Number of People

Chapter 380: C word volume step by step

  Chapter 380 C-word volume step by step

   This sleep was sound.

   It's been a long time since I felt this way, and I didn't even have a dream. I slept for five hours at a stretch, only to be woken up by the urge to urinate.

As soon as he heard movement in the room, a figure flashed in. Inside was a red silk long dress, and the outer was covered with a thin silk long bikini. His surprised eyes were mixed with some expectations and happiness. Condensed joy almost overflowed.

   "Master is awake?" It was Yunshang.

   I have to say that the girl Jin Chuan'er is really good at coming. On the first night when I came back, I still asked Yunshang to be on duty.

  Not to mention anything else, just this kind of intention has to be remembered by myself and Yunshang.

   Yunshang, this girl is about to turn sixteen. She hasn't seen her for half a year, and she has changed a lot.

  Last night, the wives and aunts were so happy that the young master drank a few more drinks during the meal. In addition, he was tired all the way, so the young master also went to bed after washing up and returned to his room, until now.

   Just holding the girl in her arms, gently stroking Yun Shang's black hair, Feng Ziying half-closed her eyes, enjoying this rare comfort.

  Although there are several more girls in the room, this girl who grew up with him is different. He has a special affection for Yunshang.

  Even if this girl is not the smartest or the most capable, she always has a place in his heart.

After more than half a year of hard work, I finally got over it. I rode horses all day long. The palms of my hands were already rough and calloused. This is probably the biggest gain of this encounter. In terms of equestrian skills, he has already fully equipped the level of an ordinary cavalryman.

  Yun Shang also seemed to feel Feng Ziying's inner emotions, and slowly calmed down, just snuggled into Feng Ziying's arms like this, and finally came back to it after a while, and then said "ah", blushing and struggling to get up.

  Feng Ziying was just being gentle with his hands and eyes, and didn't want to do any other excessive behavior.

   "Has anything happened at home in the past six months?" Feng Ziying got up from the bed, moved her body, and let Yun Shang dress herself.

"No, the young master is gone. My wife and concubine have been thinking about it all the time, so the atmosphere in the mansion is not as good as it used to be. Now the young master is back." Yun Shang said happily: "A few days ago, the master's people in Yulin Sending back a few horses, and some other things, it is said that the young master may come back soon, and the wife and concubine cried once,..."

Feng Ziying also knew about this, the few good horses were the top-quality horses that Bu Shitu brought back from the West Sea, and they were given to her father, who chose a few horses and co-authored some things to be sent back. And sent it back from Yulin.

   It shouldn’t be so blatant to say that accepting gifts from Tatars, but Feng Ziying knows that her father has a sense of proportion in this regard.

   All these things are intentionally let Long Jinwei and Yushi know in advance, it is a report.

   This is about the relationship between the Tatars and the Zhou court. In addition to the official ones, some private contacts are also needed to deal with some unspeakable matters. Having this personal friendship is obviously more conducive to dealing with it in the future.

   "What else?" Feng Ziying put on her clothes, and then went out to wash up, warm soup, soft face towel, this kind of leisure and comfort has not been enjoyed for a long time.

   "The girls in Rongguo Mansion often send people to ask about the situation. Jin Chuan'er and sister Xiangling will go back there every once in a while..."

   "Oh, which girls?" Feng Ziying raised her eyebrows.

"Zijuan must be the one who came the most. Ying'er and Shishu also came many times, um, Miss Yun and Cui Ling and Si Qi who are next to Miss Er have also come to ask. Jin Chuan'er said back to Jia When I was in the mansion, I also met the second master Lian and the second master Bao who asked by the way, Grandma Zhu also asked, the second master Lian also personally sent someone to the house to ask, and the third master Huan also came to ask in person. ..."

  Whoever asked and the frequency of the question can explain something.

  Feng Ziying nodded silently, he knew it in his heart.

Lin Yatou is probably the one who misses herself the most. As for Baochai, I am afraid she also misses her very much, but she must be more stable than Lin Yatou, but Tan Yatou is also like this. I don't know if it is because of the Firefox fur hat. ?


"Students have met the two elders." Feng Ziying bowed in a neither humble nor overbearing manner. This is the east hall of Wenyuan Pavilion. The cabinet usually discusses affairs here. At present, there are only two elders in the cabinet. Ye Xianggao has now succeeded As the first assistant, Fang Congzhe was the second assistant, but the other group assistants have not been completed for a long time.

This is also the norm in this dynasty. According to the usual practice, there should be three to five members of the cabinet. Except for the first assistant and the second assistant, the cabinet members, that is, the group assistants, generally have three people. However, since the tenth year of Guangyuan in this dynasty, the cabinet has never It is true to make up five people, even if five people are made up, generally speaking, there will be vacancies in the cabinet in a very short period of time, usually three to four people.

