Number of People

Chapter 2588: The Guizi scroll is not only here, but also mysterious every step of the way.

   "Really? I'm not surprised that Jianzhou Jurchen has become history under your hands, but is there anything else I'm looking forward to?"

  Qin Keqing's eyes were a little more thought-provoking, and the teacup in his hand was shaking slightly.

"Many people are optimistic about you, think you are the son of luck, and say that you are a genius, I deeply believe it, especially when you are by your side, I can know more, so I am even more curious that you can go to a higher level Which step is it? Instead of just relying on the help and support of your teachers, you should be able to get out of their eyes by yourself."

   "Keep, what you say is provocative inside and out. Are you going to send me on the road of no return?"

   Talking to this woman always has a thrilling feeling of dancing on the tip of a knife. Every sentence has a bit of rebellious and murderous meaning in it, but it also makes your blood surge.

"Ziying, are you afraid of this? If you are afraid, you won't try it, but if you say that, it means that you have already decided in your heart that you will try it, and no one can stop you, right? "

  Qin Keqing smiled like a fox. Feng Ziying suddenly noticed that Qin Keqing suddenly became a little bit more charming, and her tone and demeanor towards herself became more casual and intimate. In the eyes of others, it might be flirtatious and frivolous.

"King, I may have some ambitions, but I may not have the same ideas as you and the people you mentioned, but you seem to be looking forward to it, and even willing to see it, what good is it for you? "Feng Ziying asked back.

"Hehe, Ziying, sometimes it is man-made, but sometimes it is the general trend that pushes you to go on that road consciously or unconsciously. You may not be able to retreat. You are not alone, or even a few people, but a lot of people. There are too many people involved." Qin Keqing put down the teacup in a leisurely manner, walked up to Feng Ziying and sat down next to Feng Ziying, leaning against him, "At that time, you will be able to live up to these people who have been supporting and following you behind you Is it?"

Feng Ziying raised Qin Keqing's chin, she was still so gorgeous and beautiful, the enchanting enchantment between the eyebrows made people wish to bow their heads and kiss immediately, but Feng Ziying suppressed the desire in her heart, "It's really good, it seems I just don't seem to have a choice."

"It's not that you have no choice. The key is that you will only choose your heart. If you really have no intention of taking that path, no one can force you, but if you want to take that path, no one can stop you. Is not it?"

Qin Keqing said lightly at this time, "Look, maybe you changed your mind when you got to that step? That's why I said that I want to stand by your side, witness everything, and see whether the times make heroes or heroes lead According to the current situation, let’s see whether it is living up to one’s heart, or conforming to the general trend, or the two are not contradictory?”

  Feng Ziying had to admit that this woman was also a pretender. She took some thoughts in her heart and showed them off there. Fortunately, this woman has a very stable tone, so there is no risk of too much risk.

  Feng Ziying didn't expect to get anything from Qin Keqing, it was purely a kind of emotional relief.

But I have to admit that Qin Keqing's savvy and sense of smell are first-rate, and she took advantage of her non-embarrassing status in Beijing to feel like a fish in water. He was also involved with Long Jinwei, and coupled with his entanglement with himself, he became a well-informed person.

"Ziying, take it easy, other women are fine, you know the background of the daughter of the Qin family very well, and he has contacts with the emperor, Concubine Ying, including those under Gu Cheng, I'm not sure what kind of thoughts I have, but it's not easy to be able to walk among these people."

  The only member of the royal family who could talk to Feng Ziying so openly was King Zhongshun, but after several turmoil and friendship, King Zhonghui also joined in.

"Your lords, Qin Shi, I know that the emperor and Concubine Ying's love was crystallized at that time, but because of the old lady, the emperor, everyone couldn't recognize each other. What kind of idea did Qin Shi also agree with me? Having said that, I can’t hide it from people. Don’t you just think that I was born in Wu Xun? Although I am a civil servant, I like to lead the army and fight. What if I still have the intention to imitate the Mu family and the Shui family to seal a king with a different surname? The condition of hereditary non-replacement, maybe I will believe it in my head? After all, this civil servant can't work for a lifetime, even if he is the chief assistant for ten years, it will be almost at the top. After returning home, his influence will be almost reduced Now, no matter how beautiful the children and grandchildren want to be, they still have to rely on reading, how can this prince pass it down from generation to generation so easily?"

  The two brothers, King Zhongshun and King Zhonghui, looked at each other with shock on their faces, "The emperor even made this condition?"

"How could it be so blatant? How old am I? But the meaning must have been conveyed by the Qin family. It's almost the same. If I can set things right, I can raise my arms and turn the tide at the critical moment. Maybe there will be someone like this." What about the opportunity?" Feng Ziying said with a smile.

