Number of People

Chapter 2456: Guizi scroll step by step, a plan to make money

  Chapter 2456 Guizi scroll step by step, a plan to make money

  Feng Ziying also once hoped that Xue Biao's shipping company, or simply organized a colonization company similar to the Dutch East India Company, to drink the head soup of the Dazhou joint-stock enterprise.

  However, considering that the fleet is still in a stage of rapid expansion, no benefits can be seen, and it is mainly in the north, it lacks some persuasiveness to absorb Jiangnan capital, and the colonial company seems to be more illusory, I am afraid that it is difficult for hot money to take risks.

  If you come forward to persuade some people to buy, then the meaning of this experiment will be lost.

  So in the end, I chose the shipbuilding industry, a relatively mature industry with unlimited potential, as a pilot project. It just so happened that the Wusongkou Shipyard was confiscated by the imperial court and needed to be sold to raise funds for the imperial court. It was perfect for a pilot project.

"Well, Ziying, trading, you can trade freely, this is the key to the stock you are talking about, right?" Guo Zhengyu also captured this very keenly, "Trade in the place designated by the government, and the government guarantees that both parties to the transaction Equity, free trade, that in terms of price,..."

"Since it's a free trade, of course it's free floating without restrictions. You can buy a share for six taels of silver, or sell it for ten taels of silver. It's also possible that no one cares about it. You can only sell it for five taels of silver. out,..." Feng Ziying continued.

"For example, I heard the news that the imperial court will order 30 warships from Wusong Shipyard in the next three years, worth 500,000 taels. Wusong Shipyard's profits will not only increase sharply but also be guaranteed in the next three years. The dividends will definitely be huge. People who knew the news went to buy shares of Wusong Shipyard. He asked for seven taels of a share and thought he had made a profit. But after I bought it, someone got the news and asked me to buy it for twelve taels. I could earn three taels a share, one thousand. I can earn three thousand taels of stock,..."

  Guo Zhengyu was so excited that he couldn't help but licked his lips, "Then what else can the government do inside?"

"The government has a lot to do, such as preventing fraud in the middle and ensuring the normal progress of the transaction. Of course, it is difficult to do these things. It can also consider collecting transaction taxes. The tax rate is determined according to a certain percentage of the transaction amount, such as thousands of dollars. One-tenth or one-ten-thousandth, depending on the situation,..."

  Feng Ziying's words disappointed Guo Zhengyu, "One in a thousand? How much can this be?"

"Brother Meiming, at first glance, there are indeed very few, and it is not worth mentioning, but if in the future, when hundreds of thousands of taels or even millions of silver stocks are bought and sold here every day, think about it. , then there will be a settlement." Feng Ziying smiled, "This is equivalent to opening up another channel for the court to make money."

   Transactions of hundreds of thousands of taels of silver every day? Guo Zhengyu didn't dare to imagine.

But if, as Feng Ziying imagined, there are dozens or even hundreds of stocks worth hundreds of thousands of taels of silver to trade, it is really hard to say whether such a high transaction volume can be achieved. The income of hundreds of thousands of taels of silver, 360 days a year, every day, is not a small benefit to the court.

  The key thing is that this thing is stable and there is not much risk. The government can send a few officials to handle it, which is a good deal.

Seeing that Guo Zhengyu was still thinking about the pros and cons, Feng Ziying went further: "Brother Meiming, it's not just about the court being able to collect transaction taxes, nor is it just for the sake of cashing out these industries this time, what I value more is If this method is used as a demonstration, in the future, if anyone feels that his own workshop has great development prospects and needs money to expand production, but under the circumstances that the lending of banks may be subject to some restrictions, can the workshop Convert it into shares to transfer part of the transaction, and then exchange it for currency to expand the scale of production, so that there is an additional financing channel for the industrial and commercial industry,..."

Guo Zhengyu was thinking about it, and Feng Ziying suddenly brought up a topic: "I don't know if Brother Meiming has noticed some changes in Beizhili. Take Shuntian Mansion and Yongping Mansion as examples. The industrial and commercial taxation and customs duties have always been in the same position. The trend of rapid growth, the rapid growth of Yongping Prefecture has lasted for four years, and its industrial and commercial tax revenue has far exceeded its original land tax income several times, and the situation in Shuntian Prefecture is similar. Now driven by it, Hejian Prefecture also has This sign,..."

Guo Zhengyu raised his thick eyebrows, "Ziying, do you think industrial and commercial taxation will replace land tax as the main income of the Ministry of Households in the future? I'm afraid this is impossible, maybe one or two special state capitals have this possibility, but overall, field tax is still far away. Far from being comparable to industrial and commercial taxes and tariffs,..."

