Number of People

Chapter 2425: Guizi scrolls are generously written, with large holes

  Chapter 2425 Guizi scroll is generous, big hole

The value of shops in various places is 300,000, and the value of mansions is between 400,000 and 450,000. Although land assets such as farms and forests are concentrated in the eight prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River, at the current land prices, if they are all sold at Zhongdi Calculated, four to five thousand mu of land is less than one hundred thousand taels of silver, which is not very valuable.

Calculated in this way, the sum of these three items is about 800,000 yuan, but the share capital of Taihe Yinzhuang is estimated to be worth more than one million yuan. It is difficult to judge Feng Ziying's specifics, but even if it is calculated in millions, it is amazing Yes, the two add up to close to two million.

  There are also cash silver, red gold, and 300,000 yuan saved in Haitong Bank, which is even more frightening. Not counting the various business assets that are not easy to calculate, there are as many as 3 million.

Feng Ziying felt that she had underestimated the Zhen family's wealth. Even if the business assets were not counted, the assets handed over accounted for 70% of the Zhen family's total assets, so the total assets of the Zhen family exceeded four million. If business assets were included, Feng Ziying estimated that the total assets of the Zhen family should be around 6 million.

  Thinking about it, it is astonishing and sad. The property of the Zhen family probably accounts for about a quarter of the financial revenue of the Great Zhou court. It is no wonder that the emperors of all dynasties like to fatten up.

  When you gain weight, and then find an excuse to have surgery, the money will come rolling in, which is really cool.

  Feng Ziying has no intention, and knows that it is impossible to squeeze out all the assets of the Zhen family, which is unrealistic.

  The Zhen family is very cooperative in this way. Even if the Long Jinwei, the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Ministry of Criminal Affairs are used to ransack the house, it is estimated that it will be difficult to exceed this amount, and it may even be much less.

   It is nothing more than torture and torture by pinching the Zhen family in their hands as a means of extortion.

  But if it wasn't for core personnel like Zhen Yingjia and Zhen Yingyu to speak up, how much would Zhen Baochen or the rest of the Zhen family know about the Zhen family's property?

  Leave a line in life, so that we can meet each other in the future, Feng Ziying thinks this sentence is also true.

  The Zhen family handed over such a list of family property, initially showing their sincerity, but Feng Ziying didn't care much about it.

  His focus is not on the property of the Zhen family, because these things will have to be cleaned up sooner or later. The four families have long been brought into the sight of the court, and it is only a matter of time before they do something about them.

  Wang Wenyan, Wu Yaoqing and the others have long been gathering information around these companies.

  The Zhen family can hide some, but they can't hide much, and they know this very well, otherwise they wouldn't be so honest with each other.

  Feng Ziying's goal is to place on the vassal or related powerful families such as the Tang family and the Ding family.

   Especially those powerful families who sell smuggled salt or smuggle by sea are his targets.

   After Zhen Baochen handed over the list to Feng Ziying, she carefully observed the changes in Feng Ziying's expression, and she wanted to find out Feng Ziying's true attitude from it.

   This list was also drawn up after repeated discussions between my father and myself, and I should have communicated with my second uncle before.

  If you have to give up money to avoid disasters as a last resort, then do so, and it is considered a great effort.

   But according to Zhen Baochen's observation, Feng Ziying seems to be too careless and contemptuous.

   Such a list, no matter in whose hands it is placed, will cause a huge shock, even an uproar.

   But this one seems to be very indifferent, or too indifferent.

   This is a list worth several million, and it can also be regarded as the nomination certificate that the Zhen family is going to hand over to the court.

   But in Feng Ziying's view, the nomination certificate must be handed in, but not this one.

   This is what the imperial court would have taken by itself.

  You have to come up with something that the imperial court has not grasped, or even something unexpected, so that the imperial court can gain something extra, and this is considered a certificate of honor.

   "Miss, I probably read this list. It is some sincerity of your Zhen family, but if I want to find mistakes, or what the Zhen family hides, well, I can find some,..."

  Seeing that Zhen Baochen turned pale again and wanted to explain something, Feng Ziying stopped him with a wave of his hand.

"No need to explain, I believe that there will be 'missing' things on this list in the investigation of the Zhen family by Long Jinwei, the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and my people, but this is not important, and I can even decide to replace them on this list. It's not a problem for you to cross out two places and leave them to your Zhen family,..."

   Zhen Baochen and Zhen Baoyu looked at each other, so generous?

  But the second daughter of the Zhen family immediately understood that there must be higher requirements behind this.

"You know what I want. I want to use this to convince the imperial court, Mr. Sun and the upcoming Mr. Gu Ge. This alone is not enough, because these are basically in the hands of Long Jinwei, the Ministry of Justice and even the police department. On the court’s list, what I want are things that Captain Long and the Ministry of Punishment don’t have in their hands, or things that are not in order, but your Zhen family can get them.”

  Feng Ziying's tone is slow, but there is no doubt about it.

   Zhen Baochen and Zhen Baoyu exchanged glances, and finally Zhen Baochen said sadly: "I understand, but..."

   "Girl, I have already promised. If you can't believe Feng's promise, I believe that if you look at Da Zhou, no one will dare to help you." Feng Ziying became a little impatient.

   Besides, it is about the lives of your entire family, but I am a knife and you are a fish, and if you make more progress, it will seem a little self-respecting.

