Number of People

Chapter 2582: Gui character volume dredging, widely invited

  Chapter 2582 Guizi Juan dredging, widely invited

   "It will be a few years before I have to arrange it, but I still feel unwilling. I can do more things in Beijing." Feng Ziying was not without emotion.

"Okay, I've written down everything you said. Although I'm not sure where I'm going next, as long as I'm in court, I'll take care of what you said and mentioned. Maybe you only told me about these things, Qi Xiang is the most important thing."

   Chai Ke reminded.

"Master Qi will definitely not be able to escape. He asked me to write something to him during this time, and I have to think about it carefully. In addition, I plan to submit a copy to Guanshi, Duke Liuji and Duke Mingqi. I hope I can get their support." Feng Ziying pondered and said: "I estimate that you and Qiao Shi will most likely be considered in the three positions of the Ministry of Officials, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the Ministry of Households, but it may be possible for you to serve as the Minister of the Ministry of Households. It is more sexual, and Gao Panlong may return to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, after all Qiao Shi has been in the Metropolitan Procuratorate for too long, so he has changed his position."

Zhang Jingqiu is going to come down. Feng Ziying from Gao Panlong's side heard that Gu Bingqian also doesn't like Gao Panlong as a fellow. In the next step, Gu Bingqian, as the second assistant, may be in charge of the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Households. He is not on good terms with him, so it is better to arrange in advance. It is very likely that Gao Panlong will go to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Chai Ke will go to the Ministry of Households, and Qiao Yingjia will go to the Ministry of Officials.

  Chai Ke shook his head slightly: "With Gao Panlong's character, if you want him to go to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, he would rather go back to teach in the field."

   "Has the Metropolitan Procuratorate humiliated him? He is on an equal footing with the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. What is he dissatisfied with?" Feng Ziying disagrees.

"That's not to say, Gao Panlong's character is upright and upright. In fact, he is not suitable for the Ministry of Officials, but more suitable for the Metropolitan Procuratorate. But if he was allowed to go to the Metropolitan Procuratorate at the beginning, he has no objection. Now he will be removed from the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials. Going to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, he must feel that this is a kind of relegation, and with his temperament, he will definitely hand in his resignation and return home."

  Chai Ke sees this very clearly, but if the cabinet is decided, it will not change course just because you, Gao Panlong feel wronged and want to resign, let’s see what happens.

   "If this is the case, then I can only say regret. If I were the chief assistant, I would not keep him." Feng Ziying didn't have a good impression of Gao Panlong.

This is a scholar leader who is better at talking than doing practical things. He has a great reputation in the south of the Yangtze River. He has also run schools, written books, and has many disciples. A few decent things, on the contrary, Chai Ke, as the left servant of the Ministry of officials, undertook a lot of practical work.

  Chai Ke glanced at Feng Ziying, "You have such a bad impression of him?"

"I don't have a good impression of people who advocate empty talk and writing. What the Great Zhou needs now are people who do things in real terms, not people who talk all the time or write books. If the Great Zhou Dynasty is prosperous in the future, it may be even more important. People like this are needed, can’t you write books and talk about thousands of words to make food in the fields, make the stomachs of the refugees change, make the workshop produce an extra furnace of molten iron, or make Nurhachi bow his head and surrender?”

  Feng Ziying made no secret of her likes and dislikes, "Gao Gong is still more suitable to go back to his hometown to preach and learn from karma, maybe this is his wish, isn't it? Why not satisfy him?"

  Chai Ke didn't dare to think that Feng Ziying just said it casually. If he really went to Qi Yongtai, Gu Bingqian and Guan Yingzhen to gossip like this, maybe it would really become a reality.

The current Feng Ziying is no longer Wuxia Amon, and the influence of his words has become greater and greater. Needless to say, Qi Yongtai and Guan Yingzhen are there. The key is that even Gu Bingqian, the second-generation leader of Jiangnan scholars, is also very friendly to him. This is what confuses many people the most.

  Especially after Jiangnan and his party, the relationship between Gu and Feng has heated up sharply, which is also eye-catching.

Of course Feng Ziying is willing to make friends with Gu Bingqian. Because of his age and health, Master Qi may be the chief assistant for three to five years, and Gu Bingqian has just turned fifty, and he will only be fifty-five after five years. He will work for five or even ten years. The capital and auxiliary capital are very likely.

  In addition, in previous lives, Gu Bingqian was a soft-boned character, and he was more willing to compromise in the face of powerful colleagues or bosses. Feng Ziying likes to cooperate with such characters the most.

   "Ziying, Mr. Gao has a great reputation in the south of the Yangtze River. Don't tell outsiders about your comments like this, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble." Chai Ke reminded.

"Brother Zishu, don't worry, I know how to measure, and I'm just showing you my point of view." Feng Ziying said plainly: "I don't agree with some of Daofu's ways of doing things in principle, but at least Daofu can still do things. , I still have to give the necessary respect, but it is indeed difficult for me to give respect to those who wait for nothing to do."

  In the next few days, Feng Ziying settled down to write her own suggestions in the study, and at the same time began to call on people from all walks of life.