"Let's just look at it, who can imagine how far the development of industry and commerce will reach in the future?" Feng Ziying disagrees, "The development of the iron smelting industry has reduced the price of iron by 20%, and the popularity of iron has also stimulated more demand. To give a simple example, the carriages are now using a steel spring sheet produced by the Gyeonggi Iron and Steel Military Industry and Building Materials Consortium, which can be superimposed to slightly reduce the vibration of the carriage compartment and improve the comfort of the carriage. The speed can also be improved a lot. At present, more than 30% of the horse-drawn carriages in the capital city are refitting this kind of spring leaf. The workshops that produce this kind of spring leaf are in short supply, and the horse-drawn carriages in Jiangnan, Central Plains, Northwest, and Huguang don’t even know about this. New stuff,..."

Feng Ziying continued, "For another example, the scale of the new large sailing ship has increased a lot, and the displacement and carrying capacity have increased a lot. Wrought iron armor, to prevent damage from enemy warships in battle,…”

  Guo Zhengyu roughly understood what Feng Ziying meant, that the development of industry and commerce would trigger many unexpected demands, but he still felt that Feng Ziying's ideas were too optimistic, or rather unrealistic.

Compared with the needs of the common people for digging food from the fields, the output of industry and commerce is still far away. It seems that without industry and commerce, people will not starve to death, but if they are away from the fields, people will starve to death or freeze to death. A concept is deeply rooted in the hearts of most people.

  However, he also agrees with Feng Ziying's point of view. You can take it lightly, wait a little longer, and after two years of looking at many things, you will be able to detect some clues.

   It took Guo Zhengyu two or three days to figure out Feng Ziying's idea. I have to say that Feng Ziying's idea is still very operable. At least it is necessary and meaningful to use Wusongkou Shipyard as a pilot.

Doing this thing well is not only to recover the 600,000 silver from Wusongkou Shipyard, but also to open up a new way. This kind of business worth 10 million can at least give birth to several similar "shareholding system Enterprise" comes.

For example, after the Zhou family was wiped out, whoever takes over the remaining fleet and crew, as well as the routes that have already been established, can quickly make a profit. The first shipping family, the Yue family, and even the Jiao family in Anqing Prefecture, who have been shipping for generations, have shown great interest.

If Wusongkou Shipyard can be used as a pilot, three or five relatively mature and qualified enterprises in this batch of industries can be excavated and integrated to carry out shareholding reform, and they can be introduced to future exchanges for trading, even in terms of income. A little lower, Feng Ziying and Guo Zhengyu think it is acceptable.

For this reason, Feng Ziying also wrote to the imperial court early, hoping that the imperial court could send an additional official from the Ministry of Commerce to make arrangements for the sales and integration of these industries. He still attached great importance to it, and sent a team of people headed by Bi Ziyan, the right servant of the Ministry of Commerce, to go south to Nanjing specifically for this matter.

   He is more familiar with Bi Ziyan and Feng Ziying. On the one hand, Bi Ziyan once served as the head of Qingtan Academy, on the other hand, he also has a good impression of Bi Ziyan in history.

   This is a rare or even rare financial expert official in the late Ming Dynasty. If Daming did not have his financial skills in the past life history, the situation in Liaodong would have been even worse.

Feng Ziying also breathed a sigh of relief when Bi Ziyan came. He believed that his views could win the other party's approval. If he could let Bi Ziyan take care of such things, and then let Gu Dengfeng assist Bi Ziyan in doing so, he would not have to do so. Worry about everything yourself.

  Feng Ziying also took the opportunity to tell Zhen Baochen about the "joint-stock enterprise" and "stock exchange" models, which aroused Zhen Baochen's great interest as expected.

In particular, the stocks mentioned by Feng Ziying can buy low and sell high, and they can also make their own judgments through the analysis and understanding of this industry, and then pass information through some channels, and then form public opinion and opportunities, and grab profits from it. This made Zhen Baochen completely obsessed.

  Feng Ziying didn't expect Zhen Baochen to know such a deep understanding of this stock trading. She understood it a little bit by herself, and she had a premonition that she would make trouble in the stock market in the future.

  However, Feng Ziying did not intervene, and even felt that if Zhen Baochen was really talented in this area, he could definitely support her to become a big banker in the Nanjing or Yangzhou Stock Exchange in the future.

   It’s not for earning some profits. Feng Ziying wants Zhen Baochen to become a model, to drive the entire stock exchange, especially the stock exchange, to be active, and to truly become a pool of living water instead of a stagnant pool of stagnant water. This requires a silver carp like Zhen Baochen.

  There are still some opportunities and conditions that are lacking, but Feng Ziying believes that as long as there are a few demonstrations, many people will definitely become interested, so this must be done well, and the publicity and public opinion must keep up.

   On this point, Feng Ziying also specifically confessed to Gu Dengfeng that all factors must be taken into consideration to be foolproof.

  (end of this chapter)

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