Number of People

Chapter 2584: Guizi scroll is full of charms, how can you bear to abandon it?

  Chapter 2584 Guizi Scroll is so charming, how can you bear to abandon it

  Seeing Baoqin staggering out of bed with difficulty but with joy on his face, Feng Ziying couldn't help sighing: "Why bother?"

"Why, you may be away for a few years, and you don't even keep a little thought for others? Or do you think she can still go out and marry, can you rest assured? You can rest assured, but I am not at ease." Yuan Chun Wrapping around Feng Ziying's body seductively, "She is already twenty-two, do you really want her to wait until the end of time?"

   "But just such a one-night affair, I will be away for a few years, you..." Feng Ziying shook her head, "I don't know what to say, I always feel that I owe you too much."

A look of joy flashed across Yuan Chunfeng's eyes, "You are a man, you must put your career first. Liaodong is related to the safety of the Great Zhou. The cabinet must be optimistic about your ability if you come back in two or three years. The position of Shangshu is waiting for you, maybe if you can directly enter the cabinet?"

Seeing Yuan Chun's beaming face, Feng Ziying knew that she was in high spirits now, smashing the jade cage to fly the colorful phoenix, and unlocking the golden lock to drive away the dragon. At this moment, Yuan Chun was full of joyful thoughts of regaining freedom, so everything was directed towards The best direction to think about.

   "Don't think about it in two or three years, it's not bad if it can be done in five years." Feng Ziying hurriedly poured cold water on the other party, don't be too optimistic.

"It's still my suggestion. You go to Jiangnan for a visit first. Yangzhou, Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou, these prosperous places in the south of the Yangtze River are intoxicating. You can rest in one place for a year and a half. By then, I guess I will be in Liaodong. Things are about the same, of course, if you want to visit Liaodong at that time, I also welcome it, I guess I have almost finished the Liaodong side at that time."

  Yuanchun hesitated, "Baochai, Daiyu and the others are going to Liaodong?"

"It is still under discussion. Those who are pregnant and those with young children will not go for the time being, but it is estimated that after the child is one year old, they will consider going to Liaodong. Miaoyu, Xiuyan, and Tanchun may go to this trip. , Coco Lee and Li Qi may also go,..."

  There is no conclusion yet, these women in the mansion are still discussing, but there will definitely be a plan that everyone can accept.

But the disadvantage is the second house, Baochai and Baoqin's children are still young, Yingchun is still in the south of the Yangtze River when she is pregnant, and Xiangyun is just pregnant, so she can't go, so she can only watch the long house and the third house go away, but It is estimated that there are people among Xiangling, Yinger and Lingguan who are also going to join the team going to Liaodong.

   "What about Tianjin Wei?" Yuan Chun asked suddenly.

  Feng Ziying was surprised. She didn't expect Yuan Chun to come out for a few days, and she even knew about Tianjin Wei's affairs. Who leaked the news?

   "Yuanchun, what do you want to know?"

  Yuan Chun's phoenix eyes widened, and he looked at Feng Ziying: "It seems that I guessed right, you are really with Lian's second sister-in-law..."

Feng Ziying smiled wryly, "Yuanchun, is it interesting to worry about this now? Wang Xifeng and Jia Lian have reconciled long ago, and the road is open to the sky, and we each go on one side. Jia Lian has even married a wife, taken concubines and had children. , is it that important?"

  Yuan Chun bit his lip and said angrily: "I don't understand, why are you messing with her again, Baochai, Daiyu, Yingchun, Tanchun, Xichun, etc. Are you not enough?"

   "Which year is this an old thing? It's all over, so let's not talk about it, okay?" Feng Ziying waved her hands again and again, "Isn't it good to see through it without telling the truth?"

  Yuan Chun was amused by Feng Ziying's "shamelessness", and twisted the soft flesh around Feng Ziying's waist, causing Feng Ziying to grin her teeth in pain.

   "Yuanchun, if I even stole you, in the minds of Baochai, Daiyu, Yingchun, Tanchun, and Xiangyun, I'm afraid I would feel the same way, right? You are a bit of a double standard."

Although he didn't quite understand what double standards meant, Yuan Chun was still moved by Feng Ziying's words, and subconsciously asked, "Ziying, tell me how I will get along with Baochai, Daiyu, Tanchun, Yingchun, and Xiang in the future. Yun and the others meet and get along with each other? I can't even imagine how I will face them when I see them..."

   This matter was also a difficult problem for Feng Ziying, and he didn't even think about it himself.

Originally, the idea was to let Yuan Chun appear as a cousin of the Jia family in Jinling, so that he could fool the outside world and deal with Long Jinwei and the government, but it was impossible to hide the truth from his own people, so it could only be an expedient measure. Eventually you have to face it.

"Wait a little longer, let time dilute everything. I think they in the mansion know a little bit about Wang Xifeng's matter, but everyone sees it and doesn't tell it. Now it's not normal after a long time, and they face it calmly, so you It is a big deal for the government, but for the sisters, maybe they have been looking forward to it as a surprise?"

