Number of People

Chapter 2453: The income summary of the Guizi scroll, making money in a proper way

  Chapter 2453 Summary of the income of the Guizi scroll, making money in a proper way

   Just as Zhen Baochen was thinking about his future and firmly bound himself to Feng Ziying, Feng Ziying was also thinking about his next step.

  To be precise, after reaching an agreement with Gu Bingqian and Chai Ke on the successive personnel adjustments in Jiangnan, Feng Ziying knew that her trip to Jiangnan had entered the countdown.

  Of course, there must still be some thorny problems, such as the arrangement of the Northwest Army and the father, both Sun Chengzong and Chai Ke found it difficult, and Feng Ziying also had a headache, but there must always be a result.

  The counting of the confiscated goods and money has also been completed one after another, and the harvest has greatly exceeded expectations.

Just the Tang family and the Japanese pirates' lair received more than three million two hundred thousand taels of cash plus silver notes, including gold. The assets of the business, this part is more than four million taels, even if it needs to be sold at a relatively large discount, three million taels should be able to be sold, of which only the part of Taihe Yinzhuang shares can be sold To eight hundred thousand taels.

That is to say, excluding those items that are not easy to realize such as jewelry, emerald jade, jewelry, antiques, calligraphy and paintings, spices, etc., the assets of the Tang family and the Japanese pirates colluded with it exceeded six million taels. There is a big difference between the total assets of around two million taels of silver.

The assets of the Zhen family are not bad either. Cash, gold, and banknotes are worth about 850,000 silver. For assets that are easy to convert, such as mansions, shops, and farms, you can come up with an approximate value after a little evaluation. The amount is about 800,000 taels of silver, and the most valuable asset left is the shares of Taihe Yinzhuang, which are worth about 1.2 million taels. The sum of these three items is about 2.9 million taels of silver. If the above business assets are realized, they can be sold for about one million yuan, which means that the assets of the Zhen family turned over to the court are about four million taels.

  The assets of these two companies alone are enough to accomplish the goal that the Ministry of Accounting originally hoped to achieve, so such a result not only makes Gu Bingqian proud, but also makes the Ministry of Accounting ecstatic.

The asset search of the Ding family is not going well, mainly because the tea mountain in Qimen is still in the stage of renovation and investment. Although the scale is huge, if it is to be realized now, it will be greatly discounted, which is about one million silver. .

  Including the various industries of the Ding family in She County and the confiscated cash, jewelry, jewelry and antiques, etc., at most they can make up 800,000 taels, and the total of the two sides is less than 2 million taels.

  Such an income is quite different from the original thought that the Ding family might be similar to the Tang family.

The situation of the Zhou family is similar to that of the Ding family. They all felt that since they were ranked second among the New Four, they were later promoted to the first place. The total assets are only more than one million yuan, and they need to be sold. There are not many cash and other items confiscated from the house. The total assets are not even two million yuan. It is really surprising. There are hundreds of ships that are not easy to sell, or it has a lot to do with not being able to sell them at a good price.

  The situation of the Hu family and the Tao family is stronger than that of the Zhou family. After the search, the assets of the Hu family are more than 3 million, while the assets of the Tao family are also more than 2.5 million.

   Calculated in this way, the new four major families in Jinling plus the Ding family of the Tang family, excluding some jewelry, antiques, calligraphy and paintings whose value is not easy to estimate and realize for the time being, the total income will be close to 20 million taels.

Of course, this is a relatively optimistic forecast. Even Feng Ziying expected this huge batch of assets to be sold, and contacted some Jiangnan businessmen to prepare for the sale, but who would have thought that the scale of assets would far exceed the original imagination? Well, business assets are better, but dead things like mansions and shops that are extremely expensive and difficult to transfer are not easy to sell at a good price.

  But in any case, 18 million taels is a very conservative number.

  This has not yet counted the final inspection results of local tyrants such as the Tan family in Ningguo Prefecture, the Chen family in Guangde Prefecture, and the Lian family in Zhenjiang Prefecture.

   This is also a considerable income, but it takes a lot of energy to sort out and check.

  The task in this area has been overfulfilled and overfulfilled. Even if it takes some time to realize the actual cash, the actual gold and silver and bank notes still have to be 4 million taels.

The first batch of gold and silver has been deposited into Taihe Yinzhuang Jinling, and then other bank notes, totaling four million taels, will be officially remitted to the account of the household department. The number is ready to use.

The shares of Taihe Yinzhuang are the most valuable. The status of this Yinzhuang is a bit like the "central bank" of the puppet dynasty in Nanjing at that time. Of course, it can only be regarded as a miniature version. Even so, its status should not be underestimated. .

  Countless Shanshan and Jiangnan businessmen who were unable to buy shares in this Yinzhuang before were eagerly waiting to take over the shares of Zhen, Tang and Ding.

It was originally estimated that the shares of the Zhen family would be around 1.2 million taels of silver, but it was estimated that the premium would be 1.5 million taels, and the shares of the Tang family worth 800,000 taels would also be worth a premium of 1.1 million taels. The shares are probably worth about 400,000 taels, but it can also be increased to more than 500,000 taels.

