Number of People

Chapter 2430: Kui-shaped roll set plate, hands-on

  Chapter 2430 Guizi scroll fixed board, hands-on

  Sun Chengzong readily supported Feng Ziying's opinion, and moved the Tang family first, and took down the main figures of the Tang family in one fell swoop to prevent the Tang family from absconding and transferring assets.

   But when it comes to the specific strategy of arrest, Sun Chengzong is not familiar with the situation. He is not good at this aspect, but he is quite free and easy. He fully supports Feng Ziying on behalf of the Ministry of War to coordinate with Long Jinwei and the Metropolitan Procuratorate to determine a plan of action.

  In view of the fact that the people from the Nanjing Criminal Department are not trustworthy, we will not consider using the people from the Nanjing Criminal Department for the time being. After bringing Gu Bingqian's group of people to the south, it is not too late for the people from the Criminal Department to join in.

  As soon as the people from the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Long Jinwei were summoned to introduce the situation, the people from Long Jinwei and the Metropolitan Procuratorate immediately became excited.

Involved in such a broad and influential series of major cases, including interception and robbery at sea, ransacking, kidnapping and extortion on land, and the identities of "Japanese pirates" and pirates, it is difficult to get in touch with a powerful family here together, but it is a fact.

Once this series of cases are solved, it is reasonable for the Tang family to exterminate the genocide, but the key is to investigate the whole case clearly, and all the criminals must be brought to the case, otherwise doubts will arise, and if they want to carry out any major actions It is difficult.

  Shen Yourong sent Hou Chengzu to participate in this operation, which is enough to prove that the Denglai Navy attaches great importance to this matter.

  The Metropolitan Procuratorate is still dominated by the people brought by Yang Lian.

After Sun Dingxiang learned that Shao Zhixian, the magistrate of Ningguo Prefecture, was forced to leave the crown by Tan Zongzheng colluding with a certain censor of the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate, he was also shocked. He always thought that the censors who had been carefully screened by him would be fine. If there are hidden dangers, it will really pose a huge threat to this series of big tasks in the future.

  After careful screening and analysis, the senior censor Bao Chengkun was locked.

   This guy is from Luoyang, Henan Province. Yuanxi won a Jinshi in the past 30 years.

   After Sun Dingxiang took over the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate Youdu Yushi, he still felt that this guy was honest and reliable, and he was a confidant. Who would have thought that he would be a big beetle.

After Sun Dingxiang confirmed Bao Chengkun, he immediately launched a secret investigation, and soon found out that this guy was pretending to be clean and honest, but in his own house, he was as simple and simple as usual. He only had one wife and one concubine. In fact, he had a mansion in Nanjing. The three places are all in the bustling areas of Nanjing City, with a market price of more than 80,000 yuan.

This guy rented two other mansions and kept two outer rooms, one of which should be a Yangzhou skinny horse bought by Tan Zongzheng from Yangzhou and given to him. The furniture and furnishings are very luxurious and extravagant, and the cost is not small. Just the servants and maidservants have invited more than a dozen people. Compared with the simplicity of his family, it seems a world of difference.

  Because of this precedent, Sun Ding, on the contrary, felt a little worried about the censors under his command. He used to have his chest slapped loudly, but now he would rather be more cautious, lest the four censors he had inspected again would send over.

  The chart has already been hung up.

  Only Feng Ziying, Yang Lian, Sun Dingxiang, Zhao Wenzhao, Hou Chengzu and a young general brought by Hou Chengzu were in the house.

  All eyes fell on this young general.

   You must know that this kind of matter is top secret, and the slightest bit of wind cannot be leaked, and no one else can know about it.

  Hou Chengzu was able to participate because of his excellent performance during the Southern Expedition, and because he was the leader of the sailor battalion who was about to participate in this mission, but if you bring a person, it would be a little unruly.

  Feng Ziying knew that Hou Chengzu was not a person who didn't understand the rules, so she didn't speak, and only waited for Hou Chengzu's explanation.

  Feng Ziying did not speak, and Yang Lian and Sun Dingxiang were also reluctant to speak. On the contrary, Zhao Wenzhao, as a member of Long Jinwei, knew the origin of this young man.

  Hou Chengzu also knew that everyone didn't mean to speak, so he hurriedly introduced.

   "My lords, this is my deputy, Qi Xianzong,..."

  As soon as Hou Chengzu spoke, Sun Dingxiang understood first, narrowed his eyes, stroked his beard and asked, "Son of civilization?"

   Civilization is Qi Changguo's character, and Qi Changguo is the new admiral of the Fujian Navy, who is equivalent to the deputy of the Fujian Navy Admiral. That's all, Qi Changguo is Qi Jiguang's third son.

Qi Jiguang was not affected by Zhou Daiming in the Great Zhou Dynasty. He also shined in the Anti-Japanese War and became a famous anti-Japanese general. However, when Feng Ziying was in his early years, Qi Jiguang had passed away for more than ten years, but his sons were still active. In the Haijiang Army, the third son Qi Changguo is the most famous one.

  The young military general knew the rules, stood up and saluted, "Xianzong has met all of you adults."

