Number of People

Chapter 2428: Guizi Juan chooses the target, the critical point

  Chapter 2428 Guizi Juan chooses the target, the critical point

  The reason why we started from Ningguo Mansion is because Tan Zongzheng, the most powerful patriarch of the Tan clan in Ningguo Mansion, died, and his son Tan Yanghao happened to be an embarrassing role.

  Because of this, many sequelae that were suppressed by the Tan family's original domineering style in Ningguo Mansion are beginning to erupt.

   All other clans that have not benefited from the growth of the Tan family, or even lost their interests, will naturally start to rebound.

  Especially under the faint awareness that the imperial court is going to make a round of adjustments to Jiangnan, many people will come to ask for cooperation.

   It can be said that even without the cooperation of the Zhen family, Feng Ziying could find enough useful collaborators in the Ningguo Mansion, and he could also overthrow the Tan family who were already in trouble.

  But with the cooperation of the Zhen family, the Tan family can be taken down more easily and perfectly, and by the way, a group of government officials who have been colluding with the Tan family for so many years for profit can be cleared out.

   "You said that the Tan family has brought in several prefects to become their own people. Apart from the one surnamed Shao, the current prefect Yang Wendong should also be involved?" Feng Ziying started from the closest one.

  South Zhili prefectures, none of them are simple, and being able to vacate a prefect position can be regarded as a contribution to the court.

  Furthermore, of course Feng Ziying also has selfish intentions. She still has so many classmates and relatives waiting to be arranged. There are quite a few in Beijing and Shaanxi.

   Ningguo Mansion is hard to say how developed and prosperous it is, but its geographical location is not bad. There are also six counties in its territory and a large population.

  Places like Suzhou, Yangzhou, Hangzhou, and Huzhou, Feng Ziying also want to intervene, but is it possible?

  Which one of these places, such an important position as the magistrate, does not have the support of the cabinet ministers or the six ministers behind it?

  Which adjustment should not be a game between North Korea and China?

  Where is it the turn of juniors like Feng Ziying to speak?

  If you can think about positions like Tongzhi and Tongju, the prefect should stop dreaming.

That is to say, prefectures like Ningguo, Chizhou, Guangde, and Anqing, which are considered to be close to the fringes in the Southern Zhili area, have made great achievements in the south of the Yangtze River this round, won the favor of the court, and see if they can take the opportunity to recommend a Two.

   Even so, we still have to see how Gu Bingqian and Chai Ke will operate after they come.

"Yang Wendong has been the magistrate of Yonglong for eight years. After four years, he can sit still. How could he not cooperate with the Tan family?" It would be very difficult to give up the benefits. Tan Yanghao is also trying to please the other party. Last year, he sent a pair of twin kabukis to Yang Wendong. It is said that one of them gave birth to a son for Yang Wending last year,..."

   "In other words, in the process of cooperating with the Tan family, Yang Wendong is no longer a supporting role in the original Tan Zongzheng era, but is gradually taking the initiative?" Feng Ziying rubbed her chin thoughtfully.

   "Forget it, now the salt profit from the Ningguo Mansion is basically shared by the Zhen family, the Tan family, and Yang Wendong, and the other 10% has to be managed by the Salt Envoy of the capital,..."

   Speaking of this, Zhen Baochen glanced at Feng Ziying. She knew that Feng Ziying's third wife, Lin Shi, was the only daughter of Lin Ruhai, the former Lianghuai patrol salt censor Lin Ruhai.

  Feng Ziying ignored the other party. If Xunyan Yushi didn't have some oil and water, who would break the fight?

  And there may be the risk of being alienated by the mainstream scholars and becoming the emperor's private minister. Once you step in, there is no possibility of returning to the mainstream scholar group.

   "It turns out that Tan Zongzheng, how do you divide the profit?" Feng Ziying asked again, he needs to figure out the general profit distribution rules for this kind of private salt profiteering.

"Four four one one." Zhen Baochen hesitated for a while, "This is only the case in Ningguo Mansion. The others are basically five three one one. Of course, if you go to any place that can handle officials like the magistrate, you will only give half of it. That's theirs." the ability."

   It can be seen from this that it is also a common practice to transfer 10% of the profits from the yamen of the salt envoy. After all, it is not only the patrolling salt censor, but also a large number of yamen officials such as the envoy and deputy envoy.

  Starting from Ningguo Mansion, the Gu family in Changzhou, the Xu family in Huzhou, the Lian family in Zhenjiang, the Chen family in Guangde, and Zhen Baochen all began to mention them one by one.

   What Feng Ziying wanted was not only the interest disputes and profit sharing between the Zhen family and these few families, but also the issue of the collusion between these few families and local government officials, and also the issue of the transfer of salt envoys to the Siyamen.

  The salt affairs in Southern Zhili are all under the jurisdiction of the transfer salt envoys of the two capitals of Huaihe River and Huaihe River, while Huzhou belongs to Zhejiang, so it is under the jurisdiction of the transfer salt envoys of the two Zhejiang capitals, so this also involves the transfer of salt envoys of the two capitals, which is quite complicated.

  After the beginning, Zhen Baochen had nothing to hold back, and said everything she knew and could say in one breath.

