Number of People

Chapter 2440: The Gui character scroll is terrified, and it is hard to get off the tiger

  Chapter 2440 Guizi Juan is terrified, riding a tiger is hard to get off

   "Brother Yi, if I ask you at this time, who should I ask?" Feng Ziying laughed.

  He can understand the difficulties and difficulties of the other party, but if he is asked to say who has a problem at this time, how can he open his mouth?

  The Tang family's connections and influence in Songjiang Mansion are self-evident, even those scholar families are involved, such as Songjiang Mansion and Huating County, how many dare to say that they have nothing to do with the Tang family?

   That is to say, Shi Ji’s time is too short, and he must be aware of the court’s intention to adjust him to Songjiang in this wave, so he can still stand on his own. After a long time, it’s really hard to say whether he can hold it.

"But if you want to do this, brother Yu, what are you going to do in Songjiang Mansion?" Shi Jishi flicked his sleeves angrily, "The imperial court arranged for me to reverse the situation in Songjiang as soon as possible. Get to Beijing as soon as possible,..."

  Feng Ziying interrupted quickly after hearing this: "Brother Yi, now the land tax of Nanzhi prefectures does not go through the Nanjing household department?"

  Historical Recorder was taken aback for a moment, and shook his head: "Is there any household department in Nanjing? Jia Jing? The household department has already written, and this year, the land tax of the Nanzhi prefectures will be released directly to Beijing."

  Feng Ziying nodded silently. It seems that the abolition of Nanjing's yamen is a certainty. This is to completely uproot the roots of Emperor Wantong in the south of the Yangtze River.

"Since Uncle Yi came here under the arrangement of the imperial court, he should know the current situation in Jiangnan. This time, the army has gone south and solved the problems of the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River. What is the next step to solve? Brother Yi is not clear?" Feng Ziying asked rhetorically.

Shi Jishi looked melancholy, "Of course I know, but if this action is too big, I am worried that it will affect the income of autumn grain and land tax. The Ministry of Households is now asking for all the receivables in various lines, which shows that it is difficult. Songjiang is a big household, and I bear the brunt of it." .”

"Brother Yi, can we only bring pigs if we leave Zhang Butcher?" Feng Ziying sneered, "It's better to clean the house to welcome guests. In my opinion, this is a good opportunity to sort out the mess in your Songjiang Mansion. It will also help Brother Yi to re-establish his prestige, so don't worry, I guess those people will gather under Brother Yi's command soon, begging for mercy to show their loyalty."

  Feng Ziying's teasing words also made Shi Jishi laugh, but then turned into a wry smile: "Ziying, you may not know the power of the Tang family in Songjiang Mansion,..."

"Brother Yi, I know the situation of the Tang family better than you, otherwise I won't touch them." Feng Ziying smiled lightly, "I know what you want to say, the Dong family and the Lu family, I heard that Brother Boda (Lu Yanzhang) It's at Huating's house, maybe it will be posted soon."

  Hearing what Feng Ziying said, Shi Jishi was a little surprised. It seems that this person really knows the situation in Songjiang very well.

  Dong and Lu, together with people like Xia Jiayu and Yuan Keli, the influence of Songjiang Scholars cannot be underestimated, but Feng Ziying knows this and dares to do so, then he really has confidence, and he feels relieved a lot.

   "If Lu Yanzhang was smart, he shouldn't have come to visit you at this time." Shi Jishi said firmly.

Feng Ziying chuckled. He also believed that Lu Yanzhang would not come to him at this time. Knowing that the court made such a big move against the Tang family, it was obviously murderous, and there was definitely enough evidence. Now he wanted to come to him to talk about the matter. Son, it's meaningless except to make fun of yourself.

"Okay, Brother Yi, should you be busy with your work or go. I will not be polite if there is a need. The Tang family is in Huating, and they have deep connections in Songjiang. In addition, they have a lot of business. Long Jinwei and The people from the Metropolitan Procuratorate must spend some time and energy, and we are not in a hurry for a while. Besides, Mr. Gu Ge is probably about to leave the north and enter Shandong soon, so he will come here soon, when the time comes Naturally, we will see the outcome."

Shi Jishi could only sigh and shook his head: "If this drags on, Songjiang Mansion's affairs will be impossible to do. Now everyone under his command is in a state of panic. What am I going to do? Who can I ask for help? Everyone is like a headless chicken. Same, bumping around,..."

"Brother Yi, you should consider the next step in terms of personnel arrangements. This time, apart from Mr. Gu Ge, people from the Ministry of Officials and the Metropolitan Procuratorate have come. I understand that you have no right to recommend, but the judges and officials It's not like you can't communicate with the people in the official department, and you can relax a bit if you choose a capable person." Feng Ziying said with a smile.

  Historical Records thoughtfully.

  The turbulence in the south of the Yangtze River probably involves a lot of people. He also heard the news that everyone in Nanjing's new fourth family was killed. It was because of the Zhen family that the Ding family and the Tang family were involved. Who else would be involved in these four families?

   It is estimated that in the four provinces in the south of the Yangtze River, many prefectures will have to be involved. How many people here will fall to the ground, and the vacated position will naturally be watched by someone.

