Number of People

Chapter 2442: Guizi volume "Feng Dang", operation

  Chapter 2442 Gui character volume "Feng Dang", operation

   "That means Tang Laosan is mainly responsible for liaising with officials in Songjiang Mansion?" Feng Ziying roughly understood the situation here.

   This wave of sudden trials mainly focused on the local officials in Songjiang, and since the gap was opened from Tang Laosan, it meant that he was in charge of this road and the whole army was wiped out.

"This is almost the case. According to the feedback, it is basically in line with our guess. A total of four magistrates were involved. Without exception, they were all taken down by the Tang family. Most of them have received nine bribes from the Tang family, and some of them have received bribes from the Tang family nine times. Every New Year's New Year's greetings are routine, but at least they are thousands of taels, far beyond normal human relations,..."

  Zhao Wenzhao is also a veteran, and he knows all about the transactions between these officials and businessmen, especially the possible offensive and defensive alliances they may have formed.

  Feng Ziying rubbed her temples, she was shocked, but also secretly pleased.

Judging from the situation explained by Tang Laosan, almost all the four magistrates were promoted. You Shaoqing of Dali Temple, the procurator of Guangdong Province, and Hu Guangcheng announced that the political envoy Si You participated in politics. In the 33rd year of Yuanxi The prefect of Songjiang, Hu Baohua, is already the General Secretary of the General Administration, and he is a serious minister of the eight hundred and third grades, equal to himself.

  Even several Huating prefects are not easy.

  Huating County is a typical upper-class county, and the four elements of rush, complexity, fatigue, and difficulty account for almost all of them.

  Located at the mouth of the Yangtze River, it has a large population, heavy taxes, and frequent Japanese pirates, which can be described as the most typical key point.

  So as long as the county magistrates here serve one term for three years, they can almost all get promoted, and the worst thing is to serve two terms, and they will definitely be promoted.

   And many of them are promoted two levels in a row, directly promoted from the seventh rank to the sixth rank, and the promotion from the sixth rank is a special case.

Feng Ziying took a look. In the past 20 years, I have seen a total of six magistrates in Huating county. Except for two who have now retired, one has been a Tongzhi who has been transferred to the two Zhejiang provinces. From the fifth grade, Zhao Jiuyuan was promoted to Tongzhi of Zhangde Mansion, and the other died of illness while in office.

"Wen Zhao, you have gained a lot, but you have also created a big problem for me." Feng Ziying said meaningfully: "As soon as this confession list comes out, the whole Jiangnan will be shaken, um, not just Jiangnan, but the whole Zhou Dynasty Ah, these officials have basically been promoted, and they are found in all parts of the country, not limited to Jiangnan, and many of them have performed well. Now such a big thing suddenly popped up, and it basically happened many years ago It's okay, how do you tell me to deal with it?"

Zhao Wenzhao laughed, "I don't care about the matter of the subordinates. The subordinates only have to interrogate according to the orders of the adults. As for the results of the interrogation, that is the matter of the adults. If the adults feel that the time has passed and there is no need to pursue it, that's okay, my lord. If you think that the reason why the Tang family is in trouble is the connivance and support of these people, and you must investigate to the end, then there is a good reason, and it all depends on your mood."

"It all depends on my mood?" Feng Ziying laughed, "Is my mood so important? Can I decide the fate of so many officials from the third rank to the ninth rank? Am I too powerful? ?”

   "Hey, if your lord really thinks it's difficult to deal with, after Mr. Gu Ge comes, hand it over to him, and everything will be fine?" Zhao Wenzhao came up with an idea.

  Feng Ziying shook her head.

   This is not a good idea.

On the surface, it seems that all the troubles and troubles have been handed over to Gu Bingqian, and a lot of troubles and risks of offending people have been reduced, but in fact, they have lost the initiative to lead this matter. Important intent is lost.

  What are you doing in Jiangnan? It is to straighten out Jiangnan for the imperial court.

   Straighten out the two words, one understands that one is wealth and grain, and the other is officialdom and scholars.

The former is more than capable, the Zhen family and the Tang family and what they got in Chenqian Shanxi Island are enough to satisfy the household department, not to mention that there are Zhou, Hu, Tao and Ding families who have more families involved in private salt .

  But the second article can be deep or shallow or wide or narrow.

  The word "possible" also needs to be established on the premise of sufficient initiative and achieved results. It doesn't matter if you want "deep" or "wide".

   But now, according to the intelligence clues obtained from the Tang family and the Zhen family, it is enough to withstand a "deep and wide" storm, it depends on the intention of the operator.

Under the conditions of straightening out the official circles in the south of the Yangtze River, and even taking the opportunity to clean up the shopping malls in the south of the Yangtze River, he shrank out of fear of risks and offending people. That was definitely not Feng Ziying's style. Seek more benefits for yourself in the storm.

  He doesn't care about money, but political interests can be easily manipulated by his hands.

   That is, my foundation and wings are too thin, even if these things are spit out from Tang Laosan's mouth now, I can't bear it.

