an agreement as soon as possible and restore the situation before Yonglong nine years ago.

  Feng Ziying predicted that before the end of July, negotiations with Nanjing should reach an agreement. As for the fate and status of Niu Jizong, Wang Ziteng, Sun Shaozu, and Chen Jixian's ministries, there will be an explanation, but this will be temporary.

  (end of this chapter)

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