   Zhen Baochen could only nod his head, bit his lips and said, "Then what specific things do you want, Mr. Feng? The Tang family, or the Ding family?"

"This looks like cooperation." Feng Ziying nodded with satisfaction: "The situation of the Tang family is very complicated. We have some knowledge. The Zhen family is related to them by marriage, and they have known each other for 20 years. There must be more things that we have not grasped. As for the Ding family, we know more about the Ding family in Yangzhou, but the Ding family in Huizhou requires you to provide some."

   Zhen Baochen sighed in his heart.

Before I came here, I had talked with my father. If I didn’t reveal some, no, if I didn’t reveal enough secrets about the Tang family, the Ding family, and other powerful families that cooperated in private salt business, it would be difficult for the court, or Feng Keng satisfy.

The Zhen family, or the four great families, Muxiu Yulin, have long been stared at, so the court thinks that they have mastered enough and don't need to spend much effort. However, for Tang, Ding and other powerful families, the court may not be able to I know so deeply about families like the Zhen family who have been cultivating Jiangnan for decades, especially the Zhen family has a cooperative relationship with these families.

Lowering his lower eyelids and thinking for a while, Zhen Baochen raised his head and opened his red lips lightly: "Okay, I hope Mr. Feng will remember your promise. Let me first talk about the Tang family. The Tang family has a close relationship with the Jinshan Guard. Your Excellency may know it. I used to have ties with Japanese pirates, and I guess the Ministry of Criminal Affairs knew about it, but what we know, the Tang family has actually been in touch with Japanese pirates for so many years, but the whereabouts of this wave of Japanese pirates are secretive and erratic, and even the navy may not be able to grasp it. ,..."

  Feng Ziying immediately became interested.

  The Japanese pirates have basically stopped in the past 20 years. This is the general trend after the Tokugawa shogunate strengthened its control over Japan, but it does not mean that all the Japanese pirates will disappear automatically.

  There are still a few fierce and surreptitious Japanese pirates along the coast, known as the Seven Great Bandits, four in the south, two in the north, and one in the middle.

Nansi refers to the four bands of Japanese pirates running rampant in Fujian, Zhejiang, and Guangdong to the south of Jinshanwei, and there are two bands to the north of Liaojiaozui at the Yangtze River Estuary in the north, and Zhongyi refers to the area from Liaojiaozui to Jinshanwei. All the way to the river surface along the line of Nanjing and including Chenqian Mountain, Daqu Mountain, Tanhu Mountain, Donghuo Mountain, and Dai Mountain, a group of Japanese pirates in the large sea area that later generations called Shengsi Islands and Zhoushan Islands.

  The Denglai Navy also chased and suppressed two Japanese pirates in the north, but these Japanese pirates were small in scale, and there were hidden piles along the coast. Once the navy made a move, they would immediately hide or run away, making it difficult to catch.

Sometimes Shen Yourong and the others are not sure whether it is Japanese pirates or local pirates, or just local pirates under the banner of Japanese pirates, but these people also have connections with Japan, and sometimes even dare to go to North Korea to rob .

   "The Tang family colluded with Jinshan Weisuo and Zhongyi, a group of Japanese pirates?" Feng Ziying's brows tightened.

"It should be so. Many merchant ships along the coast of Songjiang were looted, which should be related to this group of pirates, but it is not clear whether they are Japanese pirates, but there should be Japanese among them, but as far as my father knows, the leader should be our Han people ,..." Zhen Baochen paused, and then said: "As far as my father knows, part of the looted goods by pirates and pirates at sea was sold through a pawnshop and a jewelry shop of the Tang family in the capital city, and some of the bulk goods were Go out through Yangzhou,..."

  If the situation mentioned above is very important, but what is said later is very critical.

   To win the Tang family, they will definitely face strong opposition from Lu, Dong, and even the entire Songjiang scholar. This force is not small.

   Without sufficient evidence, it would be difficult to bring down the Tang family, let alone uproot it.

  The shares of the Tang family in Taihe Yinzhuang are not small, and many people are jealous.

   "Pawnshops and jewelry stores in the capital city?" Feng Ziying was very perceptive.

  He was a Fucheng in Shuntian Mansion, and he knew about the pawnshops and jewelry shops with names and surnames, but of course the general ones definitely didn't know.

   Zhen Baochen swallowed a mouthful of saliva with some difficulty, and said in a harsh voice: "The story of Kuidou in Dashi Yongfang, and the Tianshun Treasure Square in Fucaifang."

  Feng Ziying almost gasped.

  Kui Dou Ji is not simple, one of the eight pawnshops in the capital, although it ranks at the bottom of the eight pawnshops, there are more than a hundred pawnshops in the capital city? Can be ranked in the top eight, you can imagine the scale.

  Tianshun Treasure Square is even more frightening. It is located on the Baimao Alley in front of the Sanfa Department, the Ministry of Justice, Dali Temple and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. It is also a very famous jewelry and antique shop in Beijing.

There are three floors, the first floor is a jewelry store, the second floor is an antique store, and the third floor is a place for big customers or VIP customization to discuss business. The scale in Beijing can be said to sit around and look around, even Shen Xuelin and the others go. After buying jewelry, it is like ordinary people who dare not even step on the door.

  (end of this chapter)

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