Number of People

Chapter 2696: The chestnut is taken from the fire, and the stitches are inserted

  Chapter 2696 Kui-character scroll to take chestnuts from the fire, see the needles

   "Where is the uncle?" Lin Daiyu's belly is getting bigger again, but her complexion is still good. She has already given birth to her first child, so she no longer has much fear of pregnancy.

   "In the front yard, many guests came." Zijuan hugged and led one by one. The one she was holding was Daiyu's second son Kang Lang, and the one she was holding was her own daughter Su Niang.

   "Oh? Is there a guest at this time? Where are you visiting the girl?"

   Daiyu was a little surprised, according to the rules, tonight the husband is going to rest in his own room, and she is pregnant, so the husband probably wants to go to the Tanchun house.

  If there are still guests at this time, it must be something urgent, but what does it mean that there are many guests? What urgent business needs many guests?

   "Miss San went to the front yard." Zijuan pursed her lips and smiled, "It's my classmates, and Mr. Fu and the others."

  Lin Daiyu became more and more curious.

Of course she knew about Fu Shi, and she was even more familiar with Xianggong's classmates, because they had a lot of contacts. We are close, but we also have contacts during holidays.

But these people are not on the same path, for example, Fu Shi is in Dali Temple, and some other students are in the Ministry of Households, some in the Ministry of Officials, and some in the Ministry of Rites. How could they gather at this time? here.

   There were times when we got together before, but we didn’t choose to come to discuss at night, and we chose a day when the weather was good to rest and get together for a small gathering.

   "Did Mr. Xiang not say anything?" Daiyu asked casually.

"I didn't say anything, I went directly to the study. The third girl met, so I went there. Maybe I wanted to ask if I need to prepare supper..." Zijuan pursed her lips and smiled. The third girl was not pregnant, and it was hard Looking forward to the third room's turn today, and wanting to stay overnight in her room, naturally looking forward to the early arrival of the king, who would have thought that such a thing would happen again.

   "Go and call Tan girl back, my husband must have a serious business." Daiyu still clearly distinguishes the importance of this kind of matter, "She can't be so careless, can she?"

   "No, look, isn't the third girl back?" Just as she was talking, Zijuan saw that Tanchun had come.

   Daiyu then raised her eyebrows, and went up to meet her: "Third girl, you went to the front yard, is your husband busy tonight?"

  Hearing that there was some teasing in Daiyu's words, Tan Chun gave Daiyu a look, "There is something to do, maybe it will be useless tonight, don't you just want to hear that?"

  Daiyu was also amused by Tanchun's words, "Look at how angry you are, the future will be long, how can you be like this..."

   "Hmph, you have it again in your stomach, what about me?" Tanchun sighed, "How many days will grow, if it drags on, I won't be able to sleep well."

   "Are they going to discuss all night tonight?" Daiyu was also curious, "Didn't you ask anything?"

"My husband is very serious, I don't want to ask more questions, so I asked if I need to prepare some supper, and my husband said that I should prepare some. It seems that we have to talk in the middle of the night..." Tanchun said with a lonely face: "I don't know what happened. What's the matter, it's worth discussing overnight like this, it doesn't look like some urgent military affairs, not to mention that the Zhou Dynasty is booming, and the Mongols are also keeping their own place, can it be the Japanese who can't do it?"

   Daiyu also frowned, "It was Long Jinwei who came in the morning, and it was Mr. Li, the leader of the guards who used to be Xianggong. Now it seems that he is in Long Jinwei and talked for a long time in Xianggong's study. Could it be related to his coming?"

  Tan Chun also raised his eyebrows, "Is it really the matter of Captain Long? Then I'm afraid there will be trouble."

  Feng Ziying naturally didn't expect that if he had to discuss things overnight, it would affect the back house, but the news brought by Li Guibao was indeed too important.

  He estimated that whether it was Gu Bingqian, Guan Yingzhen, or Qiao Yingjia, they would contact him soon to seek their support, and he also needed to carefully consider the pros and cons here, and how to maximize the benefits of his group.

   Lian Guo came early, which was specially arranged by Feng Ziying. He needed to confirm with Lian Guo in advance. Immediately afterwards, Fu Shi and Pan Ruzhen also arrived, and then Geng Ruqi, and several others came one after another.

  When Fu Shi and Pan Ruzhen arrived, Feng Ziying had already exchanged information with Lian Guo in advance.

  Practicing state affairs was also shocking.

   "The emperor is desperate to keep the throne in his lineage. Liu Jigong has figured out the emperor's thoughts, but if he wants to expel Ming Qigong from the cabinet, will it cause shock?"

  I still have some worries about practicing state affairs.

"Liu Ji Gong must have arrangements, and Dong Xian Gong (Guan Yingzhen) must have a tacit understanding with Liu Ji Gong. With the support of Dong Xian Gong, even if there will be some waves, it will not affect the overall situation. The key Because I heard that Mrs. Jinqing (Ye Xianggao) is seriously ill, it is estimated that it has only been a few days, now Jinqing is not thinking about foreign affairs at all, and Mingqi is not enough to take Jiangnan scholars into his pocket,..."

