Number of People

Chapter 2402: Guizi scroll is brewing, lock on the target

  Chapter 2402 Guizi scroll is brewing, lock on the target

  Seeing Third Sister You's half-smile eyes, Feng Ziying stared at the other party in embarrassment, "What's the matter, you look at me with such eyes?"

"It's nothing, I just feel that when the master left, he swore that this trip was busy with business, how hard and busy, who would have thought that two newcomers would have to enter the mansion this time, and you will go out again in the future, I'm afraid The grandmas really have to send someone to follow, I really can't bear such a heavy responsibility by myself."

  Sister You's teasing made Feng Ziying speechless.

  People are right. When they left, they said that they would be busy with military affairs, and they didn’t even need to take their maids with them. Otherwise, Jin Chuan’er or Ping’er would follow. A third sister You, who was also a bodyguard and bed partner, would suffice.

  But it has only been more than a month since they came out, and there is a pair of sisters, Coco Li and Li Qi, how do you say this?

"Okay, who else do I need to explain to? Wanjun, Baochai and Daiyu will naturally have me to talk about it." Feng Ziying said angrily: "To be honest, I also... Forget it, let's not talk about it, it's done. Raw rice and cooked rice, it seems that I am a bit unbearable to say these things."

"I still have to figure out how to explain it to Grandma Zhu." Third Sister You glanced at Feng Ziying, "One bed for three, or one bed for four, it's both troublesome, and there's no reason for a woman to be jealous. "

  Feng Ziying felt a big headache.

  How should Li Wan explain?

  Although sisters Coco Lee and Li Qi said they would go and talk to their cousin, would Feng Ziying do that?

  After sleeping with his two younger sisters, don't you even have the guts to say it face to face?

  He, Feng Ziying, is not so bad.

  But now is not the time to think about these issues, there are more important things waiting to take him.

   "Has classical Chinese come yet?" Feng Ziying ignored the matter and focused on the business.

  Sun Chengzong will arrive in Nanjing within two days, and the situation in Yangzhou has stabilized, so it was handed over to Cao Wenzhao.

  As for the tens of thousands of people in Huaiyang Town, there is a piece in Suzhou, mainly in Yangzhou, and there are also pieces in Qingjiangpu and Baoying in Huai'an, which are handed over to You Shiwei to control.

  Wang Ziteng's soldiers and horses are easy to handle. As long as they don't enter Nanjing, let them stay in Jiujiang, Hezhou, and Luzhou nearby. He Renlong led the headquarters to monitor.

  But with Wang Ziteng's resignation, Feng Ziying also made it clear on behalf of the Ministry of War that the officers and soldiers of the old Denglai Town will be directly transferred to the new Denglai Town. They are all Shandong children and will never be treated badly.

   This guarantee also stabilized the old Denglai Town officers and soldiers, mainly from Shandong, so Denglai Town was the most stable.

   Niu Jizong and Xuanfu Town and Sun Shaozu's Datong Army are in more trouble.

The Xuanfu army basically came from the vicinity of Gyeonggi, and the soldiers were mainly from Shuncheon, Baoan, Zhending, and Baoding. Niu Jizong had a strong control. Although Liu Dongyang took over now, these people were worried about the future, so Feng Tang did not dare to take it lightly.

Sun Shaozu's side is relatively better. After all, his father is from the general army of Datong. He personally went to this group of Datong army, asked about their health, and stabilized several leading generals. He made some promises and barely stabilized the situation .

"Mr. Wang has arrived." Third Sister You didn't gossip anymore, and got to the point, "Mr. Wang also reminded that in the future, the husband will go out, and no matter where he goes, the concubine will follow him. He said that he may have to deal with a lot of affairs in the near future. It involves many local tycoons in the south of the Yangtze River. If there is no guarantee, some people will jump the wall in a hurry, so the protection must be strengthened. Now this house has too many loopholes. I am afraid that the defense plan and measures will have to be redone. I also told Mr. Li, He's also organizing people to re-study."

  Wu Yaoqing is still in Yangzhou and has not returned yet, and may have to wait until Sun Chengzong comes to Nanjing together.

  Although the situation in Yangzhou seems to be stable, he does not dare to take it lightly, so Feng Ziying would rather play it safe.

Li Guibao's defense here will take on the heavy responsibility. Fortunately, Li Guibao has been quite experienced over the years. After realizing that the risk of Feng Ziying's assassination in Nanjing and Yangzhou has increased sharply, he hastened to act like his master Shaolin and Jiangnan. Reliable local sects called for help, such as the Qiushui Sword Sect in Yangzhou.

  Speaking of it, Li Guibao feels that almost every time Mr. Feng travels, there will be a storm in the sky, and then all kinds of dangers against him will follow one after another.

  Except for the trip to Liaodong, which is better because it is a place under military control, I have never been safe in North Zhili from Yongping Mansion to Shuntian Mansion, and going to Shaanxi is even more turbulent.

   Now coming to Jiangnan, I am afraid that this posture is more dangerous than in Shaanxi, so Li Guibao feels that it is really hard for him to be the head of the bodyguard, and of course it is worth it.

The right servant of the Ministry of War means that Shaolin disciples will have many more opportunities in the army in the future. In fact, the army has always been one of the two major destinations of the famous sects of the world, and the other is the Ministry of Punishment and the punishment room of the local government. Yamen servants.

