Number of People

Chapter 2410: Before the big tree falls, the hozen jumps first

  Chapter 2410 The big tree has not fallen, and the hozen jumps first

  Ding Deyi and Ding Zhongzhen, father and son, really don't have much energy to pay attention to Zhen Baochen who is talking to his family at the side. Their minds are all on the upcoming negotiation.

  Yes, it is negotiation.

  Ding Deyi went to Nanchang some time ago, met his brother Ding Deju, and discussed how to deal with the coming storm.

   Yes, indeed, a storm is coming.

  Many people think that the problem of the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River has been solved, and it seems that the imperial court will focus on the court plan, but it is not that simple.

  The imperial court was short of more than 10 million taels of silver, and borrowed another 2 million taels of silver when the army went south to the south of the Yangtze River. They thought that as long as the water transportation was opened up and Jiangnan returned, everything would be fine.

  How much tax does Jiangnan have? The previous two years have been spent by Nanjing, can you collect it again? Then I am afraid that the entire Jiangnan gentry and the people will be filled with dissatisfaction, and there will be another civil uprising.

   If not, how can the imperial court support the huge frontier army and officials by relying on the tax this year alone, which is a drop in the bucket?

   Two million taels of military expenditure was invested in taking back Jiangnan, but the result was nothing. So what is the significance of this battle?

  If you want to understand this truth, you should know that Jiangnan is bound to set off a **** storm.

  Who can escape? Then the Eight Immortals will show their magical powers across the sea, but some people are destined not to escape.

  So a wise decision is to disembark when you should get off the ship, and abandon the ship when you should abandon the ship. At this time, you can’t take care of others, so you can only take care of yourself first.

  Dead fellow Taoist, not dead poor Taoist.

   Being urgently recruited to Nanchang by his elder brother, Ding Deyi knew that he had to make a decisive decision immediately.

  The Zhen family is doomed. They were directly ranked first by the cabinet, and they were almost circled with a Chinese ink brush. No one can keep them.

  The few families that are closely related to the Zhen family are not spared. As the in-laws of the Zhen family, and also the major shareholders of Taihe Yinzhuang, the Ding family has a close relationship, so it is naturally among them.

  It is also thanks to my elder brother who has served as an official in Jiangxi for many years, and finally forged some incense and fire. Through Liu Yixiu, he got on the line of Ye Xiang, which saved a little possibility of being taken down.

What we have to do now is to cut off the Zhen family. Although Ding Deyi also knows that this is cruel and immoral, but the reality is that if he does not cut off, the Ding family will be dragged into the water, and hundreds of members of the Ding family will also be killed. Knock off the dust and become a pariah.

  After decades of hard work, the Ding family is in such a state. No one can make the Ding family fall again. This is the common wish of Ding Deyi and his elder brother Ding Deju.

   And now you have to be quick, to draw a clear line with the Zhen family before the court formally takes action against the Zhen family, otherwise, once the Zhen family drags you, it will be difficult to get out no matter how helpful someone is in the court.

This trip to negotiate with the Zhen family must be a difficult duel. From the heart, the Ding family does not want the Zhen family to collapse. After all, it is not to mention the in-laws, and they have cooperated for many years, especially Taihe Yinzhuang. It has also become a bond of interests for both sides.

  But they had to recognize the reality, the Zhen family would find it hard to survive, and everyone in the new fourth family might not be able to escape bad luck.

  Seeing the serious expressions of the Zhen brothers, Ding Deyi felt relieved instead. This shows that the other brothers should have some premonition and psychological preparation, and that's good.

  It is too cruel to propose to terminate the relationship between the two parties so abruptly, and to cut off all the original interests at the same time. It is even more cruel when the other party is unprepared.

   Now that the Zhen brothers have a premonition and preparation, it is much better.

   "Brother Deyi, are you safe?" Zhen Yingjia had some bad premonitions, but on the surface she still had to maintain a polite attitude.

   "Brother Ying Jia, Brother Ying Yu, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I'm taking the liberty to come here this time to disturb you." Ding Deyi also cupped his hands, and Ding Zhongzhen followed suit, but he didn't call his father-in-law and uncle like before.

   Zhen Yingjia's heart shuddered, and she glanced at her son-in-law calmly, only to see that his brows were deeply furrowed and his face was gloomy, obviously in a bad mood.

  Raising his hand to signal, inviting the two to enter, Zhen Yingjia took a deep breath, realizing that he might have to face a bitter betrayal.

   After stepping into the hall, the servants brought tea, and the whole hall fell into a deathly silence.

  Ding Deyi has been looking for a suitable entry point to start his speech, but found that no matter what he said, it was difficult to justify the fact that the Ding family wanted to cut off from the Zhen family.

   As for the reason, the Ding family can think it is very sufficient, but from another perspective, standing on the side of the Zhen family, I am afraid that it is a complete betrayal.

"Brother Deyi, we have been friends for so many years, and our two families are also in-laws. Is there anything else we can't talk about?" Zhen Yingjia smiled self-mockingly, "If I'm right, it's probably the same as Jiangnan now. Is it related to the bad situation here? Why, Huizhou has also noticed it? So fast?"