The Minister of General Affairs, the General Political Envoy, is a third-rank official, and he himself is a third-rank official. Lian Guoshi, the most dazzling or fastest-promoting member of his party, is only a fourth-rank magistrate, and he has only been in office for a year. It is simply wishful thinking to be promoted to the third rank.

There is also the procuratorial envoy of Guangdong Province, who is also a third-rank official. Although he is not a Beijing official, he has the judicial power of a province alone. , come up with some results, and run it for him, it is possible.

  You Shaoqing of Dali Temple, the fourth rank, a Beijing official, can be transferred back to practice state affairs, but does it make sense? But besides him, who else is qualified to touch this position?

The position of Tongzhi in Zhangde Mansion is a very suitable opportunity. Since it is in the Northland, it can barely be regarded as his basic position, and Zhangde Mansion is not big, unlike Henan Mansion, Kaifeng Mansion, Nanyang Mansion, and Runing Mansion. Well, it's not impossible for Fan Jingwen or He Fengsheng to go.

  Of course, it’s not impossible to let Fu Shi go. Fu Shi has been the magistrate of Baoan Prefecture for two years.

  Feng Ziying was already trying to figure out how to arrange matters for her family.

   If it doesn't work, it's okay to get Fang Youdu down. This guy has stayed in the Criminal Ministry for too long and lacks local training experience. He may be promoted soon in the future, but he may not be able to keep up with him in terms of ability to do things.

  Wang Yingxiong has been working in the Ministry of War for so long. He Fengsheng has gone to Shaanxi. The Bozhou Rebellion in Southwest China has ended. This guy has also made a lot of credit for this war. If there is an opportunity, he can also arrange this wave.

  The other thing is to recruit and recruit officials from Shaanxi.

  They may not be as good as their classmates in terms of political ideas and are more congenial with themselves, but under the **** of interests, their loyalty to themselves may not be worse than these classmates, or even worse.

  Especially those few people who don’t have a good network background, so they can be used freely.

  And those few people are not as good as my classmates, some of them are a little bit high-sighted, they have all experienced all kinds of storms in the backcountry of Shaanxi, give them a stage, and they will soon enter the state and perform even more dazzlingly.

At this time, Feng Ziying still felt that the time she had worked in Shaanxi was too short. In addition, the situation in Shaanxi at that time forced her to devote more energy to military affairs, and she still had too little contact with and dealt with local government affairs. So much so that there are not many opportunities to deal with local officials, and it is impossible to recruit and tap more government officials.

   This is the biggest shortcoming of my age and qualifications. No matter what method I use, I can't make up for it. This is also my biggest regret.

If I can be the governor of Shaanxi for a few more years, or I can be the governor of Shuntian Mansion for two more years, I will be very different from myself now, even if I work as the right servant of the Ministry of War for two more years, I will still gain the same Not small.

  But Feng Ziying knew that she should be content. Twenty-three years old, the right servant of the Ministry of War, and once served as the governor of Shaanxi and the governor of Shuntianfu, what else?

   Want to cultivate a "Feng Party" after three or five years in office? Do you really regard the princes of the court as NPCs?

   Really think that the story of Gan Luo’s twelve visits to prime ministers can be repeated in yourself? That really became a joke.

  Seeing that Feng Ziying seemed to be lost in self-contemplation, Zhao Wenzhao stood aside and remained silent.

  Of course he knows the power of this list. Long Jinwei cannot get involved, you can interrogate, but it is not up to Long Jinwei to comment on the follow-up processing.

   But as the status of the person in front of him is getting higher and higher, even the Commander, um, Commander Lu Songlu, respects this person very much.

  With the ascension of the new emperor, Lu Song has officially replaced the original Gu Cheng as the commander of Long Jinwei. This is also a move by the new emperor to win over Long Jinwei.

Zhao Wenzhao was not sure whether Commander Lu would accept the new emperor's overtures, but he knew that Commander Lu maintained close contacts with Prime Minister Ye, Xiang Fang, and even Elder Qi Ge, which actually made Long Jinwei invincible land.

   This errand mission can be regarded as an act of Commander Lu intending to befriend Xiao Feng Shilang, mobilizing resources from all parties to fully cooperate and support, and he is also an old acquaintance with Xiao Feng Shilang, so the cooperation will be much tacit.

  Commander Lu even clearly instructed that he didn't need to ask for instructions on some things, just follow Xiao Feng's wishes.

  The digging of the Tang family has to continue. The third brother of the Tang family has confessed, but the eldest and second child are still firm and refuse to submit.

However, Zhao Wenzhao doesn't think that the Tang family can hold on, and the Iron Fighting Arhat will also have to be turned into soft fingers under the methods of Long Jinwei. You can stand up by yourself, but you can sit back and watch your family face all kinds of inhuman torture. Time indifferent?

  Imagination is beautiful, but when it falls on yourself, you will know that you can't carry it, from spirit to body, you can't carry it.

  That's why Zhao Wenzhao thinks that Tang Laosan is a smart person, and the Zhen family is even smarter among smart people.

   The first update asks for votes!



  (end of this chapter)

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