Compared with the limited positions of the local government and the Ministry of Punishment, although the local government and the Ministry of Punishment are definitely more impressive in terms of **** income, but as a person from the Jianghu, it is basically impossible for you to achieve such a position as passing a sentence and pushing an official. That is to say, only in the inspection department of the inspection department, the head arrester of the third class of yamen, the clerk of the punishment room, and the head arrester and head arrester of the lowly position under the Ministry of Criminal Justice. similar roles, but the chances are much greater in the military.

The military pays more attention to ability and actual performance. If you can perform well in various battles and earn opportunities and honors for Shangguan, Shangguan will definitely not hesitate to promote you. Once the opportunity catches up, it will be faster than struggling in the local area. much.

  If you still have contacts at the top, then you will be on the rise, and you may even have the opportunity to be promoted to the third level.

   This is also the main reason why Li Guibao and his teachers worked so hard.

  Feng Ziying will not take care of these things, and leave professional matters to professional people. Li Guibao's performance in the past few years has proved himself, and even Wu Yaoqing has gradually handed over such special security affairs to Li Guibao.

Of course, there will be more Shaolin disciples coming in from various channels to practice in this position, and Feng Ziying has recommended some excellent performers to join the Northwest Army and Denglai Army. As for whether they can make their mark in the future, That depends on their own abilities and good luck.

   To mobilize the New Four Great Families, the scope of involvement is quite broad, especially if it is necessary to wipe out all the other local powerful families in the south of the Yangtze River that are involved in the New Four Great Families, that is a huge project.

  The scope of the Zhen family's involvement is quite large.

The money bag of Prince Yizhong in the south of the Yangtze River in the past, after the establishment of the Nanjing Puppet Dynasty, it was born with Tang Miu, Zhu Gu and other veteran Jiangnan scholars, as well as Jia Jing, a confidant who has been with Prince Yizhong for a long time. Intense contradictions and constant conflicts.

The prosperity and decline, the Zhen family was indeed very popular in the past two years since the establishment of the Nanjing Puppet Dynasty, Zhen Yingjia even occupied the position of the left servant of the Nanjing household department, and Jia Jing was emptied, which also aroused great controversy from all parties Dissatisfied, there was a turmoil at one time.

However, as Prince Yizhong suddenly left and returned to Beijing, Tang Yao and others were accepted by the court because of their background as scholars, but like him, who was born with a martial arts background, the influence of his connections is more on the economic level, and it is mainly in the south of the Yangtze River. The giants in this area suddenly dimmed.

  And anyone can see that as the sub-center of power is transferred to the capital city and merged with the imperial court, Nanjing's political status will decline rapidly, and the resulting economic impact will also decline sharply.

  Everyone is guessing whether the imperial court will retain the Nanjing Six Departments and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. If not, the Nanjing Household Department's taxation and dispatching power in the Jiangnan area will completely disappear, which will undoubtedly be another huge shock.

   What is more dangerous is that the imperial court has always been ambiguous and noncommittal to some people in Jiangnan, such as Li Shouxin, Jia Jing, and of course the Zhen brothers Zhen Yingjia and Zhen Yingyu.

Li Shouxin and Jia Jing's problems are very clear, and they are more limited to their own personalities, but the two brothers Zhen Yingjia and Zhen Yingyu mean that the entire Zhen family will be involved. If the Zhen brothers cannot get an understanding from the court, then the Zhen family will Like meat on a chopping board, it's in jeopardy.

  Under such circumstances, one can imagine how sensitive the Zhen family's movements are.

   "My lord, what Master Jia said about the Zhen family is nothing small, and it should not be underestimated." Feng Ziying was still a little surprised that Wang Wenyan could say that.

Wang Wenyan knew that the Zhen family had to be moved and uprooted, not only that the Zhen family was the number one player in the New Four Great Families, and not moving him would be equivalent to killing flies and not tigers, which was meaningless, and had to be dealt with later. It is even more difficult for Zhou Hutao and other powerful families who are connected and vassalized.

   "Oh? Classical Chinese, even you feel the difficulty and pressure?" Feng Ziying laughed, "What's the matter, where is the movement?"

"Last night, someone came to visit and left a bank note for Haitong Yinzhuang, 30,000 taels, hehe, I never thought that I was worth so much, 30,000 taels, I hope I can help persuade you to be merciful, ..." Wang Wenyan also had a face full of disbelief, "I reckon it's not difficult to offer a price of two to three hundred thousand here, my lord."

   "200,000, 300,000?" Feng Ziying was also quite emotional, "But the imperial court wants two million three million, what can I do?"

   "Just hand over the money?" Wang Wenyan asked back.

Feng Ziying shook her head slowly, "I'm afraid it's not enough. The Zhen family has occupied the south of the Yangtze River for so many years, like the center of a spider's web, involving many powerful families, which provided a lot of confidence for the Nanjing puppet dynasty to dare to raise the flag, so the imperial court will not tolerate such a powerful family. The family will continue to exist in Jiangnan, and eradicating the three towns in Jiangnan is only to solve the military threat, but also to eradicate its economic foundation, so the Zhen family must be resolved. Their fate is already doomed. Of course, it does not mean that they must be killed. , but wealth, influence, and connections must be completely cut off."

  (end of this chapter)

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