Number of People

Chapter 592: T-shaped roll borrowing money, Grand View Garden

  Chapter 592 Borrowing money from a T-shaped scroll, Grand View Garden

  Other people dispersed, Wang Wenyan naturally went to Haosheng to discuss with acquaintances and friends, and Duan Xigui also had to think about it. This business is indeed doing well, but the investment is not small.

   Only Jia Lian was left.

   "Why, second brother Lian, you have no power?" Feng Ziying teased.

"Hey, Ziying, you know the situation of the second brother. Your second sister-in-law is in charge of the house, and the house has been struggling in the past two years. There are too many holes in the public house, and it can't be repaired." Jia Lian pondered for a while, "Go ahead. A letter came from the mansion in a few days."

  Feng Ziying was a little surprised.

It's normal for Jia Lian to write a letter in Jia's mansion. After all, Jia Lian has been out for several months. After all, he is the head of the generation in Jia's mansion. I have to ask, but the other party's words don't seem to be so simple. What do you mean by saying this to yourself specifically?

   "The eldest girl has been named a noble concubine." Jia Lian sighed softly, "There is an order in the palace, Xu Guifei will visit relatives on the Lantern Festival next year, and the mansion is planning to build a family-friending garden for the noble concubine at the back of the existing mansion..."

  Feng Ziying was stunned. There was no news before he left. How long has it been since Yuan Chun was promoted to imperial concubine?

  The original Xiande Concubine of Fengzao Palace was just an ordinary concubine, but this concubine is different, a higher level, and then the imperial concubine, and it is undoubtedly rare to be promoted to a concubine at Yuanchun's age.

   "Then I would like to congratulate the second brother Lian. The eldest sister canonize the imperial concubine. This is a great joy, and it is also a great kindness of the emperor to let the imperial concubine concubine concubine see her relatives."

Feng Ziying didn't expect that the wheel of history has been rolled over as before, even the ruts have not changed. Do they have the strength to build a Grand View Garden?

"It's a happy event, but it's also a troublesome one." Jia Lian smiled wryly, "Wu Guifei and Zhou Guifei were conferred together with the eldest girl. It is said that they also want to visit relatives. Over there, the Wu family has already started work, and the Zhou family is also looking at the land. Buying a house to expand, those two are just ordinary small households, merchants, and now they are shaking, so the mansion is also very anxious,..."

  Feng Ziying frowned, "Wu Guifei and Zhou Guifei?"

He didn't know much about Emperor Yonglong's harem, but he also knew that it was not that simple for Jia Yuanchun to canonize the virtuous concubine of Fengzao Palace. The concubine's shocking actions are still a mystery to this day.

However, the Dazhou followed the pre-Ming practice, and the civil servants of the outer court have always paid little attention to the affairs of the Tianjia harem. No matter who is the emperor, as long as they conform to the rules and regulations, the civil servants will generally not intervene in the struggle for the throne, let alone An ordinary concubine.

   "They all entered the palace with the eldest girl. Concubine Wu's father is Wu Tiande, the commander of Captain Long Jinwei. Concubine Zhou's father was originally a squire in Daxing, but now he is the prime minister of Taipusi."

  Jia Lian said so clearly, there is no doubt that the letter from Jia's mansion specifically emphasized the situation, but what did he want to do with Jia Lian?

  Feng Ziying's suspicious eyes fell on Jia Lian, and Jia Lian was also a little embarrassed. After a while, he said, "The two masters probably wrote a letter to Uncle Lin, probably meaning to borrow money to build a garden."

  Feng Ziying suddenly realized, no wonder Jia Lian had such an expression, perhaps in his view, Jia's actions were almost poaching Feng Ziying's corner.

  You must know that if Daiyu marries Ziying in the future, most of Lin Ruhai's property will have to be married to Feng Ziying, and a small part will belong to the dowry of another daughter, Lin Miaoyu.

  Seeing Feng Ziying's suddenly enlightened expression, Jia Lian sighed, "I'm afraid Uncle Lin hasn't told you yet, after all, such things are a bit embarrassing,..."

   Indeed, Jia's family is Daiyu's natal family, and if something happens to Lin Ruhai, Jia's family will be Daiyu's support, and most of them will have to live in Jia's family for several years, and they can't talk about getting married until the filial piety period expires.

"Second Brother Lian, it is naturally Uncle Lin who decides such matters. The younger brother wants to marry Sister Lin, but I have never thought about anything else. What's more, Uncle Lin is still healthy now, so it is naturally Uncle Lin's decision. "

  Feng Ziying was not very satisfied with the Jia family's behavior of slapping their faces to pretend to be fat, but he could also understand the difficulties of the Jia family in this situation.

   Several noble concubines are going to visit their relatives. If Jia Yuanchun comes back shabby, Jia's mansion will definitely worry that it will be heard by Emperor Yonglong, and there will be some accidents.

   It's just that they didn't know that the emperor's son-in-law didn't even pay attention to these people, let alone visit relatives.

