Number of People

Chapter 714: The buried Shi Naian (Cao Zhan) of the Wu-zi scroll

  Chapter 714 The buried Shi Naian (Cao Zhan)

  When Rongguo Mansion sent the third post, Feng Ziying finally couldn't remain indifferent.

   It seems that Baoyu is really planning to change his mind and start a new life, but Feng Ziying is still skeptical.

  But Jin Chuaner found out when he returned to Jia's mansion. The reason why Jia's mansion invited him to visit the mansion so graciously, probably had a lot to do with Concubine Jia bringing Xin'er from the palace to Jia's mansion.

  Jia Yuanchun seems to have gradually realized a lot in the palace, and he is no longer as ignorant as before, but this may not be a good thing.

  Maybe the more you know about things in the palace, the more involved you are, the worse your fate will be, the faster you will die, and the more people you will be involved in.

Emperor Yonglong seems to be in good health now. It is said that he strictly pays attention to conditioning from diet to work and rest. Apart from court affairs, returning to the palace is to cultivate one's morality. .

  Feng Ziying also got proof of this from Prince Zhongshun.

  That's why King Zhongshun looked down on the Jia family, and even disrespected Concubine Jia Gui.

  When Li Shier came to send the post, Feng Ziying asked Li Shier what the plan of Mr. Zheng was.

Li Shi'er didn't dare to talk nonsense, and only said that the imperial concubine in the palace meant that Uncle Feng and the Jia family were related by marriage, and Miss Lin was the niece of the Jia family. This marriage was even more unusual. Baoyu handed over to Feng Ziying to manage and teach, please Feng Ziying to take care.

   This stumped Feng Ziying.

   This Jia Yuanchun is a good trick, he actually created a problem for himself, but he still has to think about what kind of idea he came up with.

"Jin Chuan'er, Yu Chuan'er, do you think Baoyu can really change his past and turn to the right?" Sitting by the window and waiting for Yu Chuan'er to tie her hair, she raised her hand to let Jin Chuan'er wear it for herself. clothes, Feng Ziying asked casually.

   "Who knows? The second master Bao's temper, when he thinks about it, it's not sure, even the second master can't hold it. Let the master take care of the second master, and the slaves find it difficult."

  Yu Chuan'er didn't think too much, said what she had to say, and tied Feng Ziying's hair carefully and meticulously.

"There are also a bunch of people in that room, all of whom don't care. Apart from attacking people, they can be persuaded. The others are like Meiren, Qilu, Zixiao, Musk Moon, and Qiuwen. Which one is not? You only care about holding Baoyu's stinky feet to please Baoyu's second master? I'm afraid that I will offend Baoyu's heart, and I will be sent out in the future."

  Jin Chuaner glared at his sister, signaling her not to say anything.

"Sister, what do you want me to do? Am I wrong? Even Sister Qingwen didn't bother to talk about these things when she was in Master Bao's house. is useless."

"Yu Chuan'er said it well." Feng Ziying pinched Yu Chuan'er's cheeks casually, and praised: "If Baoyu realizes the absurdity of the past and wants to change his mind, I think even if he doesn't study, he can still read it." Some good luck, but if it's just due to the pressure from all sides in the mansion, then it's just going through the motions and fooling Uncle Zheng Shi and Aunt Zheng, but that's fine, and I don't have to worry about it, if he really wants to get mad Repent, don't I have to do a lot of things?"

   "Actually, it depends on whether Second Master Bao can change it, and we will know if he is still close to Uncle Xiao Qin and that Jiang Qiguan." Jin Chuan'er said coldly.

  Feng Ziying chuckled, it seems that these maids still have traditional thinking, and they still hate certain things, but fortunately, they are not good at it.

   Seeing Feng Ziying's meaningful smile, Jin Chuan'er was a little flustered, "Don't worry about it, my servant just said that Second Master Bao always played with the few of them happily and played wild."

   "I didn't say anything." Feng Ziying couldn't help but patted Jin Chuan'er's plump buttocks, which made Jin Chuan'er tremble all over. This was all his own achievement, "Let's go."

  Jia Lian ran to the gate of Feng's residence to pick up Feng Ziying, which made Feng Ziying wonder, is it necessary to be so attentive?

