Number of People

Chapter 2514: Gui character scroll white lotus rises, wind and cloud gather

  Chapter 2514 Guizi scroll white lotus rises, wind and cloud gather

  Feng Ziying was woken up on Xichun's bed.

   Shen Yixiu is pregnant.

  The specific time of pregnancy should really be the two days when Feng Ziying uttered nonsense and swore, but I didn't expect that after the rhetoric, it was really a hit.

  So she was supposed to rest in Shen Yixiu's house, so she came to Xichun's house.

  Xichun is also seventeen, not a little girl anymore, although not as plump and charming as Tanchun, but a little more delicate and elegant.

  Especially the soft, cowardly and pitiful posture in the bed made Feng Ziying feel a little more pity.

  Reminiscent of the book "Dream of Red Mansions" written in "Dream of Red Mansions", it sounds like a free and easy way to become a monk, but who knows that it is also a choice made out of desperation?

   "What's the matter?" Feng Ziying was still a little dizzy. She drank a few more glasses in the evening and was in high spirits in bed.

  Shen Yixiu is pregnant. As a long-term wife, it is of course something to be happy about.

  Especially Tong Niang is several years old, and Shen Yixiu has already recovered, and everyone is looking forward to her getting pregnant sooner.

  But in the past few years, it has been seen that the second house and the third house have continued to blossom and bear fruit. On the contrary, the long house was the first to raise, but now it has fallen to the end.

  Now even Baochai, who has always been low-key, has a big belly, and the big guy's attention naturally turns to Shen Yixiu and Lin Daiyu.

  Now the long house can finally feel proud, even Second Sister You, Li Wei, Li Qi and Xichun are relieved. If Shen Yixiu has a male heir, then they will have no pressure to have children.

   "I heard that someone from the outer courtyard said it was someone from the Ministry of Punishment..." the waiter in the outer room was Ruhua, Xichun's personal servant girl, and said cautiously and authentically.

Feng Ziying, who was about to get up and get dressed, lay down again, and took advantage of the situation to wrap her arms around Xichun's fat waist, "The Ministry of punishment? How did the Ministry of punishment find me here? I am the Minister of the Ministry of war, not the minister of the Ministry of punishment? Yes Didn't you find the wrong place?"

   "I heard from the outside that something happened. It seems to be a matter of the Ministry of Punishment and Shuntian Mansion, as well as Captain Long. I need to ask the master to discuss it." Ruhua replied in the outside room.

  Feng Ziying could not help but frown when she heard that something had happened. The Ministry of Punishment, Shuntian Mansion, and Captain Long Jin, what else could be going on besides the White Lotus Sect?

  Some time ago, I heard Han Yu, Jia Yucun, and Zhang Jin discussing plans to attack the White Lotus Sect. The first to bear the brunt were the White Lotus Sect members in Daxing and Wanping counties, including the White Lotus Sect members in the Jingying and Shangsanqin Army.

Feng Ziying of the White Lotus Sect in the army has already greeted Xiao Ruxun specifically, and Tu Wenxiu has also instructed them to deal with them carefully. solve.

  The other thing is the Shang San Qin Army.

  It is a little more troublesome for the Shang Sanqin Army, because they are responsible for guarding the palace, so once they make a move, there must be no mistakes. Otherwise, if these people rush into the palace and cause turmoil, the Ministry of War will bear too much pressure.

  But the Ministry of Criminal Justice and Shuntian Prefecture tend to move some core backbones in the two counties of Daxing and Wanping first, such as Zhang Cuihua and Zhou Yin.

  But the whereabouts of Zhang Cuihua and Zhou Yin have been erratic, especially Zhou Yin. Some informants from Long Jinwei said that Zhou Yin should have some relationship with the palace.

Now that Emperor Wantong ascended the throne, the palace has undergone a major clean-up, and many people have been excluded from the inner palace, which is the so-called East and West Six Palaces plus Fengxian Palace, Yangxin Palace, Qianqing Palace, and Jiaotai Palace. , Kunning Palace is the most core area.

  Because Zhou Yin's whereabouts were unknown, and his relationship with the palace had not been found out, so it was delayed until after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

Judging from various sources of information, the activities of the White Lotus Sect in Bazhou, Gu'an, Zhuozhou, and Wuqing counties are becoming more and more active, and signs of rebellion are becoming more and more obvious, and there are also such cases in Baoding and Zhending. Trend, that's why the Ministry of Punishment and Shuntian Mansion discussed the opportunity to take action, first to solve the White Lotus Sect in the capital city, to ensure the safety of the city, as for the others, it depends on the situation.

  Feng Ziying did not participate in the discussions between the Ministry of Punishment, Shuntian Mansion, and Long Jinwei, because he was not very clear about the investigation of the White Lotus Sect in the later period, and the specific operator should decide when to do it.

  Han Yu, Jia Yucun, and Zhang Jin are all veterans, so they can't even grasp the timing badly.

   It seems that Han Yan and Jia Yucun made some mistakes in their actions, and the mistakes were not small, otherwise they would not have informed themselves at this time.

  But Feng Ziying didn't think there would be a big problem. If something serious happened, it would be someone from the Ministry of Punishment to inform her, and someone from the Ministry of War should come.

