Number of People

Chapter 392: C premonition

  Chapter 392 C Scroll Premonition

  Emperor Yonglong had considered this point long ago, and Chai Ke also mentioned this point in his memorial.

  Nine borders are undoubtedly the most important. If the amount of money is not too large, I am afraid that the court will be more stable. If it exceeds some people's imagination, it may cause disputes.

   But regarding the amount mentioned by Feng Ziying just now, Emperor Yonglong made a rough estimate. I am afraid that the license fee will be around three million taels of silver, which is a bit beyond expectations.

   Although the imperial court owed Jiubian a lot of food and salaries, but if they want to make up for Jiubian's food and salaries at once, the general soldiers of Jiubian probably don't dare to think that way. It would be quite good to allocate part of the money to make up for it within two or three years.

This is just the royalties, and Emperor Yonglong was not sure how much he could borrow from the merchants as collateral for the sea tax proceeds, but he estimated that there should be one or two million silver, but he could mortgage the sea tax for several years. I don't know what to do.

  As Feng Ziying said, this may require an investigation before making an estimate.

  The conversation between Emperor Yonglong and Feng Ziying continued until the Xu Dynasty. Emperor Yonglong even passed on a banquet, allowing Feng Ziying to enjoy a simple imperial meal in the palace, which also made Feng Ziying a little flattered.

  At least a group of servants were shocked and inexplicable. They had the impression that the elder Ge and the six ministers were rarely left by the emperor for so long, and they were even given food.

  The reason why it has been discussed for so long is also because it needs to be considered that once Kaihai borrowing starts, it needs a group of prestige, drive and experience to operate it, and it also needs to take into account various unexpected factors.

  It should be said that Emperor Yonglong attached great importance to this matter and fully predicted possible problems. This has a lot to do with Emperor Yonglong's cautious style, but it is very necessary in this matter.

  Feng Ziying specifically reminded that when it comes to smuggling issues involving Liaodong and the coastal areas of Fujian and Zhejiang, it is necessary to comprehensively balance the interests and attitudes of all parties.

This also reminded Emperor Yonglong that if there is no support from the army, he may not only encounter some resistance, but may even encounter many problems and troubles after opening the sea. It's obedient and perfunctory.

   It was Haishi when Feng Ziying returned home.

   It took three hours to enter the palace, and it also made everyone in the mansion uneasy.

   There are also countless people paying attention to Feng Ziying's entering the palace this time.

  Feng Ziying has already met the two chief and second assistants of the cabinet, as well as Zhang Jingqiu, Minister of the Ministry of War, and the rest is the emperor.

  Many well-informed people have a rough idea of ​​the mission that Feng Ziying will undertake when she comes back, but before the official unveiling, everyone is still standing still, waiting for that moment to come.

  Following things, Feng Ziying knows that she won't have much time to participate publicly, but she will still be asked by all parties to understand and refer to inquiries, and may even be busier than before.

  After Emperor Yonglong, the two cabinet elders and some other important ministers discussed and understood their attitudes, they will start to enter the formal political discussion process.

The Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of War will propose strategies and submit them to the cabinet for discussion, and then the cabinet will come up with opinions and submit them to the emperor. If the emperor approves, it may be directly approved by the emperor. If it feels inappropriate, it may be retained. Another possibility is If the matter is important, or if the controversy is relatively large, it may be directly brought to the court meeting for discussion and discussion by the officials.

  Back to the mansion, Feng Ziying collapsed directly on the bed.

  It's too tiring. Apart from answering all kinds of inquiries from Emperor Yonglong, the key is that you should not lose your manners. Sitting stiffly on that brocade stool like that is really uncomfortable.

  How could it be such an enjoyment to lie on the bed and let the two sisters, Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er, massage yourself from shoulders, neck, waist and legs.

"Master, you are going to the Rongguo Mansion tomorrow. Second Master Lian and Second Master Bao both made a special trip to the mansion this afternoon and told you again." Jin Chuan'er's bright yellow beanie paired with grass green long Her skirt was slightly rolled up, and she knelt down on Feng Ziying's back and massaged vigorously, while Yu Chuan'er crouched under Feng Ziying's feet, rubbing Feng Ziying's calf delicately.

  The nanmu babu bed is an old thing, it is everyone's work, and it was specially prepared for Feng Ziying at home after he turned 14 years old and grew a lot in size.

   But if it is winter, Feng Ziying prefers to sleep on the heated kang.

Although this kind of babu bed is beautifully crafted, it is not as comfortable as a warm kang that has been burned with earth dragons in winter. However, when mosquitoes and flies proliferate in summer and autumn, this babu bed can be hung with silk nets to avoid the disturbance of mosquitoes and flies. Naturally it is much more suitable.

"Second brother Lian and Baoyu are here specially? What did they say?" Feng Ziying was quite surprised. Originally, Jia's mansion sent a post a long time ago, and it was indeed an appointment to visit Jia's mansion tomorrow, but it was from the west. Jiang has not visited since he came back, just took time to socialize.