Feng Ziying could only talk to Yuan Chun half-heartedly and half-truly, "Now there are many things that everyone thinks are impossible, but who will be able to explain clearly in the future? Maybe the emperor will change again in three to five years. Ascend to the throne, who can still remember the situation of a childless concubine in the previous two terms?"

  Although these are reassuring words, what Feng Ziying said is true.

  Who would have thought that step by step it would lead to the present situation. Didn't I find it incredible that I had an affair with him at the beginning, and it was even more unimaginable to talk about hiding in the palace, but hasn't it become a reality now? After finding a few corpses and throwing them in the fire, they replaced themselves, Baoqin and Chengen, which was perfect.

  Yuan Chun never thought that going out of the palace would be so simple, even calm, with almost no one paying attention, and it just passed so blandly.

  It has been a few days since I have been "dead and killed", and what I have learned is that apart from the sorrow of Jia's family and the memory of a few sisters of Feng's family, no one seems to care about this matter.

  As Feng Ziying said, maybe three or five years later, when the emperor changes again, the old man in the palace will also be replaced long ago. Who remembers himself?

   "Besides, when you get pregnant and give birth, you will definitely change your appearance. Who can say anything?" Feng Ziying added another knife, which made Yuan Chun surprised, happy and worried, and all kinds of entanglements surfaced in his heart.

Yuan Chun had thought about this problem a long time ago. While she was still in the palace, she naturally didn't dare to act recklessly. When dating Feng Ziying, she had to use various methods of contraception. It was a safe period to choose to live in Chongxuan Temple to pray for blessings, but now However, she wished to have **** with her lover during the fertile period, in order to get into her soul.

She thinks that she is in good health, and everyone who looks at her says that her physique is suitable for a man. She also hopes to conceive earlier. If she conceives before Feng Ziying leaves Beijing, she can also go to the south of the Yangtze River. Go to the south of the Yangtze River to give birth to the child. The climate in the south of the Yangtze River is pleasant and the products are rich.

If Ziying fails to conceive before she leaves Beijing for Liao, Yuan Chun has also made up her mind to go to Jiangnan for a visit at most, that is, in a year or so, she will go to Liaodong, and she will not leave until she is pregnant. When Liaodong returned to Jiangnan, no one could stop her wish to have a son for Ziying.

  She is not sure whether Feng Ziying and Wang Xifeng have children in their affair, and she doesn't want to ask, but there is a high probability that there will be.

  It’s hard to say how long a man’s infatuation with a woman can last, but having a child as a bond will undoubtedly make this relationship more durable and stable, after all, blood relationship is there.

  Families like the Feng family were originally small in number, so naturally they couldn't ask for two more sons, whether they were concubines or out-of-law children, what was it to these big families?

  Especially for a male protagonist like Feng Ziying who doesn't say anything and is so strong.

"Then can you come to my place a few more times before you leave, in case I can conceive before you leave, I will be satisfied, and then I will go to Jiangnan to have a baby,..." Yuan Chun's eyes are full of tenderness Meaning, the soft and firm Shuangfeng pressed against Feng Ziying's chest, and said softly.

"Look, Yuan Chun, there are still a lot of people in my mansion, most of them can't go to Liaodong, and I have a lot of official business to prepare myself, this trip to Liaodong is no different than before, I have to go to Liaodong before leaving. Prepare everything properly,..." Seeing that Yuan Chunfeng's eyes were full of tears, Feng Ziying couldn't help but add another sentence: "But I will definitely spend as much time as possible to come to your place as much as possible..."

  The last sentence finally made Yuan Chunxi smile. Next to Feng Ziying, she twisted her plump and plump body, rubbing against Feng Ziying so much that she almost got on the horse again.

But thinking about having to go back to the long room at night, I had to suppress the scurrying fire, kneaded Yuan Chun's round and plump naked buttocks, and sighed: "Fight, if you can conceive , in Jiangnan, you can also have a sustenance, and you can give birth to your children well."

  This is also a sincere statement, otherwise, with Yuan Chun's obsessive temperament, Feng Ziying thinks that this woman will probably come to Fu Haidong to find him soon.

  When Feng Ziying left the Yuanchun mansion, she felt that her footsteps were a little vain.

I really couldn't take it anymore, Guo Qinyun had a lot of hard work there, and now I met Yuan Chun who wanted to get a son, and by the way, he opened up wasteland and plowed the fields to enjoy the Baoqin. This is twenty-three The woman in this girl has matured to the extreme, and she is happy and happy, but it is only bitter before sweet, and her wish is fulfilled by holding the piano.

This month before Beijing is really difficult to "endure". For others, it may be a blessing, but for Feng Ziying, it is really a bit like a year. There are all kinds of women in their 20s and 30s, with teary eyes, Who can you bear to let go, maybe after a few years, you can't give them comfort?

  Even for the maids who had skin-to-skin relationships, Ziying couldn't bear not to think about it, what if she hit it?

   With this in mind, only Feng Ziying has suffered a lot and is getting haggard day by day. In the eyes of others, they think that Feng Youdu Yushi has been too hard to travel around to prepare for Liaodong.

  (end of this chapter)

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