Lying on the bed and not wanting to wake up, Feng Ziying is really unwilling to get involved in these things. There are so many messy things in the Great Zhou Dynasty. If you say that they are all important things, you can't stop worrying about them, and you don't have the ability to deal with them. After all the work is done, it is justified not to seek other affairs while not in the position.

  But it's not good for Han Yu to send someone here to ignore him. What's more, the matter of the White Lotus Sect really worries him, and he can't do it if he wants to completely abandon it.

  While sighing, he lingered on Xichun's body, which made Xichun feel funny and didn't understand, "Sir, what's wrong with you? There are still people waiting outside."

"Just wait and wait. It shouldn't be my business. If you come to ask for help, can you just wait a little longer? In the middle of the night, who is so dedicated and jumps up as soon as he hears the call, and sleeps with a woman in his arms?" Isn't it fragrant?" Feng Ziying said angrily.

   Facing Feng Ziying's tired and lazy Xichun, she was also speechless. After all, she had never experienced such a situation, and she didn't know how to persuade Feng Ziying.

   After a while, Feng Ziying got up angrily, and ordered Ruhua to come in and dress herself.

  It was already Yinchu when I arrived at the office of the Ministry of Punishment.

   The office of the Ministry of Punishment was brightly lit, which showed that this group of people had stayed up all night.

  Seeing Feng Ziying coming in, Han Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried over to pull Feng Ziying, "Ziying, go, talk inside."

   "Where's Ji Huigong?" Feng Ziying didn't see Liu Yixiu, and felt that Liu Yixiu should be there under such circumstances.

   "The day before yesterday, Ji Hui had another headache. He was dizzy and had an unbearable headache. He was lying at home." Han Yan said with a wry smile.

  Feng Ziying shook her head, Liu Yixiu was feeling unwell at this time, and the burden was all on Han Yu, "What happened?"

"Since yesterday, the Ministry of Criminal Justice and Shuntian Prefecture together with Captain Long Jin have taken measures to arrest the backbone of the White Lotus Sect in Daxing and Wanping counties. The initial progress has been smooth. Zhang Cuihua, the most core leader in the capital city, has been captured. The whereabouts of Wang Haoli, who is known as the young master in the White Lotus Sect, but was escaped by Wang Haoli during the process of capturing Wang Haoli. It is certain that Wang Haoli's escape was informed by their insiders in the Wanping County Yamen, and there were also insiders from the Beijing Camp and the Patrol Camp. Accept,..."

  Feng Ziying's head grew bigger when she heard it.

   It involves the Beijing camp, as well as the patrolling camp. Like the Wucheng Bingma Division, the patrolling camp is under the jurisdiction of the patrolling city procuratorate, not the Ministry of War, which is a bit broad.

   "Response from the Wanping county yamen?" Feng Ziying asked, "Who in the county yamen would know the secret news of your arrest of Wang Haoli?"

"A patrol inspector from the inspection department needs to arrest in the city. Wang Haoli is hiding in Wutiao Hutong of Yibeifang, which is under the jurisdiction of Wanping County, so he notified the inspector. Who would have thought that he was a member of the White Lotus Sect? Famous believers, we didn't notice it before, so..."

  Han Yu was also quite annoyed. Originally, this arrest operation should have been quite perfect.

  From Zhang Cuihua's mouth, the Criminal Ministry has basically grasped the general structure of the entire White Lotus Sect.

  From the leader Wang Sen to the three sons below Wang Sen, the eldest Wang Haoli, the so-called eldest young master, the second Wang Haoyi, and the third Wang Haoxian, the so-called second young master and third young master, are quite powerful.

In addition to Wang Sen himself, there are also a large number of disciples and grandchildren under his command, such as Zhang Cuihua, Zhou Yin, An Bao, Mi Bei, Zhang Hailiang, Xu Hongru, Gao Yingchen, Li Guoyong, etc., who have developed forces in Beizhi, Shandong, and Nanzhi respectively. , and Wang Sen's three sons also have their own fans.

  In contrast, in places like Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan, although there are also White Lotus Sect and various parties derived from it, they are not closely connected with Wang Sen, and they are even in a state of listening to the tune and not listening to the announcement.

Wang Haoli is the strongest in the capital city, or this is the sphere of influence assigned by Wang Sen to the eldest son. The party including Zhang Cuihua and Zhou Yin belong to Wang Haoli's faction. , and there is a high probability that Zhou Yin should be with Wang Haoli, and his whereabouts are unknown now.

   "Escaped in Yibeifang? Can you be sure that you have escaped from the city?" Feng Ziying asked.

  Yibeifang is on the southwest corner of the outer city.

  The outer city is not as heavily guarded as the inner city. As long as the city gates are closed, it is much easier to search and arrest. However, although the outer city is also a city in name and is surrounded by city walls, it is much more desolate there.

The area of ​​Yibeifang is larger than that of Dashi Yongfang, but the population may not even be one-tenth of Dashi Yongfang. Many places are desolate and uninhabited, and there are also a large number of Buddhist temples and Taoist temples in this area. Area, it is very difficult for you to carry out a comprehensive search, even if you want to use Ni Er and his team, it is difficult to achieve the expected results.

   "It's hard to be sure, the three areas of Yibeifang, Yinanfang, and Baizhifang are too large to search, and You'anmen..." Han Yu pondered for a while.

   There is still time at 12 o'clock, please save the guaranteed monthly tickets for Lao Rui.



  (end of this chapter)

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