  If Jia Lian and Baoyu hadn't come this time, he originally wanted to ask Ruixiang to come and send a post tomorrow to explain that he would not be free for these two days, so he had to make another appointment, but it seems that it is really hard to shirk now.

   "I didn't say anything after hearing what Ruixiang said, only that the first and second masters of Jia's mansion will be waiting for you in the mansion."

Naturally, Jin Chuan'er didn't know the details here, but Caixia also came here quietly at noon. Although she didn't say anything, the implication was that she hoped that she would follow the uncle back to Jia's house tomorrow, which made Jin Chuan'er feel a little bit Going back to Jia's mansion tomorrow seems to have some unusual meaning.

   "Oh? Elder Master and Second Master?" Feng Ziying was even more puzzled. It was normal for Jia Zheng to see him, but it was a bit unusual for Jia Amnesty to see him.

"Also, Caixia, the second wife of Jia's mansion, also came to look for the servant at noon, and also talked about the matter of the master's visit to Jia's house tomorrow, and asked the servant if she wanted to go with the master. The servant felt that Caixia came to find out if the master Make sure to go to Jia's mansion."

  Feng Ziying turned over, and Yu Chuaner quickly put the pillow behind Feng Ziying, so that Feng Ziying could lean on the head of the bed comfortably, and she was about to get out of bed.

   But Feng Ziying stopped her hand and was taken aback. She subconsciously glanced at her sister, but Jin Chuaner turned a blind eye to her.

  Feng Ziying pulled Yu Chuan'er to her side, and unconsciously rubbed her hand on Yu Chuan'er's black hair, but she was wondering what the Jia family was up to.

  It was just an ordinary family visit, but now there is such a big battle, it really makes Feng Ziying a little puzzled.

  Could it be that something happened to the Jia family and they wanted to wipe their buttocks by themselves, but they didn't seem to hear any other rumors, especially Jia Amnesty was required to come forward.

   "Jin Chuan'er, what's going on in Jia's house these days?"

"It's not a big deal. The Second Master Bao is still the same in his studies. It's just that the Third Master Huan is very energetic in his studies now, but his temper has become a lot stronger. He has argued with the Second Master Bao several times and was punished by the second wife twice. Aunt Zhao I ran to the master to make trouble, and was punished by the ancestor Ming again,..."

   "That's all?" Feng Ziying shook her head.

  Jia Huan seems to be really ready to study? But this petty temper is probably also a trouble.

This guy's personality is a bit extreme, and if Mrs. Wang deliberately suppresses the run, maybe something will happen, but I don't have the energy to ask about it. If it happens, I can remind him and make a good relationship. edge.

   "The other thing is that Grandma You's family has relatives in the Ningguo Mansion, but the relatives who came seem to have not entered the mansion, but lived outside the mansion. It is said that the relatives look a little different,..."

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying was a little surprised, but the calculations were about the same. It was a few days later than her return to Beijing, which is quite fast, but it seems that Third Sister You didn't come to her mansion to say hello.

   "Also, there is a letter from Miss Lin's father, saying that she is not feeling well..." As soon as Jin Chuan'er said this, Feng Ziying was shocked and sat up straight: "What about Miss Lin?"

  Jin Chuaner was puzzled, "Miss Lin is still in the mansion, she only said that his father is not in good health, and didn't say anything else,..."

  Feng Ziying breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that the wheels of history would continue to roll and could not be stopped. Now it seems that Lin Ruhai is not seriously ill, let alone dead.

   But after doing the math, it seems that Lin Ruhai passed away almost this year. Could it be that he really changed history?

  Feng Ziying was a little uncertain, and after thinking about it for a while, she asked again: "How did you know what Ms. Lin's father said in her letter?"

   "It's from Zijuan." Jin Chuan'er's heart shuddered. It seemed that the possibility of this girl Lin becoming the mistress of Feng's family was getting bigger and bigger.

   It's just that Xiangling said that Miss Bao and the uncle also have an agreement, but what should I do?

   Could it be that the real uncle wants to marry two wives concurrently, and let Miss Bao and Miss Lin be sisters-in-law?

  Jin Chuan'er thought a little far, if she really had two wives, a maid like herself would naturally go with the uncle, but in the end she would go with the first.

This Xiangling and Miss Bao have a very good relationship, and there is a Yinger over there who is not inferior to Xiangling. Although Miss Lin is very proud of Zijuan, there is only one after all, but Miss Lin has no temper. Miss Bao is modest and gentle. If she followed Miss Lin, she might suffer some torture.

   For a while, Jin Chuaner was also a little worried about gains and losses.

   Hearing what Zijuan said, Feng Ziying felt a little more at ease, but tomorrow she wanted to find a chance to meet Lin girl, and at worst she would call Zijuan to ask her a question, it would be better not to delay.

  But he still has a premonition that some things cannot be changed by himself.

  Historical inertia is greater than imagined, just like Xue Jun, he thought he avoided it, but he never thought it would still happen, so he must be mentally prepared in advance, so that if something happens, he can deal with it in time.

  (end of this chapter)

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