"Sister Feng is tossing about in the mansion, and I have been at odds with me all day long, her nose is neither nose nor eye, I guess she has figured out something." Jia Lian sighed while sitting in the carriage with a gloomy face. More than that, "So Ziying, you really need to be cautious about this important marriage."

"Second Brother Lian, are you really planning to make peace with the second sister-in-law? I see that you are doing very well in the capital now, and you are still thinking about telling your cousin that this side should be handed over to you. You don’t need to go to Yangzhou, as for the one you are in Yangzhou, whether you are willing to bring it back to the capital or leave it in Yangzhou, it’s up to you, I guess you haven’t thought much about it for a year or so.”

  Feng Ziying's words made Jia Lian fall into a moment of silence, "Ziying, I won't hide it from you, when I left, Gui Rong was pregnant."

   "Huh?!" Feng Ziying was taken aback, this is different, let Wang Xifeng know, is it okay?

   Seeing Feng Ziying was shocked, and Jia Lian felt even more depressed. If even Feng Ziying didn't think highly of the game between himself and Wang Xifeng, then he might really be out of luck.

"I can't let Guirong enter the mansion with a big belly, who knows what Sister Feng thinks?" Jia Lian said in a sigh: "She hasn't responded since she gave birth to Sister Qiao. If the long house doesn't have a son, we will What's the point of winning the title in the future?"

"Second brother Lian, you are still young, so don't be in a hurry, right? It's just that you said that Gui Rong is pregnant, so what are you going to do? Go to Yangzhou?" Feng Ziying didn't want Jia Lian to go to Yangzhou, and he didn't think that Duan Xigui would just come back. Better than Jia Lian.

   "I haven't figured it out yet, but Guirong must not enter the mansion before giving birth, otherwise something will happen, and I will have to wait until she gives birth to the child." Jia Lian is quite sure of this.

Feng Ziying couldn't help but think that Jia Lian also considered Second Sister You in the same way in "A Dream of Red Mansions", but she was fooled by Wang Xifeng, who was cruel and sweet-talking, and Second Sister You was also simple-minded, so she believed Wang Xifeng easily If so, naturally it can only be a pity.

  Of course Eryou no longer exists, but this Yangzhou skinny horse has appeared again. If he comes to the capital, he may still be unable to escape Wang Xifeng's murderous hands.

"Second brother Lian, my opinion is to wait until after the baby is born in Yangzhou. Now that I am pregnant, I will walk thousands of miles. If anything happens, the people in Yangzhou may not be able to adapt to the weather in the capital city. "Feng Ziying gave Jia Lian a piece of advice, which can be regarded as a good deed.

  Jia Lian's shortcoming is lack of courage and determination, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

  One aspect is cautious and meticulous, and the other aspect is the lack of decisive courage to make a breakthrough.

  So it is very suitable to maintain success, but it is not good to create.

For example, if the original layout of the Jingshi Hao had not been laid out, and there were clans like King Zhongshun and businessmen from Shanshan and Shanxi waving flags, then Jia Lian would have been enough. Being comprehensive can avoid many risks.

   It can also be seen in this kind of thing. I gave him advice, but he was also hesitant.

  The carriage arrived at Rongguo Mansion, and Baoyu was waiting for it.

Seeing that the big-faced plate didn't look much thinner, Feng Ziying suspected that he was a bit weak after sleeping in the house without eating or drinking for more than ten days. Even practicing bigu was not so good. He didn't eat water or rice for half a month. Still such a round face treasure.

"Baoyu has met Brother Feng." A look of shame flashed across Baoyu's face, "I thought I would come to Brother Feng's house to apologize and apologize, but after thinking about it, I think it's better to settle my mind and think about what I plan to do in the future." What are you doing, so you just stayed in the house and didn't go anywhere,..."

   "Really?" Feng Ziying was a little surprised, not going anywhere for more than a month, which was not easy for Baoyu.

   "Really, if you don't believe me, Brother Feng, you can ask Brother Lian. I won't be out of the gate for a month, so I will practice calligraphy at home." Baoyu said firmly.

   "That's good, but since you've spent a month thinking about things, have you figured out what you're going to do?" Feng Ziying felt that if Jia Baoyu could really pull himself together, he might be able to do something.