Ding Deyi rubbed his hands in embarrassment, seeing his son with drooping eyelids who said nothing, he could only nod his head in desperation: "Brother Ying Jia, Ming people don't speak dark words, and the current situation is worrisome. No feeling, no countermeasure?"

Zhen Yingjia narrowed her eyes and stared at the other party: "Of course the Zhen family has countermeasures, but it needs to be seen and dealt with, and it will take time. The Zhen family has survived for decades, not just by lip service. We also have our own confidence.”

  Ding Deyi sneered in his heart, Zhen Yingjia was still arrogant, thinking that no one could protect the Zhen family from passing the test.

  But I didn't think about it. Since the emperor entered the capital, he has not shown any intention of recruiting him to the capital. Isn't this obvious enough?

  Tang Yao and the others didn’t mention the Zhen family at all, as if there was no such Zhen family in Jinling City, or the Zhen family was just an insignificant existence.

   Such obvious indifference, isn't it enough to arouse vigilance?

  Perhaps everyone feels that the Zhen family has lost its existence value and can be replaced.

  In this case, of course the Ding family has to draw a clear line with the Zhen family. The Ding family is the Ding family and has never had such a deep and unbreakable relationship with anyone.

  With the secret news from the capital city, the Zhen family will undoubtedly be uprooted. It is estimated that the Tang family, another in-law of the Zhen family, will also be difficult to keep.

  Now the Tang family is working hard to get another in-law, the Dong family, but it's hard to say what the result will be. Anyway, the news from the capital is not good.

   This is what scares the Ding family the most.

  What is the background of the Dong family?

  Dong Qichang did not know how many high-ranking officials and dignitaries in Beijing he could please with his single-handed painting skills. Dong Qichang first participated in politics for the right of Henan Chengxuan's political envoy, and now he is the left of Shandong Chengxuan's political envoy. He can be regarded as a prominent role.

   Moreover, the Dong family and the Lu family have a close relationship, and the Songjiang scholars have always been sympathetic. If such a relationship cannot keep the Tang family, what about the Ding family?

  The Ding family, except for the right councilor whose elder brother was a Jinshi, is now on the line of nobles. It can be said that the others are much inferior to the Tang family.

   What is more critical is that the news in Beijing is that the imperial court has no intention of dismembering Taihe Yinzhuang, but just wants to realize the shares of the Zhen family and the Tang family.

   This is a great opportunity for the third largest shareholders, the Yu family and the Ding family. Taking over the shares of the Zhen family and the Tang family will not only become the major shareholders of Taihe Yinzhuang, but also please the court.

"Brother Ying Jia, the question is how much time can the imperial court give us?" Ding Deyi saw that Zhen Yingjia hadn't realized the urgency, so he didn't say any more. He needed to end the Zhen family quickly, even if some aspects were cut quickly. , "I think Brother Ying is too optimistic."

   "Brother Deyi, what do you mean by that?" A sinister blush flashed across Zhen Yingjia's face, and he heard some hidden meanings.

   "Brother Ying Jia, the Zhen family may have to plan for the worst, instead of just sitting around and waiting." Ding Deyi said calmly: "If this continues, the Zhen family's outcome may be unbearable,..."

   Zhen Yingyu was furious, and jumped up at the table: "Ding Deyi, what are you talking about? What are you, dare to bark and talk in front of us?"

"Brother Ying Yu, don't think my words are unpleasant. Honest words are good for your ears. How long has your Majesty been on the throne? Have you ever given a single word to the Zhen family? How long have Tang and Miu been in the cabinet? Have you ever given them a visit?" Letter? You have been to the capital city to pay respects to the two elders of the pavilion again? Zhu and Gu are leaving, and your Zhen family seems to be watching with cold eyes, two brothers, what are you going to do?"

  Ding Deyi spoke softly, but every sentence pierced the hearts of the Zhen brothers.

  It was still early when Prince Yizhong left. To be precise, he traveled northward quietly in a peaceful atmosphere. Even the Zhen family thought that Prince Yizhong might come back again, so everyone happily saw him off.

  The situation of Tom and Miu was similar, and they went north inadvertently.

Only Zhu and Gu knew that they had left the Zhen family, but Zhen Yingjia had always had a bad relationship with Zhu and Gu, especially Gu Tianjun, who was arrogant and out-of-group, and often quarreled and even abused Zhen Yingjia, so he wanted Zhen Yingjia to send them off. less than.

After all, Zhen Yingjia still feels that although these people have gone north, their roots are still in the south of the Yangtze River. They have to survive, spend, manage, and operate in the capital, so they have to rely on Jiangnan. In the final analysis, they have to rely on themselves These people supported them, and Zhen Yingjia really didn't think it was a big deal for them.

  The three towns in the south of the Yangtze River are still there, and the two sides still have a lot of time to get in touch with each other. Let's talk about conditions, bargain, and reach a new symbiotic relationship.

  Who would have thought that the situation would turn so suddenly and so quickly.

  The new emperor over there has not yet ascended the throne, and the imperial army here has already moved south, and even solved the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River in one fell swoop. People are dazzled and overwhelmed.

  Then the entire Jiangnan area was in vogue and the grass died down. Yunei clarified and calmed down immediately.

  It was so fast that people were caught off guard and unable to take countermeasures.

  By this time, the Zhen family seemed to be a little dazed and didn't react.

  (end of this chapter)

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