Number of People

Chapter 2586: Guizi scrolls pave the way, Yuanda arranges

  Chapter 2586 Guizi scroll paves the way, Yuanda arranges

  Five days after writing tens of thousands of words in his own eloquence and handing them over to Qi Yongtai, who has become the chief assistant, Feng Ziying finally received Qi Yongtai's call.

  Seeing him for a few days, Feng Ziying suddenly felt that Qi Yongtai had few black hairs on his temples, almost all white, as if he had aged a few years in the short ten days since he took over as chief assistant.

  The responsibility of the first assistant is heavier than Mount Tai, and it is probably the most intuitive embodiment in Qi Shi.

  However, the Gu Bingqian that Feng Ziying saw these days was not like this.

   Gu Bingqian, who was promoted to the position of second assistant, was flushed and radiant, and his gestures and gestures all had a demeanor of a master, which made people feel overwhelmed.

  If he and Qi Yongtai get together, I'm afraid everyone will think that Gu Bingqian's demeanor is even better than that of Qi Shi.

  Of course, this is just Feng Ziying's inner feelings.

  If Gu Bingqian were to assume the position of chief assistant right now, he might be able to overwhelm Gu Bingqian, and he would no longer be so chic and calm.

  The difference between the first assistant and the second assistant is not as simple as a one-word difference, nor is it a difference in rank. This difference can be described as far away.

  It can be said that when the burden of one hundred catties is pressed down, the first assistant must bear at least ninety catties, and the second assistant and other cabinet ministers can only bear ten catties. This is the responsibility of the first assistant.

  The livelihoods of billions of people in the Great Zhou depend on the Chief Assistant, and his decisions determine the joys and sorrows of countless people.

   Fortunately, Qi Yongtai's mental state is not bad. After Feng Ziying observed carefully, he could feel that his complexion should be regarded as good and slightly worried.

  This is the normal mentality or state of the chief assistant.

Always be calm when facing major events, this is the motto Feng Ziying gave herself, and it is also the most proud calligraphy that she wrote and pasted in her study. Qi Yongtai was very happy to present the handwritten letter to his master, and treasured it.

  Feng Ziying's calligraphy is very ordinary, but this sentence is quite in Qi Yongtai's state of mind. The more important he is facing, the more he needs to deal with it calmly.

   "Sit down, when are you going to leave Beijing?" Qi Yongtai asked lightly.

   "I would like to wait until next spring when the flowers bloom, but will the court allow it?" Feng Ziying joked.

  Now Liaodong has been covered with heavy snow, and the port has been frozen. If you want to go, you can only go by land, that is, take the Shanhaiguan Pass and Guangning in the West Liaoning Corridor.

  But Feng Ziying herself also plans to go there by land.

   Now that I am going to take over as governor of Jiliao, even if the military affairs in Jizhen are not the most important, I still need to inspect them.

  Especially the area adjacent to the Liaoxi Corridor, from Santunying to Shanhaiguan, that is, the area of ​​Yongping Mansion where he used to be a co-prefect, he wanted to take a look.

   This line is the lifeblood of land transportation in the Liaodong area. Once the sea transportation is blocked, it can only be replenished through this line.

  However, with the development of Niuzhuang and Jinzhou, sea transportation has increasingly replaced land transportation as the main route for military support in the Liaodong region.

  But everything must be taken precautions. The front line in western Liaoning is also related to the strategy against the Mongols, which should not be underestimated.

"It is estimated that it will take a few more days. I plan to leave in mid-December. First, I will go to Santunying to take a look at the Shanhaiguan line, and then go to Guangning to inspect along the line. I estimate that I will be able to arrive in Liaoyang in mid-January." Feng Ziying continued: " Don't worry, teacher, my body is tough, and I haven't been to Liaodong once or twice, so I can stand it."

"Hmph, you should take a good look at yourself. I didn't say you, because your Feng family's heirs are indeed weak, or you can't have three families and one concubine. Now there are five or six sons and sons in total. ? There are many wives and concubines in your family, so you should take care of yourself. The color is a bone-scraping steel knife. This sentence is applicable to middle-aged people, and it is also applicable to you."

  As the chief assistant, it is impossible for Qi Yongtai to say such words to other people, and only himself, the most proud disciple, can he speak so earnestly.

According to the news from Captain Long, his disciple is good at everything and strong in everything, but he can't stand firmly in front of women. The reputation of romantic writing is also widely spread in Beijing. The relationship with women is also a big headache for Qi Yongtai.

   It’s not good to explain, and it’s not good not to explain, so I can only remind you vaguely.

  Feng Ziying knew it well and bowed her head to be taught.

"You have talked a lot about the idea of ​​going this time. The cabinet basically agrees with it and will fully support it. The household department and the military department will fully cooperate. If you were worried about the internal problems of the Liaodong Army before, I will also discuss with Daofu and Huai. Chang talked about it, starting next year, you can follow your own intentions, rotate the Liaodong Army, and at the same time conduct a round of battles against the Jianzhou Jurchen, the specific strategy is up to you,..."

  Qi Yongtai's tone didn't fluctuate too much, as if explaining a very common matter, but the firmness and determination in his eyes made Feng Ziying understand that this was the final decision of the cabinet.

   This means that Feng Ziying can arbitrarily mobilize the troops and horses she likes in the Nine Sides, including the two towns of Jiangbei and Denglai, and choose the generals she thinks are suitable, even including the general officer.

