Number of People

Chapter 2438: Guizi volumes are full of pots and bowls, and the meaning is still unfinished

  Chapter 2438 Guizi Juan is full of bowls, and the meaning is still unfinished

  Qi Xianzong stood far away and did not look at Feng Ziying's behavior at all.

  Feng Ziying didn't seem to care too much, and just cleaned up the entire wooden cabinet on her own.

  Finally, Feng Ziying stepped on the foundation of the red sandalwood cabinet again, and then she tilted her head, "Xianzong, let someone come and lift this wooden cabinet away."

Immediately, two soldiers came to lift the wooden cabinet away. Feng Ziying's eyes fell on the dusty stone slab below, which seemed to be no different from the surrounding slate, but there were a few fuzzy fingers on the side closest to the wall. Feng Ziying looked it over carefully, and then tapped it with his fingers.

  No abnormality could be heard, but soon someone handed over a thin iron ruler. Feng Ziying carefully drew along the base of the wall for a while, and the gap on the edge of the wall that should have been smoothed with rice juice paste was picked up.

  Feng Ziying then inserted an iron piece into it, and gently pried it, and the stone slab became slightly loose.

  Feng Ziying pried hard, and the stone slab was finally opened. Feng Ziying carefully moved the stone slab away. There was a two-foot-square space inside, and a jewelry box was placed inside.

Feng Ziying took a deep breath, and lifted out the jewelry box. The lock was very delicate. Feng Ziying pinched it with her fingers, twisted it, and it fell off. Maybe the lock was not used to lock people, but just a symbol. sexual.

  Open the lid, and a stack of banknotes is placed on the left.

Feng Ziying picked up one and opened it to look at it, feeling slightly moved. It is a bank note of 200,000 taels of Haitong Yinzhuang, which is not bearer, and can be withdrawn with the imprint of Tongtongtongtong. Scrolling down, it is also a bank note of 200,000 taels of Jiangnan Yinzhuang. There are three silver notes of 100,000 taels below, which are in a similar situation, but none of them belong to a bank.

On the right were a few letters, about four or five. Feng Ziying didn't look at them any more, but opened the bank notes and letters on the top, and a booklet on the bottom. Feng Ziying took it out, glanced at it, and took a deep breath. Close directly.

   After handing the tools to Feng Ziying, Qi Xianzong and the soldiers retreated to a distance.

  Qi Xianzong was very clear about Feng Ziying's purpose in looking here instead of the cellar. It was obvious that Feng Ziying paid attention not only to money, but also to letters and accounts.

  The water here is too deep, and it's not something a military officer like him can ask. It's better not to know if he can know.

  The banknotes were put together by Feng Ziying, Feng Ziying thought about it, and simply took out some of the letters and accounts on it, but kept the letters and accounts in the jewelry box in the hidden compartment.

   The matter is of great importance, and if he is not careful, it will become a powerful bomb that will blow up the officialdom in the south of the Yangtze River and even the people in the capital city. He has to act cautiously.

   There are some things that even the censors should not see, and Feng Ziying has to think about whether Sun Dingxiang and Yang Lian are suitable to see.

  The attention of the two censors was drawn to the cellar behind the attic.

   When Feng Ziying passed by, the two censors glanced calmly at the jewelry box in Feng Ziying's hand, and Feng Ziying nodded in agreement.

  The two censors blinked their eyebrows and moved their eyebrows, and they both nodded slightly, expressing their understanding.

  The stone door of the cellar here has been opened, and it can be seen that it has undergone moisture-proof treatment. Underneath, a dark ditch has been dug and overhead slabs have been paved.

  The two censors kept guarding the door. When the sergeants pried open the door and went in to have a look, they signaled Feng Ziying to enter first.

  The cellar is not big, but it is not small either. It is a bit crowded to accommodate three or five people, but you can get an overview.

  Two huge boxes were placed against the wall, probably the kind of boxes used by women from rich families to hold dowry when they got married, painted red and painted, very luxurious.

Feng Ziying entered first, walked to the side of the box, lifted the lid, and under the light of the torch, the pearls and emeralds in the box were so dazzling that Feng Ziying couldn't help covering her eyes with her hands, tilting her head to change the angle, Only then can I see clearly.

Basically all kinds of jewelry, jade bracelets and pendants, necklaces and collars, pearls and hairpins, gold and silver headgear, and some objects such as jade bi and jade pendants, among which gold, jade and beads are the most common. Silver is less.

   Open the lid of another box, and the contents inside are roughly the same.

  Feng Ziying nodded. There are so many jewels, and the styles are not the same. It is conceivable that most of them are stolen goods. I just don’t know that the Tang family has Tianshun Jewelry Shop in the capital city, so why not sell them? There are still some problems here for more than half a year.

  The other is a pile of multiple large wooden boxes overlapping each other.

  Feng Ziying signaled two sailors to carry a box down, and the two sailors carried the box over with great difficulty, and lifted the lid of the box, the golden light was dazzling, and the yellow glow filled the air.

  All gold ingots of one color, two sizes, Feng Ziying picked up a large one, probably around fifty taels, and a small one estimated to be around twenty taels.

   There are at least seventy or eighty pieces in a box, and it is estimated to weigh about three hundred catties. No wonder the two strong sailors feel a little strenuous.