  Feng Ziying listened very carefully, all kinds of secrets gurgling out like this shocked him.

   Zhen Baochen's memory is very good, basically there is no ambiguity, and the questions asked by Feng Ziying, as long as she knows, she can answer them clearly one by one.

  Of course, when it comes to the collusion of various families with local officials, she can only give advice on what she knows, or what she suspects and predicts. Feng Ziying is also very satisfied with this point.

   This conversation lasted for more than an hour, and it didn't come to an end until Zishi.

   Looking at the time, Feng Ziying also hesitated.

  Although the discussion is almost done today, Feng Ziying knows that once the lid is lifted and hands on, there will definitely be many specific details and verification issues involved.

  Tang and Ding are better off, but the profit sharing with the local giants in terms of salt profits involves many years of accounts, and it may not be possible to achieve a satisfactory result in one fell swoop.

   In order for these people to spit out these benefits, there needs to be conclusive evidence, which is not a simple matter.

   Choosing when to do it is also a very difficult question.

  It's too early, and we have to worry that the follow-up force will not be able to keep up. Gu Bingqian and the others have not yet arrived, which will bring about a wave of turmoil and chaos, and the effect cannot be maximized.

  It's too late, once the news leaks out, each family will be aware of it and hide and hide, and the loss will be huge.

   Now there is still this problem, once the action is taken, I am afraid that each family will understand who "betrayed" everyone, and then the Zhen family will immediately become the target of public criticism.

   Zhen Yingjia, Zhen Yingyu, and Zhen Yinghui will all become the targets of the tyrants that must be eliminated quickly, and the Zhen family sisters and Zhen Baoyu may also become the targets of robbery and kidnapping by the other party, in order to coerce the Zhen brothers to keep their mouths or turn back.

"Miss Zhen, Miss Zhen, it's late today, so I should arrange for someone to take you back to Zhen's house, but I have a few worries." Feng Ziying said seriously: "One is that you and Li Qi came from the spiritual response together. From what I've seen, it is estimated that not many people have noticed that you have come to my residence, and my residence has always been the target of many people's attention, and sending you back now may not be able to avoid the detection of outsiders."

   Neither Zhen Baochen nor Zhen Baoyu spoke.

"Secondly, once the follow-up starts, you will definitely need the cooperation of your Zhen family, especially your father and uncle. In addition, I also need to get the accounts from your Zhen family. I will tell you that your third uncle Zhen Yinghui should have It was taken down by the Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Captain Long."

   Feng Ziying's words made the Zhen sisters stand up again. Looking at Feng Ziying, Feng Ziying was very calm and waved her hands.

   This is a matter of time. Taking him down, in a sense, protects him. Do you think no one would dare to touch him, kidnap him, or assassinate him as the prefect of Jinhua? I was in the capital city, and on the way to Shaanxi as an imperial envoy, wouldn't it be the same that someone would dare to assassinate me? "

   Zhen Baochen curled up in the chair dejectedly.

  She had to admit that from the moment she stepped into Feng's residence, there were probably countless people planning to get rid of her father and uncle.

   These people should know that dead accounts are probably far less threatening than the mouths of living people. If the two can be combined, then their families will die without a place to bury them.

   Zhen Baoyu's face was even paler, and Feng Ziying was also a little moved by the tender and pitiful appearance covering her mouth, but the timing was not right.

   "What does your lord want to say?" Zhen Baochen lamented in his heart, but he had to force a smile.

"I mean, the two of you can stay in my mansion. I should be safe here, but people like your father and uncle, I'm afraid they have to consider how to settle down next." Feng Ziying pondered: " This is mainly related to the timing of the imperial court's actions against Tang Ding's family and other families."

"Your Excellency, what do you mean is that my father and the others are already in some danger, but they can't make it too obvious? We need to wait for the court to take action before they can be settled in a safe place?" Zhen Baochen was very quick-witted and understood the meaning immediately. .

"That's what it means. The two of you can't leave my house right now. There are countless people staring at my house. You came back in the car that Li Qi went out. Maybe you can hide temporarily, but I guess it will take three to five days. Afterwards, when those people find out that you two sisters have disappeared, they will act quickly to find your whereabouts in the past few days. After all, they can't cover it up. But at that time, the court should take action, and you sisters will be wronged in the next few days. I Let Sister Li Coco and Li Qi settle down for you two."

Feng Ziying's words were reasonable and logical, she seemed to have completely ignored Zhen Baochen's idea of ​​being a slave and maidservant when she first came here, and she didn't seem to care about Zhen Yingjia's proposal to Jia Yucun to let the sisters of the Zhen family enter Feng's residence as concubines at all. thing.

  The Zhen sisters hesitated to speak, but finally nodded, "Then please trouble your lord, but please make careful arrangements for the Zhen family, and don't let my father worry and become a hunting target."

"This is what it should be, and I should arrange it myself." Feng Ziying waved his hand, "And your father and the others are willing to cooperate with the court, which also shows sincerity. I also hope that he can become a model, and maybe this can also alleviate some of the problems. The pressure from your Zhen family."

  (end of this chapter)

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