Number of People

Chapter 2512: Guizi Juan is working step by step, advancing steadily

  Chapter 2512 Guizi Juan step by step, advance steadily

  Feng Ziying couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

  The changes are not small.

  This Busia Mara really has some tricks in training people, or is Zhe Zhe originally a dormant queen who was inspired by her ambition?

   "I really can't see it..." Feng Ziying smiled subconsciously and shook her head, "Is this releasing her nature, or Busia Mara, did you deliberately let her do this?"

"Ziying, why do you underestimate Zhezhe so much? She is the flower of Horqin, and she has been pampered and respected for more than ten years. Can you really treat her as an ordinary girl in the grassland?" Busia Mara raised her thick eyebrows, "Born with noble life, raised in Saints, that’s not just talk.”

  Feng Ziying pursed her lips and nodded, her eyes returned to Zhe Zhe who was still looking straight at her, "Zhe Zhe, if I let you go back now, would you be willing?"

Zhezhe seemed not at all surprised by Feng Ziying's suggestion, or he was not moved at all, and shook his head flatly: "Zhezhe has never considered going back. Although his hometown is beautiful and memorable, there is a saying among Han people that one must look forward, and one must look forward. Don't dwell on old dreams of the past."

   It seems that he is relying on himself, but Feng Ziying doesn't care.

  Korqin is now firmly under the control of Zaisai. It can be said that the people who care about Horqin most are Neikalkha, so there is no need to worry too much.

  But just as Busia Mara said, it is impossible for Zhe Zhe to be released now. First, it will attract unnecessary suspicion from Zai Sai, and second, it will not be conducive to Da Zhou's competition for Horqin in the future.

   Now Dazhou and the Neikha people form an alliance to deal with the Jianzhou Jurchen, but what about three to five years later, ten years later?

   Once the threat of the Jianzhou Jurchen is removed, the Neikha people who are ambitious to annex the various tribes of Mongolia and want to become the overlord of the grassland may be the next Jianzhou Jurchen.

  Even the Yehe tribe is unwilling to have a Nekhka people who are rising stronger and stronger. They are no different from Jianzhou Jurchen.

For the Yehe tribe where Busia Mara belongs, they can accept the rule of the Great Zhou Dynasty, because the Central Plains dynasty has been Zhengshuo since ancient times, but they cannot accept the rule of other tribes who are also border tribes. With the complete destruction of their own tribe.

   "I understand." After thinking for a while, Feng Ziying stopped talking, for him, such matters were no longer worth worrying about.


  Seeing the woman with tears in the corners of her eyes falling asleep, Feng Ziying got out of bed and covered her with a quilt, and couldn't help but sigh.

  Although I have been mentally prepared, it is still a bit uncomfortable for me to poison a girl who has just turned fourteen in such an unobstructed way.

"Why, are you feeling sorry for the fragrance and jade?" Busia Mara, who was standing at the other end of the veranda, signaled the girls to put on Feng Ziying's clothes, so as not to catch the cold, she walked over by herself, with a calm face: "Zhezhe has long been mentally prepared for this." , you don’t have to feel uncomfortable, there are many girls who get married at the age of twelve or thirteen on the grassland, my aunt Meng Gu Zhezhe also married Nurhachi at the age of thirteen?”

  Feng Ziying put on her clothes, but she didn't go near Busia Mara's house, but felt the coolness of the northern land in February.

"Well, your aunt Meng Gu Zhezhe has passed away for several years, right? But your cousin Huang Taiji is quite favored in front of Nurhachi. Chu Ying was left out in the cold, and it is estimated that there is no hope of succeeding Nurhachi Khan in the future. Now only Dai Shanhe is left. Huang Taiji is the most competitive, Mang Gurtai is not surprising, and Abatai is ignorant of current affairs, so it is difficult to pose a threat to Daishan and Huang Taiji. In my opinion, if Da Zhou does not intervene, your cousin is really possible Take over the position of Khan."

Busia Mara sneered, "Can he wait until he takes over the position of Khan? Even if he takes over the position of Khan, will he be lenient towards us? In the battle of Tieling, Jianzhou seems to have won , but in fact the gain outweighs the loss, of course, if Da Zhou wants to let Jianzhou breathe and digest for a few years, then I have nothing to say, but Ziying, will you let Jianzhou Jurchen recover?"

  Feng Ziying laughed, "Of course not, Dongjiang Town is already being formed, and we will take action in August or September of this year at the latest."

Busia Mara's face softened a little: "I thought you Da Zhou were really indifferent and just passively beaten. Last year you had the hidden danger of Jiangnan, so let's not talk about it. Now that Jiangnan is pacified, your father's Northwest Army has 100,000 troops. The army is dead, the Denglai Army is reorganized, and now Dongjiang Town is still being formed. What do you do with so many troops? If you don’t solve the scourge of Jianzhou Jurchen, it will be a waste of food and money, which is really unacceptable gone."

  Feng Ziying couldn't answer Busia Mara's words.

