Number of People

Chapter 580: D-Juan Feng Ziying’s goal

Chapter 580 Ding Zijuan Feng Ziying’s goal

 After sending Wang Jiuyu away, Feng Ziying fell into deep thought.

There is no doubt that Wang Jiuyu is just a figure on the surface, and there are people with more subtle backgrounds behind him.

You want to plan a salt farm, how dare you, a private salt dealer, have such a big face?

 It’s impossible even if you think about it.

But it has to be said that the imperial court currently does not have the energy to develop things like the Dongpan Budai Salt Field.

 Involving recruitment of manpower and initial infrastructure construction, it is also necessary to establish a route from Zhangzhou to Dongfan via Penghu, as well as possible attacks on local indigenous mountain people, etc., which are all quite complicated.

 Even Feng Ziying herself had never thought about it being run by the government.

 At least not possible in the early stage.

 It is most appropriate to leave the operation to these gentry with powerful backgrounds, but the prerequisite is that money must be paid.

Feng Ziying was also under tremendous pressure when she went south this time. To set up a bank, she needed money, to collect royalties, and to allow these businessmen to provide as much money as possible. To borrow money as collateral for sea taxes, she still needed money.

Everything requires money, and the court is so pressing.

 Apart from Emperor Yonglong, Zheng Jizhi and Chai Ke were both the most urgent.

I almost gave up my words. As long as I can get the money back, no matter what method I use.

Feng Ziying’s previous consideration was to first contact the gentry and merchants who were preparing to participate in maritime trade.

This money should be the most stable. The groups who want to participate have already contacted the officials in the DPRK and China through various lines, and it is basically clear. The next step is just some games on the specific price.

These people are very well-informed and know that the court is currently short of money, so they will definitely take this opportunity to lower the price. That's why Feng Ziying will obtain Shang Fang's Sword. If it doesn't work, he will first raise stock funds from the bank and borrow from sea tax mortgages to make a fuss. , and the target group is also very clear, that is, Yangzhou salt merchants.

In fact, these salt merchants have already felt something. Therefore, according to the news obtained from Lin Ruhai and Wang Wenyan, these salt merchants have been particularly active recently, and they are constantly gathering to discuss. They are probably also considering how to deal with this kind of "killing" from the imperial court. pig” behavior.

  In the past, it was a donation. I guess these salt merchants were not sure what would happen this time. However, there was no doubt that their intuition told them that bleeding would be inevitable this time.

 In short, it is necessary to adopt multiple strategies at the same time to obtain money.

Feng Ziying herself felt funny when she thought of this sole goal. Now she had become a pioneer in getting money for the Zhou Dynasty.

Soon Wang Wenyan came in. Without Feng Ziying's instructions, Wang Wenyan had already arranged for someone to keep an eye on Wang Jiuyu. However, Feng Ziying was not worried about anything. She just wanted to know who was behind Wang Jiuyu as soon as possible.

 After listening to Feng Ziying’s introduction, Wang Wenyan took a breath of cold air.

It's just a matter of reclaiming the land in the east. This requires handing over the salt field to private individuals, which is obviously against the laws of the imperial court.

 All the salt fields in Da Zhou were owned by the imperial court. The salt farmers boiled and dried the salt, and then handed it over to the salt transportation yamen at a certain price and then sold it to salt merchants who held salt quotas. The salt merchants then sold the salt according to regions.

 This is the salt affairs system inherited from the Zhou Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, and the salt field must be firmly in the hands of the imperial court.

“Sir, I’m afraid you need to be careful about this. The court may not allow you to do this. Even if the court is short of money, it cannot make this opening.” Wang Wenyan shook his head repeatedly.

"Wen Yan, let me ask you, if I didn't mention the reclamation of Dongfan, would the court think of Dongfan?" Feng Ziying shook her head gently, "Even if I mentioned it, all the princes in the court would still resist, thinking that it is a burden. , It’s not necessary at all. I don’t want a penny from the court now. I advise merchants to recruit landless refugees to go to the east to reclaim land. The court just gives a nominal permission. No taxes will be collected for three years. Three years later, the comparison will be Isn’t it good to collect half of the border areas for twenty years, which will increase the income from land tax for the court, and at the same time, it can prevent foreign enemies from invading the east side, and even reduce the unstable pressure caused by the refugees?"

Feng Ziying’s words left Wang Wenyan speechless.

"As for this salt field, the current output of the Lianghuai Salt Field is insufficient. Salt prices in Nanzhi, Jiangxi, and Huguang have skyrocketed. Private salt sales have become common. Local governments have responded. If the Dongfan Salt Field can be built, it will not cost a penny. This Those who sell in Nanzhi and Zhejiang are also subject to the jurisdiction of the Salt Transport Department of the capital. Giving this right to the gentry and merchants is nothing more than a franchise, whether it is five years, ten years, or two. In ten years, depending on the price, maybe someone can spend a million taels of silver to bet on this bet? Isn’t the imperial court satisfied with having so much silver for free, and it can also reduce the pressure on salt supply? "

Feng Ziying smiled softly and said, "Wen Yan, the court is in trouble now. I am entrusted by the princes to come south. The tasks are arduous and everything is not easy. If Wang Jiuyu, a private salt dealer, can make a good start for my trip, I think so." It can help me reduce some of the pressure when dealing with these salt merchants and maritime merchants. Wen Yan, I have to rely on you to make detailed plans for me on each of these items."