Hearing that it was Qi Changguo's son and Qi Jiguang's grandson, everyone's faces softened. Qi Jiguang's famous name is still shocking. No matter whether he is a civil servant or a general, he still respects a real hero. This is also true for the civil servants of the Great Zhou Dynasty There is also some benevolence.

   "I have read "The New Book of Performance" and "Records of Military Training" several times, and I have benefited a lot. It is a pity that I was born a few decades late and could not work with Qi Shaobao. "Feng Ziying was also slightly moved, Qi Changguo was fine, but Qi Jiguang is a hero worthy of respect.

   "Thank you for your praise, Mr. Xianzong, Xianzong should live up to the glory of his ancestors and fight the enemy with all his strength." Qi Xianzong is obviously also a military officer who is not very good at words.

It was Hou Chengzu who continued: "I have stayed in the Fujian Navy for several years, and I am very familiar with the Yangtze River Estuary, Chenqian Mountain and Daqu Mountain. According to the information obtained by Mr. Feng, we suspect that the so-called Japanese pirates colluded by the Tang family Or the pirate's lair should be in the islands of Chenqian Mountain and Daqu Mountain. It is highly suspected that it is on the three islands between Chenqian Mountain, Yangshan and Daqu Mountain. They had set foot there before, but they didn't realize it at the time, so they didn't investigate carefully,..."

Everyone knows that there are many islands in Chenqian Mountain, Yang Mountain, Daqu Mountain and Dai Mountain, most of which are uninhabited islands, and some are inhabited, but there are still quite a few fishermen who live temporarily. Islands that are often abandoned, so basically not many people pay attention to that area, especially those islands that are not too large to cultivate and grow crops.

  Outsiders are even more blinded by that area, and can't figure out what's going on inside.

   Qi Xianzong is familiar with that area, so he has become an excellent guide.

The focus of everyone's eyes fell on Qi Xianzong. At this time, Qi Xianzong was not too restrained, probably because he was more relaxed when talking about his own job, "My lords, please look, this is the Chen Qianshan Islands. This area is The Majishan Islands, here are the Yangshan Islands, and further south are the Daishan Islands.”

Qi Xianzong was very excited at this time, "The Daishan Islands are unlikely, because they are too close to the Dinghai Islands. Jinshan Island and Dinghai Islands have always been at odds, but they have a good relationship with Zhapu Island... After our analysis, if The pirates linked to by the Tang family or the pirates controlled by the Tang family want to choose a foothold in this sea area. The Yangshan Islands are the closest and most convenient, but also because the distance is too close, it is more likely to attract attention and bring risks, so We estimate that the Yangshan Islands are suitable for a temporary foothold or a place to hand over stolen goods, but they are not suitable as a base, because there are not many islands in the Yangshan Islands that are suitable for a large number of people,..."

  Everyone nodded slightly. No one can guarantee that this kind of thing will be exposed, so for safety reasons, they must not be too close to themselves.

"Then there are only Chenqianshan Islands, Majishan Islands and Daqushan Islands left." Qi Xianzong was calm and methodical: "The conditions of the Daqushan Islands are also very good, and many islands are very It is suitable, but they are close to Mount Dai, and Mount Dai is a place where the guards of the Dinghai Army often set foot in. It is inevitable that the Dinghai Army will meet one day, so this possibility is not great,..."

"The Chenqianshan Islands and the Majishan Islands are suitable for all aspects." Qi Xianzong's eyes were clear, and he obviously had a goal: "The Majishan Islands are mainly Majishan Island. Its area is very large, even one or two thousand people live there. In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, there were nearly a thousand islanders. If you want to choose a large base, this is the most suitable place, but then again, because the area is too large, it is also the most eye-catching,..."

"Chen Qianshan Islands should be the most suitable in all aspects, because they are located in the open sea, and the conditions of the two islands are very suitable. It is just right for three to five hundred people to live, and they are far away from the land, but they are relatively far away from the sea merchant shipping routes. It's close, so it's convenient to attack,..."

"After our repeated screening and screening, combined with the summary of information given by the adults, we can conclude that this group of pirates used the West Island of the Chenqianshan Islands as their main base for attack operations, and the southwest of Majishan Island The island above is called Changshan Island, which should be where they hoard supplies and live their daily lives, and Majishan Island is also an area where they often move.”

Qi Xianzong finished the situation in one breath, and Hou Chengzu came to pick up the words: "According to this information, we have also formulated a plan for encirclement and suppression. According to Mr. Feng's opinion, the Tang family on land will be handed over to the Liaodong Army, and Chen Qian on Shanxi Island And Changshan Island is handed over to our Navy Navy Battalion.”

   It is necessary to have a meal, and the credit cannot be made by the whole family, so this is a compromise under balance.

  The Denglai Navy belongs to the Denglai Army after all, so the conquest of the Tang family on land was handed over to Mao Wenlong's Liaodong Army.

  This kind of military action is a bit exaggerated. It is just a small activity that couldn't be easier. The key is to get both people and goods. This is the most important thing.

  Long Jinwei had to thread the needle and guide the actions of these frontier troops. After all, they were not very familiar with this type of action. As for the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, they could share the credit if they played a good supervisory role.

  (end of this chapter)

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