Number of People

Chapter 2506: The Guizi scroll is treated indifferently, and it is shouldered with all strength

  Chapter 2506 Guizi Juan Take it indifferently, and take it with all your strength

  Yuan Chun's eyes were full of admiration and admiration, his passion was blazing, and his plump chest was heaving and heaving.

  If it wasn't in front of my grandmother and mother, I'm afraid I would really throw myself into each other's arms and have a lingering love.

  With such a man to rely on, where can I not go in this world?

  Even if the sky is falling, such a man can take it on his shoulders.

   Even Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang were also shocked by Feng Ziying's words.

   Especially Jia Mu, she has seen many people after decades of experience, but this is the first time she has seen such a responsible man with means.

  In comparison, Baoyu is really the comparison between a swan and a sparrow, which also made her very emotional.

  The same is true for Mrs. Wang. Of course, she may not be as far ahead as Jia's mother thought.

  She just felt that it was a pity that Yuan Chun had entered the palace, delaying this great marriage.

  If he hadn't entered the palace back then, and had promised Feng Ziying as his wife, then the eldest house Yuanchun, the second house Baochai, and the third house Daiyu would be a match made in heaven. The Feng family and the Jia family would be the closest and seamless family.

  While regretting, I also thought that Feng Ziying was willing to take such a risk for Yuanchun, which also showed Feng Ziying's love for Yuanchun, which made her mother's heart feel much more at ease.

  As long as Feng Ziying doesn't have the intention of taking her daughter's body and lifting her pants to deny it, and has such a responsibility, then everything is easy to talk about.

   It's just such an embarrassing situation, and nothing will happen if it's just like this, but can it last forever?

  The two of them just hung around in fear all day long. It seemed impossible for them to cut off their love and have no contact with each other.

It was Jia Mu who calmed down and asked, "Brother Keng, let's ignore what you said, but you two can't go on like this forever? If there is a mistake in the middle, it will be a catastrophe, and it will not be good for your career. , after all, we need to find a suitable solution.”

   This is the truth, and all three eyes fell on Feng Ziying.

  It is not a long-term solution to have an affair like this, and Yuan Chun will definitely not be willing to do so. Yes, there is a better way out.

"I've thought about it, and I've talked to Yuan Chun. It's not appropriate to disclose the specific strategy for now. After all, Yuan Chun must be allowed to come out. In addition, Yuan Chun also hopes to live with his sisters after he comes out. There must be difficulties in the process, but please believe me. Promise, since I promised Yuanchun, I will definitely do it, but it will take time, and Yuanchun also believes in me,..."

  How to get out of the golden cicada's shell and embedding flowers and trees to hide Yuanchun, Feng Ziying has a rough idea, but it is not that simple to implement it.

  If a golden cicada escapes its shell, it must find a suitable shell to cover people's eyes and ears, and it must also have the necessary means of protection.

  Even if there are people of their own in the upper three relatives, even if Qiu Shian and Zhou Peisheng in the palace are willing to work for them, they still have to be specific.

   For things like this, you have to plan well.

   Seeing Feng Ziying's words so firmly, Yuan Chun was full of trust, and Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang couldn't get any further.

   It's just such a big thing, Feng Ziying explained it so easily in a few words, which made Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang feel a little unbelievable and unbelievable.

  But after careful consideration of his words, there are no exaggerated words in it.

For example, the note on daily life in the palace is indeed written by the servants, and the new emperor is on the throne. The original note on the daily life of the emperor is indeed not paid that much attention, not to mention that Emperor Yonglong and Emperor Wantong are just brothers rather than father and son. It's not worth paying attention to. You have to do tricks on the daily note to prove that Emperor Yonglong and Yuanchun had **** together. With Feng Ziying's ability, it can indeed be done.

  For example, Yuanchun is now a concubine without heirs, living in the cold palace, and no one cares about it. Who would go to find fault with Yuanchun, except to offend the Feng family and Feng Ziying, what is the value?

   It's just that what Feng Ziying said at the end is to get Yuan Chun out of the palace, which is not an easy thing to do.

  But Feng Ziying can do such an outrageous thing, it seems that it is not impossible to go further.

  People also said that there are difficulties and need to be considered in the long run. As long as there is no risk now, Mother Jia and Mrs. Wang will actually let go of most of them.

  For a while, Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang didn't know what to say, they just kept sighing.

  Feng Ziying can also understand the mentality of these two people now. They are panicked but don't know what to do. They always feel that a sharp sword is hanging above their heads, and the Jia family may be cut off at any time.

  Experienced the previous crisis where the whole family was imprisoned and almost exterminated, and finally recovered to a family that can live in peace and stability. How can such a thing suddenly appear, how can we not feel aggrieved?

   But it's just that this is something that I and Yuan Chun made up, so they can't even get angry.

Now how to do? Cutting off the relationship between myself and Yuan Chun, let alone whether they can do it, even if they can, how can they speak?

  I have done everything I can, and there are countermeasures for all risks. It seems that there is no big deal during this period.