Feng Ziying estimates that this box of gold is about three hundred catties, which is equivalent to more than 30,000 taels of silver. Now that the price of gold has risen, the exchange rate for silver has gradually increased from one to twelve five or six years ago. To close to one to thirteen, about twelve point eight.

In other words, based on the calculation of three hundred catties, this box of gold would be equivalent to thirty-eight thousand taels of silver, and if these seven or eight boxes were all filled with gold, it would be equivalent to about two hundred thousand taels Three hundred thousand taels of silver.

Although hundreds of thousands of taels of silver bills were piled up in the wooden cabinets and jewelry boxes just now, they are silver bills after all. The visual stimulation is far beyond what silver bills can match.

  Feng Ziying signaled to carry another box down, the soldiers acted immediately, and brought another box over, Feng Ziying opened it, and found that it was also full of gold ingots, and the weight was estimated to be about the same, Feng Ziying didn't look at it, and signaled to cover it.

   "My lords, it is estimated that these seven or eight boxes should be gold ingots. When the time comes, I have to count and register them one by one, and I will have to work hard."

  The two censors had been dazzled for a long time, and they were speechless for a while.

I haven't raided officials' mansions before, but most of them are land deeds, jewelry, antiques, calligraphy and paintings, and bank notes. Even if there are gold and silver, they are mainly silver ingots and silver cakes. Like this one, they are all gold. Yuanbao, dazzling, makes people really have a feeling of being swayed and unable to extricate themselves.

   "Don't worry, my lord, this is the duty of a subordinate official, as it should be." A censor responded quickly.

  Feng Ziying walked to the other side, this side is mainly groceries.

  Several leather bags were piled up together, Feng Ziying opened the mouth of the bag, and saw all the top-quality Dongwu jadeite, estimated to weigh several hundred catties in one bag, and estimated to weigh thousands of catties in these bags of jadeite.

  Emerald? Feng Ziying pondered.

Dongwu Jadeite has always been the favorite of various jewelry stores. Both men and women in Dazhou like jadeite, especially the bracelets, necklaces, waist chains, anklets, and pendants carved from top-quality jadeite are very popular. I don’t know this batch Where did the goods come from? Most of them were obtained at sea.

   Fiddled with several bags of jadeite, Feng Ziying signaled to the two censors to take a look, and then set his sights on the other slightly smaller silk bags.

  Pick up a bag, open the rope at the mouth of the bag, and the permeated pearl light is like a layer of dark light and shadow slowly floating, overflowing with light and brilliance, making people fascinated.

   These are South Sea black pearls, there may be hundreds of them in a bag!

  Feng Ziying couldn't help but take a deep breath.

A high-quality South Sea black pearl is between eighty taels and two hundred taels. If it is made into jewelry such as necklaces, ankle chains, waist chains and Xiapi, black pearls of the same size are required, and the price will be more expensive. .

A bracelet or necklace of 30 to 50 black pearls, the price of black pearls alone is only 5,000 to 10,000 taels of silver, but if you choose beads of the same size to make a jewelry, the price will double immediately. Up to 20,000 to 30,000 taels or even 40,000 to 50,000 taels are possible.

  Feng Ziying shook her head, just took off the silk bag, and looked at the other silk bags.

  One is still full of black pearls, while the other bag is full of Japanese sea pearls. The price of Japanese sea pearls is much cheaper, one is only one twenty taels.

   There is also a silk bag that is relatively small, but it is the east pearl produced in Liaodong. It is big and round, and it is also expensive, not cheaper than black pearls.

   There is also a bag of agate, which should all come from Liaodong.

  Seeing all kinds of miscellaneous things makes people feel agitated, even the two censors and Qi Xianzong are a little bit swayed.

  Gold and silver are eye-catching, and wealth touches people's hearts. The ancients were not deceitful.

  Feng Ziying couldn't figure out the value of these bags of pearls and agates, but at least two to three hundred thousand taels of silver.

  Shaking her head, Feng Ziying settled down, and Feng Ziying walked to the end, and there were two wooden boxes, opened it and looked, and there was a special aroma, it was ambergris.

  Feng Ziying really admired it.

  This gang of Japanese pirates can actually find so many things. It has to be said that once the tyrants and the government collude with the bandits, it will really be invincible.

   It is no wonder that the profits of sea trade are huge, but the risks are also huge. Not to mention the changing situation on the sea, the ship may be destroyed at any time, and people may be killed at any time, and it is really not easy to be attacked by such bandits.

  Another wooden box is also a spice, but it should be musk.

  Feng Ziying is too lazy to look at it. Anyway, the things that can let these pirates hide in the cellar are definitely not cheap.

"You two, that's the general situation, hehe, plus what you got in the attic, it's quite a harvest." Feng Ziying spread her hands, and then turned her head, "Long Jinwei and Sailor Battalion can come to count, and also It will take a long time to bother you two, and the big guy can breathe a sigh of relief after the inventory is clear and needs to be sealed, but..."

  Qi Xianzong's gaze has already looked over, he hesitated to speak.

  Feng Ziying pretended not to know, but glanced at the two censors, and Long Jinwei's Baihu also lowered his eyebrows and remained silent.

  The two censors also understood, hesitated for a moment, and still whispered: "Master Feng, you have fought **** battles, you have worked hard, and it is not easy. You make up your mind, and we all support it..."

  (end of this chapter)

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