King Zhongshun and King Zhonghui understood from Feng Ziying's tone that Feng Ziying didn't take this into his heart at all. A king with a different surname had to be hereditary. ?

On the contrary, King Zhonghui was very sincere: "Ziying, don't listen to this, you just listen to what the emperor said, and it was conveyed by someone. Besides, does he have this opportunity? He is too busy to take care of himself now, because of the prince's affairs Frowning all day long, if he really wants to do such a thing, hehe, I don't think he has the courage."

  Feng Ziying also laughed and nodded: "Prince Hui still speaks frankly. In the current situation, how can it be the emperor's turn to confer king Xu Jue? It's just a picture of where to attract people."

King Zhongshun also nodded slightly, "Boss has been like that all his life, if it wasn't for the fourth brother's misfortune, if it wasn't for the people around him pushing him away, when would it be his turn to take the throne? Now even Tang Miu and Zhu Gu have lost him , Wu Xun is also in despair now, what chance does he have? Let's see if it is possible to please Qi Xiang? But Ziying, tell me, what is Chaoli's plan? Neither said no, nor said yes, the boss's sons didn't kill them all, and the brothers, King Shou, King Fu, King Lu, and the others seemed to have a chance, isn't this tantalizing?"

  Feng Ziying also had some doubts about this strategy of the cabinet, but Qi Yongtai did not explain the reason to him.

  However, he can roughly guess that the cabinet is still inclined to be succeeded by the heirs of Emperor Yonglong, and Emperor Wantong actually plays a role similar to that of the former Ming Jingtai Emperor.

   However, there are five heirs of Emperor Yonglong, so it is a problem to choose who to choose, but the initiative is in the hands of the cabinet, and the cabinet can use this initiative to force Emperor Wantong not to act rashly.

  If the intention is revealed early, it may lead to changes in the court situation. This is why Qi Yongtai is reluctant to express his position easily.

"You two lords, it's difficult for us to guess what the cabinet is thinking. Who told us that we are not cabinet ministers. Maybe when I come back from Liaodong and destroy the Jianzhou Jurchen, maybe I can compete for the youngest in the Great Zhou Dynasty." The cabinet minister is a gimmick, let's not think about those things now."

  Feng Ziying cheerfully changed the subject.

  King Zhongshun still has some ideas behind it. The princes of Emperor Yonglong seem to have contacts with him, but it is hard to say who the other party supports, or whether their attitude has changed, but this does not affect their relationship with the other party anyway.

Seeing that Feng Ziying was unwilling to discuss this topic in depth, King Zhongshun and King Zhonghui also knew that it must have something to do with Qi Yongtai's attitude. Fortunately, Feng Ziying did not have a clear attitude, which also showed that the things that Emperor Wantong wanted to promote must be out of the question for the time being, so it was considered peace of mind.

"Ziying, when you go to Liaodong, I see that you have frequently contacted people from the Shanxi Chamber of Commerce. Wang Shaoquan has now become the chief representative of Shanxi merchants, and the Wang family has also become the number one family of Shanxi merchants. In addition, the Jiangnan Weng family has also come. By the way, The merchant from Anfu is also here, are you going to do something big in Liaodong?" King Zhongshun was also very interested in this.

"My lord, I won't be able to return from my trip to Liaodong in a year or so, and the task entrusted to me by the cabinet is not as simple as eradicating Jianzhou Jurchens, but also deterring North Korea and Japan. Both Liaodong Town and Dongjiang Town We have to build a mighty army on the eastern border of our Great Zhou, but you also know the financial resources of the imperial court, even if you support me again, how much can you spend in a few years? It is far from enough."

"I was thinking about negotiating with the Ministry of Household Affairs to issue bonds based on the Liaodong War. Then the ginseng mining rights, gold mining rights, and fur trading rights of the entire Liaodong Province, including the entire jurisdiction of the former Ming Nuer Gandusi, can be used as collateral, and even It also includes the population hard labor of the entire Jianzhou Jurchen clan, which can be used as collateral. I don’t want money, but food, fodder, ordnance, vehicles, and various materials, and even the labor of the master can be converted into silver taels. As long as you can deliver it for me, everything is easy to talk about..."

   King Zhongshun and King Zhonghui were dumbfounded.

   Before the battle started, Feng Ziying had already packaged up and sold everything after the First World War in Liaodong?

  Can this battle still be played like this now?

  The imperial court doesn't care about it?

   "Ziying, are you saying that these businessmen are here on appointment?"

   King Zhongshun couldn't help but want to spit.

Ginseng mining, gold mining, and fur in Liaodong are really profiteering industries. If he, the governor, sells them first, they will be monopolized by these businessmen in the future, and the profits will be even more impressive. Feng Ziying's thoughts are really unmatched. And, other people can only look at the household department, and he can change his ways and come up with new tricks.

  The closing stage, continue to ask for tickets!

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