Number of People

Chapter 2522: Guizi scrolls will be counted, the shape will not be scattered, and the spirit will n

  Gao Wenxiu resolutely turned against the water and captured Du Keli alive. This scene also made Qian Guozhong even more thankful that he made the right choice.

  The rebellion and collapse of the Four Guards Battalion led to the opening of its southern wing, and Qian Guozhong took advantage of the situation to launch a fierce attack, which directly led to the complete failure of the Fifth Army Battalion's offensive on Xihuamen, and then turned into a rout.

At this time, the Tu Wenxiu Second Division, Yang Zhaoji, and Kuang Tiangeng Division, who came from the north, also took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack. The various divisions of the Fifth Army Battalion could no longer hold on, and retreated along Fuchengmen Street and Xinkaizheng Street to join the Fifth Army Battalion. camp.

   Until Youzheng, the sky was getting dark, and the situation in the whole city had not yet calmed down.

The remaining main forces of the entire Fifth Army Battalion retreated into the first-line camps of Guangpingku and Xichengfang Grassland to hold their positions, while the Second Division of Tu Wenxiu, Yang Zhaoji, and He Huchen of the Fifth Army Battalion, together with Kuang Tiangeng's Division, Shenshu Camp, and Shenji Camp The main camp of the Fifth Army Battalion was firmly surrounded.

However, there are at least thousands of defeated soldiers of the Fifth Army Battalion living outside the main camp of the Fifth Army Battalion. The entire western half of the city was in chaos.

At this time, Feng Ziying ordered the Wucheng Bingmasi and the Patrol Battalion to go out to wipe out these rebels. Before that, he resolutely did not allow the Wucheng Bingmasi and the Patrolling Battalion to leave the camp. The city soldiers Ma Si and the patrol battalion have something wrong, let the Fifth Army Battalion take the opportunity to counterattack and reckon, that is troublesome, he would rather keep the city in chaos for a while, nothing more than a little more loss, and let the situation be stable Take control firmly in your own hands.

  Before Haishi, Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu personally led the cavalry to the city. Feng Ziying asked the cabinet ministers before letting them enter the city. In Haizheng, Sun Chengzong led the Dingbian Guards to the city.

  Feng Ziying lay down on the kang in the quiet room of the Ministry of War, and fell asleep.

As for the fact that the White Lotus Sect will not be able to turn around after Zhang Cuihua and several core subordinates were arrested, especially if the army has entered the city one after another, the White Lotus Sect will start a rebellion, then it is really suicidal .

  Feng Ziying was really exhausted.

   Originally, he had been tossing and tossing on Xichun for half the night last night, and he was woken up shortly after he fell asleep, and then he has been working hard until now.

  The follow-up work is left to Zhang and Sun, and the credit cannot be earned by one person.

I wanted to go back to the mansion to sleep, but when I think about Zhang Huaichang's age, plus a bunch of cabinet ministers are in Wenyuan Pavilion and the palace, even Liu Yixiu, who can't afford illness, has rushed to the palace. It's a bit too crazy to go home and sleep with a woman, so I can only sleep in the office.

   This sleep lasted until the second quarter of Yinchu in the middle of the night, and Feng Ziying woke up dazed.

   After listening carefully, he could still hear occasional gunshots like firecrackers, which showed that the situation in the city had not yet completely calmed down.

  The entire capital city has been under martial law, and no one has to be ordered not to go to the streets.

  Those rout soldiers are now being searched and wiped out street by street, and it is enough to hand over these tasks to the people in the patrol battalion and the Wucheng Bingma Division.

   Shaking his head, he was still a little groggy.

  I slept for less than half an hour last night, which is equivalent to not sleeping. I haven't slept for two days and one night, and I have consumed a lot on the woman's belly. Coupled with today's work and worry, Feng Ziying feels that she is really tired.

   With a cry, Baoxiang got in.

   "Where's Third Sister?" Feng Ziying coughed, "Make me a cup of tea. I'm thirsty. Come over with some snacks. I'm also a little hungry."

"The third aunt is outside, and Mrs. Li and the others are still watching the north side at the gate of the public house, and they haven't calmed down yet." Baoxiang replied while making tea: "A few grandmas have people come to ask about it. I have told you about the situation one by one, and there is not much harassment in the mansion, even two teams of soldiers passed in front of the gate, and they left without stopping."

  Feng Ziying was also afraid of accidents.

   During this war, the rebels came, but no matter what kind of minister you are, there are a lot of beautiful women in your house. If you really want to be targeted by the rebels, you will be crying without tears.

So he put dozens of guards in the mansion, and only brought Li Guibao and Third Sister You out. He also specially asked someone to inform Ni Er to ask Ni Er to bring a hundred and ten people to wait on the side of Sanjue Street. Two hundred rebels really couldn't break through the Feng Mansion.

   "How's the situation outside?" Feng Ziying leaned on the kang.

  When the tea was served, my mouth was hot and I couldn't drink it, but the mist that floated up smudged my face, and the freshness could make my head less drowsy.

"Master Sun has gone out. He seems to have gone to the main camp of the Fifth Army Battalion. Master Zhang is in the public house. He just came back from Wenyuan Pavilion. It seems that he will go to Wenyuan Pavilion later. I came to ask you if you are awake, I haven’t woken up yet when I got back, and they also said not to wake you up, let you sleep for a while.”

