Number of People

Chapter 2566: A small test of the knives and knives in the gui character roll, and another battle i

  Chapter 2566 A small test of the guizi scroll with a bull knife, and another battle in Hebei

  The projectiles coming towards them carried huge kinetic energy, and instantly overturned the dozen or so people who were leading them to the ground.

  Howls, cries, cries for help, and frantic shouts of bewilderment, weaved into a strange and frightening sonata.

   However, no matter how tragic the scene was, the officers and men of Xuanfu, who had long been accustomed to this kind of killing, were indifferent.

  The first group took a step back calmly, while the second group took a step forward calmly and fired again.

   At such a close distance, there is no need to aim at all, just mechanically pull the trigger.

   There was another sound like popping beans, sparks splashed everywhere, and another ten or twenty people fell down like gourds rolling on the ground.

   Before the third team stepped forward to shoot, the entire internal response team of fifty or sixty people collapsed completely.

  Except for a few of the remaining 20 or so people who fled wildly and were shot, the other dozen or so people directly knelt down in a pool of blood and dismembered bodies, begging for mercy.

  Hou Shilu watched this scene expressionlessly, without even frowning, he just waved his hands to let Min Zhuang get off the stage to clean up the scene.

  The captives are taken away for interrogation in the future, the wounded are taken away if they can live, and if they can’t live, they will die. Needless to say, the dead can just be thrown into a random grave outside the city and buried.

  The gunshots inside the city undoubtedly stimulated the rebellious troops that were swarming outside the city. They also knew that the best way to break through the city wall was to attack a little at a time.

  There are more than 4,000 rebellious troops. When there is not enough siege equipment, this kind of widespread casting of the net can easily be stopped by the organized people.

  In fact, Hou Shilubin has always distrusted the organized thousands of people.

  Most of these people are from the Ding family, a big family in the city, or the guards of merchants. No one can tell whether there are Bailian believers among them, but you have to use them.

  So he can only let each other supervise each other to prevent accidents.

  Although this will greatly consume the combat power, it is better than being stabbed in the back suddenly and causing disaster.

As the number of torches gradually increased, it formed a series of chaotic spots, shouts, roars, hoarse shouts, and calls for friends in various local dialects, making people feel like they are in a noisy downtown. .

   A hundred gunners have already deployed according to the established formation, starting to lay out along the city wall.

At this time, it is no longer possible to follow the three-stage shooting procedure. It is the best way to kill the enemy in the shortest possible time, or even cause damage to the enemy with the greatest shock force, so as to dampen the enemy's morale. Good results.

  However, for Laishui County, even if the county wall is not long, but for hundreds of soldiers and more than a thousand people, it is still precarious and may be breached at any time.

  What Hou Shilu has to do now is to give the enemy a head-on blow as much as possible from the beginning, completely destroying the morale of the opponent, making it difficult for him to organize an effective offensive, so as to gain time to deal with it.

At this time, the troops from Zijingguan and Dingxing County are rushing forward. As long as they can persist for two to three hours, there will only be one result for the four thousand chaotic troops, and that is either complete collapse or death. Kneel down please surrender.

  The west city gate undoubtedly became the center of attack. When thousands of people swarmed in, it took less than half an hour to fill up five gaps at the west city gate for the rebels to pass through.

   Dozens of rough but terrifying ladders were lifted up and struck, still quite shocking.

  But for Hou Shilu, he feels at ease now.

  Five roads only fill in the gaps in the moat. At most, forty or fifty ladders can be lifted up at a time. The charge that can be launched is very limited, and this is exactly what I hoped for.

  No matter how brave and fearless these rebels are, there are only fifty or sixty people rushing up at a time. Even if it is a follow-up wave, there are only a few people who can go up the city wall.

  And if they want to do this, they still need to pay the baptism of countless waves of bullets and rain.

   But how many people can ignore the penetrating wound of this kind of one-hit kill projectile and rush to the top of the city? Even if they rush to the top of the city, they still have to face the joint massacre of two hundred of the most elite soldiers of the Northwest Army.

What Hou Shilu is most worried about is that the rebellious army will press up to fill up the moat at all costs. They will come up to fill up ten or twenty gaps in one breath, and the gap area is still very wide. If you really want to push up two or three at a time If a hundred ladders come to attack the city, then the problem will be troublesome.

   But it is clear that this relatively small probability did not happen.

This requires the rebellious army to have careful deployment and comprehensive preparations, and they must also have considerable training in the number of ladders, the number of earth bags, and digging, transporting, throwing, and covering to control casualties to a certain extent. It is obviously impossible for the army to do this.

The weakness of the chaotic army was fully exposed in this battle. They lacked enough archers, or there were not a few decent archers at all. They were basically not a real threat to the officers and troops on the city wall. It is undoubtedly wishful thinking to pile up heads in exchange for victory.

