Number of People

Chapter 540: T-roll confrontation, King Zhongshun

  Chapter 540 The confrontation of T-shaped scrolls, King Zhongshun

   Seeing Feng Ziying's face was cloudy and uncertain, Wu Yaoqing didn't know what his future boss was thinking for a while.

It is indeed difficult to deal with Prince Zhongshun. The emperor is a brother and is extremely favored. It is said that this owner is also quite favored by the emperor and is justified. Some of the gains outweigh the losses.

How did he know that Feng Ziying was thinking that if even this Miaoyu married him, how many people would fall into him in the main volume and sub-volume of the Twelve Hairpins in the book "A Dream of Red Mansions" Claws?

  Baoyu knows, do you think this is the real Wan Yan and Qian Hong crying together?

   Oh, bah! Why do you say that if you follow yourself, you will be sad or cry?

   Follow yourself to be liberated, and follow Baoyu, who has nothing to worry about, then you will have no hope for a lifetime.

   It seems that I am not so "lewd and immoral", right?

Apart from Baodai, the two sisters who are confirmed to be in my mansion are Xiangling and Jin Chuaner and Yu Chuaner. Uh, of course, if Baodai marries into Feng's mansion, Zijuan and Yinger probably won't be able to escape. .

   But what about the rest?

  Sichun and Yuanchun in the main book, don’t think about it, if you really want to put a hat on Emperor Yonglong, then you probably have to be Cao Cao Sima Yi.

  Welcome to the spring, Jia She is afraid that he will not let his daughter marry him as a concubine, needless to say.

  Tanchun, in fact, this is what Feng Ziying is quite excited about, but under such circumstances, it is even more difficult.

  Xichun, I was quite impressed with her pink make-up, light-hearted temperament and compelling aura. She was a little different from the one described in the book "Dream of Red Mansions", but the age gap was too big, Feng Ziying never thought about it.

Who else? Shi Xiangyun, I really appreciate her temperament, but I guess there is no fate, just be a friend.

  Sister Feng? Well, this, desire but lack of courtesy.

  Others such as Li Wan and Qiaojie, I don’t know who thought of including them in the official book of Twelve Hairpins, which is obviously inappropriate.

  But for the remaining Miaoyu and Qin Keqing, does Miaoyu really want to marry herself with Daiyu? Thinking about it, I feel that such things are a bit against the sky.

  As for Qin Keqing, Feng Ziying felt that this woman might be a ticking time bomb, and it was best to keep her at a respectful distance, so he rarely even went to Ningguo Mansion.

Feng Ziying can't remember exactly who else is in the sub-volume and the sub-volume, but characters like Qingwen, Yuanyang, and Ping'er seem to have nothing to do with him, but the Youshi sisters seem to be in his hands, but he He still maintains the "gentleman's style".

  All of these were just flashing through Feng Ziying's mind, and he quickly put away such absurd thoughts and put his mind on the present.

"Dinghui Temple, I will go to Prince Zhongshun to negotiate. You have nailed Dinghui Temple to death. Don't miss it." Feng Ziying finally nodded, "It's very easy for you to do this in the capital city. It’s not easy, um, let me ask, this Miaoyu girl was originally trained in Panxiang Temple in Suzhou?”

Wu Yaoqing was a little surprised, but he didn't know why he was looking for this Miaoyu girl. He only knew that after he found it, it would be best to persuade her to **** her back to Yangzhou and Huaihe Capital to transfer the salt envoy Si Yamen. If she couldn't, let her contact her this one.

   "My lord, according to Brother Wenyan, he should have been practicing in Panxiang Temple in Suzhou, and he followed his master Yuan Shitai to Beijing at the end of last year."

   "Well, I understand, Yaoqing, you have worked **** this matter. After this matter is over, I will go to Yangzhou soon, and then we will have a good time." Feng Ziying's eyes were a little more satisfied.

  Wu Yaoqing was also delighted.

It seems that this future boss is quite satisfied with the performance of his group. At the same time, he also knows from Wang Wenyan that this future boss has great ambitions. I am afraid that everyone's work in the future will not be limited to Nanzhi. It may gradually extend to Shandong and Jingshi, because Shandong is said to be the hometown of Feng's family, and there are quite a lot of connections in Shandong, not to mention Jingshi City.

  After sending Wu Yaoqing away, Feng Ziying was able to calm down and think about this matter.

  My aunt came to see me at night, and Feng Ziying also urged me to ask my aunt to help convince my old mother, but this matter must be reassured.

  Daiyu can't come back, and it's hard to satisfy his mother when she comes back, so Miaoyu, who is three or four years older than Daiyu, is the best target.

  If Miaoyu can be caught in the eyes of the old lady, and the old lady thinks that Miaoyu has a fertile physique, then she will not be too strict with Daiyu, and the marriage will basically be completed.

It just so happened that Wu Yaoqing and the others came to the door. It seems that this is God helping him. As for Prince Zhongshun, it happened that there was a post sent there. Although it is not clear what it is, it can't escape those few things Son, when the soldiers come to block the water and cover them with soil, we can just take this opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.


   "Ziying has met the prince."

"Hehe, free courtesy, free courtesy, Ziying, I have been waiting for you alone for a long time." The middle-aged man smiled, and a pair of slender eyes on his fair cheeks flashed a cold light, but the smile on the corner of his mouth also proved that he At this time the mood is excellent.

