Number of People

Chapter 2498: Guizijuan is omnipotent, side attack

   Just as the two daughters of Daichai came to welcome Tanchun, Xichun and Xiangyun, Qin Keqing also waited for the person she knew she couldn't avoid, but she had never wanted to see.

   "This is your residence?" The visitor was very young, probably three or four years older than Qin Keqing.

Wearing a rare amber beaded magpie tail crown, the triangular eyes on the long and narrow cheeks are cold and sharp, and a long black clasp is tied on the jade belt around the waist. Qin Keqing doesn't know whether it is an ornament or a Killing weapon.

   "Why is the son not satisfied, and is planning to replace me with a mansion?" Qin Keqing smiled a little more sarcastically, "Or think that if you want to do big things, you have to raise the level first?"

With a dry cough, shame and resentment flashed across the face of the long-faced man, but he said in his mouth: "Don't talk nonsense, how can I be worthy of being a son? Big brother is the son, I am not the same as you, but With better luck,…”

   "Oh? Isn't he the crown prince?" Qin Keqing pretended not to know, and asked in amazement: "I thought he should be the crown prince as a matter of course. You should all be crown princes."

The difference between the prince and the prince is somewhat confusing in this era. The prince must be able to inherit the throne, but the prince is a prince who has not yet been crowned prince, but is qualified to aspire to the throne. That is to say, the prince must be born in the prince, but the prince may not be Can be a prince.

  The man in front of me often came to find me on behalf of that person in the palace. In fact, it is often not accurate, just two or three times, and this time is only the fourth time.

"Hmph, eldest brother's crown prince is still stuck in the cabinet." A look of gloating or resentment flashed across the young man's face, "The cabinet only recognizes eldest brother as the crown prince, and said that the position of crown prince is not appropriate in view of the lessons learned from the past." Qing Li still needs important officials to brew,..."

  Qin Keqing was stunned, "The position of crown prince has to be decided by the cabinet, can't the emperor himself decide?"

"Who knows? But my father didn't dare to turn against the cabinet,..." The young man also looked helpless, "Tang and Miu entered the cabinet in vain, but they were pushed aside by Ye Fangqi and Li, and they couldn't speak at all. The cabinet decided that the two of them had to sign it, if they didn’t sign it, maybe they will selectively forget you in the next meeting,…”

  Qin Keqing remained silent.

   She is not interested in these things, and it has nothing to do with her.

   It's just that this person appears in his life from time to time, always reminding him of the existence of his blood.

Seeing Qin Keqing's silence, the young man with the crown of the magpie tail sighed, "Your dissatisfaction is clear to my father, but you are well aware of the current situation. My father is in a very difficult situation. The court suppressed my father very much. Now my father Can't sleep all night, worrying about state affairs,..."

Qin Keqing couldn't bear it anymore, and said coldly: "Okay, what's the point of telling me these things? I can't help you much, so don't tell me these things in the future. My surname is Qin, and I am a daughter of the Qin family. Mrs. Jia, it's as simple as that, now you're here to tell me what's the purpose? What's the point?"

   Embarrassed by Qin Keqing's cold and blunt question, the young man with the magpie-tailed crown frowned, "Are you planning to keep doing this?"

   "Then what do you want from me?" Qin Keqing sneered, "What, you want me to return to my ancestors? Change my surname to Zhang, recognize my father and mother, do they dare?"

  The young man with the magpie tail crown was also speechless.

  He also knew that this was impossible. It was simply giving someone a handle. It would only allow the cabinet to seize this pain point and stab the father in the heart, and the position of the eldest brother's crown prince would be even more dangerous.

  Since it’s impossible, why come to find this person? Let others bear the burden of humiliation and help the father without asking for anything in return?

"Hey, I also know that you are very wronged now, but this was all decades ago. I am not the same as you. I only admitted me a few years ago..." The young man with the crown of magpie tail laughed at himself mockingly ,"Every family has its cupboard,…"

"Since there are difficult sutras to recite, each recites his own. I have never asked anyone to help me and save me. I am quite comfortable living like this. I don't need anyone to help me. Everyone is different. Owe." Qin Keqing said decisively: "That's all for now, you can go."

   "No, brother Yu is here today, and I still have something to talk to you about..." The young man with the magpie-tailed crown found it hard to tell, but he had no choice but to come when his father arranged for it.

   "Hehe, let me tell you, if you don't have anything to go to the Three Treasures Hall, how could you be so kind to come to the door to care about me, but there is still something wrong, but I'm curious, what can I do for you?"

  Qin Keqing has already guessed something.

  The last time the other party was there to inquire about the relationship between myself and Feng Ziying, but Feng Ziying had left Xi'an at that time, and he was also tight, which disappointed the other party.

   Now it seems that the other party has probably heard something through some channels, and then came to the door without hesitation.