Faced with Feng Ziying's question, Jia Baoyu fell into hesitation and pain again, and stopped for a while before shaking his head and said in frustration: "Brother Feng, I have been thinking about it for a month, what on earth can I do? Yes Reading, you said that I am still somewhat interested in the poems and songs, and I can socialize with them if I participate in the poetry meeting, but I am really not interested in the classics and current policy theory..."

   In a word, if you are not interested in reading, you will naturally have no fun.

"Well, what about learning how to do things?" Feng Ziying remained calm, "First learn what Lian's second brother did before, go to your Rongguo Mansion's shop and Zhuangzi to have a look, check the harvest, understand the market, and then go back to yourself. How about thinking about it, comparing the income of your family a few years ago, and looking for ideas on how to improve it?"

   Baoyu hesitated again, and finally shook his head, "Brother Feng, I'm afraid I don't have the ability. I have never been in touch with it before. I don't understand how the shop makes a living, what is produced in the village, let alone settle accounts."

  Feng Ziying cursed secretly in her heart, what else can you do? You also told me that you want to change your mind and start a new life, what else can you do? To be a rich idler who eats and waits to die? Then you have to let your sister give birth to a son for the emperor, not even a princess!

Suppressing the anger in her heart, while walking slowly into the yard, Feng Ziying tried her best not to be mixed with anger in her words, "Then Baoyu, tell me, what kind of life do you want to live? You know what you are like before. It’s impossible to last long, there must be a right way to go, right?”

Baoyu finally shook his head in frustration, "I don't know either. The master asked me, and I said that I hadn't thought about it before. After thinking about it for so long, I still haven't figured out what I can do. Later, my eldest sister wrote a letter from the palace. , just let me listen to Brother Feng, I will do whatever Brother Feng asks me to do, the eldest sister said that Brother Feng will not ignore me,..."

  Jia Yuanchun, oh Jia Yuanchun, you really made a fool of me. What else does this Jia Baoyu have besides a skin, and you actually throw it under your control? Whatever I ask him to do, he will do. The question is, can he do it? I have never slept with you before, so why do I have to pick up such a living treasure in my hand?

  Feng Ziying was also sullen in her heart. You said that you planned for Jia Huan, but Jia Huan had a correct attitude and wanted to make progress, and he also had a little love for the girl Tanchun in it.

  You Jia Baoyu has nothing, is nothing, why let yourself plan his life for him? Lin Daiyu is just his cousin, and Xue Baochai is just his cousin, not his real sister!

  After getting the same answer from Jia Zheng, Feng Ziying was really desperate.

   It seems that Jia Yuanchun is relying on himself, and he has to give Baoyu to him to train and discipline him, but how can he have the ability to train Big Face Bao over?

   You can’t carry a pen for this article, and you can’t carry a gun for a martial artist. What can you do?

Originally, I thought about letting him rely on his good skin to become famous in poetry and prose, find a princess or something, and enjoy a lifetime of wealth and honor, but once Jia Yuanchun entered the palace and became a noble concubine, this concubine's dream It was shattered all of a sudden.

  Princesses of the generation of Emperor Yonglong have sons and daughters as old as Jia Baoyu, such as Wei Ruolan, and the daughters of other princes of the generation of the Supreme Emperor are not as old as he is.

  Of course it’s not impossible to fool Jia Zheng a little bit and ignore Jia Yuanchun, but looking at Jia Zheng’s earnest eyes and Baoyu’s bewildered expression, Feng Ziying felt that she really couldn’t bear to treat this father and son.

  Jia Zheng has no bad intentions, just lack of ability, and Baoyu is just a child spoiled by the family, but unfortunately born in this era that does not belong to him, what can I do?

"Baoyu said that he has been staying at home for a month~ thinking about things, but I don't know what book Baoyu is reading?" Feng Ziying really couldn't think of a better way, he looked at Baoyu's The appearance is also emotional.

  Jia Yuanchun probably felt something, but there are some things that you can’t change just by feeling it. It can be said that people can’t help themselves in the rivers and lakes, people in the court, people in the palace, it’s all like this.