   But in it, how many people can see it clearly?

  Feng Ziying didn't think about Daiyu's dowry, and he wouldn't comment on whether Lin Ruhai was willing to lend money to Jia's family, that was Lin Ruhai's business.

  He had already clearly stated to Lin Ruhai that he only wanted to marry Lin Daiyu, not others.

   Jia Lian's expression was complicated, not without emotion, "Ziying, you really don't care if the mansion borrows money from Uncle Lin, what will happen if you don't pay it in the future?"

"Second brother Lian, first, it's not my family's money; second, do you think my current situation, my brother, should care about that little money? Third, sister Lin is the granddaughter of the old matriarch after all, She Shi Bozheng Uncle Shi's niece is considered a close relative, so she should save some face, right?"

  Feng Ziying spread her hands lightly, "It's not that I don't care at all, I just think that your family may pay too much attention to it, and you will inevitably feel a little bit disappointed in the future."

  From the bottom of her heart, if other factors are put aside, Feng Ziying really hopes that the Jia family can build this Grand View Garden, because the Grand View Garden in the book "A Dream of Red Mansions" is really beautiful and fascinating.

  He is also a layman, and he once imagined that he could enjoy that kind of fairy life in the Grand View Garden, and even "do whatever he wants".

   Now that you have such an opportunity, why not?

   As for the money of the Lin family, it was not my turn to intervene now, and based on Feng Ziying's understanding, Lin Ruhai probably couldn't refuse such a request.

What's more, in Lin Ruhai's view, if the Jia family can really climb up to Emperor Yonglong because of this, at least it can be regarded as bringing a relatively strong natal family to Daiyu, even if Lin Ruhai himself is gone, it will not make Daiyu suffer too much Bar.

Faced with Feng Ziying's generous answer, Jia Lian was also filled with emotion, "Ziying, your second brother is not very capable, but he has seen some world in the capital city. For a talent like you, the second brother is really good. I haven't seen you before, no wonder the two masters, the old lady and Uncle Lin value you so much, even the eldest girl is full of praise for you,..."

   "Second brother Lian, don't we need to talk about it?" Feng Ziying laughed and waved her hands, "How much money does the mansion plan to borrow from Uncle Lin?"

Jia Lian did not hide it, "The mansion wants to build a decent garden, but there is also some open space at the back, which can be integrated with the East Mansion, so the cost may be relatively high. The mansion is on the Jiangnan Zhen's side. I still have some silver, but there is still a big gap, so I plan to borrow three to five million taels of silver from Uncle Lin,..."

   Rao, is Feng Ziying already mentally prepared, or was she taken aback, three or five thousand taels? How luxurious is this garden?

To make such a big battle in my own family, and to buy such a big house to rebuild, it only costs tens of thousands of taels of silver, and the Jia family has to borrow three to five million taels from Lin Ruhai. The money saved by the family, and the money raised by the Rongning Second Mansion, not to mention millions, is at least five or six hundred thousand taels of silver, right?

  Seeing Feng Ziying's expression, Jia Lian knew that the other party was frightened.

  Before he was frightened, and if he borrowed three to five million taels from Lin Ruhai, wouldn't that mean emptying the Lin family?

Besides, Lin Ruhai is the censor of Yanyan, but he has only worked for a few years, and there are many people staring at this position. It's all calculated.

   Shaking her head, Feng Ziying smiled wryly and said, "Let's not worry about this matter. Your manor and Uncle Lin can figure it out. I'm just worried that the cost will be so high. What will your manor do in the future?"

   "What should I do? I can only take one step at a time, but this step has to be taken." Jia Lian sighed.


   "How's the situation?" The few people waiting in the house asked impatiently as soon as they saw the visitor enter the house.

"Not very good." His face became more and more gloomy, and the muscles on Dao Tiao's face twitched slightly, "This surname Feng's tricks come out in endlessly, and in a variety of ways, he can make several choices, which makes many people who don't have enough capital have a chance. I thought that many people would be reluctant, but I miscalculated."

   "Miscalculated?" Several other people frowned, "Could it be..."

"Well, I think the other companies are all moved, and we may not be able to pull them over." The man with a knife face propped his elbows on his knees, rubbing his face with his hands, "Fortunately, I just tested them and didn't reveal my words, otherwise It's really troublesome."

   "Then we..." One of the older men couldn't help but said.

   "I'm afraid there is no turning back." The man with a knife-faced brow was entwined with haze, "We want to withdraw at this time, but people will not agree. Do you think they are good men and women? We can only gamble."

  As soon as these words came out, the other people were a little sad, but they also understood that it was too late to turn back after reaching this point.

"But it doesn't necessarily mean that we won't have the strength to fight, and we don't expect to be able to fight against everyone, as long as we can disrupt Zhangzhou." People shuddered, "And it's definitely not just our group. As long as we can delay it for a year or two, we can make money back."

  (end of this chapter)

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