Number of People

Chapter 2464: The dust of the Guizi scroll has settled, and the layout is slowly

  Feng Ziying also greedily kissed and sucked the cherry lips of the mandarin duck, and kneaded the woman's buttocks vigorously with both hands, and the two words of hugging each other intimately joined together.

  Mandarin Duck's incomparably satisfied gasps and moans sounded like the most magical aphrodisiac, arousing Feng Ziying's excitement to the extreme.

  He can't remember the last time he and Yuanyang had a good time, at least three or four months ago, right?

  This woman is too considerate of others, so she can only wrong herself, even with her as the chief maid, she is not as good as the maids in other rooms who can occasionally get close to herself.

  But this time in Jinling, the mandarin duck was finally released completely.

  Watching Yuanyang shyly but bravely taking off her clothes one by one on the bed, exposing her neat and slender body in front of her, Feng Ziying felt that she really wanted to explode.

   It's just that this girl still couldn't insist on taking off everything in the end, and when only a bellyband was left, she still got into the bed in shame, but this added to Feng Ziying's love and cherishment for this girl.

  The grass is deep, the path is narrow, the moss is slippery,…

  Mandarin Duck's resistance was vulnerable to Feng Ziying's combat power. Apart from begging for mercy, the only thing he could do was call Yu Chuan'er to carry the gun on top of the vat.

  But Feng Ziying didn't want such a good time to spoil her interest, so she declined Yuanyang's request.

  The clouds gather and the rain rests, and the love is lingering.

The mandarin ducks nestled in Feng Ziying's arms extremely happily and contentedly. It had been a long time since they were so happy. In the capital mansion, there would always be such and such disturbances. Only Jinling City can be so unscrupulous.

"Why did you and Yu Chuaner be sent here suddenly? Don't worry about it?" Feng Ziying sniffed the fragrance of the mandarin duck's hair, twisted the mandarin duck's earlobe, and asked in a low voice: "You are fine, why are you still here?" Did you call Yu Chuan'er?"

"Why, Master doesn't want to see Yu Chuan'er so much? Could it be that Yu Chuan'er didn't take good care of Master when he went to Shaanxi?" Yuanyang's face was pressed against Feng Ziying's chest, panting slightly, but her fingers drew circles on the other side of Feng Ziying's chest Son.

"Why doesn't the master want to see her? This girl is very lively and has a good temper. I like her very much." Feng Ziying said indifferently: "I understand what she is thinking, but there are too many women around the master. Hey, I don't even know." What should I do,..."

"Master also knows that there are too many women around me?" Yuanyang pursed her lips, "If I had known that Master would be coming to Jinling for so long this time, I should have brought Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er with me earlier, so that no one would Taking advantage of the situation, now is good, how will the slaves explain to the grandmas when they go back in the future?"

"Confess what?" Feng Ziying returned to the brocade quilt with her magic palm, and kneaded it skillfully, "It's none of your business. When you came, it was already done. Is it true that your grandmas don't know the current affairs? There are some things they It's rare to be confused, not to mention that when I encounter these things, I have to take the overall situation into consideration,..."

   "Take care of the overall situation?" Yuanyang curled her lips disapprovingly, "Will anyone believe what I said?"

"Is your little hoof in need of cleaning?" Feng Ziying, who couldn't help laughing, stepped up, and soon the mandarin duck's panting became heavy, begging: "Master, please spare this servant, I can't bear it, why don't you call Yu Chuan'er?" Come,…"

"Okay, Yu Chuan'er is inhumane, isn't she here to die?" Feng Ziying walked around Yuanyang, "Mandarin duck, there are some things you don't understand, I will tell your grandma when I go back, and they will understand. It’s extremely cold at the top, and the twenty-three-year-old minister of the third-rank military department has made great contributions, how will the court reward him? He has served as a governor of a province, should he be a minister, or let the master join the cabinet? It’s not easy."

  Mandarin Duck seemed to understand, but she felt a little scared in her heart, "Is it true that the court will not wait to see you after you have made great achievements? Then who will work for the court in the future?"

"There is one emperor and one courtier, not to mention that the court is not monolithic. Those who are envious and jealous of the Lord, who don't like the style of the Lord, are there still fewer?" Feng Ziying said lightly: "There are only so many places in the imperial court. Some people can't get in. They have been studying hard for decades, and they have been working hard for decades. Who doesn't work hard and who doesn't work hard? Why should Feng Ziying be admitted when he is only in his early twenties? Are you not following the rules?"

  Yuanyang was speechless, and it took a long time before he said a little bit unfairly: "Then the **** battle to kill the enemy and the meritorious deeds are all for nothing?"

   "No, but you can't be too prominent, and you should give others some opportunities, but the court cares about face, so you have to be careful, just like you said, who will work for the court in the future if you don't pay attention to it?"

  Feng Ziying leaned on the body of the mandarin duck, and Feng Lang, who had been in the past, came again today.

   Catering to the man, the mandarin duck is like a drowning man, slowly submerged in it, and the lotus feet as white as jade are like butterflies flying in the cold air,...

   "So the master is planning to defile himself?" Yuanyang trembled with all his strength, limp as mud, "That would be cheaper for them..."

  Yu Chuan'er looked at the moist and bright red dimples of the mandarin ducks, and couldn't help but smacked her lips.