  Similar to the current situation, there are often two cabinets or even one alone.

   "Sit down, Ziying, you have worked hard this trip." Ye Xianggao was sitting in the official hat chair, with a warm complexion and a leisurely demeanor, "Looking at your appearance, you have been tanned a lot."

"Mr. Huige, the weather in Ganning Second Town is fine, and we can get used to it when we are out all day." Feng Ziying smiled, "But we still prefer fine weather, which is also conducive to the march of the army. If it is rainy and snowy, Marching in the mud will be greatly affected."

"Well, Zhonghan and I have read the letters from Zishu, Xiuling, and your father. Well, we know that countering the rebellion is really hard, but we didn't expect it to be so difficult..." Ye Xianggao pondered: "The Liu Dongyang tribe is now entrenched in Suzhou, Gaotai, Zhenyisuo, and Jiayuguan. According to what your father said, if you want to defeat them, you need to add 30,000 to 50,000 troops, and you may even have to pay nearly 10,000 casualties. Zishu He Xiuling also meant the same thing, you have actually checked the situation, do you think it is true?"

"The two adults, Chai and Yang, and my father had debated many times about whether to send troops to recover Suzhou, but in the end they still felt that the recovery was definitely possible. After all, the Liu Department only has more than 10,000 people, and even if we don't increase our troops, we will adopt a defensive approach. , the Liu Department is short of food and clothing, and it is estimated that it can persist for a year at most before it will disintegrate on its own. Of course, there may be some stubborn people who can flee into Shazhou together with them and become rogues..."

  Feng Ziying was also prepared. In fact, he had rehearsed many times on the road alone. As long as he gave corresponding answers to the concerns of the princes and princes in the court, it would not be a problem.

   "That is to say, even if there is no increase in troops, the Liu Department of the rebel army will disintegrate on its own, um, within a year..." Fang Congzhe said in a deep voice.

"We analyzed and studied at that time and thought that as long as the access to grain and grass was blocked, at most it could get a small amount of supplies from places like Hami Shazhou in the west, but that was a drop in the bucket, and it didn't help, so a year, a year and a half at most. It’s hard to support.” Feng Ziying gave an affirmative answer, in fact, the result of the analysis is eight to ten months at most, and it is impossible to exceed one year, but there is room for these two.

   "However, during this period, I'm afraid there must be a lot of soldiers and horses here in Ganzhou, otherwise Liu Bu will inevitably put all his eggs in one basket and fight to the death."

  Fang Congzhe was a little disappointed.

He doesn't quite agree with this so-called strategy of driving away tigers and wolves. Of course, Suzhou, Gaotai and Zhenyi can be recovered without weapons, and Shazhou can also be taken back, but the follow-up food supplies and military pay will increase. Not a lot.

  However, if this strategy is not adopted, but to increase troops and attack, it will be an unimaginable big hole.

Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses have to travel thousands of miles to fight in Suzhou, not to mention whether the Mongolian people of the surrounding Xihai Mongolia and Yarkand Khanate will take advantage of the situation to harass them. As well as the rewards and pensions after the fight, they are also an astronomical figure, and the court simply cannot afford it.

   Right now, just the reward and pension reported by Chai Ke has made Ye Xianggao and him frown. They have won the battle, suppressed the rebellion smoothly, and boosted their momentum, but only a few of them know the pain inside.

"Ziying, if you adopt your strategy to coax Liu Bu out of Shazhou and cut off his food and grass supplies, is it feasible?" Fang Congzhe hesitated before asking: "Soldiers are not tired of deceit, and there is no need to show any benevolence and righteousness to such traitors." ,..."

"Master Chai has also considered the key point of this strategy. If we act like this, let alone the court, we will know that Shazhou has just taken back and forced the rebels to rebel. If it falls into the hands of the rebels again, it will greatly damage the prestige of the court, and Liu Dongyang’s tribe might become the vanguard of the Mughals and the Xihai Mongolian tribes invading Ganzhou, so in the end we rejected this proposal.”

   Chai and Yang also thought that someone in the court would definitely use this trick, but this trick left more sequelae, and the biggest problem was that the emperor would never agree, so it was unexpected.

Fang Congzhe thought about it for a while, and he was afraid that the glory of regaining the lost ground of the previous dynasty would suddenly be spilled by someone and said that it would become the territory of the rebels in the blink of an eye. Those censors would immediately burst into joy. Even the emperor and the court cannot agree.

  (end of this chapter)

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