  In addition to the mentioned Gu Bingqian, Guan Yingzhen, and Huang Ruliang, Qiao Yingjia, Cui Jingrong, Han Yu, Sun Juxiang, Wang Yongguang, and Bi Ziyan, the important figures among the northern scholars, Feng Ziying also visited one by one.

   Immediately afterwards, important scholars from Huguang, such as Yang He, Yang Lian, Guo Zhengyu, Qi Shijiao, etc., also visited the mansion one by one.

  During the period, he also made a special trip back to Qingtan Academy, stayed in the academy for a day, and had a good chat with the students in the academy.

   In particular, he presented the poem "If you want to benefit the country, life and death should be avoided because of misfortune and good fortune" to all the students in the academy, it also won the cheers and admiration of the students in the academy.

Of course, the more important thing during this period is to discuss with the Ministry of War that the nine-sided army should be brought to Liaodong for a round of battle, so that the Jianzhou Jurchen can't rest and digest what they gained in the battle between Tielingwei and Shenyang, and it will continue to flow Drain their blood until they are completely defeated.

   "Why, Wen Ruo, you also want to go to Liaodong?" Feng Ziying was not surprised that Yang Sichang came to find her.

   Zheng Chongjian applied to go to Liaodong as soon as he returned to the Ministry of War as Yuanwailang. The plan was big. Obviously he made an agreement with Feng Ziying. Of course, Yang Sichang had some tastes.

You must know that I was not at the same level as Zheng Chongjian when I started. I was a Tanhua, and Zheng Chongjian didn't even enter the ranks of nobles, but now with the merits of several battles and going to the local area, Zheng Chongjian has been regarded by the Ministry of War as capable of doing things. After returning to the role of Yuanwailang, he has been on an equal footing with himself.

  Yang Sichang was worried that if this continued, Zheng Chongjian would be overwhelmed when he came back from Liaodong, and Liaodong is the place where he can make meritorious service in the Ministry of War. Of course he also wants to go.

Moreover, he thinks that his relationship with Feng Ziying is not bad, and he never thinks that Zheng Chongjian will be better than himself in terms of ability, so this time he also wants to go to Liaodong to compete with Zheng Chongjian to see who can compete in this round won.

"Now that the war in the North is gradually coming to an end, Lord Sun may not be able to use us anymore. I don't think the Mongols invaded the border. I don't think it will really have much impact on us. The only chance is Liaodong. The imperial court asked you to take charge of it alone. Chapter is pulled by you, can't you give me a chance?"

  Yang Sichang is still a little arrogant. Even now that Feng Ziying is in the second rank, he still maintains the same attitude in tone as before.

  However, Feng Ziying was very willing to do this. Yang Sichang is also considered the second generation of officials, and he also has some skills. Of course, it is a good thing to be willing to go to Liaodong to help him, and it can also narrow the relationship with Huguang scholars.

   Originally, I also considered him, but I was worried that the other party would not be willing, and he was not as familiar with Zheng Chongjian, so I called Zheng Chongjian, but now Yang Sichang is willing to go, of course he welcomes it.

"Hehe, Wen Ruo, if you are willing to go, of course I would like to ask for it, but let me remind you, this is not a matter of one or two years, maybe three or five years is also normal, don't complain about being tired and want to come back, but We can't help it." Feng Ziying's attitude was casual and indifferent.

"The bitter cold in Liaodong may last a year and a half, but after a long time, the taste will be enough, and my goal is also very clear, which is to completely eradicate the threat of Jianzhou Jurchen. Maybe you know that during this period of time, I and I The Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of Households, and the Ministry of War have contacted many times. In addition, I have also received some promises from Shanxi merchants and Jiangnan merchants. They will fully support my idea in Liaodong. Construction plus war is to completely eradicate Jianzhou Jurchens The potential for war, let them disappear completely, I initially set it to be five years,..."

   One sentence frightened Yang Sichang, "Five years, Ziying, are you sure you want to stay in Liaodong for five years?"

   "Well, if the war goes well, it won't take that long, but these things are hard to say. Five years may not be enough if the fight goes wrong. We can't underestimate Nurhachi's generation of heroes at any time, so you have to think carefully,..."

  Feng Ziying's eyes fell on Yang Sichang's face, and he was a bit provocative in his indifference, as if he was provoking him.

Yang Sichang snorted softly, and gritted his teeth: "Five years is five years. You, the censor of Youdu, is willing to go for five years. Why don't I dare to fight for a Yuanwailang? This is also a major event that will go down in history. Others It may not be possible to earn this opportunity, Liaodong, I will go for it!"

"Okay, since you have such an ambition, I will make it happen. It is estimated that I will set off in 20 days. There are still some things to prepare here. If you make up your mind, come and help me. This battle in Liaodong is a big one." In the overall battle, relying on military confrontation alone will cost us too much, and we will also build Liaodong into our northeast fortress if we win Liaodong. The roots of Liaodong are firmly rooted in our Dazhou,..."

  Seeing that Feng Ziying was so ambitious, and even full of confidence, Yang Sichang became more passionate, "Okay, let's say yes, I will come over tomorrow, if you have anything, just ask."

  (end of this chapter)

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