Number of People

Chapter 2384: A glimpse of the Kui-character scroll reveals the secret

  Chapter 2384 A glimpse of the Kui character scroll reveals the secret

   Yuanyang and Qingwen, who were hiding behind the corner, couldn't help but gasped and looked at each other.

  My uncle didn’t come home last night.

  They knew from the garage in the mansion that Ruixiang had hired a carriage to go out, so they called another carriage and followed carefully all the way.

  Who would have thought that the carriage would enter Chongxuan Temple.

   Chongxuanguan and the others knew about it. The eldest girl seemed to come out to live in Chongxuanguan often in the past two years. When the Jia family wanted to see the eldest girl, they basically went to Chongxuanguan.

  But the uncle did not return home last night, that is to say, the uncle lived in Chongxuan Temple last night? !

   Or maybe I misunderstood, the uncle came to see the eldest girl last night, and stayed here because it was too late, and asked Ruixiang to call a carriage to pick him up as soon as possible?

   This feels a bit self-deceiving, but if it is not explained in this way, it will be too appalling. I dare not even think about it in that direction.

  But why did the uncle and the empress...? Besides, the uncle is bold, but he shouldn't be like this, in case...

  They didn’t dare to let the car enter Chongxuan Temple, so they had to get out of the car and walk into Chongxuan Temple. Fortunately, the carriage had a big target, and they quickly found the place according to the ruts.

   Almost holding his heart, he tiptoed and hid behind the corner, observing the carriage parked outside the layman's courtyard.

  They didn't dare to get too close, the guards around the uncle were not idle people, so they could only watch from a distance.

  In addition to the one carriage in the mansion, there are two carriages, which look like palace style. Could it really belong to the empress?

  The suspicious Yuanyang and Qingwen were both shocked and frightened. If this kind of thing was noticed, wouldn't it lead to a catastrophe?

   Fortunately, the secret was revealed soon.

The group of people who came out did not know each other, but Baoqin and Yuanyang grew up together. It is obvious that the maid who is close to her is not Baoqin, and her body and appearance are different. Anything personal is fine.

  Later, another lady in palace costume came out, and the uncle seemed to be following behind. The two were still talking, and they seemed to be very close, but who was this woman who was obviously a nobleman in the palace?

  It seems that she is not very old, perhaps not more than two years older than the eldest girl, and her attire seems to be more luxurious than what the eldest girl wore when she came back to visit her relatives, especially the headgear, which is obviously more expensive. Could it be that she is also a noble concubine in the palace?

  The two girls were full of doubts and puzzles. Why would the uncle come to stay in Chongxuan Temple for one night, and who is this girl? Does the uncle staying here for one night have anything to do with her? What is the relationship?

  The second daughter watched the carriage rattle towards the gate of the courtyard, and the other servants had already dispersed around the carriage, and no one dared to look at Uncle Feng and the lady in palace attire, as if they were jealous of something.

Yuanyang and Qingwen didn't understand what was going on, but seeing Feng Ziying and the lady were whispering, until the lady was about to board the carriage, the uncle took the lady's photo very affectionately and casually. With a swipe of her buttocks, the lady turned around and said something to Feng Ziying reproachfully, but she was not angry, and even got into the car with a smile on her face.

   This almost shocked the eyeballs of the second daughter, Yuanyang Qingwen.

They were still suspecting that this one might also be a noble concubine in the palace. As for why they made an appointment with the uncle, it was probably because Prince Yizhong was going to ascend the throne, and their future fate might be in jeopardy. Did they come to ask the uncle for an idea and give her a good one? Suggestions, or help arrange a good place.

   After all, the patriarch of the clan mansion is a loyal and obedient prince, and he has always been on good terms with him.

  But Feng Ziying's wanton slap on the buttocks of the lady in palace costume directly shattered their initial guess.

It can be said that this kind of intimacy can only be done by men and women who have been married before, or it is a kind of indecentness from the superior to the subordinates. There will be some behavior, and the uncle does it so casually, he doesn't even care too much about the presence of other people around him, although these people's eyes are all facing the other side, no one dares to look this way.

  Then what is the identity of this woman? If it is a noble concubine in the palace, how dare she have an affair with the uncle? This is even more inconceivable than the eldest girl having an affair with the uncle.

  At any rate, the eldest girl and the uncle are still acquainted. The eldest girl visited relatives twice, and the uncle was with her. But why did other noble concubines in the palace have such ties with the uncle, and it was obviously an abnormal relationship.

  Feng Ziying never expected that her casual slap would be noticed by others, and she could quickly realize that the relationship between him and Guo Qinyun was extremely abnormal.

   After seeing off Guo Qinyun and his party, Feng Ziying also got into the carriage of her mansion and hurried to the Ministry of War.

   It was too late for this time, and he didn't care about going home again.

   Diagonally across from Yuanyang and Qingwen, there were also two beautiful figures in men's clothing hiding behind the corner of the courtyard wall and saw this scene.

