Number of People

Chapter 2517: The wind and rain in the forbidden palace, the change of seizing power

   At this time, Feng Ziying was sure that this was definitely a premeditated "rebellion".

   It's just that this rebellion was operated by the emperor himself.

   To rebel against the scholar-officials, to take back from the hands of the scholar-bureaucrats what he thought belonged to him!

  He can even be sure that if the queen leaves the palace, it means the emperor will leave the palace!

  Once the emperor entered the Fifth Army Battalion, the chaos would quickly reach a climax.

  With the card of the emperor, eight of the twelve divisions of the five army battalions are the main forces of the enemy, and they can easily control the situation.

  Combined with the Four Guards Battalion of the Shang San Qin Army, 70% of the military forces in the city are controlled by them, and they have the final say on the entire capital city.

  Whether it is the Xuanfu army or the Jizhen army, the nearest one is hundreds of miles away. Is there still time when the order from the Ministry of War is delivered?

   Moreover, the Xuanfu Army and Jizhen Army, Ma Chengxun and You Shigong, in the face of the confrontation between the emperor and the cabinet, will they stand by the cabinet without hesitation?

   It's really hard to say.

  Feng Ziying can even be sure in her heart that Ma Chengxun and You Shigong will only be impartial, pretend to be deaf and dumb, do nothing, and sit and watch the situation change.

   Until these people in the capital city decide the winner, they will stand on the side of the winner.

  Even if I ordered You Shigong to lead troops into the city to "counter the rebellion", I am afraid that there will be no good results.

  Because there is a problem that I can't figure out, who is the "rebel"?

   I'm afraid that the phrase "Qing Jun's side" sounds more beautiful to the warriors, right?

  The emperor can freely promise to rebuild the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion or the Privy Council, overturn the national policy of using literature to control military affairs, and make warriors and civil servants equal, but what about the cabinet civil servants?

  Do you dare to promise like this?

  Warriors have deep-rooted distrust and even hostility towards civil servants. Even their own father, who has the status of his own son who has achieved a third-rank minister, still has suspicions.

No one likes laymen commanding experts, no one wants to fight life and death on the battlefield, and the final credit and even fate have to be determined by outsiders. After a few years, the literati still nod and bow in front of them, and they can even send you to **** with a single order.

   I have to say that Emperor Wantong chose a very good time.

  The Criminal Department and Long Jinwei have been investigating and arresting the Bailian believers during this period of time, and the Bailian believers are related to many people in the Fifth Army Battalion. This hostility and anger were ignited.

But now that the adjustment of the Beijing camp and the upper three pro-armies has not yet been in place, Qiu Shiben was very dissatisfied with not being able to take over as the deputy envoy of the Jingying Jiedu, and the arrival of Xiao Ruxun broke his last thought. The dominance of one family gave him the possibility of mutiny.

However, in order to avoid too much shock in the adjustment of the upper three-parent army, the cabinet did not agree to adjust Miao Zhuang, Liao Junxiong, and Du Keli together. It was also transferred to the Four Guards Camp, which also left a big problem for this.

Du Keli and Gao Wenxiu can't guess that their stay in office is just a transition. Once the situation is mature, it is inevitable that they will be adjusted out of the three relatives. This will change from the Banner Guard and the Warriors Camp to the Dragon Guard or the people from the Northwest. You can see it.

  In this situation, if Emperor Wantong promised to make great profits, the other party would not be tempted.

At this time, Feng Ziying was extremely anxious, but she couldn't show any worry or fear. Although He Zhisheng is reliable now, once he really finds out that the situation is extremely dangerous, it's hard to say whether he will have other ideas. The He family of Shoushanbo is also from Wu Xun .

   "Is there any problem with Xiyuan Gate, Lingxing Gate and Qianming Gate?" These three gates are the three gates from the imperial city to enter Miyagi, but they are all small gates with little defensive ability. ,

   "Don't worry, my lord, these three gates are guarded." He Zhisheng hadn't thought about that much yet, "Actually, as long as this Xihua gate is guarded, they won't even think about going out."

   "Hmph, what if someone comes in from outside?" Feng Ziying sneered.

  He Zhisheng was surprised: "Then there is also the Four Guards Battalion guarding the Xi'an Gate outside."

  Feng Ziying cast a sideways glance at the other party, He Zhisheng shuddered, and immediately reflected, his face became even paler: "My lord, you mean..."

"Everything is possible. The wind knows the strength of the grass, and the sternness knows the honest minister. The more it is at this time, the more it will show whose performance is more worthy of attention." Feng Ziying snorted, "You and Zhang Jin just take care of the palace. Guard the gate, I’ll let Lu Song go to the Meridian Gate, I’ll come from your side, and the cabinet has already informed Ye Xiang and the others, so stop it quietly, as long as people can’t get out, it’s no big deal.”

   "The Fifth Army Battalion and the Four Guards Battalion..." He Zhisheng said bitterly. The strength of the Fifth Army Battalion was not comparable to that of the Standard Bearer Guards and the Warriors Battalion, and it was easy to crush him.