"Old Madam, Madam, I know that you are still up and down, uneasy, and always worried about what will happen. I also want to show you that the three relatives of the Imperial Palace are now under the control of the Ministry of War, and they are no longer like before. The emperor personally handles it, or in other words, I am in charge of the appointment and transfer of the generals in the palace, including the Beijing camp, the captain of the dragon, and the servants in the palace. They all maintain close contact with me. In addition, my father has been leading troops outside. My tutors are Elder Qi Ge and Qiao Du Yushi, even if something goes wrong, I think someone will cover it up for me, so that it won't get out of hand..."

  Feng Ziying knew that she needed to cheer these two people up, so that they would not be paranoid all day long, and would become frightened at the slightest sign of trouble.

  Even if it is a little exaggerated, it can stabilize their minds, which is what they need.

  Feng Ziying's words were quite blatant, and Mother Jia could hear it naturally.

  Everything is up to him, and he can settle any accidents, no problem.

Jia's mother also knew that Feng Ziying was indeed very popular now, and there were rumors that he would be promoted to minister within three to five years, and enter the cabinet within ten years, and his father had a heavy army in his hand, and was relied on by the court as the Great Wall, so generally Things really can't bring him down.

Sighing, Mother Jia shook her head: "Brother Keng, this old body can't stand such a toss and fright. If this happens again, I will really go to see her grandpa. Things will go wrong." Now, you have said so much, then you can just do it yourself."

After finishing speaking, she got up, staggered and walked out, Mrs. Wang hurried forward to support her, all the maids were sent out, and she was the only one left, but when she went out, Mrs. Wang couldn't help turning her head and exhorting: "Keng Brother, Yuan Chun, you can't act presumptuously, Yuan Chun, I will let Tan Chun stay with you tonight..."

  Yuan Chun slapped Xia Fei's cheeks like a red cloth, and Feng Ziying also laughed a little embarrassedly, "My nephew will go back to the mansion soon, and I don't dare to stay here..."

   Until Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang went out, Yuan Chun couldn't help but threw herself into Feng Ziying's arms, his passion was high, and he murmured, "You really want to go back? Then what should I do?"

Feng Ziying hugged the other party helplessly: "Yuanchun, it's time to wait. It's hard to pass the test. The future is long. Don't you also want to stay in the mansion for a few days? Let's talk about it later. Today I will go back and settle down. In addition, I will Remind you, don't show your feet in front of others like that, if you really want to be noticed by outsiders, then it will be really troublesome."

   It took a long time to appease Yuan Chun, and Feng Ziying hurried back to her mansion.

This is the Lantern Festival night on the 15th day of the first lunar month, and no matter what, you have to celebrate the festival in your own house. Yuanchun got good news, and it felt like a stone fell in my heart. Mother Jia and Mrs. Wang also had an explanation, and it was okay. Let her have a good night's sleep.

There are also quite a lot of performances in the Feng residence on the night of the Lantern Festival. The theater troupe was invited to sing, and at the same time, lantern riddles were made and hung beside the lanterns, so that all the maids and boys in the residence came to participate, and even my own sons and daughters followed happily. The mother or nanny wandered around, feeling the joy of this festival since childhood.

   But the holidays are also counting the days, one four seven, two five eight, three six nine, it's the turn of the second wife, Baochai is pregnant, and Baoqin is inconvenient, so naturally she rests in the Yingchun House.

   Seeing that her son could already speak, following his mother in the posture of a little God of War, waving wooden swords and shields, and Yingchun doting on him, Feng Ziying was really worried that this would bring his son down.

"This kid doesn't look like a reading material to me. He looks like he wants to go to the battlefield. Is it possible that he really wants to inherit our Feng family's tradition of practicing martial arts as an official?" Feng Ziying sat on the kang and looked at her eldest son, a little I feel authentic.

Yingchun was not happy, "What Xianggong said is too arbitrary. Isn't it better for children to be skinny when they are young? Xianggong also said the same, that's why Siqi let people do these things and let him move around. We can't just let him play at this time." Has he started to read and practice calligraphy?"

"That's not the case. Of course it's a good thing to be alive. It's a good thing to lay a good foundation since childhood so as not to get sick in the future. I hope that my children will grow up healthily. I don't care much about learning from literature and martial arts in the future. Could it be that his grandfather did it?" Is it not enough to be the governor?"

  Feng Ziying tilted her body and let Siqi next to her beat her legs. She was very satisfied with her son who was still waving a sword and rushing around the room.

"The slave girl thinks what the master said is right. It doesn't necessarily mean that you have to study. They all say that reading is also a matter of chance. If Wei Lang really can't read books, he will have an honorary officer early, and the master will arrange martial arts earlier. If you practice martial arts well, you can get a martial arts candidate, and go to places like Datong and Jizhen. Maybe you can be a guerrilla general at my age. In the future, it is not impossible to be a general officer and governor. Why bother? Do you have to go all the way to the dark?" Siqi said carelessly: "I see that the Duan family visited the mansion last time, aren't they all generals and generals?"

  (end of this chapter)

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