  Feng Ziying's words surprised Lian Guoshi. It is estimated that no one in the court knew about this situation, and only Feng Ziying could know about it.

   "The key now is, if Liu Jigong is determined to do this, how should we deal with it? How to deal with it will best serve our interests and benefit our cause..." Feng Ziying looked at Lian Guoshi.

   Lian Guoshi also nodded slightly, thinking seriously, which requires the whole group to consider the pros and cons.

The Jiangnan land gentry class represented by Huang Ruliang still has considerable influence. Although the development of Jiangnan's industry and commerce has made the coverage of this class shrink, the inherent foundation is still there. Some people straddle the two worlds. It is hard to say that he will which side to stand on.

"I think it can still be considered." Lian Guoshi pondered for a while before slowly saying: "Some ideas of Ming Qigong are no longer suitable. Although Liu Jigong's attitude is somewhat utilitarian and speculative, he is going in the right direction after all. As for the matter of Yi Chu Yi Di, it is just a means and has nothing to do with the overall situation, the key is the changes in the cabinet, which is related to the development trend and trend in the next few years..."

  Feng Ziying was also a little surprised by such an attitude towards practicing state affairs. He was also worried that practicing state affairs would be rigid and refused to cooperate with Gu Bingqian.

   For such a group, this is a good thing.

  When Fu Shi, Pan Ruzhen, Geng Ruqi, He Fengsheng and others arrived, everyone's discussions became more intense, but their views gradually converged, that is, they can consider cooperating with Gu Bingqian, but they must strive for greater benefits for their own side.

"Then Ziying, do you estimate that if Huang Ruliang leaves office, who will take over?" Geng Ruqi frowned and said, "If Li Banghua takes over, the power of Liu Jigong will increase greatly. In addition, if Huang Ruliang is expelled, then Zhu Guozhen's Shang I am afraid that the position of Minister of the Ministry is also unstable, have you considered this issue..."

  Feng Ziying glanced at Geng Ruqi, "Brother Chucai, what do you mean, we should fight for the position of Minister of Commerce after Zhu Guozhen might step down?"

  Everyone couldn't help taking a deep breath, their hearts beating violently.

   No matter who competes for the position of Shangshu, it means that he is a second rank, or that the position that may enter the cabinet in the future belongs to this group. This will be an extremely rare breakthrough.

Although Feng Ziying was already a cabinet minister, but before this small group formed, he relied on the influence of scholars from the North and Qi Yongtai, plus his own efforts and opportunities to join the cabinet. It can be said that he has nothing to do with this group. big relationship.

But now this group is built on his foundation. This group of people came together because of common ideas and aspirations. At the same time, they are also eager to go to a higher stage to show themselves, so this group needs to provide them with more Big opportunity.

   Now that the opportunity has come, it depends on whether the group, especially the leader of the group, can win this opportunity.

"Ziying, the eight ministers of the imperial court plus the ten official and second-rank censors from the left and right sides of the Metropolitan Procuratorate are eligible to be conferred the positions of bachelors. If you add five more, there are actually fifteen positions. It is divided according to the region. Now including you, the scholars from the north occupy seven, the scholars from Huguang occupy two, and the scholars from the south of the Yangtze River occupy six. But when Huang Ruliang leaves the cabinet, the scholars from the south of the Yangtze River must make up for it. But if Zhu Guozhen leaves, it doesn’t have to be made up according to the region, I think you can make a different voice on this point.”

  Geng Ruqi is right.

If we say that there are ten officials of the second rank of the court, plus five cabinet ministers, these fifteen people are considered the core of the core. The former are eligible to be canonized as Grand Scholars, while the latter are originally Grand Scholars, or cabinet ministers. In addition to these fifteen people, there are also sixteen servants from the eight departments, two deputy capital envoys of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, five ministers of the five temples, one envoy of the general government, plus the governor of Shuntian, these twenty-five people are counted as core layer.

  Feng Ziying laughed, "Jun Yu, what do you think?"

Practicing state affairs was not affected by Feng Ziying's pointed words. After thinking about it, "It's not impossible, but the only ones who can compete are me, Brother Chucai and Brother Zhenpu, but our qualifications are slightly shallow. I'm afraid that we may not be able to fulfill our wish,..."

"It's all about human effort." Geng Ruqi shook his head: "Liu Jigong and Dongxian Gong will definitely have a game of wrestling and compromise, and Ru Jungong will definitely join in. Liuji Gong has nothing to do with Dongxian Gong and Ru Jungong. Well, to a large extent, it will rely on Ziying’s full support and help to mediate, Junyu actually still has some opportunities, after all, you are the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and there is only the Minister of the Ministry of Commerce.”

   Lian Guoshi smiled wryly: "If I were the servant of the left, I might still have a chance, but I am the servant of the right,..."

  (end of this chapter)

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