Originally, Feng Ziying and Concubine Quan came out together, which was already shocking, but a scene that made them unbelievable happened. Feng Ziying actually patted Concubine Quan's buttocks, and Concubine Quan did not resist, nor was she angry, and even He also glanced at Feng Ziying flirtatiously, and just got into the car and left.

All these sudden things poured into the minds of the two of them, making them unacceptable for a while, and they didn't know what to do. It wasn't until Concubine Quan's carriage left, and Feng Ziying also walked away, that the two fell into a dazed state. Turn around the backyard, and quietly flip out from the backyard wall.

   Seeing Feng Ziying get into the carriage and leave, Yuanyang and Qingwen looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

Uncle has been acting a bit sneaky for a while, not only is he "not doing well" in the house, in a word, he is not active in paying public food. Qingwen has already learned about this from various channels through Siqi, Yinger, Zijuan and others. I went to Tianjinwei for a few more days, and when I came back, I was still "sluggish", but it seemed that I was more serious about the affairs of the court, leaving early and returning late, very busy.

They investigated carefully, but Ruixiang and Baoxiang seemed to have tightened their tongues all of a sudden, refusing to reveal the uncle's daily whereabouts, and the other third sister You, who should be regarded as an "informer", was unwilling to cooperate more, so this was even deeper. It dispelled the suspicion of Yuanyang, Qingwen and others.

   They must find out who is behind the scenes.

  But I didn't expect to see this scene today.

   "Who is that woman?" Qingwen asked nervously, "It looks like she came from the palace."

   "I'm afraid she is a nobleman with similar status in the palace as the eldest girl." Yuanyang's eyes became more worried.

They all saw the uncle's wanton slap, and it was clearly visible that the slap was on the buttocks of the lady in palace attire. Even if this kind of behavior is for the two of them, it is also an intimate behavior that can only be done in the private room of the boudoir. up.

But the two of us can be regarded as the uncle's housemaids, and there are countless husbands and wives who serve the bed, so it's nothing. I'm afraid it's impossible for the uncle to have such intimacy with the grandmothers, at least it's impossible to do so outside, but The uncle dared to do this to the noble concubine in work clothes. What is the relationship between this noble lady in court clothes and the uncle?

"Then the uncle is like this, isn't he... asking for trouble?" Qingwen almost gritted her silver teeth, and said bitterly: "There are not enough women in the room, I have to provoke the outsiders, even if I want to provoke Outside, isn’t there Grandma Zhu and Grandma Lian? You can’t control yourself like that?”

Yuanyang was startled, and glanced at Qingwen. It seemed that the whole family knew about Lian's second grandma having an affair with her grandfather. Wen also know?

   "You also know Grandma Zhu and Grandpa..."

  I don't have the nerve to say the word adulterous, and Yuanyang has already noticed that there is something wrong between Li Wan and the uncle, but it's just not confirmed.

   "If you want people to not know, unless you do nothing yourself." Qingwen said angrily: "Usually she is serious, but the result is..., hmph!"

  Remembering that Li Wan has also been a widow for more than ten years, and although he is a little cold at ordinary times, he treats everyone very well in general, so Qingwen doesn't have the nerve to speak too harshly.

"Okay, let's not talk about Grandma Zhu, what should we do about this one now?" Yuanyang murmured: "If the master really gets along with the people in the palace, it will be a big trouble, and we have to think about it." There is a way to dissuade the Lord, otherwise, if the matter is leaked, the Feng family will suffer disaster."

"Yuanyang, do you think the master doesn't know that this is playing with fire?" Qingwen sneered, "He is usually as clear as a mirror, so why can't he tell the seriousness of things? But this woman is messed up, whoever steals the woman is not sure." Okay, but you want to steal someone from the palace? Earlier, I was afraid that he had an affair with the eldest girl, but now it seems that he might as well have an affair with the eldest lady!"

   I could only roll my eyes when I was told by my best friend who grew up since I was a child. Why doesn't Yuanyang understand these principles, but what's the use of saying these now?

  The key is how to deal with this matter well, and solve the danger in the bud. This is the current priority.

It's meaningless to say something to vent emotions at this moment, but Yuanyang can also understand Qingwen's annoyance and anger at this time. After checking and checking, they found out such a worst result, even worse than the worst result imagined. To be bad.

   "Okay, what's the use of talking about it now?" Yuanyang took Qingwen's hand and felt that Qingwen's hand was wet and cold, "What should we do? Should we report it to the grandma?"

   "No, I can't report it!" Qingwen shook her head again and again, "This kind of thing can only be handled by the grandfather himself, and reporting it to grandma will only add fuel to the flames, and make grandpa and grandma quarrel."

  Yuanyang also nodded slowly. In fact, she also knew that she could not report to the three daughters of Shen Xuelin.

  (end of this chapter)

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