  The gunners arranged in a staggered figure-eight shape became slaughterers.

  This kind of ultra-close-range shooting has almost no technical content. It is simply to hold the gun, shoot, then re-clean the barrel, reload the gun, and then shoot with the gun.

   Every ladder was stared at by two or three gunners.

  They did not shoot the rebel soldiers who were climbing at the front, but rhythmically shot and killed the rebel soldiers climbing up in the middle, so that the rebel soldiers could not swarm to the top of the city.

  So when the one or two soldiers at the front climbed up the battlements, they were greeted with swords and shields and spears several times their size.

   This kind of cruel fight with little room for maneuver, or massacre, continued until Choushi.

  When the 800 cavalry who came from the direction of Zijingguan broke into the rear of the rebellious army first, the battle ended without any suspense.

  Although Hou Shilu is disgusted with this kind of war, in his opinion it is a massacre, but he also has to admit that this kind of war is the most efficient.

   More than 4,000 rebels died in battle, but less than 800 people were killed, but the psychological damage caused to them was extremely huge.

  Especially watching the opponent who is close at hand shoot himself and his comrades, relatives and friends expressionlessly on the spot, but he is powerless. This feeling of frustration and despair is enough to drive people crazy.

  So when the eight hundred cavalrymen appeared behind them, they collapsed and surrendered with almost no reaction.

  When the news of the First Battle in Laishui City reached Feng Ziying who was still in Qingyuan City, it did not cause much disturbance. Both Feng Ziying and Ma Kongying took it for granted.

  Even the three or four thousand rebellious troops huddled in the mountains of Laishui can't solve it. How can we solve the main force of the 100,000 or 200,000 rebellious troops?

  According to Feng Ziying's prediction, after the rebellious army whose flanks might threaten the supply line of the grain road is resolved, it can be considered to attack the main force of the three major rebellious armies first.

  The rebellious army in the south is definitely unlikely to be the primary target. It is too far away, so the only choice is to choose one of the rebellious army in the east and the central rebellion.

Both the selected part and the eastern part have their own advantages and disadvantages. The central part is the most important, but the rebel army is the most powerful and has a lot of connections. It will be even more troublesome if you don't pay attention to being fled to the south by him, and you may join the rebellious army in the three south mansions.

  The rebel army in the east is relatively weaker, but its coverage is relatively special. To defeat this rebel army, it will face challenges in topography.

  The lake bandits in Baiyangdian and Wuguandian are mixed with the rebellious army in the east. Their geographical advantages are self-evident. They can attack the army from any direction, which makes you exhausted. If you want to fight back, you may fall into a thick fog.

  Feng Ziying even thinks that this may be the earliest prototype of the principle that the enemy advances and we retreat, the enemy stays and we harass, and the enemy is tired, we fight, which directly confused You Shiwei.

  The mighty Jizhen army of more than 20,000 people was being played around by the rebel army in this area.

  Although the loss was not considered huge, it made the eastern rebels famous and their power swelled. Compared with the two, it was actually a failure.

"I think it is more appropriate to deal with the rebellious army in the east, otherwise when we fight against the rebel army in the central part, we will always face the possibility that these guys may cause trouble behind our backs. Renqiu, Anzhou, Gaoyang, going south is Lixian County, and Lixian The county itself is a place where the power of the White Lotus Sect is rampant, and further down it is connected with the chaos in the central region. Fortunately, Qizhou is still in our hands, so I think we must first strengthen the front line of Qizhou and Suning. Control Lixian County, no matter what method you think of, cut off the bottom of the two vehicles, and then you can say that they have been defeated separately."

  Both Ma Kongying and You Shiwei nodded silently.

   Cut off the connection between the two departments, but the action should not be too big, otherwise it will stab the hornet's nest all at once, and it will be easy to scare the snake before it is fully prepared.

"Brother Shiwei, this battle in Jizhen will be the main force, but I also promised Brother Shigong that Jizhen will not draw too much power, so don't frown if the Jingying is coming. The current Jingying is extraordinary. In fact, they are all based on the Northwest Army. You should know that there is also a part of the frontier army that I personally recruited. I believe that although the combat effectiveness is not as good as the elite frontier army, it is not the same as the guard army,..."

  You Shiwei raised his eyebrows, as if in disbelief, "Your Excellency is so confident?"

"You are also from Old Yulin, don't you know about those border soldiers?" Feng Ziying asked back: "Boluo Temple Village, Boyan Village, Baitang Village, Big Rabbit Falcon Village, Yu'erhe Village, how are the soldiers in these border villages? Not unfamiliar."

  You Shiwei was surprised: "My lord, have you wiped out all these frontier fortresses? Have they all surrendered to the government?"

  (end of this chapter)

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