Number of People

Chapter 499: Ting Zijuan is willing to obey orders, and will never hesitate to die

  Chapter 499 Ding Juan is willing to obey orders, and will die

  In the end, Gu Yanbing stood up, and he got up together, and the other three also got up.

   Neither side was introduced by anyone, and Gu Yanbing didn't even know who the other party was, but he knew that the other party must know who his party was.

  He can vaguely guess the other party's intentions, but the other party must know better why he is willing to travel thousands of miles from Zhangzhou.

   This unequal taste is a bit bitter, but Gu Yanbing doesn't care, after getting through the bitterness, perhaps the sweetness will be ushered in.

   "Sit down." Feng Ziying sat down on the main seat, then raised her hand slightly, signaling the four of them to sit down.

  Gu Yanbing and the four of them looked at each other in blank dismay, but the strength revealed by the other party, hidden under the calmness, made them even dare not ask anything.

"I know you are full of doubts in your heart. Since you are looking for someone to talk to, why do you have to come out by car? Is it to take advantage of the situation to suppress, or do you have other intentions?" Feng Ziying smiled, "It's really unnecessary, If I thought, as soon as this teacup was dropped on the ground, maybe Long Jinwei would pour in from both sides,..."

  One sentence makes the whole room feel like freezing to the bone.

"Gu Yanbing, on June 27th three years ago, you attacked and killed the Luzon Frangjiman "Perlite" merchant ship outside Tongshan, killed 47 people, and robbed 30,000 Flangji silver coins (COB) and lots of pepper,…”

  Gu Yanbing tried his best to keep his legs steady and not to tremble, but the meridian of the lame leg that had not been hurt for decades began to ache faintly, even to the bone.

"Xu Zhongxiang, on the ninth day of March in the second year of Yonglong, he collaborated with Japanese pirates to loot three merchant ships from Liangzhe Maritime Merchant Ma in the sea off Nanri Mountain, robbed 2,000 pieces of Hangzhou silk, and more than 3,000 pieces of Jingdezhen porcelain, worth more than 50,000 taels of silver. Sixty-eight crew members were killed, twenty-four were seriously injured,..."

  Xu Mazi's face was pale, cold sweat dripped down his back, his face was twitching constantly, but his eyes were already looking out the door, he just didn't know if Captain Long was really outside, so would it be too late to rush out at this time?

  "Huang Yongxiu, in July of the fourth year of Yonglong's reign, in Pingtan Mansion, he was drunk and jealous, killed one person, and then took the blame with his own nephew,..."

  Huang Butou's face is quite normal, after all, compared with the previous two, things like this are really nothing.

  "·In the fifth year of Yonglong, Huang Yongxiu presented two Japanese girls to Qin Ze, the head of the Fuquan Institute, and gave him 9,000 taels of silver every year in exchange for the other party's release of his smuggling route,..."

  Huang Butou's mood immediately dropped below freezing point. If this incident got out, it's not his problem. The whole family and the people who eat under him don't even think about eating this bowl of rice.

  The dismissal of an officer of the guard meant that all guard troops along the coast of Fujian would have to guard against him to the death, and even put himself to death. Thinking of this, his head was in a daze.

   "Zhu Donghai, you did the thing outside Chenkeng at the beginning of this year, right? The harvest is not small, right? Oh, let me see..."

"Don't, don't, my lord, don't say it..." Boss Zhu was already sweating profusely, and fell to his knees with a plop, "I did it, I did it, then I can't help it, the subordinates want to Have a meal,…"

  While Boss Zhu knelt down, several other people could not stand still, they all knelt down suddenly with a plop, not daring to lift their heads, just kowtowed, and there were bursts of green bricks in the room.

Feng Ziying raised a thick stack of papers in her hand, "Well, I have been here for the past ten years, and looking forward, I am afraid I will have to ask Long Jinwei and the Fujian Cleaning Department of the Criminal Ministry to provide me with There are some suspicious things, have you not been wronged?..."

   Several people are feeling cold all over, but they don't know why they haven't done anything in the past few years since the imperial court knows their bad deeds?

   They are all veterans who have been in the arena for many years. Although they were intimidated by Feng Ziying's words for a while, they can think of some weirdness in them.

  If the other party really wants to take down a few of them, not to mention directly mobilizing the guards in Zhangzhou to ransack their homes and exterminate their families, can they take down their group right now? Why do I have to say so much here?

   Could it be that he deliberately set a bait at this critical point to lure a few of himself to come, and the guard over there started to attack?

But my own family is not special in the thirteen families. If I want to talk about these things, even the five major families do no less than myself, let alone the other eight families in the thirteen families. start? Could it be that the ancient **** took the three of himself as votes?

  Thinking of this, a few or three people couldn't help but looked at each other, and their eyes fell on the face of the ancient cripple.

   What a shrewd person the ancient **** was, he couldn't react, he smiled wryly and spread his hands, but didn't speak.

   Several people didn't look like this at first glance. They wanted to struggle for their lives for a while, but they didn't dare. They were in a dilemma.