  Baoxiang has followed Feng Ziying for so many years, and he knows a lot about the situation in this yamen.

   "Oh? Duke Huaichang sent someone here? When?" Feng Ziying heard that Zhang Huaichang was still awake in the palace, so she turned over and got up.

   It is estimated that the cabinet has not slept yet, and the situation is barely under control now, but there are thousands of routs in the city, and they have to be cleaned up one by one. It is estimated that it will take a day or two to complete the process.

   "Just before a cup of tea." Baoxiang replied.

"Help me get dressed." Feng Ziying stood up. Although she was not used to men being served by men, she didn't bother to call Miss You, who was watching the fun outside. The more she looked, the more she looked like a bodyguard. up.

  Put on her clothes and took a sip of tea before Feng Ziying walked out to Zhang Huaichang.

  Overnight, Zhang Huaichang seemed to be a few years older, bags under his eyes suddenly appeared, and age spots on his face became more obvious. Seeing Feng Ziying coming in, he motioned for Feng Ziying to take a seat.

   "It can't be done, I'm getting old, and I can't stand staying up all night like this. I have to go home and have a good rest tomorrow, and I will leave it to Ziying, you and Zhisheng."

"Don't worry, nothing big will happen. Brother Zhisheng or me, whoever, can handle the follow-up matters alone. Isn't it just that Qiu Shiben is hiding in the fifth army camp and resisting stubbornly, trying to find out what the emperor can do?" Can't you give him an amnesty? Hehe, what a joke, can the emperor admit that he has an appointment with Qiu Shiben?"

  Feng Ziying smiled, "Du Keli was assassinated without a trace, and there are still so many people guarding him, have they all been pushed to the White Lotus Sect?"

  After Du Keli was taken down by Gao Wenxiu, he immediately took care of him, but he was killed by the assassin on the way before Long Jinwei's men took over, and the assassin was also killed on the spot, which is so strange.

  The **** route was temporarily determined, and it was still in the palace. However, this kind of thing happened like this, which shocked the cabinet ministers, Zhang Huaichang and Feng Ziying.

Zhang Huaichang smiled, "What else can I do? The emperor must admit that he has an appointment with Qiu Shiben and Du Keli? Who will admit it? Didn't the Qianqing Palace also say that Su is a member of the Bailian Cult? Followed by Cong Yuanxi An old man who has been with the emperor for twenty years and has become a chief executive, is actually a member of the White Lotus Sect? Absurd."

  Feng Ziying also laughed loudly: "It's hard to tell. The emperor said that the surnamed Su is a member of the Bailian Cult, so it must be. Jinkouyuya, say yes."

   "Well, Qiu Shiben is still wishful thinking, and he will understand after another two days." Zhang Huaichang's eyes turned cold, "He also passed a message to Zhisheng, saying that he was ordered to do so, and he couldn't help himself..."

"Order? Involuntary?" Feng Ziying also restrained her smile: "Who is the order? There is only one end of the order of the Great Zhou army, and that is the Ministry of War. Anyone else or any department has no chance to give orders to the army. He should be an enemy. The commander of the Shenji Battalion for so many years, now he has become a general of the Fifth Army Battalion, but he doesn't understand, and the more he lives, the more he goes back? Isn't it too pale to find such an excuse?"

"Well, it's just for this reason that you want to be pardoned. What do you think?" Zhang Huaichang shook his head: "This battle has caused us a lot of harm. The army in Beijing has been beaten to death again. In the first battle, all had to be overthrown and restarted. The Four Guards Battalion was abolished, the Warriors Battalion was disabled, and only the standard-bearer guards were still complete. Both the Shenji Battalion and the Shenshu Battalion suffered a lot. It's a shame that the Three-Pro-Army is being rebuilt."

Indeed, after this battle, the eight divisions of the enemy's direct line of the fifth army battalion could no longer be used, and the other four divisions also suffered a great loss, which was equivalent to rebuilding. The Four Guards Battalion of the Pro-Army was gone, and the Warriors Battalion was left with very little after having withstood the onslaught of the Fifth Army Battalion for more than a day.

   After this battle, the ministries that had been supplemented with a lot of thought in the early stage were in vain again.

   "Replenishing troops is easy. Isn't it difficult to dismantle and dispose of the Northwest Army now? It just happens to be filled in, more than enough." Feng Ziying said casually: "Even so, the Northwest Army still has 40,000 to 50,000 people who have nowhere to go."

  Zhang Huaichang glanced at Feng Ziying, "Ziying, this is what you said. You immediately dismantled the Northwest Army that your father worked so hard to build. Are you afraid that your father will get angry?"

"Soldiers with iron camps and flowing water, how can there be a feast that lasts for a thousand years?" Feng Ziying said indifferently: "My father is also in his fifties, and he can still work for a few years. He doesn't even understand this reason. Go home as soon as possible and take care of the children for me. .”

Zhang Huaichang nodded. In fact, he had the same idea. He just dismantled the Northwest Army to fill the Beijing Camp and the Shangsanqin Army. The remaining tens of thousands of people were considering stuffing them into Dongjiang Town. The army with a big tail was digested.

  Second update asks for 300 votes!

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