Seeing Feng Ziying's resolute attitude, Wang Wenyan also knew that the other party must have made up his mind. Moreover, although Feng Ziying said that he was appointed by the princes of the imperial court, there was probably a story behind it. What he had to do was to make the most detailed introduction to the opponent he wanted to negotiate with. Come up with the details and give various options and suggestions for the other party's reference.

"Since the young master has made up his mind, Wen Yan will not say any more. He will definitely make preparations according to the young master's words and will not let the young master down." Wang Wenyan stopped talking nonsense and nodded in agreement, "In addition, the situation of the salt merchants here in Yangzhou I have prepared a summary for you. Well, it is basically concentrated on merchants from Shanxi and Shaanxi and Anhui merchants. The ratio is about 40 to 60, divided according to their size and influence,..."

Feng Ziying nodded while reading, "Well, I have to study it carefully. It is such a thick book. It seems that there are many stories about these salt merchants."

Wang Wenyan smiled and responded: "Sir, these people have basically accumulated slowly over decades, or even over several generations. They have some traces in Yangzhou City and even in Nanzhi..."

Feng Ziying smiled meaningfully, "Wen Yan, I'm afraid I'm going to be a villain this time."


"If you are not afraid of evil people, don't you think that being an official would rather be hated than pitied?" Lin Ruhai put down the cup of medicine with an unusually calm expression, "It's not like these salt merchants are unprepared. Over the years, they have made a lot of money. Of course, I also understand the rules of the court, but I always have to hold on to a little illusion. In addition, I have used money to build some relationships in the court. I feel that I can rely on it, but I don’t think about it. The court is so difficult. Is there anything else? Who would come here to show mercy to you just because of this?"

Feng Ziying sat aside respectfully, "My uncle is right, but my nephew has some different ideas."

 “Oh?” Lin Ruhai was slightly surprised.

The prospective son-in-law Cheng Rili and Wang Wenyan collected and sorted out the various activities of these salt merchants, wasn't it just to raise money for the court?

The news he received was that the imperial household department was completely empty, and the emperor's internal treasury was also stretched thin, and the food and salary in Western Xinjiang, Liaodong, and Xuanda were urgently needed to be allocated, especially in Gansu.

Chai Ke came back to Beijing specifically for this purpose. Of course, it is also said that Chai Ke will succeed Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War and will step down as the governor of the three sides. His future in-laws, the father of this son, may take over as the governor of the three sides.

 But there is also a stove, and anyone who sits on it will feel like sitting on pins and needles. No wonder Prince Teng would rather go to Denglai than to Sanliang.

 At this moment, he said that he had different ideas and it was not to raise money. Why are you making these preparations?

"My uncle may have some misunderstandings, thinking that my nephew is here just to find these salt merchants to make donations and make donations. Some of the elders and the emperor did have this intention before, but I don't think it is appropriate."

Feng Ziying knew that his idea might not be understood and accepted by many people, but he still planned to do it.

Since Emperor Yonglong, Ye Xianggao and Guan Yingzhen have given full power here to themselves, as long as they can get the money back, there is no need to be so fussy about the method.

 And he wanted to set an example for these merchants, especially the salt merchants who everyone thought were fat sheep. The court was about credibility and abiding by the rules, or in other words, it was necessary to establish a contractual spirit for these merchants.

To put it another way, at the very least, these businessmen must realize that they are trustworthy, abiding by the rules, and have the spirit of contract.

This era is most lacking in this point. Maybe there is still some credibility and morality among businessmen, but if there is a huge disparity in strength between merchants and the government, then it is difficult to say that there is a spirit of credibility and contract.

 It’s just that many people in Dazhou cannot understand it.

Lin Ruhai's eyes were a little strange, and he didn't understand what his prospective son-in-law wanted to do.

Feng Ziying planned her words carefully. If she wanted to achieve the best effect, she would need the full support and cooperation of her prospective father-in-law.

"Uncle, this is what I think. Since the imperial court has set regulations, then salt merchants and maritime merchants must operate under the imperial court's regulations. No matter how much money they make, it is all allowed by the imperial court. If you feel it is inappropriate, you should adjust the regulations instead of resorting to methods such as donations. Of course, if someone colludes with private salt dealers, or colludes with salt farms, or even mixes soil with salt to harm the people, that is another matter. It’s the same thing,…”

Lin Ruhai couldn't help but laugh, isn't this just trying to be a **** and erecting a memorial arch? You have to find a suitable reason for everything, well, it must comply with the regulations of the court.

In a word, if you want someone to take out the money, you must have a good reason, but my prospective son-in-law seems to be a bit morally obsessive? It doesn't look like it.

Seeing Lin Ruhai's expression, Feng Ziying knew that her explanation was a bit redundant and difficult for the other party to understand. She had no choice but to shake her head and said: "In short, my nephew hopes that everyone will understand what the imperial court has decided. Well, at least what the nephew has decided There are rules and regulations, and every word my nephew says must be true to his words, and his actions must have results! Let them all believe this!"

 (End of this chapter)

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