This super high premium is also enough to prove the keen sense of smell and vision of Jiangnan businessmen. After seeing the huge dividends of Haitong Yinzhuang, Taihe Yinzhuang is now transferred to the imperial court for control. Branding, at least Taihe Yinzhuang's position in Jiangnan is quite stable.

And the Yu family, the third largest shareholder of that company, also frequently showed favor to Feng Ziying through various relationships, hoping to take over a part of the shares later, in order to go further, not to mention getting the first largest shareholder, at least becoming the second largest shareholder. shareholder.

The strength of Taihe Yinzhuang in the south of the Yangtze River is not much inferior to Haitong Yinzhuang. In Nanjing, it even beats Haitong Yinzhuang. It is similar to Haitong Yinzhuang in Suzhou and Hangzhou. Only in Yangzhou, Ningbo, and Quanzhou The place is not as good as Haitong Yinzhuang.

  Because of this, Feng Ziying is also considering who will hand over nearly 60% of the shares of Taihe Yinzhuang.

  The Zhen family accounted for about 30%, the Tang family nearly 20%, the Ding family and the Yu family each nearly 10%, and the remaining 30% of the shares were in the hands of more than a dozen small shareholders.

   It is definitely not feasible to give it to a certain family, and the court probably will not allow it, but considering the special status of Taihe Yinzhuang in Jiangnan, it is still necessary to rely on the power of Jiangnan merchants.

For example, Feng Ziying of the Dongting Merchants Group plans to give them 30% of the shares, Longyou merchants 10%, Anfu merchants 10%, and Ningbo merchants also 10%. In addition, the Yu family who has repeatedly shown their favor also thinks that Feng Ziying can give him half of the shares, and the remaining half. Then handing it over to Shanshan businessmen can be regarded as a reward.

  The part of Taihe Yinzhuang can be realized immediately, and each family is holding silver and waiting to take over the shares.

  That is to say, the more than three million taels of shares in Taihe Yinzhuang can also be regarded as cash and can be transferred to the account of the household department immediately. Feng Ziying also negotiated with the people from the household department on this point.

  People from the household department can be regarded as acquaintances, right servant Guo Zhengyu, Guan Yingzhen's township party and political close friend, so in a sense, they can also be regarded as Feng Ziying's allies.

"Ziying, it's not enough. I know that I have gained a lot. The four million taels of silver bills have been transferred back to the capital, but you also know that this trip alone cost two million, and in fact there is only a surplus. Two million, what is two million to the imperial court?" Guo Zhengyu also opened his mouth like a lion, "The sale of Taihe Yinzhuang shares should be done sooner rather than later. In my opinion, whoever pays more will give it faster. The shares will be given to whoever, and the cash will be deposited into the account of the household department immediately. Taihe Yinzhuang has a branch in the capital, and then it will be deposited in Haitong Yinzhuang. Bring the money, just talking but not practicing, who is waiting for him?"

"Brother Meiming, you are reaching out your hand in the coffin - desperately asking for money. The four million taels of silver bills have not been warmed up, so I handed them over to you to send to the capital. Why are you begging for money so eagerly? Boss There is a process, right? If the sale is urgent, then naturally you won’t be able to sell it at such a high price. You understand this truth better than me.” Feng Ziying explained with a smile: “What’s more, before leaving, the second minister Ye Fang also said, With proper consideration of the public opinion on the Jiangnan side, I will hand it over to the Shanshan merchants, and they will come with the money immediately, but they will offend a large group of people in Jiangnan."

"If you offend, you will be offended. The court is in a difficult situation, and I haven't seen them donate more. When the Nanjing puppet dynasty was in place, they flocked to it one by one. Now that the puppet dynasty is gone, they come to yell and want to share the profits. How can the world be so good?" What about it?" Guo Zhengyu also didn't have much affection for the Jiangnan merchants, so he said angrily.

"Relationships in all aspects have to be taken care of, not to mention that the money paid by the merchants in Jiangnan is also in vain, and there must be no less money." Feng Ziying leniently explained Guo Zhengyu, "Don't worry, within five days, the more than three million taels of silver Get half of it first, and pay the other half within ten days, otherwise you can’t blame us.”

"Ziying, this is what you said. I know that these Jiangnan merchants have a good relationship with you, so I wondered why the Shanshan merchants came and went as soon as you called them, and why the Jiangnan merchants did the same? I wondered If you enter the cabinet from tomorrow, you will be the Minister of the Household Department."

Guo Zhengyu really admired Feng Ziying's ability in this aspect. I really couldn't find two officials in the court who could be accepted by both Shanxi merchants and Jiangnan merchants. Feng Ziying was one of them. They all said that Li Sancai was from the north, but It is quite recognized by the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River, but this is only among the scholars, and the scholars in the north don't like Li Sancai very much. Even Fang Congzhe and Huang Ruliang couldn't match his influence. This is really a miracle.

  (end of this chapter)

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