  This Prince Zhongshun and Emperor Yonglong are indeed very similar in appearance, as expected of being a compatriot from the same mother, but Emperor Yonglong has higher cheekbones and eyebrow arches, making him look deeper, while this one looks clearer.

   "After a farewell at the Enrong banquet, the lord's demeanor is still the same, Ziying is just a good person, how dare to disturb the lord so easily?" Feng Ziying also responded with a smile.

  People put on such a good posture, so I naturally have to be sensible. People in bridal sedan chairs carry people, and no one doesn't like it if they say nice things.

"Hehe, you are a mediocre man who is disturbing the world." King Zhongshun's words were full of praise and expectation, "It's nothing more than suppressing the rebellion in Xijiang. The tiger father has no dogs. You are the one who opened the sea." Both the emperor and Gu were shocked. Gu rarely saw the emperor behave like this. How many times have you been summoned by the emperor alone? Well, you are the champion of this subject, practicing state affairs, and the second place in the rankings Huang Zunsu and Yang Sichang, But I have not been summoned by the emperor alone even once, this is the difference."

"My lord is too famous, and Ziying's plan to open the sea is not what Ziying thinks about. The right servant of the Ministry of War and the governor of the three sides, Mr. Chai, is the initiator. It's just that Ziying has thought about some ideas about opening the sea, so I asked Mr. Chai The suggestion was also approved by Lord Chai, and thanks to the guidance of Lord Chai and Lord Yang Heyang, Ziying was able to make such a suggestion to the court and the emperor."

  Feng Ziying naturally brought Chai Ke and Yang He in.

  Chai Ke will soon return to Beijing to serve as the left servant of the Ministry of War. Whether the three governors will step down is still hard to say, but there are already rumors that the three governors may be handed over to his father.

Because of the precedents of military generals like Wang Ziteng and Niu Jizong serving as governors, it is not new for my father to be promoted from the chief soldier to the governor. Moreover, the status of the three governors is far inferior to the key positions of Governor Xuanda and Governor Jiliao. Therefore, the acceptance of court officials is much greater.

   "Ziying, there is no need to explain this. Brother Huang and Gu know it well." Wang Zhongshun always has a feeling of scrutiny when looking at people with his slender eyes, but Feng Ziying can feel the other party's friendly attitude towards him.

   This also made him feel more and more that it was mostly related to opening the sea, either it was Denglai's building of a naval fleet and monopolizing the trade routes to southern Liaoning, Japan and North Korea, or it was the matter of Yinzhuang.

"My lord, you are being polite. Ziying called on you today. I also hope that your lord can teach Ziying more in the future. Ziying is young and doesn't know much about the affairs of the court. If there is anything that is not well thought out, please ask my lord to mention it more. point."

  Wang Zhongshun nodded slightly. As expected of the good disciples taught by Qi Yongtai, Qiao Yingjia and Guan Yingzhen, they are exquisite and impeccable.

  Which of the civil servants who were born at the top of the list in the past would lower their eyebrows and be pleasing to the eye in front of royal family members like themselves? All of them have eyes higher than the top, wishing to show their integrity by showing contempt for the family members of the Tian family.

   This also made Prince Zhongshun even more optimistic about this son. No wonder the emperor was full of praise for this son.

"Ziying, you are too polite. You are a civil servant, and you are a clan. According to the Dazhou practice, you are not allowed to interfere with government affairs. How can I mention you? Qi Gong and Qiao Gong are the elders of the cabinet, and the other is the left. Deputy capital censor, by the way, the official will also be the right servant of the household department, right? Your masters are all civil servants and Confucian scholars, and they are also the pillars of the country. You should ask them more."

  Although he likes to listen to what Feng Ziying has to say, King Zhongshun still understands the rules of affairs in the court and does not dare to overstep his words.

   "What the prince said is true, but the prince has a good reputation in the court, and he is also the head of the clan. From the perspective of the clan, Ziying thinks that no one can say anything to the emperor."

  Feng Ziying sneered in her heart, who doesn't know that you are the other eye and hand of Emperor Yonglong?

  Emperor Yonglong mainly relied on this person to deal with Prince Yizhong. Otherwise, if he competed with Prince Yizhong in the name of the emperor, it would be easy to give others a handle.

   Stroking his beard and smiling, King Zhongshun looked in a good mood, but no one knew what was going on in his heart.

  Feng Ziying naturally wouldn't be able to make the other party trust her more just because she fudged a few words casually. The one who can be relied on by Emperor Yonglong to help him is probably more of his own ability than his identity.

"Ziying, I heard about your trip to Jiangnan. I have seen, heard, and felt a lot. Yesterday I went to the palace and talked about Jiangnan and Liaodong with my brother. The brother was very worried and couldn't sleep or eat. Liaodong-Denglai and even the shipping trade to North Korea and Japan will be re-opened, and it will even be in the hands of our Da Zhou. I don’t know if there is any strategy?"

You come and go with me, King Zhongshun has confirmed that although the person in front of him is young, he should not be insulted, and he has Qi Yongtai, Qiao Yingjia, and Guan Yingzhen as his backing, and now he has friends with Wang Ziteng and Niu Jizong. There is no interest involved, so there is no need to cover up. He also believes that the other party is a smart person who understands his intentions.

  (end of this chapter)

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