  After seeing each other overnight, Yuanyang seemed to be a different person. After traveling for half a month, it seemed that after sleeping, the haggard look disappeared without a trace, and was replaced by high spirits.

  Everyone knows the reason why she is like this, which also makes Yu Chuan'er feel itchy.

   It's not that she has never seen a relationship between a man and a woman, but after all, she has never experienced it before, so she has to experience it herself to know how it feels.

  My sister said that the first time she was in pain, she was dying, but everyone said that eating sugarcane made her sweeter, and Yu Chuaner also looked forward to that day coming sooner.

   Yuanyang had no time to care about Yu Chuan'er's feelings. After a night of fun, her energy and spirit became much better. Now that the master had told her what she thought, she knew how to deal with these things.

   After washing and combing Feng Ziying, Feng Ziying left the office.

   The affairs of the rear house are left to Yuanyang, which Feng Ziying feels very relieved about.

  There are so many women in the family, Yuanyang can handle Yuru, and even brought a Wang Xifeng, Yuanyang has used the balance technique here to the extreme.

Seeing that November is about to pass, entering December is the time when the autumn taxes and taxes of the prefectures and prefectures are handed over. In addition to this round of thunderstorms, for the Great Zhou court in the twelfth year of Yonglong and the first year of Wantong, This is a good year to live.

  The number of chartered boats traveling between the capital and Jinling has almost doubled compared to usual.

   There are constantly gentry merchants and officials from Jinling, Yangzhou, and Suzhou chartering boats to go straight to the capital, which is the political power center of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

   There are also countless chartered ships from the capital south to Jinling. After all, the group of people authorized by the cabinet to handle Jiangnan affairs is still in Jinling.

   Except for important matters that must be consulted with the imperial court, ordinary matters basically have to be resolved here, and then reported to the imperial court for printing and issuing a document to take effect.

"Basically, it's decided. I wanted Jun Yu to come to Jinling to serve as the prefect, but his time in Xi'an was too short, and the court also felt that Shaanxi should not be moved lightly. Officials who perform well should be promoted, otherwise they will not be able to reflect the court's favor, and the cabinet ministers also recognize this,..."

Chai Ke signaled Feng Ziying to take a seat. He also knew that Feng Ziying had been paying attention to this round of personnel adjustments. It can be said that this side also sent people back to the capital twice in the past month, and the capital also sent people to communicate twice. It revolves around this round of personnel changes in Jiangnan.

   What is basically certain is that the Sixth Ministry of Nanjing and the Metropolitan Procuratorate have frozen it, and will not mention abolishment for the time being, but will not be used until the conditions are ripe.

  But if the entire Southern Zhili didn’t set up the Third Division like other provinces, and unlike the Beizhi prefectures, which were so far away from the capital, how would they deal with it?

  This is also a difficult problem.

  If Jiangnan Province is set up, following the example of other provinces to set up the Three Divisions, then the frozen Six Departments of Nanjing and the Metropolitan Procuratorate will be meaningless, but if they are not established, many things will not be well coordinated.

  According to the idea of ​​the cabinet, it is to temporarily set up the governor of Jiangnan, and Gu Bingqian, the elder of the cabinet, will temporarily serve concurrently.

  However, Gu Bingqian was not very willing, but he couldn't push it away, and finally proposed that he could only serve as the governor of Jiangnan for one year at most, and the court agreed.

   "Liu Jigong is still angry?" Feng Ziying asked with a smile.

"Hehe, I can't say it, but I'm definitely not willing, but one year has passed in a flash, that is, to let him stabilize the situation. One year is enough time for the court to consider whether to revoke the establishment of the Nanjing Six Metropolitan Procuratorate as a province, or Continue to keep it." Chai Ke spread his hands, "Anyway, there must be a conclusion at that time."

   "Jia Yucun is going to the Department of General Affairs to serve as an envoy?" Feng Ziying asked, "Who will come to Jinling in the end?"

   "Guess." Chai Ke smiled.

   "If Junyu can't come, who will come?" Feng Ziying couldn't think of it either.

  Jinling is probably the second mansion after Shuntian Mansion. Although the magistrate is only a fourth-rank mansion, looking at Jia Yucun's promotion from the fourth-rank magistrate to the third-rank governor to become an important minister is enough to illustrate the importance of his status.

   Coming to Jinling to serve as a magistrate, at worst, you have to be promoted to the third rank. Of course, not everyone who is the third rank can return to Beijing. Jia Yucun can return to Beijing because of his outstanding performance and has been recognized by the cabinet.

   "Cui Chengxiu." Chai Ke said calmly: "Ziying, you should have an impression."

  Feng Ziying raised her eyebrows suddenly, this guy?

  The leader of the Five Tigers? Uh, no, I am still immersed in the memory of my previous life, this time and space is not the same, and there is no nine thousand years old.

  But in the Great Zhou Dynasty, this guy was already a fourth-rank magistrate at the age of thirty, and it was quite astonishing for a big frontier mansion like Datong Mansion.

  At the same time, this guy intentionally flattered himself. Not only did he let his wives and concubines visit his family members, but he also sent a few Datong mothers-in-law and aunts.

  Of course, it must be admitted that Cui Chengxiu is a talent. In addition, there are connections between Qi Shi and Wang Yongguang, which makes sense.

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