"Since you've said that, I'll pick it up. You seem to have a special relationship with Feng Keng?" The young man with the magpie-tailed crown also calmed down, "You and the girls from the Shui family and the Mu family seem to be on good terms with each other." Feng Keng had something to do with him. At that time, Feng Keng was still the governor of Shaanxi, and you were supposed to be sent to Yulin, but Feng Keng helped you get through the relationship with the procuratorial envoy, stayed in Xi'an, and arranged leisure work for you. It took so much pains to arrange for you, there must be some mystery here, right?"

"What's the secret?" Qin Keqing replied coldly: "If you are willing to inquire about it, you should understand. At that time, we were allotted together with a woman from the historian family. Now she is about to marry into the Feng family. They are family friends. She can be regarded as the abandoned wife of the Jia family, and she can have some connections, so she got involved together, it's as simple as that, as for the others, what else do you want to know?"

   "It's that simple?" The young man with the magpie-tail crown didn't believe it.

   "Maybe it's more than that simple. For example, Feng Keng is lustful. If the women of the Shui family and the Mu family don't go to the frontier to suffer, they have to sell their lust. Maybe Feng Keng slept with them and helped them."

Qin Keqing knew that it was not easy to hide these things, and the other party was not an ignorant fool. Since he came, he must have something in his hand, but it was normal for Feng Ziying to sleep with those girls from the Shui family and the Mu family. It's the governor of Shaanxi, the emperor of the soil, what is it to sleep with a few convicts?

   "What about you, why didn't he touch you?" The young man with the magpie-tailed crown obviously knew what Qin Keqing said, and that wasn't what he cared about. He cared more about the special relationship between Qin Keqing and Feng Keng.

  In that situation, if Feng Keng really forcibly occupied Qin Keqing, Qin Keqing had no room to resist at all, but he just didn't touch Qin Keqing.

  With Qin Keqing's beauty, how can Feng Keng, a lustful person like his life, be indifferent?

  This just shows that there is an ulterior secret between them.

"Hehe, why didn't he touch me? Maybe I'm not pretty enough, maybe he thinks it's because of acquaintances, or maybe he had enough fun at that time?" Qin Keqing sneered back, "You should ask him, he I live on Sanjue Street, you can go to the door and ask and you will know."

   Being stunned, the young man with the crown of the magpie tail thought, what qualifications did he have to come to question Feng Keng?

  He is a third-rank minister, the Minister of the Ministry of War, and the adjustment of the personnel changes of the Shangsanqin Army and the Beijing Camp are all in his hands, and even the safety of the father's palace is controlled by this person.

   It can be said that it is precisely because of this that the father wants to get through this line at all costs.

But this guy is a disciple of Qi Chengfeng and Guan Yingzhen. Although he was born in Wu Xun, he was promoted by Emperor Yonglong. It can be said that he has nothing to do with his father. There was no one who could get on the line, so Qin Keqing thought of it.

Qin Keqing didn't want to give the other party any thoughts on this aspect, and her tone became more and more stern: "Okay, don't inquire about these, what you think is unrealistic, I have nothing to do with Feng Keng, and even if it is With some relationship, do you think he will do something for you because of me? His father's Northwest Army confronted the Xuanfu Army and the Datong Army. Personal money is empty, do you think he will believe that the emperor will let him go? Besides, to win him over, what can the emperor give? Can it be compared to the cabinet and his two masters? "

Asking after questioning, every sentence made the young man feel a little discouraged. He spread his hands and said helplessly: "Everyone knows these things, but my father is now forcing everyone to find a way, and the sick are going to the doctor indiscriminately. Isn't there no way? Feng Keng and the Feng family are too important, if he can turn to help the father, the situation will change,..."

"What the emperor can think of, but the cabinet officials can't think of it? Not to mention that Feng Keng is a member of the civil service. What can he get from the emperor? Minister of the Ministry of War? Or a cabinet minister? Can the emperor be the master of these things?" Qin Keqing sneered "It's understandable that the emperor wants to win over people, but you have to have something you can get. In addition, don't be too ambitious. You want the Minister of the Ministry of War to be used by you all at once. First, hold Tang and Miu firmly." Besides, if these two people can really be used by the emperor and exert some influence in the cabinet, you can say that you can shake other people. Otherwise, the people brought back from Jiangnan will not be used. Do you think others will trust the emperor? Promise?"

   It doesn’t cost money to say these things, and it doesn’t hurt your back. In short, first pick yourself out. Qin Keqing can’t get rid of the other party and come to find yourself, then first minimize yourself and let the other party give up.

"Not necessarily, don't make yourself so useless." The young man with the magpie tail crown shook his head, staring straight at Qin Keqing, with a meaningful smile on the corner of his mouth, "If the father doesn't care about other people's opinions, he is willing to restore Does your identity make you Princess Fengde?"

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