"What about the Fifth Army Battalion? Qiu Shiben is the eighth battalion, Tu Wenxiu has two battalions, Yang Zhaoji and He Huchen have two battalions, and the Shenshu Battalion and Shenji Battalion are still there." Feng Ziying said calmly: "Half an hour ago I They have already arranged for people to go to Huairou and Pinggu, Huang Degong's troops are stationed in Huairou, Zuo Liangyu's troops are stationed in Pinggu, at most Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu's cavalry can rush to the capital city tonight."

  Feng Ziying's words are half true and half false, but he must encourage He Zhisheng to strengthen his confidence.

Huang Degong's Ministry is indeed in Huairou. The Flying Riders will arrive in Huairou in the morning, but they don't know if they can leave the city smoothly. The order to leave the city depends on whether Huang Degong is in Huairou. Maybe, it would be good to come here tomorrow morning.

  As for Zuo Liangyu’s troops who were in Pinggu three months ago, they have already moved troops to Jiangjunshi, and Jiangjunshi is at least fifty miles away from Pinggu.

  You Shigong’s department may be the only ones he can directly mobilize these two departments. After all, he single-handedly promoted them. He was even a little worried about Huang Degong’s department, but Zuo Liangyu’s department was fine.

  The other units in Ji Town would be difficult to mobilize without going through the commander-in-chief, You Shigong. Not to mention that You Shigong obeyed the order or not, it was the delays in the middle that made it impossible for other units in Ji Town to catch up.

   It can be said that at most tomorrow, the situation in the capital city must have a result, and it cannot be delayed for too long.

  He Zhisheng felt at ease when he heard Feng Ziying's arrangement.

Huairong and Heping Valley are the closest places to the capital city, but only a few dozen miles away, and Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu are currently the two most powerful troops in the Jizhen army. They are also equipped with horses, so-called horse-riding gunmen. Although they cannot be said to be comparable to cavalry in terms of maneuverability, they are much faster than traditional gunmen.

"Bah! Bah! Bah!" Three gunshots rang out, and blood holes appeared on the forehead, chest, and neck of the chief interior officer who was flaunting his power and saliva. Forced to the ground.

  The shooting accuracy of the eagle-billed blunderbuss at a distance of less than fifty paces can still be guaranteed. To be on the safe side, He Zhisheng ranked among the top three in one shot.

  Seeing that General Su, who had been alive and kicking, suddenly fell to the ground, splashing dust all over the floor, and the more than 20 servants who followed him screamed horribly, blowing up the camp for a while, not knowing what to do.

   This is one of the most favored managers in front of the emperor, second only to Manager Cui, who would have thought that he would be shot dead in front of the Xihua Gate.

  A cold and rough voice sounded: "Su Desheng colluded with the White Lotus Sect in the city, intending to deceive and kidnap the emperor. He launched an incident today and was executed by the military order of the Ministry of War. The rest are all coerced followers. Kneel down immediately and wait for the military order, or they will all be killed!"

  Dozens of soldiers with swords, shields and spears quickly formed an formation to surround them, and the gaps on both sides were the soldiers of the Warrior Battalion holding firecrackers aiming at them.

With a "plop", the trouser legs of the two servants in front of them were already wet with the incontinence of urine, and they knelt down at once, followed by more than 20 servants followed by a "plop plop" and knelt down one after another, with their faces on the ground, I dare not say more than half a sentence.

   They followed Prince Yizhong's mansion into the palace, how had they ever experienced such a battle?

   If you say kill, you can kill, there is no room for maneuver. Is this still in the palace?

  Seeing this scene, He Zhisheng finally breathed a sigh of relief, and ran over to ask for instructions: "My lord, what should we do next?"

"Keep the Xihua Gate and Donghua Gate well. No one can enter or leave. Another 300 people will be sent in to block the Qianqing Palace and Kunning Palace. No one can enter or leave. No matter who it is, the emperor may be held hostage by someone, or he may be killed by others." Controlled by drugs, so until the cabinet order comes, it will be ignored."

  In the last few sentences, Feng Ziying had already raised her voice so that the soldiers around could hear her, and then she gave the order: "Send someone who is absolutely reliable, understand?"

  Qianqing Palace and Kunning Palace are the emperor's bedroom and the palaces where government affairs are handled daily. He Zhisheng naturally knows Feng Ziying's words well.

   "In addition, immediately order people to strengthen the defense of Xiyuan Gate and Lingxing Gate. If you can't defend it, try to delay the time..."

  After arranging all this, Feng Ziying hurried to the Meridian Gate to meet Lu Song.

  Feng Ziying is not worried about Lu Song.

When Emperor Wantong chose Gu Cheng, it meant that Lu Song had no choice but to stand with the ministers in the cabinet. Although he might not be willing to go the same way with the ministers in his heart, he had no choice. .

  The situation on Zhang Jin's side is fairly stable, but the faint voice coming from the west should be that the Four Guards Battalion has been activated.

Feng Ziying took a deep breath. He didn't know what the Fifth Army Battalion would do, but he could be sure of one thing. With such an abrupt mobilization, Emperor Wantong, Qiu Shiben, and the White Lotus Sect might not have any What a tacit understanding, this is our own opportunity.

  The third update is delivered, ask for another 300 votes!

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