Number of People

Chapter 2520: Guizi Juan is up and down, multi-pronged

  Chapter 2520 Guizi Juan is up and down, multi-pronged

  Feng Ziying went around the Meridian Gate and received Ye Xianggao, Fang Congzhe, Qi Yongtai, Li Sancai, Zhang Huaichang and others in front of the Great Zhou Gate.

Obviously, the four of them haven't really accepted Tang Binyin and Miao Changqi. Today's sudden attack by Emperor Wantong colluding with the enemy Shiben caught the cabinet by surprise. Who dares to say whether there are Tang and Miu acting as internal countermeasures? ?

   "Ziying, how's the situation?" Ye Xianggao was fairly neatly dressed, but Fang Congzhe and Li Sancai were a little disheveled, obviously the sudden upheaval made them panic.

"The battle is mainly concentrated in the west. The Xihua Gate is fierce. If it continues like this, I'm afraid it won't be able to defend. The Fifth Army Battalion is too strong. He Zhisheng's Warriors Battalion doesn't have enough troops, and the Four Guards Battalion took the opportunity to make trouble. Zhang Jin's standard-bearer guard did not dare to move lightly,..."

Before Feng Ziying finished speaking, Zhang Huaichang had already picked up the words: "The banner guards can't move. If the enemies attack east and west, and the Dazhou gate is broken, it will be dangerous. I have let Zhisheng go out of the city and go to Tongzhou to fix the border guards and Shenwu. The central defender is undergoing training, so he can make do with it."

   "Mr. Huaichang, there is not enough troops in Dingbianwei to fill the gaps between the teeth. The troops of Shenwu Zhongwei went to Xianghe to merge with Yingzhou Qiantunwei for training ten days ago. People from the training department still have to go to review."

  Feng Ziying's words poured cold water on Zhang Huaichang again, and asked quickly: "Is the person who fixed the border guard still there? It's a bit of a deal."

"There are only more than 1,000 Dingbian guards, and this year's recruitment has not yet started. In the early stage, the Dingbian guards have been added to the Jizhen Army." Feng Ziying shook her head: "They are all old, weak, sick and disabled. It is time to recruit recruits. This group of people should be exiled."

Hearing the conversation between Zhang Huaichang and Feng Ziying, the faces of the four members of the cabinet were gloomy. Fang Congzhe couldn't help but said, "Huaichang, Ziying, don't you have any other soldiers in the city? Didn't the cabinet just ask you to fight against Beijing?" Are the battalion and the upper three pro-army adjusted? It’s been so long, why is there still such a big situation?”

   No wonder Fang Congzhe was angry.

  In his opinion, the imperial court treated the Ministry of War very favorably in the early stage. Whether it was food, salary or personnel power, they were almost satisfied. This was started before Emperor Wantong ascended the throne.

   I didn't expect that in the end, there would be such a big mistake, and I would be so passive.

   He was woken up by Yinzheng, and escaped from the back door of the house. On the way, he was almost blocked by soldiers from the Fifth Army Battalion.

   Finally, under the protection of the guards, he took the alley beside the dry stone bridge and fled in embarrassment around Maxiang Hutong.

  Did not dare to walk West Chang'an Avenue, but went directly to Rongxian Hutong before sneaking eastward to sneak behind Long Jinwei's yamen.

  That area has been controlled by Wang Chenghu's Shenji Battalion, so it is considered safe.

   Now his house in Anfufang has been surrounded by the Fifth Army Battalion, and the whole family has been blocked in the house.

  Although he didn't believe that the Fifth Army Battalion dared to harm his wife and children, but the dignified second assistant escaped from the capital city with his **** **** off, how could he not feel ashamed and angry.

   Neither Zhang Huaichang nor Feng Ziying can answer this question.

   How can it be as simple and easy as imagined?

The three major battalions of the Beijing Camp, the Fifth Military Battalion have more than 30,000 to nearly 40,000 horses, the Shenshu Camp and the Shenji Battalion each have nearly 10,000 people, a total of nearly 60,000 horses, plus more than 10,000 people from the Shangsan Qin Army, a total of 70,000 people. More than 10,000 horses, this is the main military force defending the entire capital city and even the imperial palace, or in other words, this is what the previous dynasty called the Forbidden Army.

Among these people, although the Beijing Camp has undergone a relatively strong reconstruction effort after the First World War in the Santun Camp, most of the soldiers still come from the soldiers who were released by Zai Sai, and the supplementary soldiers are also from the surrounding guards, so the personnel relationship is extremely complicated. , almost concentrated in Beijing.

  Personnel adjustment does not mean that you can just change a few commanders and envoys to command colleagues and command things. If you don’t change the middle and low-level military officers, just changing the generals will not change the command.

That's why Feng Ziying took pains to take the first big move before the new emperor was established, and everyone didn't dare to oppose it too much, and then walked slowly in small steps, leaving room for some people, and everyone endured it , and then the third step is adjusted in place.

   It should be said that the effect of doing so is still very obvious. It can be said that except for the Fifth Army Battalion and the Four Guards Battalion that cannot be adjusted in one step due to special reasons, the Shenshu Battalion, Shenji Battalion, Banner Guard and Warrior Battalion have basically stabilized.

At that time, Feng Ziying also thought about exchanging Qian Guozhong with Tu Wenxiu when the Kuang brothers led troops into Beijing. Qi Yongxiao, his nephew, was transferred from the Northwest Army to the Fifth Army Battalion as a commander to lead the two troops that Tu Wenxiu brought into Beijing.

   In this way, the Kwong Brothers entered the Shenji Camp to replace Qian Guozhong's, and the Shenji Camp was firmly in their hands.

