Number of People

Chapter 2551: Guizi scrolls are making a comeback again, with ingenuity

  Chapter 2551 Guizi Scroll is back again, ingenious

  He didn't stop, but he still rested in Lishui for a night. No matter what, even if he went back a day earlier, it probably wouldn't have much effect. Instead, he was exhausted and needed to rest.

  Go to the governor's office and receive a special envoy from Beijing.

  A right-hand councilor of the Secretary of General Administration, a serious eight-hundred and fifth-rank official, came here to convey the cabinet's intentions.

   After listening, Feng Ziying understood why it was the counselor of the Secretary of General Affairs who came to explain to him specifically, instead of directly issuing an official document to appoint him.

  The governor of Jiangnan is going to die here. He wants to abolish Nanzhili and form Jiangnan Province. He will be in charge of the preliminary preparations.

  The imperial court will not formally announce the establishment of Jiangnan Province until the three divisions of Jiangnan Cheng, the Procuratorate, and the Commander are properly arranged.

   This time may be one month or two months, but it is estimated that it will not exceed two months at the latest.

   In other words, my career as governor of the south of the Yangtze River for a little more than a year will stop here.

  The next task is to take over the military affairs of Northern Zhili, even including parts of Henan.

The position given to him has not yet been fully clarified. It is estimated that the left deputy of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the right servant of the Ministry of War will not be exempted, but whether he will be given a serious identity, such as the governor of Beizhili or the governor of Beizhili, or The identities of the governor of Hebei or the governor of Hebei are not necessarily.

  After all, the three prefectures of Henan are indeed in the north of the Yellow River, and the status of the governor of Hebei or the governor of Hebei seems to be justified.

   After calming down, Feng Ziying sat in the study and meditated for a while.

  The councilor of the General Administration Secretary also brought some news about the Mongols in the north and even the Jurchen in Jianzhou.

  As soon as the other party said it, he instinctively told Feng Ziying that this must be a conspiracy by Nurhachi.

  Feng Ziying always thought that Nurhachi might delay the attack until next year, but she didn't expect that the other party couldn't bear it until two years later.

It also shows that this guy is indeed a hero, and his vision is far-reaching enough. At a glance, once Da Zhou really solves the chaos of the White Lotus Sect in the Central Plains, and Dongjiang Town is also successfully formed, then he will really do something to Jianzhou Jurchen. So he refused to sit still.

   Unexpectedly, Sun Chengzong also served as the governor of Xuanda, in charge of the war against the Mongols.

  Feng Ziying still agrees with this point.

Whether it is the Tumet people, the Chahar people, or even the Neikalkha people, they only value interests. The conflict between them and the Han people in the Central Plains may ease at a certain period of time, and the relationship may even become very warm. , but at a certain time the contradictions will intensify and turn into wars.

   Just like the Neikalka people, when they replaced the Chahar people as the overlord of the grassland, would they still have the same attitude towards Dazhou as they do now?

   Xiong Tingbi went to Liaodong, Feng Ziying was not sure if it was a good idea.

  Historically, Xiong Tingbi performed well in Liaodong, but the situation is quite different now.

  Xiong Tingbi has not yet matured to the point where he went to Liaodong to serve as the right servant of the Ministry of War in Liaodong in his previous life. Will the arrogant soldiers of Liaodong Town and Dongjiang Town listen to him so much?

In his opinion, it might be more suitable for Sun Chengzong to go to Liaodong than Xiong Tingbi, and Xiong Tingbi's qualifications and experience are far inferior to Sun Chengzong. If he goes like this, he may not be appointed as the governor of Jiliao. Maybe it is the governor of Jiliao, or It is the pure governor of Liaodong, commanding Liaodong Town and Dongjiang Town and Zhou Jun who reinforced Liaodong.

  I will definitely not be able to go to Liaodong, and Feng Ziying has long been aware of the suspicion of the cabinet.

  What I can do now is to fight the battle in Beizhi and restore the bad influence of Yuan Yingtai.

As for what job to give herself, Feng Ziying doesn't really care too much. Whether it's the governor or the governor, if you don't even give a part-time job, let yourself supervise the army as the left deputy capital censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the right servant of the Ministry of War. That's fine. .

  Since the people from the General Secretary have come to pass on the imperial court's will, it is impossible to change.

   Next, I can't escape for the time being. According to the intention of the court, I need to spend a month to build the structure of Jiangnan Province first.

  Of course it was not my turn to appoint officials, but before that I was still the governor of Jiangnan. Even if the imperial court immediately appointed the left and right political envoys who were appointed to announce the political envoys and the procuratorial envoys who were appointed to punish them, they still had to follow their own arrangements.

  So now Feng Ziying doesn't have too many scruples. If she puts on airs, the main officials can't get her turn, but she can still suggest some minor officials.

  In addition, the selection of these yamen must be arranged as soon as possible, so that these officials can quickly enter the state and start working as soon as they arrive.

  The governor’s yamen himself, Xiao Guicao, is the garrison mansion in the imperial city, but the Chengxuan government envoy’s yamen cannot be selected in the imperial city. It can only be placed outside the imperial city, but it can be next to Chengtianmen.

  Nanjing's original five-army governor's mansion has long been abolished, but the building complex has been preserved, and now it can be directly transformed into the office of the government and envoy.