  Jia Baoyu showed a rare shyness on his face, "I haven't read any books, just some miscellaneous books, and some legendary stories..."

  Legendary storybook? Feng Ziying was stunned for a moment, while Jia Zheng's face was even more angry.

   "Baoyu also likes to read these legendary stories?" Feng Ziying didn't expect Jia Baoyu to have this hobby.

This legendary story-based novel originated in the Tang Dynasty, such as "The Story of Liu Yi", "The Story of Yingying", "The Story of the Bearded Guest), etc., and later evolved further in the Song Dynasty and the pre-Ming Dynasty, combining with poetry, storytelling and other content forms, and became more and more popular enriched.

   Like the storytelling in the teahouse theaters in the capital city, in fact, most of the originals come from these legendary novels.

Therefore, these legendary novels in this era are a bit equivalent to the online novels of later generations. Although they are difficult to be elegant in the eyes of many people, they are like operas. They were also unrefined at first, but By now, it has become an indispensable way of social entertainment in the upper class.

"Well, I like it." Seeing that Feng Ziying didn't show contempt or dissatisfaction in his tone, Baoyu was refreshed, "I have read a lot, and I think the plots of these legendary stories are very exciting, and they can also be combined with that of the dynasty at that time." Historic ups and downs, fascinating,…”

  Seeing that Baoyu talked about this legendary story, even ignoring his father's unfriendly eyes, Feng Ziying guessed that Jia Baoyu probably felt uncomfortable during this time.

   And Jia Zheng probably gave up on Jia Baoyu a long time ago. As long as Jia Baoyu doesn't do anything out of the ordinary, he will go.

  Jia Baoyu is already fifteen years old, and it's time to talk about marriage and marriage.

Feng Ziying thought about it for a while. Originally, he really didn't have much idea about how to control Jia Baoyu, but now that Jia Baoyu is so interested in legendary novels, and he also knows that Jia Baoyu still has literary talent, if he can do it in this respect There are some specialties, so it's not impossible to find a way and find a way.

Of course, it seems that this road is not a good road now, but with the development of the times, many things are developing and changing. Maybe this guy can really have some accomplishments on this, just like Liu Xianglian, a little It's the same thing.

"Uncle Zheng Shi, let me have a good talk with Baoyu in this way, and you go to your business. After all, since even the imperial concubine and empress have entrusted me in the letter, it would be inappropriate for me to push back." Feng Ziying made up her mind. Then he sent Jia Zheng away first.

   After Jia Zheng left, Feng Ziying raised her hand, "Let's go, Baoyu, let's go and have a look in your room."

Baoyu also understood that seeing Feng Ziying was going to his room, she didn't know what to say, but she didn't dare to ask, even the master had already nodded and handed herself over to him, so she could only bow her head and obey. ordered.

When I arrived at Baoyu's room, I saw the Four Books and Five Classics and various annotations neatly arranged on Baoyu's bookshelf. At a glance, I knew that I hadn't read them for a long time, but the various miscellaneous books piled up on the side were bookmarks. When the folder was full, Feng Ziying flipped through it casually, "Snow on the Liangshan", "Li Wa Biography", "Changbanpo", "Liu Yi Biography", "The Three Heroes of the Wind and Dust", there are a lot of legendary novels in various stories, Feng Ziying even I saw several pages densely written on the bottom few sheets of paper.

  Seeing that Feng Ziying had discovered the secret, Jia Baoyu blushed and was about to cover it up, but Feng Ziying, who was quick-sighted and quick-witted, snatched it up and took a look.

  Why is it so familiar? Feng Ziying couldn't help scratching her head, as if some distant memories had been brought back.

   "The Shaolin Temple, a thousand-year-old temple, has eight hundred monks and soldiers, and Shaolin stick monks..."

  Feng Ziying couldn't bear it anymore, "The thirteen stick monks rescued the Tang king? Baoyu, aren't you writing the story of the thirteen stick monks saving the Tang king?"

Seeing Jia Baoyu blushing, but finally nodding anxiously, Feng Ziying couldn't help thinking three times in a row, this guy is really the buried Shi Naian or Luo Guanzhong, or Cao Zhan, who wants to Discovered by yourself?

  (end of this chapter)

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