  In addition, the support of the household department is crucial, which means that on the issue of food and payment, after the war in Hebei is over, Dazhou will give priority to ensuring the war needs of Liaodong until the Jianzhou Jurchen is completely wiped out.

   "Master Qi, the household department..." Feng Ziying couldn't help asking.

  Who will be the Minister of the Household Department is very important. When Huang Ruliang enters the cabinet, who will succeed the Minister of the Household Department.

   "Cunzhi submitted his resignation today. I discussed it with Liuji and Daofu, and agreed." Qi Yongtai said calmly, "He is willing to return to his hometown to organize an academy, and the Ministry of Household Affairs and Jiangnan Province will give support,..."

  Although this seems to have nothing to do with Feng Ziying's question, Feng Ziying knows that Gao Panlong's resignation means that there will be a vacancy for the Ministry of Officials, and it will be much easier to handle.

   "At that time (Miao Changqi's word) wanted to go to the Ministry of Officials or the Ministry of Households, but I didn't agree. I also exchanged opinions with the guest (Tang Binyin's word), and it was better to let him go to the Ministry of Rites at that time, and Zishu go to the Ministry of Households as the secretary."

  Feng Ziying was determined all of a sudden.

  It would be great for Chai Ke to be the secretary of the household department, and he would have no worries about the future.

  At the Ministry of War, Zhang Huaichang waited until the war in Hebei was completely over, and Sun Chengzong came back to succeed the Minister of the Ministry of War. Then he had the support of Chai Ke and Sun Chengzong, and he would be sure to face Nurhachi.

   "What about the Ministry of Officials and the Metropolitan Procuratorate?" Feng Ziying is now qualified to ask about these situations.

   "I intend to let Ziqiang (Cui Jingrong) take over as the censor of the left capital of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, I intend to let Ru Jun (Qiao Yingjia) take over as the official secretary, and Yu Chen (Han Yu) take over as the Minister of the Ministry of Industry,"

Cui Jingrong's personality is peaceful and fair, and he has a good reputation as Minister of the Ministry of Industry. Even scholars in the south of the Yangtze River have a good impression of him. Taking over as Minister of the Ministry of Officials should be a candidate that everyone can accept. No problem, but what is the way for Gu Tianyu to take over as Zuodu Yushi?

You must know that the four people Tang Miu and Zhu Gu are the four King Kongs of Prince Yizhong among the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River. It's nothing more than Tang Yao being incorporated. When will it be Gu Tianzhen's turn to be in the position of Zuodu Yushi? ?

As if seeing Feng Ziying's inner doubts, Qi Yongtai smiled faintly: "Shengbo (Gu Tianyu's character) and Liuji are both from Kunshan, and the relationship has never been bad. Now Liuji is the second assistant. He raised his hope Let Sheng Bo go to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and I also agreed. You, the censor of the right capital, will be changed to a temporary appointment. Wen Ru (Yang Lian) will be the censor of the right capital, and Xiu Ling (by Yang He) will be the censor of the left capital. ,..."

Gu Tianzhen's reputation is not very good, but meeting Yang Lian, who is strong enough, is enough for him. In addition, Yang He, who is also a Huguang scholar like Yang Lian, is the left deputy capital censor. It is not so easy to stir up trouble in the Inspectorate.

  Two Huguang scholars entered the Metropolitan Procuratorate to serve as the second and third leaders of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, which is also an explanation to Guan Yingzhen. This is also a cooperation of the Beidi-Huguang Scholars Alliance.

  Feng Ziying also had to admit that once Qi Yongtai took the position of chief assistant, he quickly entered a state of how to make trade-offs and balance operations.

   Naturally, Feng Ziying is not too concerned about these things, as long as the follow-up matters of her trip to Liaodong can be guaranteed.

"Teacher, I'm not worried about other things now. What I'm most worried about is your age and body. The work of the first assistant is not done by humans. All the pressure has to be on your shoulders. I don't mean to belittle Liu. Jigong, if you expect him to take more responsibility for you, I'm afraid you will be disappointed, Daofugong and you have always had a rift, and this time you didn't support him to fight for the second assistant, I'm worried..."

  Feng Ziying did not continue.

  Qi Yongtai knew exactly what his disciple wanted to say.

  Li Sancai failed to win the position of second assistant this time, which is equivalent to losing the position of first assistant in the future. The big reason here is that he did not fully support him.

But from the overall situation, it is impossible for Qi Yongtai to let Li Sancai take over as the second assistant. In that case, it will be difficult for him to win the cooperation of the Jiangnan scholars in the court. Even if he has the support of the Huguang scholars, he lacks the most important For the important Jiangnan scholars, the government must not be running smoothly. This is something he absolutely does not want to see, so he can only push Li Sancai down and let Gu Bingqian step up.

   What's more, Gu Bingqian's character is much better than Li Sancai, Qi Yongtai is more willing to cooperate with Gu Bingqian.

"My body can survive in three to five years, and I guess I can still handle it. I also hope that in three to five years, you can finish what you need to do in Liaodong. After you come back, I will come down and recommend you to join the cabinet." , Liuji and Mingqi, the two Jiangnan Shilin leaders have a good impression of you, and with the support of Dongxian, you should be able to join the cabinet, even if you are the last one, you can always join the cabinet,..."

   It was the first time that Qi Yongtai talked about his arrangements for Feng Ziying so frankly, which shocked Feng Ziying and moved him infinitely.

   The first update in June, ask for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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