   After dismissing Shi Jishi, Feng Ziying felt relieved.

  Tangjiazhai has been breached, and the rest is to count the results of the battle.

  Just because the Tang family dared to resist arrest, it would be enough to send them to hell. Captain Long joined forces with the Ministry of Criminal Justice to clean up the entire Tangjiazhai's internal fortress, and it is estimated that the results of the battle can be dug up.

It was not until nighttime that Mao Chenglu sent someone to deliver the letter, and he was sure to find three hidden bunkers of the Tang family, which can be regarded as the Tang family's gold storage. Even if they were mentally prepared, they still let Zhao Wenzhao, Mao Chenglu and several imperial officials I don't dare to be good at it, so I want to ask Feng Ziying to make a survey in person.

In fact, Feng Ziying also expected that the Tang family must be more amazing than imagined, but when he arrived, he saw the wealth, gold and silver and the series of people involved, and then he understood why Zhao Wenzhao was also regarded as a dragon ban. Wei Zhong felt a little tricky when he saw characters who were used to strong winds and waves.

After reading the list in his hand twice, Feng Ziying looked in the dark cellar accompanied by Zhao Wenzhao, Mao Chenglu and two censors. , I still feel that it is really insignificant.

1.2 million taels of silver, which was privately cast by the smelting furnace opened by the Tang family beside Dianshan Lake in Qingpu, 120 taels of "super-large ingots", 200 taels of large silver bars, the whole Neat each other in the dark cellar.

  In addition to more than one million cash silver, there are more than 2,000 gold ingots, each weighing from twenty taels to sixty taels.

  As for the jewelry found in the Japanese pirates' lair, there are not many such things, of course, this is only a relative term.

  The number of these jewelry, antiques, calligraphy and paintings found for personal use in his home is also quite amazing, but not as many as those found in Chen Qianshan Xidao.

  In terms of richness alone, it is even worse. For example, there are dozens of calligraphy and paintings by famous artists in Tang, Song, Ming and Zhou dynasties, and there are also a lot of precious court porcelain and jade in Tang and Song Dynasties, and their value is also incalculable.

As for the land, the Tang family has a characteristic, that is, they basically did not buy land in Songjiang, because they knew that buying land in Songjiang would definitely conflict with the gentry in Songjiang, especially Huating, so the land purchased by the Tang family basically They are all in Qingpu, Jiading, and Taicang in Suzhou, and the amount is not too large, just one or two thousand mu of land.

But the penetration of the Tang family in other industries is not easy. For example, in Taihe Yinzhuang, the Tang family is the second largest shareholder. It is estimated that the current share capital value is more than 600,000 yuan. Kou Shipyard, Songjiang Shipping Company, Nanjing Dafeng Building, Tang's Nanhuo Company, Tang's Cotton Cloth Company and other industries also have shares, and they are basically major shareholders. However, the estimated value of these industries is more than four million.

  In addition to these lists, what Feng Ziying valued more was the last book, which recorded many items sent out.

For example, the bookkeeping of the year at the end of the seventh year of Yonglong, after a simple look, a pair of flame red Jun kiln porcelain vases from the Song Dynasty were sent out, with two thousand silver patterns, but the person who gave them was only named Yisan, and I don't know who it was. .

   Also sent a huanghuali chilong white jade screen, with five thousand taels of gold, the standard one was given to Jiaer, and it was also impossible to know who it was.

  Feng Ziying looked at the various gold and silver sent by Wing Long at the end of the seventh year alone, there were more than 20,000 taels of cash and 2,000 taels of gold, not counting all kinds of ancient furniture and jewelry finger paintings, and the estimated value would not be too low.

   That is to say, the value of the gold and silver objects sent out at the end of the year alone should not be less than four to fifty thousand taels.

   It can be seen that it is not easy to be a powerful man. Just paying tribute to these officials will cost more than 100,000 taels a year.

  Feng Ziying carefully studied the meaning of the standard code names in this book.

A, B, C, and D are divided into several categories. Before, he understood that it might be based on the level of the official position, but after seeing the different values ​​of the gifts, he didn't think it was very similar. Later, he estimated that it might be based on the help and effect on the Tang family within a certain period of time. To decide, but because I don't know what A, B, C, and D represent, I can't be sure.

But there should be some differences. For example, A may belong to the six departments of Nanjing, B may belong to the Songjiang Prefecture or other places such as Suzhou or Ningbo that are helpful to the Tang family's business, and C may belong to the military system. , such as a guard, Ding may be from Huating County, it doesn't matter.

But this is not important, several important figures of the Tang family have been arrested, unlike in Chenqian Shanxi Island where some escaped to death in battle, after so many years of affluent life, Feng Ziying estimates that it is very difficult for these people to commit suicide The determination and courage to commit suicide.

   This is the best way, with a group of professionals like Long Jinwei serving, they will tell all the stories about peeping on women taking a shower when they were young.

Apart from these things, the number of land deeds and bank notes like the Zhen family's is not too much, and the land deeds only have four or five shops and mansions, one in the capital city, one in Nanjing city, one in Suzhou, and nothing else. That's right, and the silver bill is calculated to be two to three hundred thousand taels, which seems a bit too common for such a large Tang family.

  (end of this chapter)

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