  The Fifth Army Battalion was also mixed with sand, and Qi Yongxiao could bring another army in, so that the Fifth Army Battalion could control the five troops by itself. In addition, Qian Guozhong brought this one over, which could further dilute the influence of Qiu Shiben.

  I thought very well, but I didn’t wait for you to tighten the noose step by step. The third step was not fully in place, so I just lifted the table now.

   Li Sancai, who was still in shock, heard Fang Congzhe accuse the Ministry of War he was in charge of, so he regained his composure a little bit, and continued to tell Zhang Huaichang and Feng Ziying apart.

"Brother Zhonghan can't blame Huaichang and Ziying. In fact, they have done a good job. Who would have thought that the White Lotus Sect would infiltrate the Fifth Army Battalion so deeply? The Jingying and the Shangsanqin Army, by the way, the Wucheng Bingmasi and the Patrol Battalion are the same, who would have thought that Qiu Shiben would fall to the emperor's side so quickly,..."

"If it weren't for the two units of Gan Ning, He Huchen, and Yang Zhaoji brought in by Tu Wenxiu, I'm afraid that the Fifth Army Battalion would have entered the Xihua Gate long ago. The Shang Sanqin Army was not designed to deal with an army like the Fifth Army Battalion. Originally, it was to prevent thieves and bandits like the White Lotus Sect in Beijing from attacking the palace ban. The total number of the three relatives was only 20,000 people, but the five army battalions and one army were close to 40,000 people, and their combat effectiveness was not comparable. How do you compare?"

  Li Sancai said a few fair words, Fang Congzhe also realized that he was asking too much, so he stopped talking, and Ye Xianggao just got back to the topic: "Huaichang, Ziying, how is the situation now?"

  Zhang Huaichang looked at Feng Ziying. She was only aware of the surprise overnight when Feng Ziying sent someone to deliver the news, but he believed that since Feng Ziying sent someone to deliver the letter, she must have taken countermeasures at the same time.

"The key now is that the main force of the Fifth Army Battalion is attacking Xihua Gate. Although He Zhisheng's Warrior Battalion can still rely on the palace wall on the front line of Xihua Gate to defend for a while, I don't think it will take too long, and it will fall at noon today at the most." Feng Ziying's tone remained unchanged, "I have ordered someone to garrison troops at the nearest Ji Town, and it is estimated that some of our troops will be able to reach the city tonight, but we may not be able to hold on until then. Once the Fifth Army Battalion enters Miyagi and joins the Emperor, I'm afraid that our destiny is either to be an official or to be imprisoned."

  Whether it's an official post or a prison sentence, everyone present is not afraid. No matter what Emperor Wantong does after regaining power, the lives of all present are safe.

  This is the benefit of civil servants. Even if all the people here are arrested and imprisoned, they will be pardoned in the end.

   It’s a big deal, don’t think about becoming an official this time, but the cabinet and the Seven Metropolitan Procuratorates are not run by scholars, at most, Tang and Miu become the chief assistant and second assistant.

  But of course everyone here is not willing to go to that step, and it is not yet to the point where they will be caught without a fight.

   "That's all?" Zhang Huaichang said dissatisfiedly: "This is not enough."

"In addition, a part of the Shaanxi Guards arrived in Beijing the day before yesterday and was still outside Deshengmen. Originally, I was considering replacing Qian Guozhong's department of Shenjiying. I also sent someone to send an order to let them enter the city through Deshengmen, and join Yang Zhaoji Let's attack Qiu Shiben's own barracks together, and strive to defeat the enemy's own barracks before the Warriors' battalion is defeated, forcing them to draw troops to guard their rear,..."

  Feng Ziying certainly didn’t stop there, “Also, I also asked someone to meet with Qian Guozhong, and I promised him to be the commander of the Fifth Army Battalion, and let him lead his troops to attack the rear of the Fifth Army Battalion.”

   This aroused the interest of everyone present, and Li Sancai couldn't help but said: "Just agree to it, but what will Qian Guozhong do?"

  Feng Ziying smiled bitterly and shook her head: "It's hard to say, he was supposed to be removed before, but now that the situation is such that he has to be used again, he will inevitably feel resentment and hesitate, half and half."

   "Is there any more?" Li Sancai was still unsatisfied, "Now use everything that can be used, don't have any scruples, you can agree to any conditions first."

"There is also Gao Wenxiu in the Four Guards Camp." Feng Ziying said in a deep voice: "Although Gao Wenxiu ran with Du Keli, after all, he was not as resentful as Du Keli, and more passively followed Du Keli. If someone can find Gao Wenxiu and persuade him to do it anyway, the Four Guards Battalion will be in chaos, and it will take a lot of time for the Fifth Army Battalion to take down Xihuamen."

  Ye Xianggao looked at Feng Ziying, and said word by word: "Who can persuade Gao Wenxiu?"

  Feng Ziying hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: "I'll ask King Zhongshun for an interview. He has a close relationship with the Gao family. Linchang Bo Gao's family also invested in Taihe Yinzhuang under the introduction of King Zhongshun..."

"Oh?" Only martial arts disciples like Feng Ziying can understand the messy relationships in these martial arts. Almost no civil servants pay attention to them. Ye Xianggao nodded: "Go and talk to Prince Zhongshun about this matter." After that, our promise will not change, let him rest assured."

  Feng Ziying also understands that this is a reassurance for herself, to reassure herself that King Zhongshun may not trust the cabinet, but he can believe his own words.

   The third update continues to ask for tickets!



  (end of this chapter)

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