The office of the procuratorial envoy for the punishment of punishment is placed in the Nanjing Zongren Mansion and the Ministry of Officials in Nanjing, which are far away from the official office of Chengxuan Zhengshi across a thousand-step corridor. Mention of punishment is used by the procuratorial office.

  As for the commander of the Jiangnan capital, the Siyamen, the former Nanjing Ministry of War and the Nanjing Ministry of Industry can also be connected as one.

  Now the original buildings of the Nanjing Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Rites in the middle have no owners and are empty.

  This is the advantage of the old capital, all kinds of yamen are available, but once they are abolished, all the houses of these yamen will be vacant.

It used to be Nanjing’s Six Departments plus the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the Five Armed Forces Governor’s Mansion, and even the Clan Mansion, Imperial Academy, and Guozijian, all of which are readily available, but now they are all gone. As a provincial institution, there are only three divisions, and there are more. The house can only be put on hold temporarily, waiting for disposal.

   It is reasonable to say that these surplus houses can be sold, but this needs to be approved by the court, so it has been delayed.

  Chongli Street is the space between military buildings and government offices in the outer city. Nanjing used to have many guards, such as Left Guards, Jinwu Qianwei, etc., all left over from when Nanjing was originally the capital.

  At present, the Nanjing Guards are also in name only. A few so-called left guards and Jinwu avant-garde, add up to only seven or eight hundred people, and most of them are hanging on the line to eat empty wages.

  So occupying this huge camp in vain is a waste of great resources.

  Feng Ziying originally thought about abolishing some of them, but considering that this requires a comprehensive plan to lay out, and considering his short term of office, it is better to wait for the next Jiangnan Cheng to announce the political envoy to do it.

  Tanchun and Xiangyun sat in a circle with Yingchun, whose face was full and round again, and Xichun, who had not changed much. The lake breeze in the pavilion was cool.

  There is also a garden in the backyard of the Garrison Mansion. If it is not small in scale, but in terms of layout planning and architectural modeling, it cannot be compared with the Grand View Garden.

   After all, it was originally made by arty warriors, and after so many years of damage, it has long been unusable.

When Gu Bingqian was in office, he only did simple repairs. He also knew that he would only be in office for a few months, so he didn't spend much thought. After Feng Ziying came, he did spend some time. Naturally, the salt merchant Jiamen came to help fund the repairs. But was dissuaded by Feng Ziying, just a little renovation, there are a few places where you usually walk around and sit at leisure.

   This moon-watching pavilion stands in the middle of the lake and is connected by zigzag water corridors. Sitting here in summer, surrounded by lotus leaves, He Tiantian, and fish playing in the east of lotus leaves, it feels refreshing.

"Why hasn't Xianggong come back yet?" Seeing the mandarin ducks walking slowly along the winding water corridor with the support of Yu Chuan'er from afar, Xiangyun asked in surprise, "Didn't you say that Xianggong would also come over to drink tea together? "

"It seems that someone from the General Secretary came and talked with Xianggong for a long time. Later, when he left, Xianggong should have come." Tanchun was also a little puzzled, "If the Ministry of War is urgent, it can be called an emergency military matter. What are people? It shouldn’t be a big problem, right.”

"It's hard to say." Xiang Yun shook his head slowly: "It is reasonable to say that the people from the General Administration Department will not leave Beijing at will, but it is even more weird to come to Nanjing. Why can't it be passed on by the mansion? Anyway, Xianggong is also a governor. , Where do you need someone to talk about things? Unless it's a big deal, and it must be explained by someone, but it's not a particularly urgent thing."

   Regarding the matter of the former house, the girls are very knowledgeable and don't ask too much.

They are all concubines, not big wives. Their identities are different, and they have to abide by the rules. It is enough to serve the husband-in-law in the back house. When it comes to official affairs, if their husband-in-law is willing to come back and talk about it, they will just listen. Can't take the initiative to ask.

   "Let's talk about it when Yuanyang comes over." Tanchun looked enviously at Yuanyang's swollen belly, but it was very big, and it looked bigger than Xichun, who was pregnant early.

  Mandarin Duck has been five months old, Yingchun has been eight months or almost nine months, and Xichun has been more than seven months old.

  Yuanyang also doubted why her belly was so big. She once suspected that they were twins. The doctor saw that they were twins, but it seemed that he was a big fat boy, which is why he was so big.

   "Yuanyang, why didn't you come over, didn't you agree to drink tea and write poems together?"

  The Poetry Society was finally established in Nanjing first. It was named Bihe Society because of a lake of lotus flowers in the back garden, lotus leaves and lotus flowers, and dewy pearls into round lotuses.

  Feng Ziying was also pulled in and didn't want to participate, but several concubines refused to let her go, saying that she had a leisure time in Nanjing after all, and she might not be able to have such leisure when she returned to the capital in the future, so Feng Ziying reluctantly.

"The Secretary of the General Administration talked with my master for a long time, and then my master said that he wanted to think about things, and he was writing and thinking about things alone in the study." Yuanyang sat down with his waist supported by Yu Chuan, "But it doesn't look like What is the urgent matter, Xianggong's expression is a little hesitant."

  (end of this chapter)

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