  Although there are many troops in the Great Zhou Dynasty, there are only a few that can really fight, and the side wall is thousands of miles away. Where does it not need to be guarded?

  Mongols do not seem to have the strength to enter the Central Plains, but substantial threats exist at any time. You have to place hundreds of thousands of troops on the ground here. This is the price of a country that grows bigger and has a longer border.

"Busia Mara, the times are changing drastically, and so is the Great Zhou Dynasty." Feng Ziying said leisurely: "I thought the peak period of the Jianzhou Jurchen should have passed. As you said, in the battle of Tieling, they seemed to be They took Anle State, but they need three to five years to recuperate and digest before they can turn what they swallowed into their own strength, and we won't give them this time."

   Zhe Zhe, who had endured the pain and got up quietly, hid behind the door, listening to the conversation between Feng Ziying and Busia Mara, thoughtful.

"Three to five years? Ziying, are you so confident?" Busia Mara couldn't help raising her eyebrows and asked, although she also knew that after Da Zhou solved the Jiangnan problem, she would be free to deal with Liaodong, but three to five Can the Jianzhou Jurchen be solved within a year?

"Hehe, look, what we see is believing. When the era of hot weapons comes, the Jianzhou Jurchens will soon find that their proud cavalry and shooting are like paper in front of firearms. Anything that can't keep up with the trend of history Everything you have will be quickly eliminated, and you won’t even be greeted.” Feng Ziying is full of confidence.

   There was nothing to say all night, here Zhezhe tossed and turned on the bed, while Feng Ziying and Busia Mara fought fiercely on the kang over there.

  The next morning Feng Ziying got up with her waist supported.

  Busia Mara, who was in the year of the tiger and wolf, had a stronger desire in this aspect after giving birth to a child. Feng Ziying, who had come prepared, couldn't bear it after a night of tossing.

  Thinking of having to "chatter" with Wang Xifeng today, he felt a little chill down his spine.


  The Ministry of Households allocated funds faster than expected, and Huang Ruliang's straightforwardness also benefited from the huge profits brought back to the Ministry of Households' treasury by the continuous sales of Jiangnan.

  The location of the Army Officer Academy was determined, and the expansion and renovation began immediately. The Military Training Department here also began to draft a plan for the Army's first batch of officer rotation training.

  To rotate training, there must be a training outline, which is also the biggest problem facing Feng Ziying at the moment.

  The officers are drawn out to participate in the rotation training. What is the training content?

  Since it is necessary to transform into a new type of army, this kind of training must be targeted and innovative, and it must be used in the army after the training is completed, so as to achieve the goal.

  According to Feng Ziying's idea, two classes can be held first.

  One is an advanced class and the other is an intermediate class.

   Considering that there are too many people in the elementary class, it can be placed in the next batch. Now a pilot is being carried out in the advanced class and the intermediate class.

The advanced class is mainly composed of deputy commanders, generals, and guerrillas (du commanders and guard commanders). They are all senior officers who lead the army and lead the troops on their own. Officers below the garrison (thousand households, hundred households) mainly focus on the execution of tactics in specific battles.

  Of course, this is just a general shooting arrangement. When it comes to the actual training courses, it is more complicated.

  Feng Ziying took great pains to set up the curriculum alone. It was quite difficult to consider the practicality and forward-looking nature of the curriculum, as well as who would teach it.

   Like the advanced class, Feng Ziying drafted several courses.

  For example, "Geographic Map Reference and Identification Application", it talks about the application of mountain, river and river surveying and mapping on maps and maps in combat, including the application of sand table.

For example, "Continental Political, Economic and Military Situation in East Asia Today", such as "Basic Principles of Information Science", such as "Basic Principles and Development History of Firearms", such as "Basic Tactics of Today's Use of Firearms", such as "Basic Principles of Using Artillery in War", "Basic Principles of Logistical Support in War" and so on.

  Feng Ziying can roughly draft some content that she can imagine, but it is not easy to find suitable teachers. These are not easy to find in the Ministry of War, but need to be selected in the frontier army.

No matter how rough or forced it is, Feng Ziying thinks it’s better to do it sooner rather than later, and if you don’t try to do it like this, you will never be able to accumulate experience and improve it. Everyone needs to be a crab eater , No matter how many problems there are, they must be solved and optimized one by one.

Here, Feng Ziying also greeted Liaodong, Jizhen, Datong, Denglai, and the governors of the Five Armies respectively, asking them to recommend generals who are outstanding in certain fields and capable of eloquence to serve as training instructors. This may not be popular, but it must be done as a political task.

  As the instigator, Feng Ziying naturally had to take the lead, and several courses such as "Continental Political, Economic and Military Situation in East Asia Today" and "Basic Principles and Development History of Firearms" had to be taught by him personally.

At the same time, these military officers selected to serve as instructors must first undergo a round of training by Feng Ziying. First, Feng Ziying will give them a class to let them understand the purpose, meaning and method of teaching, and then they will teach them separately. In one lesson, make a comment on each other, and make a comparison and improvement, so that the real teaching will be carried out.

  (end of this chapter)

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