   Seeing the unpredictable faces of several people, Feng Ziying really likes the feeling of controlling other people's lives and manipulating other people's hearts, well, it's really cool, but it's a pity that this is not her goal.

"Okay, let's get up, if you want to deal with you, this teacup should be smashed on the ground." Feng Ziying waved his hand, "Some people can still see the situation clearly and know how to take advantage of the situation to fight for their lives, while others just sit and wait for death. Others can't see the situation clearly, and want to hit the stone with an egg,..."

  I don’t understand, but several people breathed a sigh of relief, their eyes fell on the teacups in each other’s hands, and they were really worried that throwing away the cups would be an excuse, and the swordsman came in and chopped them into a paste.

   If we really want to kill a few of them here, they can't even make a sound, and they come from thousands of miles to give away their heads. Is that wrong?

  But after listening to the meaning of this person's words, could it be that everyone has been watched by the court for a long time, and it depends on whether you know current affairs? Could it be that a few of them are heroes who know current affairs?

  My heart jumped violently, and for a while, I only felt the warm spring flowers blooming facing the sea, and the yang energy burst out of my body.

   "Okay, let me introduce myself. My surname is Feng, Feng Keng, and I am an editor of the Imperial Academy. This time I am going to Jiangnan..."

Although he is a few low-level people who are begging for a living at sea, Gu Laizi has been paying attention to the changes in the court situation, because he knows that eating this bowl of rice is really dancing on the top of the waves, and any risk can put him into trouble. dust.

Therefore, when the imperial court's sea-opening strategy began to spread in the south of the Yangtze River, most people went to understand the content of the sea-opening strategy, find their own backers, and consider the next move, but he was a little more thoughtful to understand this. Why was the sea-opening strategy proposed at this time, and where did it come from?

  Nominally, this sea-opening strategy was proposed by Chai Ke, the right servant of the Ministry of War and the governor of the three sides, and the purpose was to use sea tax as collateral to raise military salaries for guarding the nine sides.

  The more details of this strategy of opening up the sea were proposed by a Jinshi Jinshi from the imperial court.

   This Jinshi surnamed Feng was after Conglong Wuxun in Taizu's time. His father was still a military officer in the Northland with military power in his hands, and he was said to be a rising star among the scholars in the Northland.

As a smuggling merchant living in Fujian Province, he has never read a book and can only understand a few words. It is very rare to be able to inquire about such detailed content. I don't know where it is, I only know that it is a border town in the Northland.

  But he firmly remembered the name of this Jinshi.

   "Master Feng is the one who proposed the strategy of opening the sea?!" The ancient **** couldn't help standing up and said tremblingly.

  Although he knows that his group of people may be completely terminated because of opening the sea, but the ancient **** is also aware of the general trend.

  Not to mention the general trend, once the imperial court opened the sea, he knew how much benefit it would bring to the people along the coast, including Fujian.

Not to mention those who are waiting at the top to make a lot of money, but thousands of common people who rely on driving the sea for a living can really rely on this mouthful to eat, and no longer need to worry about the government breaking into their homes at any time, or in the city. Shore was killed by the officers and soldiers of the guard with firecrackers and crossbow arrows.

   "Oh? You know me too?" Feng Ziying wasn't surprised. There were also dragons and snakes hidden in the grass. Whether it was a dragon or a snake, it all depended on whether these people could know the times and use them for themselves.

"Although the grass people are stupid and rebellious, they also know that Mr. Feng's strategy of opening the sea and us coastal people are great blessings. Cao people also believe that in ten or twenty years, countless people will set up shrines to thank you,... "

Although Gu Yanbing has a sincere heart, Feng Ziying felt a chill when he heard that the Jiansheng Temple will be built twenty years later, is he cursing himself to be the same as the Nine Thousand Years who seems to be the Jiansheng Temple in this era? ?

Unceremoniously interrupting Gu Lizi's words, Feng Ziying said in a deep voice: "Gu Yanbing, don't mention such outrageous words again. This is the emperor's grace, and it is also the court's princes who care about the well-being of the coastal people. Feng is just Taking advantage of the trend, I just proposed some specific strategies,..."

   Seeing that the other party was unwilling to mention such things, Gu Yanbing guessed that the other party must be tired of hearing such flattery, or just didn't want to be in the limelight, so he immediately shut up.

   "I recruited you today, and I only have one question, what are your plans under such circumstances?"

   Straight to the point, Feng Ziying is too lazy to go around in circles. This group of people came here on their own initiative. In fact, they should have some kind of consciousness, the consciousness to make sacrifices and pay the price, but they don't know their real intention yet.

   "I would like to listen to Lord Feng's orders, and I will never hesitate to die." Suddenly blessed to the heart, without saying anything or asking, Gu Yanbing stood up and bowed.

  For a while, the other three people didn't understand why this well-informed and shrewd fellow in the Thirteen Family suddenly came out of his mouth after the other party only asked such a sentence?

   Moreover, judging by the posture and expression, it is really a posture of bowing one's head and obeying orders, and is he willing to die?

   Don't even ask people what they want their own group to do, what if they really want their own heads?

  (end of this chapter)

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